Jarrett on the State of TNA: "We are about to take another step and change..."

Dude, JH is not anti-TNA. He's very reasonable and always offers well though out arguments when it comes to TNA.

It appears to me that you, just like a lot of TNA'ers get super defensive when someone outside your 1% club decides to see things from outside your TNA colored glasses.

Jeff Jarrett is talking out of his ass here. Hell, if I didn't watch TNA I'd think they were blowing the roof off the ratings, making money hand over fist, and being led by men who knew what they were doing, judging their success solely off of JJ's comments here.

The fact is TNA got a mere 8,000 sales for their past 2 PPV's. How you can twist that into a positive is mind-boggling.

I wonder why jarrett didn't talk about that...?

Here. I'm going to pretend as though your idea makes even a little sense because I'm a nice guy.

On one side of the scale we have a grown man in the business who has a particular investment in the private company and is one of the very few people who know the financial numbers. On the other side we have you. An unknown very angry and jaded person, who couldn't possibly comprehend even an ounce of economics or how a business is run because he can't even understand what he, himself, is talking about. Yet, he feels that he - a person who most certainly has absolutely zero factual information - thinks that everybody should believe him and other people like him instead of one of the few people who actually does have access to all of the said information we've been talking about.

Regardless of whether YOU feel he's covering up things or being untruthful...

Guy who has access to information > Guy who does not have access to information

It's as simple as that.
Dude, JH is not anti-TNA. He's very reasonable and always offers well though out arguments when it comes to TNA.

It appears to me that you, just like a lot of TNA'ers get super defensive when someone outside your 1% club decides to see things from outside your TNA colored glasses.

Jeff Jarrett is talking out of his ass here. Hell, if I didn't watch TNA I'd think they were blowing the roof off the ratings, making money hand over fist, and being led by men who knew what they were doing, judging their success solely off of JJ's comments here.

The fact is TNA got a mere 8,000 sales for their past 2 PPV's. How you can twist that into a positive is mind-boggling.

I wonder why jarrett didn't talk about that...?

You are right on one thing, Jack-Hammer isn't anti-TNA at all and he in fact holds his ground on a statement whether people agree with him or not, the thing is that between the both of you, he's the one that actually speaks with respect towards others and shows tact and doesn't have a know it all attitude like you have shown other posters here on this forum.

The fact is that unless you can furnish proof of what TNA's making money wise, then you are in no position to pass off speculation as fact. That's fine if you want to believe what TNA does for numbers, truth be told you could be correct. But the bottom line is this, unless you have that proof don't try talking folks down here and act like some walking bible of wrestling/business knowledge. Know your place as a fan like most rational thinking people do and try to talk a little more constructively. Seriously man, it's been losing its cuteness from day one and therefore what you have to say ain't going to get any cuter.

Even though the ratio of WWE fans to TNA is way lopsided in the favor of WWE there are many reasons for that. Off the top of my head I would say that WWE being in existence a lot longer doesn't hurt things when you're talking in their favor. Therefore you're just not going to beat them anytime soon and in TNA's case that day might not come. The wrestling business has changed a lot since WCW was sold to the then-World Wrestling Federation. And to judge business for TNA by the then-Time Warner and Titan Sports business model is a grossly ridiculous rationale to base your thoughts on what TNA is right now. Therefore, I really don't know what the future of TNA is. I really can't say for sure, but for the time being even if their numbers aren't astronomical, network execs working at Spike for some reason want to keep them on the air, therefore that makes me think that someone somewhere is making some sort of profit, I mean that's just my guess. Unlike you, I am not trying to pass anything off as fact. I think the same can be said for a pay per view provider, they do happen to make money off of wrestling events too and if airing a TNA PPV is not a financially lucrative deal for them even if it's a small profit compared to WWE's then chances are they would have told TNA they were not interested long ago.

So outside of the minor assumptions I made I'm going to reserve my comments and judgment on the whole situation because I have no role with this business other than being a viewer. I am not making business decisions and I am not working behind the scenes and unless you happen to be doing any of that then you stand on the same ground as any other speculative mind.

