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You Book A Title For Title Dream Match!


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
This thread's just a tiny bit simple; we all have so many dream matches to put into place. Some of which have never happened, some of which never lived up to their billing in any of the federations they took place in. But I want you to dig deep into your mind, and come up with a Title for Title match between two great championships, from any promotion. It can be from the NWA VS. WWE, ECW VS. WCW, USWA VS. Smokey Mountain, you make the decision. I merely want you to go by these limitations:

1. Make sure the titles that are on the line are of equal level. Sure, you could put the WWE Champion against the WCW TV Champion, but what fun is that, really? No, you see, if we're going to do this, we have to do it right. Put a Heavyweight Champion against a Heavyweight Champion. A mid card title versus a mid card title holder. Hell, you can even out a Tag Team Champion against his respectable counterpart. So, if you're going to book a title for title match, who are you putting against their counterpart?

2. Try to make sure it's a match that never had any significant feud over it. Be a little creative with it. You could say Hogan Vs. Flair, but we've seen it over and over. Hell, we're seeing it now. So pick a match that makes you really think.

Myself? My dream Title for Title match is for the WCW and WWE Heavyweight Title. And it's simply a matchup between Macho Man Randy Savage, circa 1988, and Big Van Vader, circa 1991-1992. These were the two best wrestlers for their promotions at their time, and stragely enough, these two never had a match, to the best of my recollection. We all know how great of a worker these men were, and you have a case of big man vs. little man, though with a thousand times the athleticism possible for this formula of a match. You have a brutal giant against the man who sold just as well as anyone in the business. I'd have to say Savage was the best worker against big men in the business, and Vader was just as dominant a big man as there's ever been in the business. I still don't understand why these guys never had a feud, when even in 1994-1995, they could have still had a fantastic match. Putting these two in a match, being title for title, would be perhaps the best case of the impossible being overcome, and be a fantastic case of storytelling for both men.

Alas, it's your turn. Build yourself a title for title match. And hopefully one we haven't already seen.
My dream title match would be Kurt Angle circa 2000-2001 as the World Champion versus Bret Hart circa 1992-1993 as the WWF Champion. This match would be a technical clinic. You have two of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time locking horns for all the marbles. I imagine a match that goes over an hour with many twists and turns. Each wrestler trying to outdo the other with their technical savvy and prove who is the greatest of all time. One minute Bret's got Angle in trouble, the next, Angle is in charge. Two of the greatest of all time displaying a masterpiece for the ages. That is the match I would love to see. Hell, even the Hitman said he dreamt about it in his book. It's a shame it never did or never will happen.
How 'bout WCW Champion Sting vs. WWE Champion The Undertaker...or Bret Hart vs. Rickey Steamboat - this one could be for the IC/US or Heavyweight Title. Shawn Micheals vs. Randy Savage...through in a Tag match and this could be the start of a Dream Card. Hey - maybe The Road Warriors vs. Edge and Christian......nice!!!
Here's one I haven't seen yet: ECW TV Champion Rob Van Dam (1998-2000) vs. WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels (1992-93). The greatest TV champion in ECW's history against, who I would argue to be, the greatest Intercontinental Champion ever: Shawn Michaels. Did these two wrestle before? Yes, on Monday Night Raw in late 2002. But a lot of things happened that ruined the match. Shawn Michaels had great matches during that first IC title run against the likes of British Bulldog (who he won the title from), Marty Janetty, Tatanka, and Mr. Perfect. Rob Van Dam held his title for 1 year, 11 months, 18 days, 2 hours, and 42 seconds (if I remember correctly) and had great matches during that title run.

RVD vs. HBK. That's a dream match.
Call it lame, maybe not the match I'd want to see most, but off the top of my head. Ultimate Warrior (WWF champion 1990) vs Brock Lesnar ( WWE champion 2003). Would be a solid match up, Warrior always had great matches on the big PPVs.
im not sure if they ever had a fued but i would imagine rick rude vs mr perfect would be a solid match up.tenta,kb or lariat you can fill me in with your infinite knowledge if this mtch up ever took place

also bret hart circa 94/95 vs chris jericho(undisputed champion) IC would be creaming his pants at the thought of this great match up
WWE Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin vs WCW Champion Goldberg

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. Take the two biggest faces of the Attitude Era from the two biggest companies and pit them against each other. Both were champions at roughly the same time. Both were insanely over. Both have a similar style and even a similar look. A dream match of dream matches right here.

Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect vs United States Champion Kurt Angle

Ok, I know Angle wasn't really put over as the US Champion or anything, but this is the ideal way to get these two in the ring together. Perfect was amazing in the ring, and Angle is Angle, 'nuff said. This is a personal dream match for me, especially taking both of them in their prime and putting two titles on the line. This would likely be a match of the year candidate and definitely the best match of whatever show it is on.

WWE Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian vs TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money Inc.

Recently, Beer Money Inc. has really grown on me. Edge and Christian are perhaps my favorite tag team ever. Putting both together in a title unification match would likely yield a great tag team matchup. I can't say how well the two teams would mesh together, but I think they could pull off some entertaining spots.
Easily the greatest Title vs Title match and what would ultimately be the greatest feud ever would be:

NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair accompanied to ringside by The 4 Horsemen (Arn and Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and JJ Dillion)


WWF World Heavyweight Champion The Rock

Greatest match ever!! Just imagine the promos these guys could cut on one another, it would be epic!
WCW Champion Sting vs WWE Champion Undertaker, two legendary characters, similar in terms of dark persona and great in ring worker for someone their size.

TNA X-division Champion AJ Styles vs WWE Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels, two excellent in ring competitors, technicians and high flyers collide. A 5 star match is almost guaranteed.
my dream match would have to be THE MAN called RAVEN (TNA champ 2005), Terry Funk (ECW CHAMP 1997 ), Tommy Dreamer (ECW CHAMP 2000), Cactus Jack (Mick Foley, WWF not that he won the world title but i am talking bout the hardcore match he had triple H and the royal rumble) and Abyss (TNA CHAMP 2007) in a monster's ball match that would be the best hardcore match ever
another one would be the Road Warriors vs. the Hardys (during there first run) and it would be a ladder match just to see who would be the winner because you have size and power vs. speed
Cactus Jack (Mick Foley, WWF not that he won the world title but i am talking bout the hardcore match he had triple H and the royal rumble)

Actually, Mick Foley held the World Title in WWE. Three times to be exact.

Anyway, I'd love to see Brian Pillman (WCW Light Heavyweight Champion 1991) vs. The Miz (current US Champion) I know a light heavyweight title and a united states title aren't technically on par with one another but this match just jumps out at me.

I'd also love to see CM Punk (World Heavyweight Champion 2009) vs. Stone Cold (WWE Champion 2001) for the obvious reasons.
I would of always liked to have seen ECW Champion "The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. NWA/WCW Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. The promos would of been amazing as both of them could handle the mic very well. And I like to believe that since Douglas really had a hatred for Flair, that he would of used that to have the match of his career. It would of had its' technical displays, but also would of broken down at some point into a brawl, as both men have had some of the bloodiest matches I've personally ever seen.
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to see 'Surfer' Sting vs. Hulk Hogan, when Hogan was in his prime in the mid-eighties.

I started watching wrestling around Wrestlemania 3. Hogan was my favorite wrestler until Sting came along, and since then... I've always wondered how the early nineties Sting would do against the mid-eighties Hulk Hogan. When I was a kid, I created the match with my action figures, and had arguments about it with my friends who watched wrestling.

And then, when Ric Flair goes on to say shit like "Sting would have been bigger than Hulk Hogan if he had Vince McMahon's mind backing him" and "Sting was our Ultimate Warrior; except, he could actually work." When I hear Flair says these things, it brings my interest back into seeing that match again.

Sure, Sting and Hogan have had a few matches against one another, but those were all completely different circumstances. They were both much older, and both had completely different characters when they finally got the chance to meet in the ring. So, never was it liked I imagined, and it's still something I would like to see to this day, perhaps more so than any other match I can think of. Would Sting be able to match the strength of Hogan? Would Hogan be able to power out of the Scorpion Death Lock and Hulk Up? Who would the fans be cheering for? All these question I would have loved to seen answered.
I think most of the matches between the top draws of the 80s and 90s ended up happening in some capacity at a later date, so I'm not sure I'd take those. The one I will take may have happened on WCW at some stage, but it would have been an old man squashing a cruiserweight if it did and that is Chris Jericho vs Randy Savage when each were Intercontinental Champions. Savage had some of the best matches of his career, and possibly ever when in this division and Jericho has some of the best of his era when he was. Perhaps its a copout as we're talking about the same title at different times, though, so maybe for the sake of argument take European Champion Jericho against Intercontinental Champion Savage as my choice.
Sting (WCW World Champion) vs Shawn Michaels (WWF World Champion) is one match that I wanted to see. Two of the best wrestlers in the 1990s squaring off in the ring would have been a classic. I am also talking about the early 90s Sting, not the Crow Sting. Another match that I want to see is Ric Flair (NWA World Champion) with the Horsemen vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. That would've a very interesting feud. Bret Hart always said he could've beaten Hulk Hogan in his prime. It would be a very unique match considering their contrasting styles.
Good topic. I'm sure there are a bunch I can come up with, but I'll start with one of each for the world, mid card, and tag titles from WWF and NWA/WCW

