Yeah, Wrestling: Potential Card For WrestleMania 33

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
I need to practice my English, so yeah, I'm going to share some of my opinions on wrestling subjects from time to time. I'm highly smart, naturally beautiful, tall in a good way, and did I mention I know words? I know the best words. I'm a joy and you'll love me. I proved I have a crystal ball to see the future with my victory in The Royal Rumble Game so I have credibility too.

I love the fact that I don't care about any match for WrestleMania 33. They are trying to do something like seven main event matches and I'm yawning whilst reading through the list. Let's see:

  • Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg - WWE Universal Championship
  • The Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns
  • Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
  • Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho - WWE US Championship
  • Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt - WWE Championship
  • AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon
  • John Cena and Nikki Bella vs. The Miz and Maryse

Out of those matches, I can see some potential in a few, but it all depends on the direction they go from now until then.

I wouldn't mind the big Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker match to end up in a victory for 'The Big Dog', but for it to be a real powerful moment, he should go heel. There's no reason for it not to happen as this would probably be an investment for next year if they decide to turn Reigns babyface again and, maybe, just maybe he turns out to be so good (like Batista before) and they will want him fighting each and every new babyface guy that needs the rub.

Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho is everything I wanted it to be and more. It's been slowly built whilst being entertaining in it's own right so it never feels like a drag. There are a thousand scenarios to build this up and it's not easy to screw it up, specially with the talent they have. Owens is a jackass and Jericho seems to be that gullible friend that will eventually stand up. It writes itself and it should have more than 15 minutes for the story to be properly told. Both can win greatly from this feud and it's probably the one I really like, even though it's not making me shake my boots thinking: "this could change the entire landscape of wrestling". It can't. No problem with that, so this delivering is something I am already expecting and I hate them for making it easy.

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt for the WWE Championship, simply put, should not happen. Why would Randy Orton want to face his friend at WrestleMania for the title? He wants to humiliate him on a bigger stage because they played mind games before? Yeah, not feeling it. Randy won The Royal Rumble, so he is the big deal out of the two and he should be treated as that. Let Bray Wyatt deal with Luke Harper. There is a lot of time until SummerSlam to build this storyline for the strap but not right now, and not in 8 weeks or so. This wouldn't do any of them any favors. Bray retaining the championship against Orton wouldn't really propel him to the next level as much as winning the title first would. Bray isn't going to give Orton a WrestleMania moment that he desperately needs. So, in a nutshell, go ahead and also scrap that Shane vs. Styles match and book the Styles vs. Orton that everyone wants to see. WWE wanted to outwork Okada vs. Omega? That's how you do it. With the two best performers overall in the WWE.

John Cena/Nikki vs. Miz/Maryse seems out of place here. Too much reality show for two incredible guys with the girls added in it. Can't they just be valets and kick the tar out of each other outside the ring? The rematch for Cena and Miz may not have a lot of followers, but those two can build any story and make it interesting. Coincidentally it would also be a nice showdown for Miz to get back into the challenge for the world title. Win or lose.

TLDR: My expectations are so low right now that I will end up loving the show, top to bottom. The talent is massive and can steal the show in any combination they want. Some results will piss me of, but I'll forget about it on the Raw After-Mania, with all the debuts and announcements.
How can you care? None of the stories have begun their build-up, except Rollins vs HHH (which might be off).

The only inexcucable match out of all is Goldberg vs Lesnar. I feel like all the hype is suddently gone. Maybe they should have had the rematch take place at the Rumble and then let them move on.

Also why would they have Cena vs Miz again?

I agree though, Styles should face Orton.

Actually, Styles should face Orton and Wyatt should beat Ambrose for the IC title, so that Wyatt/Orton become the new two-man power trip after WM.
They've all pretty much began, aside from the John Cena vs Miz one. Rollins v. HHH has been going since RAW post-Mania, Styles and Shane have already something since he's always putting him down. Randy and Bray story has been going since before No Mercy and it has not been a main event act. From what I've seen it has not been really impressive aside from the Owens/Jericho.

Now, I've read somewhere that the mix tag match hás some kind of meaning for Nikki Bella. That adds some drama and it's growing on me. Specially of it ends up with a John Cena proposal. Yes, that would be a WrestleMania moment for me.

I'm also glad to read that they are considering an heel turn for Reigns in the short term. It's the best decision and it would do wonders for the guy. He is a great worker and he just needs some freshen up and to not be associated with his babyface booking that always ends up with fans going: "oh for fucks sake".

