Yokozuna Memorial Show

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Yokozuna Memorial Show Results from Allentown, PA

World Xtreme Wrestling returned to the Lehigh Valley
Sports Zone (WXW Arena) on Wednesday, November 28th,
2001 for the Yokozuna Memorial Show. This event, which
many people called the independent wrestling show of
the year, was to help out the two children of the
former World Wrestling Federation Champion.

To start off the evening, the entire array of talent
that converged in Allentown for the show came out to
the ring for the playing of our National Anthem. Afa
"the Wild Samoan" Anoa'I with his wife and Yokozuna's
two children, Keilani and Justin, entered the ring.
Afa took the microphone and thanked everyone for
coming to the show to support his family. A video
segment, made by WXW Ring Announcer Scott Matthews,
was played that showed clips of Yokozuna from the
World Wrestling Federation, as well as family home
videos to the tune of "I Will Remember You" by Sarah
McLachlin There was not a dry eye in the house. Afa
then introduced members of his family that were in
attendance, such as Sika, his brother and former WWF
Tag Team Championship partner, and his grandparents.

The first match up of the night was a continuation of
an old rivalry. Supreme Lee Great accompanied by
Little Jeanie was determined to get revenge on
"Smooth" Tommy Suede, who was accompanied by Ariel.
There was a lot of back and forth action going on both
inside and outside the ring. We knew of the feud
between Suede and SLG, but Ariel and Jeanie seemed to
hate each other just as much. Unfortunately for SLG,
he also felt the wrath of Ariel, as she hit him with a
splash from the top turnbuckle to the floor. After
that, Suede brought him back into the ring and hit the
"emerald slam" for the win!

WXW TV Title Match: Afa, Jr. v. Nuisance w/ Valentina

This was Nuisance's first match back since he returned
from his tour of Puerto Rico and it looked like he
brought something back, as his valet, Valentina,
caught the eye of many of the male fans in attendance.
Afa, Jr., however, was not impressed with her as he
put his total attention on Nuisance. Afa, Jr. took it
to Nuisance and won with a frogsplash. After the
match, Metal Maniac, who was doing TV color
commentary, jumped Afa, Jr. and was beating the snot
out of him, when Reno Anoa'i, nephew of Afa and cousin
of Afa, Jr., came into the ring for the save. The two
Samoans chased the Maniac out of the ring. Maniac, on
the way out, was saying, "This time it was 2-on-1,

The third match of the night was an 8-man tag team
title match featuring independent talent from all over
the country such as WXW and HWA. The first team of
Fargo, Reno (of WCW fame), Inferno and WXW
Cruiserweight champion, "ShowTime" Shane Black, didn't
seem to care about the fans and why they were here.
Their opponents were "Xtreme" Billy Dream w/ Jessica
Daly, Protégé, B.A.D. and Doink "the Clown". As would
be expected, the referee lost all control of the match
within minutes and didn't regain it. The end of the
match saw all eight men in the ring, but Reno hit the
downward spiral on B.A.D. for the win!

The next tag team contest pitted the Tonga Kid, of the
Islanders tag team of the 1980s, and the returning
Hungarian Barbarian taking on the Twin Tackles in a
non-title match. The Tackles knew they were the
underdogs of the match and surprised EVERYONE in the
building as they acquired the services of the "Manager
of Champions", Bill Alfonso. The Tackles grew cocky as
the match went on, figuring Alfonso would guide them
to the tough win, but would Alfonso be a factor in the
match? Alfonso did play a part for the Tackles, but it
wasn't the part he, or they, wanted to play. Alfonso
grabbed a chair and wanted to hit the Hungarian
Barbarian and the Tonga Kid, but ended up hitting
Snisky with it and Tonga Kid hit the Samoan Drop for
the win! The Twin Tackles, however, remain the WXW Tag
Team Champions.

