31 Manias in 31 Days: Rewriting Wrestlemania IX


Championship Contender

In 1993, it appeared that the WWF was moving in a new direction, with Bret Hart taking Hulk Hogan's place as the new face of the company. Or so we thought. We all know WM9 ended with Hogan as WWF Champion once again, this time in most ridiculous fashion as he was challenged by a newly crowned Yokozuna. Hogan got in the ring, dropped the leg, and the WWF revolved around him again. WMIX is, in my opinion, one of the worst of all-time and a tough one to fix. But I'll do my best. It's today's installment in the my "Rewriting WrestleMania" series.

April 4, 1993
Caesar's Palace (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Intercontinental Championship:

Tatanka def. Shawn Michaels w/ Luna Vachon by count-out

The Steiner Brothers def. The Headshrinkers w/ Afa

Doink def. Crush

Razor Ramon def. Bob Backlund

World Tag Team Championship:

Money Inc. def. Hulk Hogan & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake w/ Jimmy Hart by DQ

"The Narcissist" Lex Luger def. Mr. Perfect

Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Giant Gonzales w/ Harvey Wippleman by DQ

Main Event for WWE Championship:
Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette def. Bret "Hit Man" Hart to become new champion

After the match, Hulk Hogan def. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette to become new champion

*Rewriting WrestleMania IX*

1. The Nasty Boys def. The Headshrinkers w/ Afa

Knobs and Sags were in the twilight of their WWF run in 1993, and I'd have sent them off with a win here in the opener.

2. Tatanka def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow stands out as missing from this card and I don't think Tatanka deserved to be in a title match at the biggest event of the year. These 2 would've made for a decent feud and match with eachother.

3. WWF Tag Team Championship: The Steiner Brothers def. Money Inc. (c)

Rick and Scott won the tag team titles twice later in the year. Hogan and Beefcake couldn't be taken seriously as tag champions, so why even have them take that route? I'd have put the Steiners over as champs, though I probably would have had them trade wins back and forth with DiBiase and IRS just as they did in reality.

4. Doink def. Crush

I would have gotten rid of this match, except the roster was so weak at this point that it kind of has to stay. Plus it had the memborable moment of the 2 Doinks looking at eachother and mirroring eachother's movements.

5. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Razor Ramon

What a step backwards WM9 was for Scott Hall. He went from tag teaming with Flair in the main event of Survivor Series '92 and a WWF Title match against Bret Hart at the '93 Rumble....to Bob Backlund at WrestleMania? Give me a break. I'll put him against Taker in a huge improvement from what took place and make him Taker's 3rd victim in the streak.

6. Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels (c) w/ Luna Vachon def. Mr. Perfect

In my opinion, they missed a big "passing of the torch" moment here by not having Michaels and Hennig match up. Shawn was the next great IC Champ and Mr. Perfect was one of the great IC Champs of all-time. These 2 could have stolen the show.

7. Hulk Hogan w/ Jimmy Hart def. Giant Gonzalez w/ Harvey Wippleman

Hogan was known for being outsized in some of his greatest Mania moments, and this would have been no different. Gonzalez stood 7'6, but somehow Hulkamania would have beaten all odds as usual. And this would have been all you had seen of Hogan. No title win at the end. It should go without saying.

8. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger def. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

For some reason, Vince didn't allow Randy to be a part of the card at this Mania. It's said that he wanted to move in the direction of the younger superstars and that's why he kept Savage at the announce table. But how can you say that when you crown Hogan champion yet again at this show? I'd have Savage put Luger over in his new role as one of the company's top heels.

9. WWF Championship: Bret "Hitman" Hart (c) def. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette

I liked Yokozuna, but in my opinion it was ridiculous to give him the title only to job to Hogan in 10 seconds. I'd have Yokozuna win the title in a rematch at King of the Ring or SummerSlam. Bret retains in his first Mania main event. The crowd goes home happy. Or as happy as possible after this dreadful WrestleMania.

Feel free to post your comments and/or your rewritten WrestleMania IX card.
Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka. I'm fine with this match. Tatanka was built well. I'd even have him go over and drop it back to Shawn shortly later.

Steiners vs Headshrinkers. One of if not the best tag match in wrestlemania history. Really underrated match.

Doink the Clown vs Crush. Gets doink over. They were short in faces at this time.

Luger vs Bob Backlund. Filler match to highlight Luger. Pretty much the same match he had with perfect.

Ric Flair w/ Razor Ramon vs Mr Perfect. The loser leaves town match should have been at mania. Flair Perfect were the focal point of tv in 92. I would have preferred a ppv payoff for those two. Since Flair left on good terms I'm sure Vince could have gotten him for another month or two to do mania. Razor stays involved with the feud.

Money Inc vs the Nasty Boys. Tag title match. They had a brief feud over Jimmy Hart turning on the Nastys.

