You Can Like Him Or Hate Him, But Does Anyone Actually Not Respect John Cena?

Do you respect John Cena?

  • Yes, I respect him.

  • No, I don't.

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The Cerebral Assassin
John Cena's very polarizing. Some people, mostly kids, love him. Other people, mostly smarky adults, hate him. I'm pretty indifferent to him and think he's okay. Not a huge fan, but I don't hate him. And I think that comes from the fact that I really respect him as a performer.

John Cena deserves respect. He's worked hard to get where he's at, always does his best to put on a great show, and is extremely dedicated to the WWE. Besides doing the best he can as a wrestler, he takes time to do other things as well that makes the WWE look good, such as countless Make-A-Wishes, media interviews, etc. He's this generation's "top guy", no question. Other top guys in the past have gotten shit for being hard to deal with in the lockerroom, hard to deal with creatively, accused of burying others, talking shit, and more (HHH, HBK, & Hogan are just a few names that come to mind). Cena's never been accused of any of those things, and I've only ever read glowing reviews of him backstage as a person. Other top guys have caused huge backstage ripples by refusing to put others over (HBK, Austin, & Bret Hart are just a few names that come to mind). HBK "lost his smile", for example, and walked out instead of giving up the title. Not John Cena, though. I've never heard of him refusing to put someone over if creative called for it. Look no further than his WM28 match with Rock. I'm sure he didn't make a big deal of it backstage and quickly accepted that he'd lose. Do you think if Austin were around for years and the Rock just came back, that Austin wouldn't refuse to do the job/give creative a hard time? Of course he would. Cena's the consumate professional on-screen and off and is proud to be "the guy" right now, and is doing it the right way. That's why althought I'm not necessarily a fan, I respect him.

Like him or hate him, it doesn't matter. But does anyone here NOT respect John Cena? If so, I'd love to hear your "argument".
His dedication to the business, and massive contributions to Make A Wish and WWE fan events like autograph signings mean he would command my respect as a person pretty much regardless os is on-screen character. I have honestly never heard a bad word said about Cena as a person from fans or otherwise. (Michael Tarver doesn't count)

As far as his on-screen character goes I was pretty down on him from 2006 through to Survivor Series 2011. Yet since he has tweaked his charcter slightly become edgier and acknowledged the haters and even dropped the super-Cena thing slightly he has been more interesting.
I didn't want to get infracted because it'd fall under the "everything john cena" thread, but I wanted to make this an independent thread.
The fact that he was willing to put Lesnar over on Monday speaks volumes. Read your history, those two don't exactly see eye to eye.
Go ask this in non-spam, you'll get your argument from a bunch of keyboard warriors.

In all seriousness... Cena is a good guy outside of the ring.. he does a lot of good when he can. You have to respect that.

I doubt anyone TRULY doesn't respect him. His "in ring" character is just stale to most people.
I'm ambivalent to Cena the wrestler. He's fully capable of having great matches, and he's also fully capable of having stinkers. Cena the character can be douche-chill worthy.

Cena the man is awesome, given what he's done for Make A Wish, his dedication to the business, and a guy I work with is personal friends with him and his family (in fact, Cena used to babysit him), and he's the genuine article outside the ring and always has been.
Hell yeah I respect the guy. I don't care what anyone says, he works his ass of for the people. True people's champion. I am not a Cena fan at all, but me and my Grandma have had many discussions about how you must respect the guy for what he does.
i don't respect what he does when he is in the arena. He can cut good promos, and have good matches, but doesn't. And people can say that he is there everyday and other bullshit, but the truth is he is doing a shitty job everyday. Why would i respect that he is wasting my time and money. I guy like cena does do make a wish and all that stuff, and he is a good person, but he simply wastes time and it almost seems like he does everything to make the majority of his matches and promos suck.

And like i said before he is good enough to have good matches and promos and fueds. Thats what makes me hate him worse. He just doesn't put effort into delivering. And thats why i watch wrestling, to see guys that deliver.
I know a few guys who just hate him with all their guts and they are not willing to concede that Cena works them too :). No prize for guessing that they are proud to call themselves 'Attitude era' fans, and according to them Cena is the reason why WWE is in PG era.
i don't respect what he does when he is in the arena. He can cut good promos, and have good matches, but doesn't. And people can say that he is there everyday and other bullshit, but the truth is he is doing a shitty job everyday. Why would i respect that he is wasting my time and money. I guy like cena does do make a wish and all that stuff, and he is a good person, but he simply wastes time and it almost seems like he does everything to make the majority of his matches and promos suck.

And like i said before he is good enough to have good matches and promos and fueds. Thats what makes me hate him worse. He just doesn't put effort into delivering. And thats why i watch wrestling, to see guys that deliver.

How exactly is he doing a shitty job? You didn't think his promos with the Rock over the past few months were good? I think he and the Rock were the highlight of Raw over the past few months. His match with the Rock was great, too.
Ha, ofcourse you gotta respect the guy. You gotta respect any athlete that performs in that ring. Just my thought.

In all seriousness... Cena is a good guy outside of the ring.. he does a lot of good when he can. You have to respect that.

I doubt anyone TRULY doesn't respect him. His "in ring" character is just stale to most people.

Didn't you vote ''no?''
No. I don't respect him. No way can I respect anyone that wears such bright shirts.
Its near impossible not to respect John Cena. How can you not respect someone who works his tail off harder than any other wrestler I can think of.
As a person yes. But as a WWE Superstar No. He's annoyed me for far too long. His character in my opinion needs a drastic change, for years the audience have been making their voices heard and WWE refuse to do anything about him. They do these bullshit storylines that troll the audience into think something will happen but then it's dropped (Kane storyline anyone?) Looks like Vince is happy for his #1 babyface to be hated for another decade.
As a person yes. But as a WWE Superstar No. He's annoyed me for far too long. His character in my opinion needs a drastic change, for years the audience have been making their voices heard and WWE refuse to do anything about him. They do these bullshit storylines that troll the audience into think something will happen but then it's dropped (Kane storyline anyone?) Looks like Vince is happy for his #1 babyface to be hated for another decade.

Even I'm starting to get annoyed with this garbage, and I am far from a Cena mark. His character has definitely changed. WWE (and Cena by extension) no longer ignore the problems fans have with him. They talk about that constantly. That has given Cena the edge people were asking for. He has that edge now. In comes in the form of him not giving a shit about you or me.

I don't enjoy much of what Cena does, but him needing to change his character has nothing to do with it. It's a terrible criticism, given the changes he and WWE have made. If you can't see that, you're too simple to carry this on with any further.
He's become an autistic cross version of Superman and Lisa Lampanelli. A typical heel lacks certain normal human characteristics like remorse and self awareness. Cena shows remorse but he seems to lack self awareness, fear and most importantly anger. While anger is not always healthy it can be understandable. It is definitely understandable in the dramatic setting of professional wrestling. Cena goes through periods were he feels totally unrelatable to me and it makes me dislike him. He also may move and change the lyrics but so many of his promos seem like the same song over and over again.

As far as respecting the man. I don't know, I really appreciate his charity work but all the hard work and dedication to the business bullshit just has reached the point that it feels no more real than it just being part of the Cena sales pitch. Does he really work that much harder on being the best sports entertainer in the world than the rest of the talent? I show up to my job every week as well, most of the time five days a week.
I respect him, he's done a lot for the company, but others have done more. Not my personal favorite though.

If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't agree with the writers' decision to make me look like a fool by getting stomped on by The Rock and Brock Lesnar in two days after busting my ass for the company for 10 years.

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