xbox 360 achievments


King Of The Wasteland
have they and PS3 trophies ruined your gaming pleasure, for me when I had my PS2 I used to love just playing the game and relax, now I seem to spend more time trying to get the achievments and it stresses me out, I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum and not because I wasn't playing it alot but because I spent more time trying to get the achievements than completing the story. So I was wondering what have achievments done for you when playing a game???
They've made me experience parts of the game's i would have probably never experienced. So i'm rather happy about them.

But I do hate the silly little ***** that brag about them.
Nah they don't wreck the gaming experience for me. More or less when I get them it's awesome for about 10 seconds and then I forget about it.
When I do play video games I dont play for acheivements at all, it's actually quite annoying, I've just shot some big old alien shithead and am feeling big and clever when a little icon comes up and tells me that I've got a trophy, thereby making me remember it's not real and bringing me back to my pathetic life.
Yeah, I agree with Sparky. I'm a major achievement ****e. I've experienced parts of games I would've never thought of otherwise.

Like Left 4 Dead. Some of the achievements in that game are actually VERY challenging, such as cr0wning a witch. (a single shot to kill her) And covering an entire party with boomer bile. (harder than you think, if the group is never completely together.)

Also, like the Madden game for example. I could normally care less about picking off Peyton Manning 3 times - or getting Larry Fitzgerald 10 complete catches (which I still haven't gotten) but due to those achievements, it makes me want to try harder and play with/against those specific teams more for those very achievements.

As for ruining the fun of the game.. I don't see how, if anything its increased gaming value. I play games MORE after beating them, to go back and get the rest of the achievements.. rather than putting them in a corner and forgetting about them.
i don't mind the ones storywise or the ones in a challenge mode/multiplayer its just the ones where you have to get so many things or do so many things to get an achievement, then again ill probs just play the game again without havin 2 worry about them

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