You Decide: Hailey or Hilary

Which Duff would you pick?

  • Hailey Duff

  • Hilary Duff

  • Neither

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[This Space for Rent]
So NSL and I are having a bit of a discussion over which Duff is hotter. (no, not the beer) Thus, it has come to this. YOU DECIDE!

Hailey Duff

Hilary Duff

The War to Settle The Score

I say Hilary. NSL claims Hailey. What's your choice?
Hailey. She has a much better face, and body. They are both very good looking, but if I must choose i'd go with Hailey.

What?! Did you even match the right picture up with the right name?

Haylie's lips are.. well, they're bigger than the Titantic. It looks like she just stuck her mouth in a vacuum and went to town.
Big lips are good ;) and yes I did match up the right picture in my opinion Hailey is hotter, but as I said they are both very good looking.
You don't need to look at her face, if she's face down in a pillow while you give it to her from behind :lmao:
I go Hailey just because I dig older women.

Hillary is great as well but I like the taller and older sister
Haylie wouldn't be famous without Hillary. That alone should be enough, but adding Haylie's face to the contest makes an easy win for Hillary.

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