Hogan vs Yokozuna. Yokozuna gets the win sending him into the top heel position and future champion at KOTR

Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales The presence of the Giant was big. Definitely felt like a threat to taker. Match was acceptable.

Bret Hart vs Randy Savage Savage puts Bret over in what would have sure to have been a classic. Bret is solidified as top babyface.
As a kid watching this PPV I remember being a big fan of the outdoor/toga party theme of the event. It may have overshadowed the week card this Wrestlemania had. Here's what I would do to make it better:

Bret Hart (C) vs. Hulk Hogan: If Hogan wanted to be in the main event then I would have him passing the torch to Bret Hart. This would keep next year's main event with Hart and Yokozuna fresh. Bret Hart wins.

Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair: So if last year's Wrestlemania main event was Hogan vs. Flair I would have Savage and Flair have their Wrestlemania match this year. Savage wins, next night on Raw Flair & Perfect have their loser leaves match.

The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna: Taker goes over the monster Yokozuna in the early stages of the streak.

Money Inc. (C) vs. The Steiner Brothers: Steiner's become new tag team champs

Lex Lugar vs. Mr. Perfect: Lugar wins

Razor Ramon vs. Bob Backlund: Razor Wins

Shawn Michaels (C) vs. Tatanka: Michaels successfully defends the IC title to open the show.
Intercontinental Championship:
1. Shawn Michaels def Marty Jannetty

(This match took place at The Rumble but should have been saved for Mania. I would have had both men be participants in the Rumble that year. Shawn enters at #1, eliminats a few guys, gets a little too comfortable and cocky, thinking he's got everything under control, and that's when Jannetty makes a surprise return at #5. Build the feud to Mania and open the show with a classic. I know Jannetty was allegedly screwed up on drugs and was fired for it, but surely they could have held off on letting him go until after Mania.)

World Tag Team Championship:
2. Steiner Brothers def Money Inc

3. Lex Luger vs Tatanka
(The Narcissist ends Tatanka's undefeated streak in his Mania debut. This would have also helped make Tatanka's eventual heel turn make more sense, as he would have been still fuming over Luger being the one to end his streak)

4.20 MAN BATTLE ROYAL (won by Razor Ramon)
Razor Ramon/ Crush/ Bam Bam Bigelow/ Giant Gonzales/ Earthquake/ Typhoon/ Knobs/ Sags/ Samu/ Fatu/ Owen Hart/ Koko BWare/ Papa Shango/ El Matador/ Rick Martel/ Skinner/ Hacksaw/ Damien Demento/ Bob Backlund/ and Jerry Lawler

5. The Undertaker def Doink The evil Clown
(I loved evil Doink! I think if done properly this could have had a Batman and Joker feel to it. Build Doink up as a legit psycho, not just a goofball)

Loser Leaves Town
6. Mr. Perfect def Ric Flair

(This match took place on RAW a few weeks before Mania, why it couldn't have been saved for the event is beyond me. Yes, Flair was leaving. But wouldn't he rather leave at Wrestlemania? Was he in that much of a rush? I think something could have been worked out to make this happen.)

7. Yokozuna def Hulk Hogan
(Hogan and his ego still get to face Yoko but it doesnt need to be for the title. Let Hogan come out of retirement to challenge Yokozuna but ultimately lose. Yoko kills Hulkamania at Wresetlemania. Shocks the world.Just like Taker's streak came to an end, Hulkamania should have come to an end at the event where it started. Hogan was willing to lose to Yoko a few months later at KOTR, so why not do it here instead. And if Hogan doesnt want to lose, then to hell with him. He was not nearly as popular at this point and the fans could have easily handled him losing. It would have been the creative shot in the arm this period in WWF needed)

8. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs Randy "Macho Man" Savage

(Bret became champion in Oct.92 by defeating Ric Flair who had only defeated Savage for the title a month earlier. I would have had Savage win the Royal Rumble (he was in the final 2 so it's not an improbability) and challenge Bret to a technical classic. Bret never beat Macho for the title and in Macho's eyes he still needs to prove he belongs at the top. Macho gets one last Mania match and officially passes the torch to Bret Hart.)

This could have been a real passing of the torch night, as the last three matches would have seen Flair, Hogan and Savage all lose and step aside to make room for the new generation.
This was the worst WM ever.

The rebooking I'd have made is have Undertaker fight anyone but Giant Gonzales.
And I would have had Bret go over at WM9 over Yoko - but stage it as a fluke - Have yoko win the belt the next night on Monday night Raw. The way it went down pissed everyone off. Bret Hart came off okay but he could have easily been maligned after losing to Yoko and then Yoko getting squashed effortlessly (hey - they had to - Yoko was out of gas). Pitiful Mania - which actually showed a lot of promise on paper.
Wrestle Mania IX:

1.WWF Intercontinental Championship Match:
Shawn Michaels {C} def. Marty Jannety.

2.Twenty Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal:
Bob Backlund won by last eliminating Bam Bam Bigelow.