It's like I tell other posters, I have no problem with opinions and I love hearing counterpoints and varying views even if they are not matching up to my own, but if I read farcical stuff on the calibre of what you're posting, I'm going to make it a point to shoot as many holes I can through notions of such a close minded and pretentious nature.
I think that something that has been overlooked is how much the older guys have helped the younger guys. I'll give a few examples here.

Kevin Nash: Nash has done a lot over the years for the young guys in the back. Before the Motor City Machine Guns became big time players Alex Shelly was a protege that was learning under Kevin Nash. Nash also was the mentor to another young guy who is becoming a star by the name of Jay Lethal. These two guys always had the talent but getting them to unleash their strong personalities was the key and Nash was able to teach those two how to make their big personalities shine. Then Nash started working with Matt Morgan, showing him how to use his size and strength to his full advantage to go with his agility which he already used very well. During this time he also became better on the Mic.

Hulk Hogan: Hogan took over where Mick Foley left off by Abyss under his wing. Between Foley helping Abyss embrace his hardcore upbringing and showing him the value of entertaining the crowd and Hogan's strait forward approach Abyss is now a believable monster running around creating havoc that nobody can stop at this point. Hogan also had Hernandez sent to Mexico to learn Spanish and get in better shape to expand his Mic Skills and in ring ability which has made Hernandez look a lot better, and Hernandez already looked great.

Team 3-D: Beer Money was already a great team but working with the Dudley's made them the badass backbone of TNA. Those two guys can beat the snot out of you and look great doing it. Bubba and Devon were always great at that and playing the crowd which is the big thing 3-D taught BM to do which has taken them to the next level.

Ric Flair: Since coming into TNA Flair has helped AJ Styles become very solid on the Microphone as well as better on the mat as a wrestler which are areas AJ was severely lacking. Under Flair's guidance Styles has reached #1 on Wrestling's Top 100 list, the first TNA Wrestler in history to be #1. Now Flair has taken on a second protige, that man is Kaz. Kaz is a great wrestler but has the personality of a brick. Hopefully Flair can change that.

Bob Backlund: I dont know how many people remember when Mr. Bob Backlund was in TNA but while he was there he really worked hard with Chris Sabin. After Jerry Lynn left TNA they brought in Backlund to work exclusively with Sabin and during this time Sabin won his last X-Division crown before forming the Motor City Machine Guns with Alex Shelley who are currently the TNA Tag Team Champions.

Taz: First thing Taz was assigned to do when he came in was to mentor Samoa Joe. Even though this didnt last long on screen it continued backstage. Joe has always been dominating but now seems much more well rounded and in better shape physically.

So these older guys have been very important to the development of the current TNA Product helping elevate AJ Styles, The Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, and Abyss. I didn't add Kaz because he has shown no improvement yet. These 10 guys have all been showcased prominently on IMPACT over the last couple months.

That shows how much these older guys are needed in TNA. 4 months ago when they had the Nasty Boys and a couple of those guys in that really couldn't add to the product or teach in the ring it was a problem but TNA has gotten rid of the dead weight that is the old and useless.

I think what Jarrett is talking about is getting rid of a lot of the young guys who have not been seen in 6 months to a year but are still on the payroll either with a guaranteed contract or pay by appearance. I think that in removing these salaries would greatly help TNA financially and help make the roster more manageable.

As for how Jarrett sounded, he sounded like a knowledgeable businessman who is an executive with a company that is growing. He admitted that they needed to learn from the Monday Night Debacle and go forward with that knowledge, nothing wrong there. He acknowledged the need for a balanced roster of young and established talents which every wrestling company needs.He also addressed Roster Cuts in a very political way that wouldn't give him a hard time when he went backstage at an event.

I am a believer that Jarrett is speaking of what he knows and has a say in happening. He is the Vice President of the company, he spends most of his time running house shows, scouting talent, and spreading awareness of the product, those are very important and if he speaks on something he probably knows what he is talking about.
I already posted it once. Here it is again.

According to lordsofpain.net the last two TNA PPVs have gotten about 8000 buys. The last year of WCW PPVs were getting 40000 buys.

