Your dream one more match

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Hourani777 gonna get GOT!
Being inspired by the hbk one more match thread I was thinking.
If you could pick any wrestler deceased or alive from any company to have one more match against any other wrestler who would it be?
Where would it be at?
And who would win?

My choice would be
Chris Benoit vs Brian Danielson : I know what Benoit did and i will still never be able to forgive him but I will always remember his amazing in ring performances and what better opponent for a technical wrestler like Benoit then the american dragon not daniel Bryan but Bryan Danielson
Place: Wrestlemania 21 . Apart from the first MITB ladder match (which Benoit had a big part in) and the eddie Guerrero vs 619 match I didn't really like this Wrestlmania so what better to steal the show then this technical dream match of counters suplexes submissions with the win by the Danielson special
Winner: Bryan Danielson

I wanted to see Stone Cold Steve Austin go up against Bill Goldberg. It could have happened, the opportunity was there, but WWE never did it.

To say the least, WWE didn't use Goldberg to maximum advantage.....and I have to believe Goldberg had something to do with that. For a supposed tough-as-nails guy, he sure acted like a prima donna in his backstage dealings, no? The guy must have driven Creative nuts with his refusal to do things. I just can't accept the idea that Austin-Goldberg never occurred to WWE and have often wondered why it never happened. (Yes, you can talk about Austin's neck injury being the thing that stopped it, but that happened in '97.....and Austin was still wrestling in '02. Goldberg came along a year later).

What a match it could have been. If they had booked these two in a Pier 6 brawl set by the shores of the Mississippi River (a la Snow vs Holly), can you imagine what a show they could have staged?

The match might not have been a classic, but it surely would have been an event.
Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin in their prime. This matchup had everything needed to make not only a memorable wrestling match, but a memorable pop culture moment as well. Austin had deep deep deeeeeep history with the likes of Hogan stretching as far back as WCW, where he claimed to have been held down by the likes of a big star in Hogan. In WWE his character would catapult, but before that he showed his disdain for Hogan and WCW on the small ECW promotion. So you can say without a guy like Hulk, there would be no Austin, setting up perhaps the biggest drawing match in recorded history.

But sadly, both men are past their prime. Austin may have one more in him, maybe even Hogan does. But neither will face off in a decent match this late in their careers.
I would like to have seen Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania in a no DQ match back in the late nineties or anywhere up to 2008 or 2009. I would have the Undertaker win but it would have been a crazy fight that would have been taken to the crowd, backstage, to the concession stands, and everywhere. The two would have been busted open and barely moving but in the end Undertaker gets the win somehow.

There are other big matches that I would love to or would have loved to have seen but that one was the first to come to my mind.
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