Another tag team match featured the current HWA Tag
Team Champions, The Island Boys, who took on the team
of Malachi and "5-Star" Cory K w/ Katarina Heiss. The
Island Boys used their size and weight advantages to
the newly formed team of Malachi and Cory K. However,
they were surprised a few times during the match at
the continuity of Cory and Malachi. In the end though,
Ekmo hit the frogsplash on Malachi for the win!

In his WXW Allentown Debut, "The Star" Eric Cobian
took on "Big Dawg" Molsonn. During the match, former
WWF Champion Bob Backlund came out and greeted the
family of Yokozuna. Cobian gave a great showing as he
took just about everything the former WXW Champion
could dish out, but couldn't survive the Molsonnsault.
Molsonn then got the 1-2-3 for the pin.

The next match, which was one of the best match of the
night, pitted two of the best overall wrestlers
around. Indy Sensation, Low Ki, with Dylan Dean, took
on a graduate of the Wild Samoan Pro Wrestling
Training Center and hometown boy, Billy Kidman. Low
Ki, whose body is a weapon, used his deadly karate
kicks to set Billy up for the Ki Krusher and Dragon
Clutch, but Kidman kept coming back. In fact, Kidman
reversed the Ki Krusher and regained his offense. Low
Ki showed he could take just as much punishment as he
could dish out. Dylan Dean, sensing his man was in
trouble, got up on the ring apron and went to help his
man, but instead they met head-to-head and this
allowed Billy Kidman to hit the face buster and get
the win!

The battle between 3-Count and the Jung Dragons was
revived tonight as Shannon Moore took on Jamie Knoble.
These two cruiserweights continued their feud and
dazzled the 1000 people in attendance at the Lehigh
Valley Sports Zone. After about 10 minutes of back and
forth action, Moore hit the "bottoms up" and got the

The next match pitted two Indy sensations, as it was
Skinhead Ivan, a man who doesn't like anyone, taking
on Homicide, the trainer of Low Ki and Da Hit Squad.
Homicide didn't allow Ivan to get any sort of offense
and put him away quickly by hitting the "Toyota Bomb"
for the win.

The next match featured four superstars from the World
Wrestling Federation as it was the APA, Faarooq and
Bradshaw, taking on the "Brothers of Destruction",
Kane and the Undertaker. Bradshaw grabbed the
microphone and said he was sick and tired of making
the Undertaker money when they were in the Ministry of
Darkness and getting no respect. Kane and 'Taker hit
the ring and the match was on. The building became a
"standing room only" building. This match was one of
the hardest-hitting matches I have ever seen in my
life as the Undertaker got the win for his team after
he hit Faarooq with a chokeslam.

The main event of the evening was next, as it was Da
Hit Squad w/ Dylan Dean getting ready to take the next
step. Earlier in the evening Monsta Mack told me in an
interview, "We're ready to kick ass and take names
tonight, but don't know who our opponents are going to

When asked if he was worried he replied, "Hell No we
are the 'stiffest tag team' in the business today!"

When Da Hit Squad were in the ring and their opponents
were announced, Monsta Mack's jaw dropped. It was the
Headshrinkers, Samu and Rikishi. The Shrinkers hit the
ring and immediately took control. In fact, three
minutes later the match was over and Samu and Rikishi
each hit their respective moves on Da Hit Squad and
got the quick win.

After the match, Lance, Samu's son, nailed Dylan Dean
with an elbow and Rikishi gave him the stink face.
After this occurred, the wrestlers all came out of the
locker room and with the audience starting chanting
"Yoko, Yoko" as Rikishi and Samu pointed to the sky
and said "This is for you USO!"

Afa "the Wild Samoan" would like to thank everyone who
attended the show both the fans and wrestlers alike. A
special "Thank You" goes out to the stars of the World
Wrestling Federation such as Undertaker, Kane, Referee
Tim White, Billy Kidman, Chris Kanyon and the APA who
were traveling since 5:30 that morning to make it in
time for the show.

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