But did you really have to see that to know TNA isn't making any money?

As far as Jarrett goes, talk is cheap. "We're learning from our mistakes..."

hahahaha really...? Is that what this whole dog shit ECW invasion is about? Foley, Rhyno, Raven, Stevie Richards, the Dudley's lol...

yep. TNA sure is learning from their mistakes. Kevin nash vs. Jeff Jarrett roves that lol

sure they are.
I already posted it once. Here it is again.

According to lordsofpain.net the last two TNA PPVs have gotten about 8000 buys. The last year of WCW PPVs were getting 40000 buys.

But did you really have to see that to know TNA isn't making any money?

As far as Jarrett goes, talk is cheap. "We're learning from our mistakes..."

hahahaha really...? Is that what this whole dog shit ECW invasion is about? Foley, Rhyno, Raven, Stevie Richards, the Dudley's lol...

yep. TNA sure is learning from their mistakes. Kevin nash vs. Jeff Jarrett roves that lol

sure they are.

So something is the gospel because you read it on LordsOfPain.Net,


WOW! I love how you want us all to fall for that line. Show me an actual document from the Pay Per View company to show the actual numbers. I don't care what some web site says, I have a hard time believing anything unless I see it from someone that can actually claim credibility and would have access to such information. That is still very unsubstantiated and that doesn't hold any water with any of us here.

Keep trying...I mean dude, if you came up with actual concrete proof and not dirt sheet proof, I'd be a little more engaged in what you have to say believe it or not, but no all we see from you is just more negativity more hate slinging, and more picking fights with fans over what is going on in TNA. I am not going to say they're losing money and I am not going to say they're making money. I'll just let what they're doing right now speak for itself, and granted I know what they're doing is not even anywhere near WWE numbers but again they're still in business somehow. For all we know you might very well be right, I mentioned that in my last post but keyword is might. You have no real iron clad evidence and without that your point is just speculation, rather antagonistic speculation if I might say so myself. It is something that does not belong here at all. We're here to talk about stuff that has merit and actual reasoning in how it's being said or written in this case. From my perspective I don't see you delivering either of these qualities. Go take your TNA diatribe elsewhere and let people who actually want to have a half-way decent conversation agree or disagree in a constructive matter.

Fair enough?
I already posted it once. Here it is again.

According to lordsofpain.net the last two TNA PPVs have gotten about 8000 buys. The last year of WCW PPVs were getting 40000 buys.
LOL, nice credible source you've got there. :rolleyes:

But did you really have to see that to know TNA isn't making any money?
Perhaps you should go read the financial woes thread.

As far as Jarrett goes, talk is cheap. "We're learning from our mistakes..."

hahahaha really...? Is that what this whole dog shit ECW invasion is about? Foley, Rhyno, Raven, Stevie Richards, the Dudley's lol...
This doesn't even make any sense, you're really stupid.

yep. TNA sure is learning from their mistakes. Kevin nash vs. Jeff Jarrett roves that lol

sure they are.

how is Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett a mistake? In what context does those two guys having a match relate to Jarrett's comments on the move to Mondays? Seriously, you are ******ed.
I already posted it once. Here it is again.

According to lordsofpain.net the last two TNA PPVs have gotten about 8000 buys. The last year of WCW PPVs were getting 40000 buys.

But did you really have to see that to know TNA isn't making any money?

As far as Jarrett goes, talk is cheap. "We're learning from our mistakes..."

hahahaha really...? Is that what this whole dog shit ECW invasion is about? Foley, Rhyno, Raven, Stevie Richards, the Dudley's lol...

yep. TNA sure is learning from their mistakes. Kevin nash vs. Jeff Jarrett roves that lol

sure they are.

I don't even know why we're wasting our time with this guy. His posts are as though a 6 year old were typing it in crayon.

He's even getting his "factual information" by throwing silly puddy against the wall and smashing two blocks together.

