Yo Gabba Gabba


[This Space for Rent]
I swear I've made this thread before.. but I'm not looking, so here it is again if I did.


Whoever created this show had to of been tripping on something. No self-respecting individual who was clear of thought could've came up with this idea. Never.

Its currently showing an episode about Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage and Eggs dancing in your tummy. I'm thrilled for eating Breakfast now, knowing that what I eat throws a party in my tummy. At least that explains the massive burning I get afterword.
The show is wack son. I mean you can clearly see that one of the characters is a bumpy sexy toy. The other is a pussy. You do the math. lol
If you are an old punk like me with 2 daughters the show kicks way more ass than Dora, Blue's Clues or any of the other damn shows that now live in my head. They have some alright bands on there and the artist is Mark freaking Motherbaugh from f'n Devo. While I will agree that this show is really damn weird, but hey watch Blues Clues, the guy talks to inanimate objects, I wonder where the bodies are hidden.

And I think it's more of a red bumpy ***** and a pink anal plug.
Looks like Lightspeed Champion:


Apart from the fact that Lightspeed Champion is God of course.
yo gabba gabba is the trippest thing ive ever watched and ive dropped acid and shrooms its amazing how these is a kid show only parents who have never did drugs thinks its a fine show 4 kids 2 watch
yo gabba gabba is the trippest thing ive ever watched and ive dropped acid and shrooms its amazing how these is a kid show only parents who have never did drugs thinks its a fine show 4 kids 2 watch

I can fully see the effects drugs have caused you.

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