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Your Favorite 2 Superstars to see go 1on1


Pre-Show Stalwart
So there is always alot of talk on these forums about favorite matches or Superstars which got me thinking.

Alot of times if you see a great 1on1 match you will see the same 2 superstars compete again in another 1on1 match to see if they can top the first one

So my question is Who are your favorite 2 superstars to see go 1on1?

My picks are Kurt Angle and Chris Beniot

Everytime these 2 stepped in the ring against eachother it was a complete technical masterpiece! At mania 17 and at Royal Rumble 2003 these 2 put on matches that are still 2 of my favorite matches of all time!

Another question i have for all of you What 2 superstars do you want to see go 1on1 that haven't yet?

My answer to that question is Randy Orton vs Alberto Delrio (which is rumored for mania 28) i think these 2 would work great together and put on a classic

So you have the floor!

Who are your favorite 2 Superstars to see go 1on1? if possible please tell me your favorite matchup the 2 had

And what 2 superstars are you wanting to see go 1on1 that haven't yet?

looking forward to your opinions
I will use active WWE wrestlers that I would love to see them feud...
I would love to see a feud between Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre.

They are my current favorite superstars from the roster, they are quit similar, and McIntyre is like a Orton wannabe, and a feud between them would be gold in terms of wrestling and being both twisted and crazy, they would fuck each other, and make an insane personal feud, that could really launch McIntyre.

How would I book It:
First, I would use an excuse from Teddy Long, saying that they traded Alex Riley to get back in SmackDown "The Chosen One" Drew McIntyre.
His music hits, he gets in the ring and he grabs a mic, saying that he will not waste his opportunity gave by Teddy and he (heel) thanks him, getting boos for Teddy Long and Drew McIntyre. He looks to Teddy to shake is hand, and FutureShock him, he gets the mic back and he says that he will make a statement in SmackDown and that he doesn't want that Teddy Long remains in charge, because he was the one that made him lose his steam and started to build frustration and anger.

Later in the evening, the main event is Randy Orton vs Justin Gabriel w/ Slater, and Drew McIntyre song hits right after the match started.
He calmly goes towards the ring and Randy already got his attention back at Justin Gabriel.

McIntyre starts to walk around the ring always looking at Randy Orton, Gabriel eats the RKO out of nowhere, and soon as Randy Orton going for the pin, Heath Slater tries to involves in the match and he hits another RKO and right after that McIntyre appears in Orton's back and hr gaves him a low blow and futureshock ddt right after that.
He cuts a promo, saying that the Viper is now being hunted by the new SD! Predator...
He slaps Orton in the face to gain some heel and he smiles like a crazy guy, SD! ends...

Next Week:
Drew McIntyre opens the show and he cuts a promo on how easily he can beat Randy Orton, and he shows last week video...
He then starts to laugh to the crowd, and suddenly gets angry and calls out Randy Orton (screaming)...
His music hits, and Randy Orton start to run to the ring, McIntyre starts to run away (w/ the microphone) and he goes to the middle of the crowd, and he asks Randy Orton a title shot, and if he doesn't gave him what he wants, he would be forced to do it, or he would not be a WWE Superstar for much long time.
Randy refuses to give him a world title and that Teddy Long was in the building and he already made a match between both of them.
In the match, Drew McIntyre is the first in, Randy Orton goes right after him, and Drew starts to laugh and they start to fight, Randy Orton gains some steam and clotheslines McIntyre to out of the ring...
He then both of them start to change punches until the referee calls out a double count out, Drew kinda looks strong here and the show ends with Teddy Long getting in and saying that Drew would gain a World Championship Match if he beats Daniel Bryan next week he will have his shot.

And after that the feud is easily built...
What ya think?

Sorry for my fucking grammar errors, but I'm Portuguese and this was a long text fuck.​
I would of loved to seen an Owen Hart vs Bryan Danielson match, just think about it, two amazing workers, round the same height and build, what a great technical match this would be.
FutureShockDDT thats a really good idea but instead of trading Riley(because Riley is already a raw superstar)they should have him just appear on smackdown and attack Orton.

Ok so the match I want to see happen is:
Daniel Bryan vs Chris Benoit

That match could be match of the decade(but it will never happen :banghead:.
CM Punk vs. Tyler Black(Seth Rollins) vs. Bryan Danielson(Daniel Bryan)

Ring Of Honors three most succesful products in the same ring, which happens to be the ring of the biggest wrestling orientated product in the world. That's giving props to both ROH and to WWE for spotting talent when they notice it.
I wouldn't mind seeing Edge vs. Christian in any type of match. Of course, it'll probably never happen, due to Edge's injury.
Of matches that have already happened, I think Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels, they never had a bad match. Also I liked Jericho and Mysterio, Cena and Edge, and Orton and Christian.