What he's failing to understand is that TNA doesn't SPEND the same amount of money as WWE. WWE spends maybe ten to twenty times as much as TNA in production costs, employees, and other personnel needed to run large shows. TNA doesn't travel all that far...and when they do it's very seldom. Their shows are based in basically one place for the most part in which they probably have a decent relationship and deal going on. TNA is also a private business. They don't have the benefit of tapping the the financial markets by selling stock/bonds to raise capital like the WWE does. Also, as I've said - TNA for the most part pays most of their talent (wrestlers) on a per-appearance basis. This saves infinite amounts of money as they literally only pay them when they show up and perform...and if they don't? They simply don't pay them. This is quite different from Triple H making 7 figures a year and either taking 4 months of it off or getting injured perennially and missing significant time - all while continuing to make the 7 figures regardless. Is this a bad thing? No. It's just different and for a company of TNA's size...so a pay per appearance option is a very nice advantage they have.

And what does a company "making money" have to do with your feelings about the product that they're putting out? Your argument is almost saying "Nobody seems to be liking it because they're not making any money! Therefore, THAT'S the reason I don't like it!" There really is no other reason to bring it up. It doesn't really prove anything other than that you're a follower without any opinions of your own.

"We're learning from our mistakes" is an honest answer and something that literally every company does. Do you think Vince McMahon has never made a mistake? He's made several...and you know what? He learns from them so that he can prevent them from happening again.

Several banks went under during the recession and needed to be bailed out in some cases. Did you immediately remove all of your money from them and bury it in a shoebox in your backyard?? According to your philosophy on financial statuses...that's exactly what you should have done.
And what does a company "making money" have to do with your feelings about the product that they're putting out? Your argument is almost saying "Nobody seems to be liking it because they're not making any money!

No, they aren't making any money, because no one seems to like them. Is it really that hard to get...? lol

It doesn't really prove anything other than that you're a follower without any opinions of your own.

Right. Because I understand how business profits work, I don't have my own opinions. Good point kid.

Look, dude. You have a Kevin Fucking Nash sig rotflmao. Why am I even debating with you...?
No, they aren't making any money, because no one seems to like them. Is it really that hard to get...? lol

Right. Because I understand how business profits work, I don't have my own opinions. Good point kid.

Still waiting on an answer as to what "credible" sources you have to back up your claims. I'd say #4 sports show in Australia does plenty to prove you wrong about no one liking TNA. But please, I'd love to here how you know about TNA's financial situation.
And what does a company "making money" have to do with your feelings about the product that they're putting out? Your argument is almost saying "Nobody seems to be liking it because they're not making any money!

No, they aren't making any money, because no one seems to like them. Is it really that hard to get...? lol

Then show me the proof. It actually IS that hard to get when you're just throwing around random nonsense with nothing to back it up. Show me actual documents stating that TNA is literally making "no money" and I will concede. Partially, the reason certain people are jumping to conclusions on their financial woes is because their revenue was so high in 2007 and increased so much in 2008 that 2009 may not have had as big of a jump so people are jumping to conclusions...and then you just listen to whatever those people without any actual information have to say.

Right. Because I understand how business profits work, I don't have my own opinions. Good point kid.

No. Because you DON'T know how business profits work. Yet you puke all over your computer screen and then hit the submit button in an attempt to get an extremely bias and inaccurate point across.

If you had any factual information at all...this conversation wouldn't even be taking place. The only reason it IS taking place...is because you literally have ZERO factual information on your weak argument and are basically stealing other peoples wild and crazy opinions and trying to pawn them off as your own due to your irrational bias against the company.

And as for my Kevin Nash signature (this is for the part of the comment you edited and removed for whatever reason) - I don't get it. What's wrong with having a legend of the business as your signature? You continue to make zero sense with anything you say. Was this your plan all along? If it was...you've been more than successful.
TNA making profits or not? On one hand we have Double J saying how good things are and learning from their mistakes. He owns part of the company. On the other hand we have credible sources writing updates and columns here at Wrestlezone saying they are not. I will lean towards the 3rd party here at Wrestlezone that doesn't have a vested interest on what is being reported.

This is how everyone gets their news. Case in point Enron, Sallie Mae, Tom Petters, and every government on the planet make their business look like a bed of roses. Look past that flower and you have the thorns they wont talk about. Every one of them said things looked great and people bought it till the real news broke.

