Yes. I Am A Model.

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
10 years since the greatness that is Rick Martel retired. For some reason he's not remembered as highly as Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect and other. Probably because the guy is still kickin'.

Anyway celebrate how kick ass the guy is in here.

For one he along with Shawn Michaels got fans into a heel vs. heel feud. There's a reason they don't happen often. Fan's don't know who to root for, which results in poor crowd reactions. But they got plenty of heat for their matches. Although I have to say I was dissapointed by them. Although I think it's safe to say that HBK learnt a lot from him.

Same with Jericho. They had a short mid card feud in early 1998. It might have been the last proper feud he had. Again I think it's safe to say that Martel tought Y2J a thing or two.

Along with that he was part of the first Survivor Series team to finish with all it's members. He managed to have an intresting match with Jake Roberts, a mean feat considering nothing happens in it. He made a clichéd gimmick into something intresting. And he also has one of the greatest props in wrestling. Arrogance.
Here we have one of the most underrated guys in the WWE. And how, I don't really know. There's not much else to say, as you've basically put everything I think is great about him into that post.

I really remember his feud with Jericho, because as much as it wasn't a long drawn out one, it was so good. The matches they had were entertaining, they showed talent, and even though it wasn't 2 main-eventers, they got crowd reactions, and showed as much ring work as if it was. And yeah I think he did teach Jericho something. You can see that from watching Jericho wrestle after it. Maybe not huge differences, but definately something.

The heel vs heel feud with Michaels was also one of the most interesting things to happen for a while at this point. Because it was so different. Very rarely do these feuds work, and therefore for these 2 guys to get such reactions and matches, shows just what talent they both had.
I always did like Martel's heel work from the early 1990s. He was a great heel as he was just so easy to hate, which to me is the sign of a classic heel. Guys like Martel, Dibiase, Rude and Perfect made you want to boo them. His in ring work was above solid, and at one point i believe he held the iron man record in the Rumble. His wcw time wasn't as good to me because he was made into a face. He's one of the guys that simply can't be a face. He just had too much chemistry with the audience as a heel. Shame he never gets the respect he deserves.
Rick Martel, without a doubt, was a better than average performer in the wrestling biz. Personally, I was never all that impressed with his mic work, however I would never ever disparage his ability or accomplishments in the ring. In addition to the excellent heat he got as a heel working w/HBK and the work he did with Jericho, he also had a run as AWA champion in the later years of the promotion. The biggest memories I have of Martel( especially when I was a youngster) are those of his tag team partnership with Tony Garea and their run as the WWF tag team champions. His superman comebacks off the hot tag during those years never failed to make me mark out. I, too, would say that Rick Martel was one of the most underrated performers in the wrestling buisness. Unfortunately, injuries and ,of course, WCW's inability to utilize the skills of a great veteran like Martel put a quiet end to the wrestling career of a truly gifted performer.
The heel vs heel feud with Michaels was also one of the most interesting things to happen for a while at this point. Because it was so different. Very rarely do these feuds work, and therefore for these 2 guys to get such reactions and matches, shows just what talent they both had.

Indeed it was.

I've always wondered why Rick Martel never got higher in the card. He had everything Vince was looking for and he could wrestle. I still love his Model persona.

Also, Strikeforce was a great team, too. They paved the way for The Rockers, in my opinion.

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