Things I would like to see include John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes, Christian vs Undertaker and CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
sting vs undertaker

eddie guerrero vs HBK

chris benoit vs daniel bryan

rey mysterio vs sin cara

kurt angle vs jack swagger
I think everyone is waitng for the Cara vs Mysterio match, but I think that I would love to see a CM Punk vs Stone Cold match. Two different personalities, two different fighting styles, best match in my opinion.
John Morrison vs. Shawn Michaels
I don't think it would be a great technical match but the spots I think would be pretty cool to see even at Shawn's current age.

CM Punk vs. Triple H
I don't know where that thought came from but the styles I think would be interesting Punk can get a great match out of anyone. Triple H can be a technician when he has to and can adapt to different styles.
I would love to see Scott Hall vs The Sandman vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs James Storm. Imagine, 4 of the most infamous Beer drinkers in the history of wrestling. That match would be an epic beer fest, especially if it was a "Keg of beer on a pole match".:lmao:
they would fuck each other[/CENTER]


As for the two I'd love to see in the ring together some more, definitely HBK and HHH. These two were so great in the ring against each other. They had amazing chemistry since they are such good friends. HBK's return match at Summerslam 2002 says it all.

I want to see a face Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio. I think they could have some great matches and Ziggler could really be a good face with a heel like Del Rio to play off of.
the rattle snakestone cold steve austin vs the viper randy orton
vs THE COBRA santino marrella

a battle to decide which snake is more powerful, i think the cobra would kick their ass
Chris jericho vs the miz
or jericho vs sheamus

I have been wanting to see those feuds for a long time.
I would also love to see
swagger/kurt angle
mysterio/bourne/sin cara
shawn michaels/mysterio
edge/dibiase jr.
I really liked Jericho vs Michaels, Angle vs Michaels, and especially Orton vs Undertaker which I see as pretty underrated feud/series of matches.

I guess my dream one on one match would be a face Jericho vs a heel Punk. The promos would be something else too.
After watching that segment between Austin & CM Punk yesterday, I definitely want to see Austin vs. CM Punk. I knew beforehand that the storyline behind it - straightedge vs. beer drinker was a great idea and that these two would cut great promos on each other but all it was, was just a fantasy which I didn't think would eventually happen but after seeing that segment, it may be a hint to a future match and it definitely makes me want see that match more than I ever did before. Was a pretty hilarious segment and the main highlight of Raw for me.
I think the OP meant more of who were your favorite stars to go 1 on 1, but everyone else has been naming dream feuds left and right. As for the OP's question of some of my favorite people to see go 1 on 1, this might be random but Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton always put on good matches, most notably at Royal Rumble 2008. CM Punk and John Morrison are another pair that never ceased to amaze me in the ring and they had fantastic battles over several titles, just like Hardy and Morrison did.

My top 2 favorite people to see go 1 on 1 would have to go to Triple H and Shawn Michaels, they have done nothing less than inspire in the ring and they are two of the best storytellers the business has ever seen. It's unfortunate that they didn't even wrestle each other as faces during HHH's time as a face (2006-2011) but it would've been awesome to see. My favorite match of theirs is the Last Man Standing Match at the 2004 Royal Rumble where HBK hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere but they both can't make the 10-count.
Baretta and Hawkins are always good for a match. I love watching Punk and Mysterio too.

Ones I want to see? I'll come back to that one. Punk and Bryan come to mind, and so do Punk and Christian. And if we can use TNA guys, I'd love to see Styles or Shelley or Sabin or Roode against any of the above guys.
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in a 60 minute Iron Man Match

This would be an amazing match between 2 of ROH's best product. Both atheletes are great in the ring, very technical and extremely talented workers and they could put on a wrestling clinic. A match for the ages.

I thought this match would happen at last years Mania. If you remember Punk watched a match of Bryans and said he was scoting. Instead of joining the Nexu I would have rather seen a Bryan vs CM Punk feud. I though it happen by CM Punk coming out of commentary saving Bryan from The Nexus but then only to turn on Bryan and beat him viciously. That would cause Bryan to be injured and Bryan returns and takes our CM Punk at the Elimination Chamber and their rivarly begins and finishes at 'Mainia.

^^Just an idea of mine. I thought it would be a good feud and a heck of a good match.

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