Y'Know? Alicia Fox Has Impressed Me.....Somewhat


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Although Diva’s aren’t the draw of the product, and their matches have been looked down upon as of late (and rightfully so), I think Alicia Fox deserves a little bit of credit for work over the past few months, including up to now with her Diva’s title run and feud with Eve.

Still very green in a few areas, she has shown great confidence, and the potential to make a major impact in the Women’s division, and could be someone whom we recognize as a “legit” women’s wrestler in due time.

Her sassiness believable, and comes off as very legit, her look is more athletic than a majority of the other diva’s, and she shows a hunger to be the best, that you haven’t seen out of many of the other women on the WWE Roster outside of LayCool and Beth Phoenix. In her promo 2 weeks ago, she showed confidence and charisma.

She hasn’t gotten a reaction, and I would say that’s due to the fact that the E-Machine hotshotted the title on her with no build or real character development…but that can come with time, since the Diva’s division is pretty weak right now. So is there really a lot of disgust for Alicia Fox, or are there some people out there who actually think she is doing a very serviceable job, and can go from mildly entertaining to be an integral and entertaining performer on the RAW Roster?
Great Post! I think Alicia has been great for the past few months. I have never understood a lot of the Alicia hate. She sells moves great (NO ONE CAN DENY THIS) , and I like that she is not one of these other girls who are afraid or think they’re too pretty to take bumps. I also think she is underrated in the Charisma area. Her promo was great and the crowd did react to it and in the match where she faked an injury. She got some nice boos. Her ax kick has been lethal since becoming champ as well. I would like to see her as a Face because she is so bubbly and her smile is money. Everything about her is very cutesy and I think they should turn her face in the future. Also her hair was better when she was face, just saying :)
Honestly, the whole women's division in WWE has stepped its game up over the past year. I used to dread when women wrestled in the E, now I don't mind as much. And Alicia is a part of that reason. She's fun to watch, and contributes to the division very nicely. I think in about 2 years she'll be the new Lita or Trish. Hands down.

Btw, the Diva/Women's division in the WWE has tons of charisma. Every women there has oodles of charisma, just not always the talent. They all come to the ring bubbly and skipping, just not that talented.
I personally would of turned Gail Kim heel and gave her this push.

I agree with you I've been rather impressed with the improvements of Alicia Fox, But I just don't know where this push came from. I know Gail Kim probably makes more money than the rest of the Divas, but I don't know why shes keeping quiet.

I personally would like to see Natty start getting in the ring more instead of just being a vallet for the past year. I would enjoy seeing a Gail Kim/NN feud. Either that or bring back Phoenix to Raw when she comes back and have her and Kim go at it.

I completely agree tho Alicia has impressed me, It just seem unearned.
i had this same thought monday while watching raw i didn't care for her much until she got the belt, but since then she has been impressing me a little more every week.

i would also agree that her ex kick looks absolutely freakin sick. her long legs make it look so good. i cant think of anyone who does it better off the top of my head.
Her finishing kick is probably a wake up call to many viewers imo. When I saw her nail that kick, I knew it would hurt big time.
This hit me the other day watching Raw with some buddies. She has impressed me a little before winning the title. However I felt like they placed the title on her a bit soon. She has potential and since winning the belt she has shown personality and shown that she could be a decent champion that could carry the belt until Melina is ready to comeback and most likely taking the title back. She still has room for improvement and could get better and develop into a decent heel in the divas division.
I have been liking Alicia Fox more and more as of late. She is capable of putting on decent matches. She even has an annoying voice for the annoying female role. The only real gripe I have is the consistency of which she connects with the Axe Kick. If she could master that, then she would be a valuable addition to the Diva's roster.
She has no doubt improved but she needs to learn to control her axe kick. Rarely does she hit it right. Mostof the time she hits the back of er opponet or her leg bends and she kicks people in the face, like she did to Gail Kim. I hope she continues to improve I really do as she is something different than the bubbly blondes that have seemingly invaded the WWe roster.
I agree,
The Diva Division was looking real weak,
And everybody credits McCool and Melina for holding it together through all of 2009 and a better part of 08,
Which is right ,
Because Melina was the heart of the Diva Division
& McCool was the backbone,
But we sometimes forget about the less popular divas,
Like A.Fox,
who was well past decent in her debut match on ECW against Natalya,
Alicia has always been a good wrestler in my eyes,
A little green on the mic,
when it comes to eye contact atleast.
She's a good heel,
But she still needs a solid character,
But in about a year,
She'll be gold
Yeah, Alicia Fox is actually pretty decent overall. Whether it be in the ring or on the mic, she's actually not bad at all. The problem is that the WWE doesn't give Divas time to shine on either Raw or Smackdown. On average, the Divas are used as nothing more than filler to take up 2 minutes of airtime on the big shows and that's about it.

Most of the Divas matches that you'll see on Superstars are actually pretty good, especially when you compare them to Raw or even to the Knockouts on TNA iMPACT!. On Superstars, I've actually been surprised to see that more of the Divas can actually wrestle pretty well inside the ring than I originally thought. Superstars in and of itself could be made into a viable show with surprisingly little effort.

Anyhow, Alicia Fox is definitely a step up from Maryse or Eve Torres. Maryse is gorgeous and all, but I much prefer her in the role she has now as Ted DiBiase's fluffer. I've read that WWE officials are pretty high on Alicia Fox as well, I just wish she'd get some actual tv time on Raw to show some of her real potential.
She getting better in the ring but it's hard to get past her Nelly hot in here rip of music. Only the WWE would still think a Nelly song is marketable.
Tron, I knew I'd heard her theme music somewhere before!