The right decisions seem to be on the way for this particular card and I'm intrigued.

Of course, that goes to what you said - there's still 8 weeks to go and somethings can change until there.

However, I'm just hoping that the Bray/Randy gets postponed to SummerSlam. It hasn't reached that level to be for the WWE Championship. AJ Styles is pretty much a babyface, or at least, he's on his way to become one. Him vs. Orton could steal the show.

Also, no need for Kurt Angle. Samoa Joe, Strowman, Ambrose, Balor, Corbin and the women division still need to develop. I've read about the 4-way for RAW, but nothing for SmackDown and it sucks for those gals, who have been entertaining.
I've defended this card from a lot of people who were bashing it because I legit believe it's a deep card that offer a lot of interesting things, but when I really look at it... goddamn I don't think there's one great wrestling match on here. I know WWE thinks of WrestleMania as more of a money and moments event but they're wasting away the potential for A LOT of great wrestling that in turn could make both money and moments.

Jericho and Owens COULD be great but without the Universal Championship, I doubt they're gonna get the time to really make something special.

AJ/Shane NEEDS a stipulation to be "great". I put quotes around it because I'm sure we'll get some pretty cool spots and moments but not a great overall match.

I believe Undertaker/Reigns COULD be very good in all honesty if Undertaker didn't look like that guy from Spongebob who had paper skin and glass bones, so I'm not really expecting anything good from that now.

Who knows if Triple H vs. Rollins is even happening, I'd bet against it so I'm not gonna go into it.

Although I'm loving the Bray/Orton story and am very intrigued to see where it goes, I fear that the match is gonna be painfully slow.

Lesnar/Owens will be a great "moments" match but god forbid they go any longer than 5 minutes and turn it into a dumpster fire.

It's kind of disappointing, especially if you buy into the rumors that they want to top WK11. I look at this card and think... what the fuck do you think you have here that can top WK11?
Is it possible for Lesnar to have any momentum after Goldberg leaves? He's destroyed everything WWE has thrown at him and then out of the blue, this 50 year old guy who hasn't been in a wrestling ring in over a decade just comes in and busts his ass. Constantly. This Wrestlemania sounds gross. I hope these rumors stay just that, rumors.
From I can see, Wrestlemania is looking like being decent (or at least logical) from a storyline and perhaps even spectacle point of view but pretty naff in terms of actual entertainment.

And that rumoured Cena tag match? Jesus.
Барбоса;5646149 said:
From I can see, Wrestlemania is looking like being decent (or at least logical) from a storyline and perhaps even spectacle point of view but pretty naff in terms of actual entertainment.

And that rumoured Cena tag match? Jesus.

The rumor is the tag match would be happening because it's going to be Nikki's last match because her neck is still really bad. Putting her in a mixed tag means she could do like one spot, pin Maryse and ride of into the sunset victorious.
The rumor is the tag match would be happening because it's going to be Nikki's last match because her neck is still really bad. Putting her in a mixed tag means she could do like one spot, pin Maryse and ride of into the sunset victorious.

Regardless of the reasoning, it would be god awful and a complete waste of John Cena and perhaps the Miz too.
Барбоса;5646781 said:
Regardless of the reasoning, it would be god awful and a complete waste of John Cena and perhaps the Miz too.

I don't disagree, but in reality, if Cena loses the strap in the Chamber there would be nothing for him. He's John fucking Cena. Gotta get him on the card somehow. The one positive thing about this potential match-up is that both Cena and The Miz are very good at turning chicken shit into lemonade.

Now, I do believe Seth getting injured again may throw this, and just about every other rumored Mania match into a tizzy. It means Trips has to find another match-up that makes sense and Trips only works with the main event level guys. There is a finite number of them. Getting him a main eventer would mean blowing a different main event match, which would mean a different match is off and a new one has to be explored and so on and so forth. It will definitely have a ripple effect throughout the card.

The only match I would absolutely count on is Lesnar/Goldberg.
I don't disagree, but in reality, if Cena loses the strap in the Chamber there would be nothing for him. He's John fucking Cena. Gotta get him on the card somehow. The one positive thing about this potential match-up is that both Cena and The Miz are very good at turning chicken shit into lemonade.