3.Singles Match
Jerry "The King" Lawler def. {Evil} Doink The Clown.

4.Singles Match
Lex Luger def. Tatanka.

5.WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers def. Money Inc. {C}.

6.Singles Match:
The Undertaker def. Razor Ramon.

7.Loser Leaves Town Match:
Mr. Perfect def. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

8.Tag Team Match
The Nasty Boyz def. The Headshrinkers

9.Co - Main Event: Singles match - USA vs Japan
Yokozuna def. Hulk Hogan.

10.Main Event: WWF Championship Match - Face vs Face first time ever
Bret "The Hitman" Hart {C} def. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage.
What an awful Wrestlemania this was. Quite possibly the worst ever, definitely in the bottom tier. Now, there are two MASSIVE problems with this show that I would change immediately.

Undertaker's Streak will always be remembered and talked about for years to come. It had an akward moment though that always just get swept under the rug and rarely talked about. That took place here. The horrible match against Giant Gonzales. Undertaker won, but by DQ. I would change it to where Undertaker faced Razor Ramon and Taker wins clean. Much better match potential and no idiotic finish. Backlund gets Gonzales instead. The second thing that MUST be changed about this show is the main event. If Bret simply lost to Yokozuna and that was it, then it would not nearly have been as bad. What was the point of the random Hogan win at the end? It never made sense to me after all these years. Yokozuna defeats Bret and holds the belt until their Wrestlemania 10 match where Bret wins it. No random Hogan win at the end, the show ends with Yokozuna having won against Hart. There's more changes that could be made, but the random Hogan win should NEVER have happened and Undertaker should have won CLEAN whether it be against Gonzales, Razor, or anyone else.
What an awful Wrestlemania this was. Quite possibly the worst ever, definitely in the bottom tier. Now, there are two MASSIVE problems with this show that I would change immediately.

Undertaker's Streak will always be remembered and talked about for years to come. It had an akward moment though that always just get swept under the rug and rarely talked about. That took place here. The horrible match against Giant Gonzales. Undertaker won, but by DQ. I would change it to where Undertaker faced Razor Ramon and Taker wins clean. Much better match potential and no idiotic finish. Backlund gets Gonzales instead. The second thing that MUST be changed about this show is the main event. If Bret simply lost to Yokozuna and that was it, then it would not nearly have been as bad. What was the point of the random Hogan win at the end? It never made sense to me after all these years. Yokozuna defeats Bret and holds the belt until their Wrestlemania 10 match where Bret wins it. No random Hogan win at the end, the show ends with Yokozuna having won against Hart. There's more changes that could be made, but the random Hogan win should NEVER have happened and Undertaker should have won CLEAN whether it be against Gonzales, Razor, or anyone else.

Razor Ramon had to win at WrestleMania. He lost at Survivor Series 1992 in his pay-per-view debut and submitted cleanly to Bret Hart at Royal Rumble 1993. Losing to The Undertaker at WrestleMania IX and then again to Bret Hart at King of the Ring would have been bad for his character. If Razor would have lost to Undertaker, he would have needed to win King of the Ring to stay relevant. But that was never going to happen becaue KOTR 1993 was used as the catalyst for the Bret Hart/Jerry Lawler feud.

With all of that said, debates can rage on about who Razor should have faced at WrestleMania. I was fine with Bob Backlund, but would have preferred to see Razor win with his finishing move. Razor needed to make a statement. Sure winning with an inside cradle showed versatility (beating an amateur wrestler and longstanding WWF Champion at his own game), but the Razor's Edge would have left a greater impression on the audience. Interestingly, the first pay-per-view that saw Razor win with the Razor's Edge was SummerSlam later that year. That's roughly 12 months after his cameos started appearing on WWF television. Part of getting a wrestler over is getting his finisher over. WrestleMania was a missed opportunity in that regard.

Anyway, that is my two cents. The rest of your WrestleMania rewrite is quite good.
I am torn about having Savage vs. Hart at WMIX. My reason is a bit of hindsight though but I suspect if they did Savage vs. Hart, Yoko would have faced Undertaker and likely would have beaten Taker hence the Streak never happening.
WrestleMania IX

1. IC Title: Marty Jannetty def. Shawn Michaels (c) by count out

2. The Steiner Brothers def. The Headshrinkers

3. Tatanka def. Bam Bam Bigelow

4. Doink The Clown def. Crush

5. Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Bob Backlund

6. Tag Titles: The Mega-Maniacs (Hogan & Beefcake) def. Money Inc. (c) by DQ

7. Razor Ramon def. Mr. Perfect

8. Lex Luger def. Randy Savage

9. The Undertaker def. Yokozuna by DQ

10. Bret Hart def. Ric Flair (c) by submission for the WWF title
Note: Yes I would have waited until WM9 to have Bret win the title. It would have been a bigger moment. Keeping the belt on Flair and having him stick around a little longer wouldn't have been so bad. Especially to put Bret over.

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