If TNA had real good PPV buy rates they would be talking about them every chance they have. TNA does close to 1,000,000 viewers a week (~1.0) even 10% of that is 100,000 buys. That is the same as WWE. WWE does about 3% of their weekly viewers in PPV buys. If TNA matched what WWE does in PPV buys in terms of their audience then its in their best interest in posting that. It means their fans are just as willing to pay monthly for the product as WWE fans are. If TNA did more then 3% that is a huge win for them as their fans are more then happy and willing to buy the product monthly. The reason a company that is trying to compete with a much bigger company doesn't post statistics is because they want to hide how small they are. PPV buys are a good indication on how the product is selling and in turn making a profit.

A solution to the TNA PPV situation is trimming the number of PPVs per year. Cut it down to 4. Remember the good old days where stories got to develop over several months, people wanted to see a true resolution. Right now we get the same matches over several PPVs or a week later on free television. Why bother buying the PPV.

TNA making profits or not? On one hand we have Double J saying how good things are and learning from their mistakes. He owns part of the company. On the other hand we have credible sources writing updates and columns here at Wrestlezone saying they are not. I will lean towards the 3rd party here at Wrestlezone that doesn't have a vested interest on what is being reported.

This is how everyone gets their news. Case in point Enron, Sallie Mae, Tom Petters, and every government on the planet make their business look like a bed of roses. Look past that flower and you have the thorns they wont talk about. Every one of them said things looked great and people bought it till the real news broke.

If TNA had real good PPV buy rates they would be talking about them every chance they have. TNA does close to 1,000,000 viewers a week (~1.0) even 10% of that is 100,000 buys. That is the same as WWE. WWE does about 3% of their weekly viewers in PPV buys. If TNA matched what WWE does in PPV buys in terms of their audience then its in their best interest in posting that. It means their fans are just as willing to pay monthly for the product as WWE fans are. If TNA did more then 3% that is a huge win for them as their fans are more then happy and willing to buy the product monthly. The reason a company that is trying to compete with a much bigger company doesn't post statistics is because they want to hide how small they are. PPV buys are a good indication on how the product is selling and in turn making a profit.

A solution to the TNA PPV situation is trimming the number of PPVs per year. Cut it down to 4. Remember the good old days where stories got to develop over several months, people wanted to see a true resolution. Right now we get the same matches over several PPVs or a week later on free television. Why bother buying the PPV.


Fair enough. I respect your opinions as you clearly backed up, professionally, why you chose to think the way you do.

I still don't understand the relevancy of TNA's financial status being used as some sort of a "weapon" by some of these Anti-TNA scribes though. That would be like Yankees fans constantly going around bullying Kansas City Royals fans, saying - "Oh yeah!! Well your team doesn't make any money!!"

I mean really? What, are we in Kindergarten? "My dad can beat up your dad" kind of nonsense.

Oh well.
Still waiting on an answer as to what "credible" sources you have to back up your claims. I'd say #4 sports show in Australia does plenty to prove you wrong about no one liking TNA. But please, I'd love to here how you know about TNA's financial situation.

#4 sports show in Australia...LOL that is gold Jerry! Gold!

Well, other than losing half their audience to the WWE during the Monday Night Ass Beatings...

-From Alvarez and Meltzer-

In a scary fucking stat, it is believed that the May and June TNA PPVs did approximately 8,000 buys each. Keep in mind they were doing 25,000 to 30,000 back when they had TV at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. I cannot imagine Victory Road doing much more than that. That's a gross for the company of about $111,000, and if you consider the costs of running a live PPV they're now losing their ass on these shows. For a comparison, and for those trying to defend Vince Russo as a booker, I think WCW at the bitter, bitter end was still doing around 40,000 buys on PPV. It's bad enough that nobody is buying the shows, but worse, people care so little about TNA that statistically nobody is even bothering to stream them for free. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually 30 to 50 unique live streams for wrestling PPVs with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to the streams being terminated. For TNA Victory Road last week there were only five streams across all the major live streaming sites (Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). The show had less than 1,500 viewers total. WWE streams are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.

