Your Fav WWE Farewell Speech


CM Perfection
My Favourite Farewell Speech at the moment as go to be Edge's Farewell Speech.. He's one of my favourite wrestlers of all time, Since I grew up watching the Attitude Era and seening all the true Icons/Legends today. The likes of Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, The Undertaker , Y2J etc. I would rank Edge up there with them in his overall accomplishments and his stunning in ring ability, In my opinion I may sound a little bit basic but I don't mean to but u will see why!! Even do edge's farewell speech is my favourite at the moment it will be beaten because when The Undertaker retires that will be the my favourite and saddest day as a wrestling fan.. Undertaker is my fav wrestler ever I grew up watching him when I was 6 years old Im 21 now.And i propely will cry when he does hang up his boot's.

So what is your Favourite Farewell Speech???
Not a half bad topic.

The two that come to mind are the two most recent ones, and they were delivered by my two favorite wrestlers from this era, Edge and John Cena.

Cena's came after he was forced to quit/fired after he refused to cheat to help Barrett win the WWE Championship from Randy Orton at SurvivorSeries. Now going into the next night everyone was sure that the whole thing was a work, but then John Cena started talking, and all of a sudden people weren't so sure. He started getting very emotional and saying some very real things, and just like that some of WrestleZone's best and brightest were convinced that we wouldn't be seeing John Cena for a handful of months. Despite the fact Cena didn't actually go anywhere, this speech was delivered masterfully and was so well done that it fooled some very intelligent people.

Edge's speech was great because it seemed genuine and from the heart, not the head. That's not to say that Rock's, HBK's, or anybody else's speeches weren't truthful and genuine, just that they had time to prepare, where Edge had about a week. The shock factor also helped, as I don't think anybody outside of the WWE knew what was going on until Raw ran the "Edge Retiring?" ads during the show, and even then a lot of folks (myself included) figured it was just a storyline. Then he came out and gave his speech, and I knew in my heart of hearts that my favorite wrestler was going to have to leave his boots in the ring.

Both great speeches for different reasons, but both rank very high on my WWE Emotional Moments list, let alone farewell speech list.
My two favorites were the ones by Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair.

Shawn Michaels because i just grew up watching him from the orginal DX till his back injury to his return. Shawn did it all in the WWE, I mean the man but on five star matches with just about everyone even when he could barely walk to the ring and be in so much pain. He put his heart in the ring and the fans will never forget him.I will always remember the last words he said at the end of his in ring career The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels has left the building.

Ric Flairs just because you could feel the emotion it didn't matter if you loved Ric or hated him but you respected him and you saw everybody Ric had in contact with his whole career. Ricky, Double A, Triple H, and even the Undertaker came out on monday night and showed resect to one of the greatest world champs of all time WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
I gotta go with Edge not just just cause he might just be my all time favorites superstar but alos cause I was there that night second row in Bridgeport, CT and witnessed it. I remember sitting there in shock and wondering was it real or part of the storyline and then it sunk in a guy I idolized was leaving and his speech was just great and had some emotion and comedy with him just being himself and real with us and he went out a champ and I still miss him lol...thank u Edge!
Edge comes to mind. It was heartfelt and believable is what sold it. I hope Batista comes back someday has maybe one last run maybe with 1 more title reign then gives a similar kind of goodbye.
Ric Flair's speech made me cry. Watching as a guy I respected so much, watched with such conviction in everything he did growing up and from old National Wrestling Alliance tapes, walk away like he did with everyone coming to the ring was a classic moment. Him screeching his vow to "...never RETIRE!!" was amusing at the time and in ways hes lived off that vow because he simply refuses to hang it all up.

Coincidently I believe that although he spoke those words, it wasn't his retirement speech from wrestling and more-so simple from the WWE. Anyway, it was a great speech and you could see how much respect he got, but what made it great was everyone on the roster coming out from the back and the whole arena clapping for the guy.

Ric Flair's speech is my current favorite farewell of all the times.
Well.. I'd have to say Edge, it just came in as a total shock to everyone, I guess it isn't my "favorite" speech, just the saddest, Edge really just started to become my favorite wrestler, and when I was watching RAW live it just happens.. out of nowhere Edge's career ending gets teased, well first I thought it might just be a work, but when I saw the speech well it was pretty obvious so.. that was really shocking.

alot of stuff just happened out of nowhere this year.. like I personally never saw Randy Savage's work other than him vs Steamboat until maybe the last couple of days before he died like his Wrestlemania match with Ric Flair I never saw it until the day before his death and when his death got announced it just hit me off guard.

Back to Edge it was really a bummer like I said he just became my favorite wrestler during his program with Ziggler and Vickie and for that to just happen out of nowhere was just shocking.
This is a tough one. Honestly, for me, Edge's the most emotional, followed closely by HBK's. The difference was that we knew HBK's was coming; in fact, we had known for at least a month that he was on his way out. His sendoff was carefully planned and he knew that the day was coming. It was still very emotional to see him go, and to deliver that farewell speech, but it just had a different vibe to it.

Edge's, on the other hand, was completely spontaneous; nobody knew that he was leaving, and even when they put up the "Edge retiring?" graphic most people assumed storyline. But it became all too clear as he was talking that he was really going, and it suddenly hit all of us that this guy who has given us so many great memories over the years would never wrestle another match. I feel that what he said really came from the heart, and the way he reminisced on his career made me realize just how much the WWE was and is going to miss him.
No farewell speech has ever been bigger than Ric Flair's. The whole episode was dedicated to Flair, every commercial break they'd play a different NWA clip from the 70's or 80's and when they came back from commercial they'd show a classic promo. Then when it finally came for the speech, we saw people like Arn Anderson, Greg Valentine, Ricky Steamboat and Harley Race for the first time in years, and for some of them it was even a decade. Everyone had tears in their eyes, the whole roster came out to celebrate, they really went all out and IMO it was undoubtedly the biggest sendoff in the history of professional wrestling - which is a shame because he ended up coming back months later and eventually went to TNA when Vince wouldn't let him wrestle again.

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