I'm a little confused on the orgin of the WCW World International Title. I'm not sure if it's considered a world title, but I'm pretty sure what we know as the current world title belt was used. Anyway if we consider that a world title I would go with Rick Rude circa 1994 vs. Bret Hart also circa 1994. If Rude stuck around in the WWF a little longer this could have been a great feud ove the IC title. I think these two would have matched up really well together.

My midcard match would be IC champion Mr. Perfect circa 1991 vs. US champion Ricky Steamboat circa 1993. I don't recall these two ever having a match. That's a shame because I think these styles would have gone perfectly together (no pun intended). I think they are on equal level in just about every way. It would be fun to watch these guys match each other step by step in speed, agility, and mat wrestling.

My tag title match would be British Bulldogs circa 1986 vs. Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson circa 1988. The Bulldogs were just leaving the WWF as the Brain Busters were coming in. I think these two teams are considered among the greatest of all time. They would have had a great series together.

Those are three off the top of my head. It's too bad none of these ever happened. They all could have come close to happening. The timing was just a little off.
I would go with one of my all time favorite in Randy Savage circa 1989 after the break up of the Mega Powers against another top performer in Kurt Angle circa early 2006. Here you have two of the best all around wrestlers in history in a title versus title match.

Savage had held the WWF Championship from more than a year and was, I believe, at the top of his game during this time frame. He was fresh off a heel turn more than halfway through his 371 day title reign and was right there with Hogan as the biggest stars in professional wrestling. Very few could match his incredible blend of power, speed, technicality and ring saavy. He had an amazing ring manager in Sensational Sherri who would no doubt give Angle plenty of distraction ringside. Savage, being the unique mind that he, was able to get inside the head and thoughs of his oppenents. Would Angle be able to keep is cool, being known as such an intense person?

On the other hand, you have Kurt Angle as a baby face in 2006. Coming off arguably the best match of the year with Undertaker at No Way Out, Angle had seemed to finally garner all of his skills and use them to their full potential. Very few wrestlers could even approach the intensity and technicality that Angle carried with him, maybe not even Savage. This is when Angle was at the top of his game in my opinion. He took Brock Lesnar further than anyone had at that point and seemed more driven and focused than any other time in his career.

Fans would go into this match expecting a classic, and I don't see any way they could be disappointed. Two of the most charismatic and awe inspiring wrestlers of all time at their peaks have the making for an all time great match. All around spectacular from the promos to the expected sneak attacks from Savage. Personally this is one I would want to see over Austin/Hogan or even Bret/Angle, two dream matches people have been talking about for year. Their two personalities and in ring styles would have blendid beautifully and I can gaurentee it would have been amazing.
Stone Cold 1998 vs Goldberg 1999

Come on this has to be the number one match on every fans mind?! The two big players for seperate companies in the Monday Night Wars! Both guys had huge fan bases and were the name and face of each company. Shame it never happened. The Spear vs The Stunner. I like the idea of it ;)
This sounds a bit wierd and not to everyone's taste probably but:

Kane (intercontinental 2000) vs randy savage (intercontinental 1986)

I just think that Kane was very athletic at this time, along with savage's technicality and promo abilities. Also Undertaker doing the talking for Kane maybe would make it such an amazing feud!
My personal would probably be either: Ricky Steamboat (NWA Title circa 1989) vs. Shawn Michaels (WWF Title circa 1996) or Vader (WCW Title Circa 1992) vs. Kurt Angle (WWE Title Circa 2003). Both would be awsome matches in my honest opinion.
For my choice I'd want to see something like the Immovable Object vs the Unstoppable force. Whilst we got just a taste of what this could have been like at Wrestlemania XX with a Lesnar/Goldberg showdown, it was somewhat tarnished, and never lived up to it's mouth salivating potential. but instead of just plugging in a 2003 Lesnar into this hole, I'm going to pitch someone a little bit different. My match up would be:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion - 1998 Goldberg vs WWE Champion - 2006 John Cena

Good lord. I've said it in the past, and I'll say it again. This would be a money match. the closest we've come is the WZ Tournament, but with a WWE/Goldberg deal on the horizon, who can be sure to say it will never happen? this match makes me salivate, as Cena was racing through his superman push, and Goldberg had just dusted off Hogan, bringing his undefeated streak up to 108 or some ridiculous number. Neither man could be touched, a loss unfathomable.