I'm not your fucking father. Do your own research boys. Spend a little less time up TNA's ass, and a little more time paying attention to the real world around you.

For such monster fans, you'd think you guys would know about this stuff.
#4 sports show in Australia...LOL that is gold Jerry! Gold!

Well, other than losing half their audience to the WWE during the Monday Night Ass Beatings...

-From Alvarez and Meltzer-

In a scary fucking stat, it is believed that the May and June TNA PPVs did approximately 8,000 buys each. Keep in mind they were doing 25,000 to 30,000 back when they had TV at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. I cannot imagine Victory Road doing much more than that. That's a gross for the company of about $111,000, and if you consider the costs of running a live PPV they're now losing their ass on these shows. For a comparison, and for those trying to defend Vince Russo as a booker, I think WCW at the bitter, bitter end was still doing around 40,000 buys on PPV. It's bad enough that nobody is buying the shows, but worse, people care so little about TNA that statistically nobody is even bothering to stream them for free. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually 30 to 50 unique live streams for wrestling PPVs with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to the streams being terminated. For TNA Victory Road last week there were only five streams across all the major live streaming sites (Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). The show had less than 1,500 viewers total. WWE streams are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.

I'm not your fucking father. Do your own research boys. Spend a little less time up TNA's ass, and a little more time paying attention to the real world around you.

For such monster fans, you'd think you guys would know about this stuff.


He's right. I didn't believe he had a reputable source but once he showed us this information from an unprofessional blog site, that was it right there. Usually I don't believe anything I read unless it's riddled with swear words and vague descriptions preceded with "I believe" and "I think". I guess there's nothing left to say. Twentytwo's blogsite author, whom he frequents, thinks and believes that these things are true. Therefore, they must be. But only if you sprinkle in a few curse words in there for good measure, do you really get the feeling that he's serious. LOL
#4 sports show in Australia...LOL that is gold Jerry! Gold!

Well, other than losing half their audience to the WWE during the Monday Night Ass Beatings...

Yeah the land down under has nowhere near the market us United States folk have and I will be the first to admit that, but that is better than nothing and I am sure it's better than what you could do. I mean are you fit enough to even run a lemonade stand let alone a wrestling promotion? Very easy to pass judgment behind a computer screen and keyboard. Go get your business degree junior and get the credentials to get all the financial information that pertains to what TNA does numbers wise and I'll be more than glad to hear your case. Otherwise give it up man, you're doing nothing but just trying to start issues with people. Again we know you don't like TNA and that's fine, and to be honest I am not that big of a fan either. But just the same these guys who are TNA fans DESERVE to have their right to talk about how big of fans they are without someone like you getting all negative and trying to disturb their thread. Go and find yourself your own playground to spew your anti-TNA rhetoric.

-From Alvarez and Meltzer-

In a scary fucking stat, it is believed that the May and June TNA PPVs did approximately 8,000 buys each. Keep in mind they were doing 25,000 to 30,000 back when they had TV at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. I cannot imagine Victory Road doing much more than that. That's a gross for the company of about $111,000, and if you consider the costs of running a live PPV they're now losing their ass on these shows. For a comparison, and for those trying to defend Vince Russo as a booker, I think WCW at the bitter, bitter end was still doing around 40,000 buys on PPV. It's bad enough that nobody is buying the shows, but worse, people care so little about TNA that statistically nobody is even bothering to stream them for free. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually 30 to 50 unique live streams for wrestling PPVs with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to the streams being terminated. For TNA Victory Road last week there were only five streams across all the major live streaming sites (Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). The show had less than 1,500 viewers total. WWE streams are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.

Again I love the professionalism with which this "source" of yours has. Dropping f bombs that's a real intelligent way to get a point across. In case you couldn't tell that last line was incredibly sarcastic. Get a grip dude, I am thinking your intention is more to just really irritate TNA fans more than anything else. I might be stating the obvious but oh well, you may not be aware of it so I thought I would kindly point it out to you...troll.

