Yes on the XBL-E !

Scott Free

The man of a thousand rest holds.
I think Vince should start his own basketball league. I know he failed with the XFL but that was only because he tried to run it as a legit football league. He could be a huge success with the XBL if he runs it like the WWE. All he has to do is add an E at the end. Think about it, promos galore, feuds, run ins, angles and storylines with a dash of low brow humor thrown in, and of course, a few minutes of actual basketball here and there as garnish. I think he's got a winner on his hands.

Peace out.
Dunno, i think one of the reason XFL failed was its association with Pro Wrestling. JR/Lawyer as commentator,several wwe superstars coming for some publicity stunt..I even remember some altercation (which looked scripted to me) between Ventura and some other guys.
To be honest I think starting a basketball league is the last thing on Vince's mind. He just used the reference as he was desperate for something TV worthy to say in this extremely thin angle. In my opinion any legitimate sport mixed with sports entertainment angles and promos would be cringe worthy. People either choose between basketball and wrestling or they watch both. There is no need to combine them. All but the biggest WWE marks would tune out, and the basketball fans I imagine would be insulted by seeing their legitimate sport mixed with staged theatrics to give it the time of day. Too many people in the legit sporting world see wrestling as inferior. Vinceketball would never get off the ground, no one would be watching. Theres no demographic for it, its already filled by BASKETBALL AND WRESTLING FANS! Logic people, logic.
This idea would be a HUGE failure. If you want to see that stuff, watch Semi-Pro. Sports fans with not tune in to watch a scripted basketball/football etc... game, and I bet they would only draw a small portion of the wrestling audience. It wouldn't be ab athletic competition at all.

Can you even begin to imagine the amount of money they would have to invest to get it started? Vince does not have that money. Remember that most of his wealth comes from WWE stock, not from money he actually has lying around to use. If advertisers are reluctant to get on board with WWE, imagine how they would feel about getting on board an upstart "fake" basketball league backed by the same people.

The very fact that the XFL...and pretty much every other alternative pro league to the majors has failed should be proof enough that it would not work.
I think the idea would be a failure because its pretty much the same formula as the XFL. Its a competitive sport with hardly any potential for storylines to be added etc. In my opinion something like Darts would be better suited. If you see Darts nowadays you'll see its been glammed up with entrances (like wrestling), heels and faces (like wrestling) and even a slight bit of feuding (like wrestling). The WWE could over-emphasise this if they wish.

Thats why I don't think basketball would work, it needs to share a few qualities with wrestling and I don't think it shares enough to be capitalised upon.
I think Vince needs to concentrate on running his wrestling business and trying to be more succesful with that than trying to do something completely different. I personally think that it will be a bad idea. I mean, how is it going to be different from the NBA? It won't be and I for one would never, ever watch it. I would rather watch the NBA. However, I really wouldn't put it out of the question. Vince just needs to concentrate on wrestling. Stop the WWE movies, they are shit. Stop planning a basketball league. Start trying to entertain your Wrestling fans.
i dont think that would be in vinces best interest. he would be more critisized on that than he was on xfl. the only thing that might have got the xfl going was the fact that it was as physical as wrestling where basketball is not. im not saying it doesnt ever get physical but its nothing compared to wrestling or football.
Not a great idea but for those saying no fans are going to watch a fake basketball game I say what about the Harlem Globetrotters?
All of this talk makes me REALLY miss the old Rock n Jock Basketball (and baseball) games on MTV back before the channel turned to total garbage.
Seeing WWE start something kind of like that might be interesting!

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