Young Bucks Blast TNA Booking; Speak on their Release

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"I don't think everyone's on the same page. I know that a lot of guys don't know where to go when they have a question about something, because nobody knows who's exactly in charge of what."

"One week we were running with Tara and the next we're not. One week Nick and I have heat with each other, and the next we're in a stable together. Towards the end, people in the office didn't know if we were heels or faces, so we flip-flopped. We knew then, we had to get out."

"One thing, though, from my time with them that I would have never guessed was, how unorganized the 'big leagues' were."

"We asked for our release because we were not being used enough to budget money for our families. We simply weren't making enough money. We asked for help and they didn't really want to do anything for us. So, it obviously wasn't going to work out."

"We knew we were going to quit for a while. The writing was on the wall. Overcrowded locker rooms, we hadn't been seen on TV regularly in months, and no continuity with our characters led us to wanting out.

"I'm sure they could have done more with us, but I'm also not going to stick the blame completely on them. I'm sure there are things that we could have done differently too. All in all, we are proud of our run there and feel like we did have the capability to show what we could do, at least a couple of times.

"We could of 'played the game' a bit more. In professional wrestling, you need to do this to survive. We may have been a little too passive and let things happen to our characters that probably shouldn't have. Maybe we could have been a little more protective? You live and learn."

Those "disrespectful" youngins' are at it again.

I can see where they're coming at. I'd be annoyed if I'm hanging out with a Knockout for two weeks and not the next, or having heat with my brother one week but we're fine the week after. The booking for them did seem a bit schizo.

But guys why don't you make small suggestions on the development of your characters, this might've made your characters less schizophrenic and more organised, this in turn would've allowed you to get more TV time. Its no use blaming it all on creative when you have a say in the development of your character and if you put no effort into it creative can only do so much.
On the one hand, you see where they're coming from. They probably thought there was a lot more money in it when they took off from ROH, and being the Hot Young Tag Team Everyone Is Talking About at the time, probably heard all kinds of upside offers. (Upside offer: the contract at its maximum realized potential.) Young kids never actually see the upside offer, because they never get used that much. The money was smaller than they thought, so they got out and are trying their lot with the WWE.

On the other hand, these kids are too green to be burning bridges. The man you're calling an incompetent fool today could be your boss in three years. They're still nobodies in the profession. It's a risk complaining about your last job when you're applying for another one; oftentimes, the problem isn't with the employer, it's with the employee. At the same time, pro wrestling is a promotions game, and silence is equivalent to death.

Best of luck to them. They're talented kids who could have a bright future ahead of them, so long as they avoid pissing off the veterans.

I like the Bucks. I do feel that they were flip-flopping and didn't like that. They admitted they were passive and next time they need to play hardball -- but then we'd have a report saying they're very demanding backstage and people will jump the bandwagon and bash 'em.

But hey, they were proud of their run with the company. I hope they find greener pastures (not a jab).
The Young Bucks should watch burning their bridges. Wrestling is a small world and they need to watch their step. This plus the Booker T incident might get them blacklisted on the major companies.

That said, TNA's booking was always very wishy-washy anyway, and they're right to want to move on to new companies, especially to the WWE. There, even if they don't get used, they'll get a more consistent paycheck to feed their families, and they'll have a chance to showcase their talents on a more global scale.
Kevin Kelly made a good point in his post, sticking up for them. If I were to start a new job, I probably wouldn't go around introducing myself to everyone there. Maybe they were nervous and/or shy. Maybe they were intimidated. If I saw a bunch of people I'd grown up watching, I'm not sure I'd be able to walk right up to them and introduce myself. I'd be scared they'd be like "Who the heck are you? Get away from me." All I'm saying is, these guys seem to be getting a hard time.
2 things come to mind here. Number 1 is that the complaints they are making about the way they were booked is very similar to the majority of complaints about TNA's booking in general on here. Number 2 is the more worrying thing, the way they describe the organisation behind the scenes in TNA is VERY reminiscent of what people were saying about the last few years in WCW. And although I dont want the same to happen, we all know how that ended.
I don't see this as them bashing the booking. Since they aren't there anymore, I am sure they are speaking for a lot of people who are afraid to say anything negative for fear of being released.

