Your childhood hero! - Wrestling Version

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
You know what is absolutely fantastic? The way we reacted to the world of professional wrestling when we were kids. Sometimes I wonder what if I was a kid now... would I be a Daniel Bryan mark for life as I am a Randy Orton one? Would I actually care for Sheamus? Damn...

So what about you WZ inner kids - Who were your childhood heroes in the world of wrestling? Share some history from the very first time that you watched/tried it for fun (I know, don't...), also do you have any merch from being a little Hulkster or a Austin maniac?
Shawn Michaels. I loved The Rockers and when Shawn turned on Marty I took his side.
I also really liked The Ultimate Warrior.
The first time I ever watched wrestling, the Undisputed Champion "Big Evil" Undertaker came to the ring on his motorcycle and rock music blaring. I instantly was hooked.
The first time I saw the Hardy Boyz against the Brood, I was a little scared. Seeing Jeff do a hurricanrana was when I started to mark hard.

Before that, seeing Bret punch three guys (THREE!) out of the ring was amazing. Always loved Bret. Still do.
I don't think you had to throw in "Wrestling version" lol. For me it was a toss up. I was an absolute NWO fanatic, so anything they did I thought was golden. Anything Hogan did since he was the leader was great. Anyone who opposed them I instantly hated. Hated Goldberg, hate the Wolfpack(until they merged and I loved them), hated DDP and pretty much any face to try and take em out. Of course now I realize a lot of these wrestlers were great and I'm big fans of theirs now. But back then what nWo said was law. I had a different type of nWo shirt for every day of the week, freakin nWo breakaway pants(I was 10), and had my own nWo stable when we wrestled on the trampoline. I would get on Revenge and play almost exclusively as nWo members and usually beat the crap out of Goldberg all day long.

But then there was also a big part of me that was a giant DX fan at the same time. The two stables were very similar. DX with their music would just get you so pumped up. So they were on par with nWo for me which led me to hate two of my current favorite stables Nation of Domination and The Corporation...1.0. I hated the Rock majority of his career until wrestling went to shit and I realized how great he was. Pretty much anyone opposed to Triple H I didn't really like. I was a huuuuuuge Ministry fan. Well huge Taker fan. I would be glued to the TV in utter awe at his presence. I would play his music with the lights off and always made him win with the action figures I had. So naturally when Triple H and the Corporation teamed with the Ministry it was like the wrestling gods got together and booked the whole show around what I wanted(which this was ironically a time which I was banned from watching WWF at my house and was basically left with nothing but Nitro for a few months during their biggest decline and Raw's biggest rise). I was also in Heaven during the McMahon Helmsley regime. My favorite wrestler running the show doing heelish things(I always preferred heels) I still to this day am obsessed with ministry Taker,and nything DX or nWo related. It's probably why I'm such a "heel" in real life lol.
Ultimate Warrior. Not joking.

My brother was a Warrior nut. I was a Hart/Hennig fan. I remember being so upset when they had that incredible match at SummerSlam '91. To this day, still my favorite match of all-time, but as a seven-year old? I was borderline crying because my two favorite stars were wrestling each other.

On the WCW side, it was the Stinger forever. Even to this day. I have tons of photos of me as a kid in Stinger face paint. Surfer paint. Not the Crow.

On an unrelated note, I was licked by one of the Bushwackers, so when the worst wrestling experience spam thread goes up, that'll be my entry. So gross.
Jeff Hardy - someone who would almost kill himself if it meant getting the win, as someone who has the same motto when it comes to sports I always looked up to him more than the other wrestlers, plus everyone else at that time repulsed me so I liked him by default. The crazy hair helped too, I like crazy hair.
For me it was Shawn Michaels and DX in general. My first wrestling memories are watching good ole HBK wrestle and I was a MAJOR HBK fan.
The Hardy Boyz.

I didn't watch wrestling when I was really young kid as we didnt have SKY TV, but when I was able to start watching in about 1998, I loved everything Hardy-related.

Later on, it was RVD and the American Bad Ass Undertaker
Savage. I loved his promos/matches and I took his side over Hogan's. Sting/Big Bossman weren't far behind him.
Rated R Nightmare said:
My first wrestling memories are watching good ole HBK wrestle and I was a MAJOR HBK fan.
If this was fifteen years ago, we'd be mortal enemies.

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