Now, I do believe Seth getting injured again may throw this, and just about every other rumored Mania match into a tizzy. It means Trips has to find another match-up that makes sense and Trips only works with the main event level guys. There is a finite number of them. Getting him a main eventer would mean blowing a different main event match, which would mean a different match is off and a new one has to be explored and so on and so forth. It will definitely have a ripple effect throughout the card.

The only match I would absolutely count on is Lesnar/Goldberg.

Cena/Styles III and if Shane really needs a match, have him against Miz as Bryan's "champion". Even Cena/Strowman would be better than a mixed tag.

Yeah, no Rollins could make a right mess of things as anyone else other than Joe who could potentially be shifted into a match with HHH has already had big matches with him, and even at Wrestlemania itself. And it is probably far too late to draft in Rock for that spot, Angles' health would be an issue and Punk likely would not do it.

That said, Joe the Destroyer annihilating HHH the Creator is definitely something I want to see in the future.
Барбоса;5646851 said:
Cena/Styles III and if Shane really needs a match, have him against Miz. Even Cena/Strowman would be better than a mixed tag.

Yeah, no Rollins could make a right mess of things as anyone else other than Joe who could potentially be shifted into a match with HHH has already had big matches with him, and even at Wrestlemania itself. And it is probably far too late to draft in Rock for that spot, Angles' health would be an issue and Punk likely would not do it.

That said, Joe the Destroyer annihilating HHH the Creator is definitely something I want to see in the future.

If Angle does get cleared to work a match, somebody like Trips who could take care of him and still make it look good would be likely be the match.

Trips/Joe will be a barn burner for sure, but this year's Mania is far too soon for that. Hell, I think Summerslam would be pushing it.
Am I the only one highly uninterested in Goldberg Vs Brock Lesnar III? :suspic:

No that's the general consesus on wrasslin' sites. Being interested in it would be rare. I'm not super into it, but I'm okay with it. It'll be short and violent.
Am I the only one highly uninterested in Goldberg Vs Brock Lesnar III? :suspic:

I doubt you're the only one, but I think you and those with a similar outlook aren't making any sense. If they do not have a third match, you're basically saying the end to that feud should be Goldberg killing Lesnar twice and that's it. Sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense.
I doubt you're the only one, but I think you and those with a similar outlook aren't making any sense. If they do not have a third match, you're basically saying the end to that feud should be Goldberg killing Lesnar twice and that's it. Sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense.
Okay, then.

We all know that Brock will win this third match, right? Does it make any difference? He'll still be down 1-2 against Goldberg.
Of course it makes a difference. Casual fans don't necessarily take win/loss record into account, at least not to the degree hardcore fans do. Lesnar beating Goldberg at Wrestlemania will be a far bigger deal than Goldberg surprising Lesnar at Survivor Series and Royal Rumble. I can't believe some fans are actually considering not having a blowoff match. Can you imagine how horrible WWE would be if they decided to abruptly end feuds because fans may have an idea of where it's going?
I didn't say to end feuds abruptly just because we all know the end result of it. That's not a reason why I don't want it.

For me, the feud is in favour of Goldberg already. Now if we don't consider the match from Wrestlemania 20, then it can be tied. Still, just tied but not won by Brock Lesnar.
So it should just end right in the middle of it? That doesn't make any sense. If Lesnar goes out there and suplexes Goldberg 20 times, splits his head open and pins him, that's what fans are going to remember. I don't think it will be that dominant, but Lesnar will surely have a strategy this time. Not only should this match happen, but it has to happen.
Okay, then.

We all know that Brock will win this third match, right? Does it make any difference? He'll still be down 1-2 against Goldberg.

It doesn't make a difference, but it makes a statement. And that statement is Lesnar finally surpassing Goldberg. Goldberg is Lesnar's worst nightmare and we always see Lesnar being the one to beat. Now Lesnar is the underdog and for the first time in his life he has to surpass someone.

Age doesn't matter in wrestling. It's not a sport after all and people should stop viewing it as one. It's like a live-action fantasy film. As far as I'm concerned, Goldberg is unbeatable. Triple H, Undertaker, Cena, Lesnar, Goldberg, Rock are the giants of the wrestling world.

I think the moment people started viewing wreslting as a legit sport, brining age into play, doing shoot promos, talking about real life events. That's when it lost its edge.
Sooooooooooooooooooo apparently should Seth not be able to compete for WrestleMania, a match has been pitched that would put Triple H up against Shane.

WHICH WOULD MEAN... AJ IS FREE!! But... what would he go into?

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