I got a chuckle when they used TNA and Big Leagues in the same sentence.
Ok, 2 things, being a worker, you always go in the lockerroom & introduce yourself to everyone. You're taught that from day 1. Every show you go up & shake hands & say hi to everyone. Thats just the way it is. You can't be that shy but still go out & perform in front of thousands of people!

Compared to the Indy's, TNA is the big leagues & the WWE is something beyond that! When you're young & green & someone who has been in the business longer says we are taking your character in this direction, you just follow. Hopefully they learned from this & will have more input next time. And also, you don't always have complete control over your character, a lot of times the company does.
They were really entertaining, but just like everyone else in TNA, and this has been a fair criticism, they're getting dizzy with the heel/face turns. I honestly can't remember which side they've been on for the last few months, ever since the triple threat for X-title, I lost track.

They were great performers, and were a good signing, them being misused isn't an opinion at this point, it's a fact. They seem really respectful for blasting an ex-employer.

I feel that losing them just as the X-division got an influx is a large loss, but maybe the bucks will have better indy success from having TNA on their resume (as much bashing as it gets, I'm sure Indy bookings still love TNA talent popping up more)
This isn't disrespectful at all, it's very honest. It matches up with what others have said about the company. They weren't really given anything to do there...a couple of low key matches with MCMG, then that was about it. I don't know if they could have been big stars or anything, but they certainly could have been used in a better, more consistent way. I hope they get another run in ROH, they could really do well in their tag division.
I was expecting a slew of morons claiming all of this doesn't matter because they are "vanilla midgets". I'm rather surprised.

Anyway, it's not like they haven't got a point. The way the Bucks were constantly messed around creatively must have been more infuriating for them than it was for me as a fan. It was absolutely ridiculous. However, they seem really humble and it doesn't sound like sour grapes at all, which is pretty cool.
i get exactly where there coming from it didnt make sense after their fued with MCMG they really did nothing and its true 1 week there a heel team next week there a face team and the week after that there fueding with each other and then the next time we see them they would be teaming up again! :wtf: gen me doesnt seem disrepectful to me at all
The Tara storyline was weird but I think it was perceived as a Vickie rip off and that's why it was quietly dropped. As for the heel / face thing, my feeling on it was that they were heels who were willing to put their personal feud and external heelishness to protect the X-Division against the greater evils, Eric Bischoff, Immortal and Abyss. Once this was accomplished, they returned to their previous tag team heel personas (because it wouldn't have made sense for them to move straight back into their inner feud).

I've no real issues with the comments made and don't really see much for TNA to hold a grudge over. However, I think they are overplaying the Country boys first time in the big city card too vehemently. As much as I enjoyed their athleticism - their look and personalities (as faces and heels) wasn't good and they came across as bargain basement Hardy Boys, and, in today's environment, those are two names that you just do not want to be compared too. The other problem I saw was that they bugged out, why didn't they stay and fight for their places on the tag or X scenes? Did they really think it would be an easier ride in the WWe? Way back before the implosion, I'm sure that the Hardys would have had similar issues with the WWF.

If I had the Bucks ears, I'd suggest that they return to the indies for a while and develop something different that sets them aside from the pack (especially the incredibly bad ring attire). Either go down the Punk / James Storm line and develop a larger (if not super developed) physique or take the Evan Bourne example and make what you have as ripped as possible. Until they exude some star quality and originality they will, in essence, just augment TNA's difficulties in getting them perceivably viable stars.
If anyone had the chance to read the whole interview, they would see that the Bucks weren't bashing TNA at all. TNA NEVER follows thru on a story line with any of the talent. The Bucks are young men with families to feed and at the end of the day, TNA couldn't pay them enough and wern't using them due to an overloaded roster. My hat's off to them for getting there, making a name for themselves, entertaining on tv and realizing it was time to go elsewhere.

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