I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I'm an Alicia Fox mark. So, I'm not going to bore you with how awesome I think she is, but I am going to say it's nice to see that WWE and I are on the same page when it come to pushing and attempting to develop Alicia Fox. I think she has potential, I'm glad they're trying to tap into that.
I am shamelessly the biggest Alicia Fox mark in all the land. With that said I'll try my best to talk about her recent improvements subjectively...

Alicia Fox has gone from straight up awesome to damn near legendary since winning the Divas' Championship! Seriously though, her ring game and mic work has both been given some time to shine and I am very much enjoying it. Also loving the amount of threads dedicated to Miss Fox lately and deservedly so.
I've been enjoying Fox's rise to the top. She still needs to improve in the ring, but her heel work is pretty good. Her cocky attitude, and "mean girl" persona is spot on. I don't recall hearing too many promos from her, because Maryse seems to get all the mic time when it comes to the women on Raw. There was one backstage promo she had not too long ago, and it was okay. Also, Fox does have a perfect finisher. Although, she really needs to work on it as far as accuracy goes. Alicia has the tools to be a force in the women's division Raw, but she still needs some more work.
I must say, Alicia Fox has impressed me. firstly her use of the "scissor kick" makes me proud to see a diva that doesnt use that old style DDT, I mean, thats BORING! I could do that to my 4 year old brother, or even my principal, if i wanted to. It takes no skill, so the scissors kick is impressive for a diva to be using.

WWE is using Alicia Fox right. She could be the next big thing, i'll tell you that right now. Even though Michelle McCool is my favorite diva, Alicia is doing the best she can on RAW. She only has Tamina Uso to look out for, though. Other than that, she has indeed impressed me.
Lmao is this the same alicia fox who botched her freaking finisher the last two week?! Are you kidding me?! Alicia is garbage even for a diva shes terrible she shouldnt be anywher near a title. Gail kim has been overlooked for years despite bein probably the best womens wrestler around meanwhile a diva who cant even do her finisher without botching it is holding the divas championship. What a joke!
I had made this statement on a different post that Alicia Fox has very much impressed me. Not just that cute smile..I think what i had reffered to before was that she has way to cute of a smile and smiles too much to be heel. But her wrestling is very very impressive.
she is fantastic but there room for some tweaks hear and there. I look her she does justice to the Scissors Kick and her character as mentioned is believable cant wait till he devolps more and the divas such a serena, natalia tamina melina and beth all get the oppertunity when the time comes to put on some great contests.
I personally would of turned Gail Kim heel and gave her this push.

I agree with you I've been rather impressed with the improvements of Alicia Fox, But I just don't know where this push came from. I know Gail Kim probably makes more money than the rest of the Divas, but I don't know why shes keeping quiet.

I personally would like to see Natty start getting in the ring more instead of just being a vallet for the past year. I would enjoy seeing a Gail Kim/NN feud. Either that or bring back Phoenix to Raw when she comes back and have her and Kim go at it.

I completely agree tho Alicia has impressed me, It just seem unearned.
i think her push came because they were taking mayrese out of the tittle picture to work with teddy so they got the next best heel and alicia is running with it
I've been somewhat impressed with Alicia lately, she has started to improve recently and she is gaining appeal and getting a reaction, with some more work she has potential to be a good wrestler, she could be up there with a few of the better divas in a year or a bit. But she has plenty of work to do to get to that point.
When I saw Alicia walk through the curtain on ECW as a dancer, I thought to myself... they're stretching for anything these days. Then, DJ Gabriel got taken down and Alicia became a wrestler and showed me quite a lot... she's got natural charisma and psychology as a professional wrestler. She can act quite well as a heel and she's got some pizazz to her, especially with that hair being everywhere. She's interesting to say the least.

Her in-ring ability is the only thing, if you had to make a choice, that's lacking. Not much, mind you. Her unique execution of the Scissors Kick can be a hit and miss concept. Sometimes she hits it perfectly and other times she does something wrong, though it looks like it hurts. She's got long legs and it suits her well, but sometimes her positioning isn't right. If she can get that right, she's got the right track. Her selling is pretty good, especially when Mickie gave her the DDT and it looked like Alicia snapped like a twig.

Though her lack of build to become champion was may have made people not care about her, she has been improving week in and week out to get everyone to give a shit. She's one of the girls on the TV screen that make me gain hope for women wrestling in the WWE.
Hey, I'm willing to give everybody a chance for at least a little while. I know she's been around for awhile, dating back to the Edge and Vickie wedding thing, and I know she did her time on ECW, but nobody has really paid her any attention until she won her title at Fatal 4-Way, so that's really what we have to go on. She is the new girl on Raw, at least when it comes to actually wrestling in the divas division, and so I'm willing to give her a chance. The issue is that I think she needs better opponents to get her to a place where the audience cares. Eve is alright, but in my opinion is not going to sell a match with Alicia Fox. Seriously, who cares who wins this Sunday's coming Divas Title match? Alicia Fox is trying hard to be a heel diva, by using underhanded tactics and not giving a care about what the fans think. But to really make a heel, you need a believable face to put her over. You need either Melina to come back and start something with her, or you need to put Natalya in the damn division she belongs in. She's a Hart for pete's sake (sort of)! Let her wrestle!

I'm going to hold my judgement of Alicia Fox off until we see some more from her. She's green and has a lot of area to improve upon, and unfortunately the current divas division isn't really a place to train. This is another reason you need Melina and Natalya, the two people with in-ring experience, decent mic work, and the heart (pun intended) and soul to teach the divas how to do it.
Anybody remember were she was when she debuted? She was managing DJ Gabriel and dancing around the ECW ring.... she has become a wrestler. She is the divas champion. Even though that is how almost all the divas come, (eve, alicia, maryse) So I think she has done a fair job. I really enjoy her scissors kick.

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