Do I need to explain anymore?
Ok. The Survivor Series match 5 v 5 and Rock and Austin are the last two left. The referee is down and he's slowly getting back up. Out from the crowd comes Goldberg and spears the Rock and Austin wins and WCW gains the power. Next week we see WWE stars fighting for jobs and we have Rock and Austin dissapear for a bit and they make a big return for Wrestlemania X-8. Rock vs Hogan for WWE title and Austin/Goldberg for the supremecy and which brand is ultimatly better.
Did I ever mention that I love these threads??

Let’s start with the ones that did take place, but were disappointing for one reason or another.

WWF Champion, Hulk Hogan vs. NWA / WCW Champion, Ric Flair.
I’m going to say it as it is THE DREAM MATCH OF ALL TIME. This is what it is…the best!!

WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar vs. World Champion, Goldberg.
The match at WM XX was just $#!+, only because they were leaving and everybody in the MSG knew it. This could have been the one. This match could have forced the WWE into booking a rematch at Mania 21.

Now for the matches that never took place, but should have.

I think I may have said this before, but WWE Champion vs. World Champion at every Mania since WM XIX, either the Champions at the start of the show or the Champions at the end of the show:
WM XIX: Kurt Angle or Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H
WM XX: Eddie Guerrero vs. Triple H or Chris Benoit
WM 21: John Bradshaw Layfield or John Cena vs. Triple H or Batista
WM 22: John Cena vs. Kurt Angle or Rey Mysterio
WM 23: John Cena vs. Batista or Undertaker
WM XXIV: Randy Orton vs. Edge or Undertaker
WM XXV: Triple H vs. Edge or John Cena
WM XXVI: Batista or John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

We’ve seen a few of these matches before, some even at Mania itself, but with the added stipulation of being Undisputed Champion gives each match a more important feel.

Now for the matches that never took place, and maybe for good reason.

WWF Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman vs. WCW Hardcore Champion, Norman Smiley.
I know what you’re thinking, why oh why didn’t I take the blue pill?? Why did I start reading this, only to get to this match?? Well, fellow WZer, little known fact, these two are the longest reigning Hardcore Champions for their respective companies. Look it up. Try and remember what they did for the Hardcore division and imagine what these two could do, given a good amount of time, space and weapons. It’s not Funk vs. Foley, but it’ll be just as painful to watch…I mean that in a good way.

Note: I was going to do a Triple Threat “longest reigning” Intercontinental Champion vs. United States Champion vs. ECW Television Champion and / or a “longest reigning” World (WWE) Tag Team Champions vs. WCW Tag Team Champions vs. ECW Tag Team Champions, but I don’t think anyone wants to talk about Pedro Morales vs. Lex Luger vs. Rob Van Dam and / or Demolition vs. the Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Public Enemy. If you do, be my guest.

WWF Champion, Triple H vs. NWA – TNA Champion, Double J.
Not only would I have both Titles on the line, but I would have their “shares” in their respective companies at stake as well.

WWF and Intercontinental Champion, Ultimate Warrior (circa 04/01/90) vs. WCW and United States Champion, Goldberg (circa 12/27/98).
They both were unstoppable with their respective Mid-Card Title in tow. They both beat Hogan for their first World Titles. They both looked like they were going to be Champion for the following 10 years. Hop in a time machine and pick these two up right after their victories, stick them in the ring, and watch the money pile up. Well, maybe not now, but you know what I mean. Could this be where Rob Terry is headed?? Only if Hogan takes the TNA World Title first.

WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. WCW Champion, Booker T. vs. ECW Champion, Rhyno.
The date, July 22, 2001. The Pay Per View, Invasion. The Main Event, the first ever Champion of Champions match!! Instead of turning Austin Heel and then having him join the Alliance, Austin should have “wanted” to kick WCW (for his past experience there) and ECW (for fun) @$$es. Booker T. should have continued to be the leader of WCW and the Extreme World Championship Wrestling Alliance should have never been. Rhyno should have been the Man-Beast that he is and let Paul do all the talking. You know what, I’m not going to get into what was wrong with the Invasion angle, but a Triple Threat between the these three would have been a must see. I might have even had Austin win the IC Title in 2001 after Triple H dropped it to Kane, for “revenge”, thus making this a WWE/IC Champion vs. WCW/US Champion vs. ECW/TV Champion match. Hmmmm...

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