Xplosion - A Missed Opportunity?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm watching Xplosion on Challenge right now and I can't help but feel as though TNA are missing a huge opportunity with this show.

In it's current format, it's 90% recap, 10% new material. So basically we're sitting through repeats of matches we've literally JUST seen and our reward? A new match featuring lower-tier wrestlers who couldn't make it onto Impact!

I know it's purely an International show and they probably don't think it's worth their time scripting another hour of fresh television, but seriously, with it being on the same channel and night as Impact, recaps don't cut it anymore.

I'd still happily watch a main event of Eric Young vs Robbie E, but treat the rest like the precious airtime it is! Let them cut promos, book AT LEAST another two matches. Maybe an X-Division, maybe a Knockouts. Hell, defend the Television Title every week like you're supposed to!

What do you guys think, could TNA do more with Xplosion?
Xplosion is a good name for a second show for TNA, but it wont happen till Impact ratings reach or go past a 2.0 . I can see Xplosion being good to show off the X-Division & KO'S Division. Maybe TNA should keep Impact on the Road and do Xplosion at the Impact Zone it could be a good 1 hour show if done right.
Its a real shame they dont put more matches on Xplosion because they just dont have the time to do everything on Impact.

In the past Xplosion has had 2 maybe 3 matches which was great, but now its just down to the 1.
TNA needs a second show. Not some gimmick show like a ReAction or an NXT, but a second show involving wrestlers wrestling. TNA has a portion of their fanbase now which is dedicated enough to watch another hour of programming simply because it's TNA, not because it offers anything particularly new, interesting, or gimmicky. (I'm not sure if I could have said that 2-3 years ago, a point I myself would consider TNA's high water mark.) They have the talent to spare, most of which is on pay-per-appearance deals. Headline this second show with a solid draw taking on a midcard wrestler in a match whose purpose is to showcase the losing midcarder, and fill the rest of the hour with Impact! highlights and matches between a couple of wrestlers you're hoping will catch on with the audience with more exposure. (Hi, Crimson!)

This is a completely unoriginal suggestion. It's been called The Action Zone, WCW Saturday Night, Shotgun Saturday Night, Sunday Night Heat, and recently, Superstars. It's been done so often because it works. Put it in a timeslot where you don't have huge expectations (weekend nights). Your core audience will still show up or DVR it, and if it's not a complete throwaway show (hi, Superstars!), they will spread the hype about the wrestlers you're trying to showcase.

Bet your bippy that the WWE is searching very hard for a way to get a Superstars type show on the air as soon as possible after it leaves WGN. (How else would people be able to tell me who the hell Tyler Reks is?) I'm curious as to what the reason is for TNA not trying to launch a similar show, because the idea surely must have occurred to them.
Rayne you are correct. I have been saying this on other threads as well.

Another show even an hour on a Tuesday or Wed would be good. With and hour they could definitely show off some of their talent and make it a show to help conclude some stories and make them more cohesive. The Tuesday show could be a nice knockout or x-division show that could start a story it can continue on Impact just as long as its simple and easy to follow, or have it only be shown on Tuesday/Wed or whatever night its on other than Thursday and not a whole lot of Hogan/Bishoff on the show either.

Rayne, I do think that they are trying for another show, I am starting to believe that they don't feel they can do it yet from a creative direction or know how to pull it off yet. I believe Eric has the idea but the means to get it started i think is stalling them. I mean can russo really write for anther show. I think that they need a team of writers and split them up with certain wrestlers with one person over the creative process. Something is holding them back I just wish they knew because we might get more wrestling on the show then with a second show.
Yes, they can do more with Xplosion. But... it's an internationally syndicated show. It's supposed to go where Impact doesn't reach. That's why it's so full of recaps. In the case the viewer doesn't have Impact.
Yes, they can do more with Xplosion. But... it's an internationally syndicated show. It's supposed to go where Impact doesn't reach. That's why it's so full of recaps. In the case the viewer doesn't have Impact.

The problem being that the UK does have Impact. Infact, it's on right before Xplosion. So we're getting recaps of matches we just watched!

The point I was trying to make with the original post was that TNA need to start taking it seriously and book it like a proper show.

Divide it logically between the divisions. A match for the women, a match for the X-Division and a match for the TV Title, with promos inbetween. It wouldn't take Russo more than half an hour to write that script. And it's not as though anyone can argue nothing can be done with a one hour wrestling show, as there have been countless shows like that, whether it's WWE's ECW or even the early days of TNA's own Impact!

Not only would it make Xplosion a show worth watching, but it'd give Impact room to breathe, so it's not so busy and frantic every segment.
Yes, they can do more with Xplosion. But... it's an internationally syndicated show. It's supposed to go where Impact doesn't reach. That's why it's so full of recaps. In the case the viewer doesn't have Impact.

..and in the case of Australia it used to be on Wednesday nights I believe. Untill one of the sports channels replaced it with Superstars.
I think they are, yeah. If nothing else, put various guys on there for squashes or something. The key thing: get the people watching. The international syndication isn't a problem. They put it online no? Here's what you do:

Tenay: Also be sure to check out TNAwrestling.com for our internet show Xplosion, featuring an hour of MORE Total Nonstop Action!

There, problem solved.

It doesn't have to have Hogan and AJ on it, but rather guys like Crimson or Jay Lethal or guys that they don't have time for on Impact. Let them get some ring time and get known a bit so that that way when they pop up on Impact, we've at least seen them recently.
..and in the case of Australia it used to be on Wednesday nights I believe. Untill one of the sports channels replaced it with Superstars.

It used to be on Wednesday's on a normal tv channel and at one time was the only wrestling on standard tv

In the beginning it was a good show too...a few recaps which I liked as they where generally just the matches from impact without the promos and then 2 - 3 good matches.
But then they changed to format around the time hogan came in and it became crap, Rob Terry matches and promos every week for the t.v title at the time so I stoped watching it

With the amount of talent they have now however they should change up the format and have all original content and help build people....not just the little talent that we see on impact every week
Yes I think Xplosion is a missed opportunity for TNA. I don't get why it is only aired over seas.

That show really could be their version of Superstars and give talent that doesn't get on Impact some exposure. If they can't get a deal with Spike TV to air they could make it an exclusive show on thier Youtube channel. All they have to do is just announce what time and day it comes on and what matches will be on it. Extend the show to an hour and have like 4 matches with everyone getting promo time.
Do you think they might be hesitant because they'd have to pay more money (to extend tapings, bring in more wrestlers, make the production team stay longer, take the "writers" away from their focus on Impact, etc)?

Making Xplosion worthwhile would be so easy, it's almost painful. Book a main event match like Kaz vs Sabin for the X Division Title and people would tune in!

This international recap show nonsense does my head in.

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