I'm not your fucking father. Do your own research boys. Spend a little less time up TNA's ass, and a little more time paying attention to the real world around you.

These people have the right to like TNA all they want, if what you're saying is true, it's true so be it...but you have no better a clue than any other outsider that doesn't have an association with TNA or the PPV provider. They're not necessarily disagreeing with you but they would like to know where you are getting your information. Wrestling dirtsheets are not the most reliable sources of information. The Wrestling Observer newsletter come on man...that's the National Enquirer of professional wrestling. Those people behind that rag make tabloids look like the New York Times. Get real!

By telling people to do their own research is laughable I mean that's a traditional naysayers way out of answering challenges on how accurate your statements are. Well we are not the ones making the claims you are. If you make a claim back it up and make a real case, don't be buying into what glorified dirt sheet writers like Alvarez and Meltzer are saying, they may know more than us or seem to know, but they are still not working for the pay per view company or TNA. Learn to back your statements up with hard fact and admissible information. Otherwise you're just continuing to be another IWC parrot. Learn to actually be articulate which I am starting to think you couldn't pull off even if your life depended on it.

For such monster fans, you'd think you guys would know about this stuff.

Again troll, they are fans in spite of whether this stuff is true or not, let them be fans, go have your little anti-TNA pow wow somewhere else. We're tired of hearing all about it, and I noticed that every counterpoint I've made to you has gone ignored. I just got a feeling you don't like people challenging anything you have to say, especially when it's spiteful, negative and disrespectful. I'm sure if we were attacking something you liked you'd be no different in how you react than any of us. Learn to understand that people are not interested in anything you have to say unless you can back it up. Thank you very much...
#4 sports show in Australia...LOL that is gold Jerry! Gold!
And your argument is...nothing? I thought so.

Well, other than losing half their audience to the WWE during the Monday Night Ass Beatings...
yeah cos RAW's rating shot right up didn't they? No, they didn't? I see now. Not to mention they've regained all those viewers, so what bullshit would you like debunked next?

In a scary fucking stat, it is believed that the May and June TNA PPVs did approximately 8,000 buys each. Keep in mind they were doing 25,000 to 30,000 back when they had TV at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. I cannot imagine Victory Road doing much more than that. That's a gross for the company of about $111,000, and if you consider the costs of running a live PPV they're now losing their ass on these shows. For a comparison, and for those trying to defend Vince Russo as a booker, I think WCW at the bitter, bitter end was still doing around 40,000 buys on PPV. It's bad enough that nobody is buying the shows, but worse, people care so little about TNA that statistically nobody is even bothering to stream them for free. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually 30 to 50 unique live streams for wrestling PPVs with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to the streams being terminated. For TNA Victory Road last week there were only five streams across all the major live streaming sites (Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). The show had less than 1,500 viewers total. WWE streams are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.

You notice how not once they actually mention where they get there information from? I'm gonna explain this to you in a really simple manner. The only people who know what TNA's buyrates are, is TNA and the PPV companies.

Ok following? Now, if anyone in TNA or the PPV companies was providing information to outside sources about private information they'd be commiting felonies. So unless you're stupid enough (and to be honest you seem like you would be) to believe that a person or persons would risk jail time to release private information for 0 personal benefit then guess what, you've got NOTHING!!!

I'm not your fucking father.
Yeah I know, mine can hold a job.

Do your own research boys.
Yeah I did this research and it turned out TNA's privately owned and that if you release a private company's financial information you go to jail. What facts do you have?

Spend a little less time up TNA's ass, and a little more time paying attention to the real world around you.
Maybe you should spend a little less time quoting articles that literally can't be based in truth? Somehow I doubt you will.
I really dig the fact that Jarret didn't tip toe around anything and sold everything at face value. He didn't say that TNA is the greatest thing ever and he didn't say we are a complete sham. I especially liked what he said about the roster cuts, when their is dead weight and its not helping your company drawn in fans,ratings or dollars their comes a time when you have to say enough. We don't always agree with it but when it comes to business its the right move. It is the very attitude he had in that interview that allows a company the possibility to be a success. When you have things in perspective its just about the best place you can be.

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