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Xavier Woods And The New Day....


Dark Match Winner
Not exactly sure if anyone covered this yet, but did anyone see the segment on RAW when the New Day interrupted the Wyatt Family ? Woods was drawn into Bray ... So much so that his whole demeanor changed , almost as if Bray had him under some kind of mind control for a second... So my question to you is ( i should say questions ), do you think it is possible that Woods would join the Wyatts? Would this mean the end for the New Day or will we see some type of positivity vs darkness kind of angle where they try to show Woods the light once again after falling to the Wyatts ?

Its just so weird that they would go with Woods when he seems like the one out of the group who would be least likely to fall under any kind of mind control ... Doesn't he have a phd? He's seems very smart , and overall in control , he is the true speaker of the group... And i like the New Day as a team, they are very entertaining imo and work some fine matches so it would really be a shame if the group disbanded. But this can be a very interesting angle if done right with some very hard hitting matches and good promos ! Heel Wyatt Family Xavier Woods against Kofi anybody ?

SN: One more question, Woods has stepped up his game in the ring as of late, as seen in his match against Aj Styles ... could this be a slow burn start to a singles push with the WWE Draft right around the coner ?
Woods its not a rookie, he has been pretty good in the ring for years, its just that his characters are usually kind of goofy.

New Day its too much of a merchandising seller for youngsters and adults...they wont turn them or split them in the near future. As a matter of fact....it was this year's wrestlemania their first 100% babyface stand.
I noticed the same thing on Raw and it's interesting where they're going with this. The notion of Woods joining the Wyatt Family definitely has that sort of "I didn't see that coming" feeling as Woods just doesn't seem like someone who'd be put into a group of long bearded backwoods redneck cult members. That could be a good thing, however, as having the Wyatt Family have someone of a different "type" and skin color as par of the fold could be fun.

It's still way too early to make any sort of guess as to what this means, if it means anything at all really. For all we know, Vince may totally change his mind on whatever he may have once been considering and have New Day carry on next Monday as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.
I noticed it, but I just kind of took it as Woods being Woods and acting weird. Maybe putting over the Wyatt's "power" by acting all hypnotized. I don't know, apart from a few seconds, I didn't really think much of it.

Now that I think about it though, it was pretty damn odd. Highly doubt they're going with Woods joining the Wyatt clan but it would be an intriguing way to take the titles off of New Day. Woods starts acting weird, all of the sudden costs Big E and Kofi the titles at BG before snapping out of "it", whatever the hell "it" may be.

But nah, I don't see much coming out of this.
I think he was just being funny. When you think about it, Xavier Woods is the last guy who belongs with the Wyatts. He is a great mouthpiece and excelling in his current role. You don't move him in to a group that already has a clear mouthpiece that needs to dominate that group. If Woods did join temporarily then he would ultimately have to get out and I don't see WWE putting Woods over Bray.

Plus, I don't think he can grow a beard.
New Day its too much of a merchandising seller for youngsters and adults...they wont turn them or split them in the near future. As a matter of fact....it was this year's wrestlemania their first 100% babyface stand.

I never get why people use this line as a reason to why WWE won't turn someone heel. It's not like WWE hasn't turned their top guys heel in the past. It's not like WWE hasn't split up top teams in the past. It's wrestling, turns and split ups happen all the time. Remember how Stone Cold turned heel at WrestleMania 17? Remember when Triple H split up DX? Remember when Hogan turned heel in WCW? Remember when Nash and Hall left NWO to make the Wolfpac? Remember when The Rock sided with The Corporation? REMEMBER WHEN THEY BROKE UP THE SHIELD JUST TWO YEARS AGO?! Turns happen, and more times than not they happen at the peak of their time in the sun. But let's not forget that right now, New Day isn't the only red hot team WWE's got. Enzo and Cass get the same kind of opening pop every week. WWE could easily put them as the top team, and have heels hold the titles until they find Enzo and Cass ready. Or they could call up American Alpha. Or hell, they could even put the titles on the Usos. My point is, it's wrestling and merch sales don't stop opportunity to make even more money it just doesn't.


As for the topic at hand, I wouldn't let things get to you so easily. Woods is a smart guy and knows how to give out false expressions. I mean, he made us all think Francesca was gone completely! I was more interested in the lack of Luke Harper. Maybe his injury is worse than we thought? Or maybe he's just not going to be in the family? Or maybe they're just doing this so Rowan and Braun can get the titles? I don't know, but it's intriguing.
I'm going with the initial thoughts expressed by OYDK and GSB. Its likely Woods was just being Woods. A smart ass just mocking Bray and powers of The Wyatt Family.

For the sake of conversation lets say there is something to Woods becoming hypnotized by Bray. To me Woods is the unspoken leader of New Day. He typically stands front and center during promos. He entertains and energizes the crowds during their matches. When needed he can get right in there and mix it up in the ring. Plus he comes off as the most intelligent, thanks to that PHD, and creative of the three. It almost makes sense that a master manipulator like Bray would subconsciously target Woods. The argument could be made that Woods should be too smart for this but dealing with a con artists intelligence can be a major weakness.
Hmm some very interesting points being presented... Im not gonna lie i did chuckle a lil bit when Woods started acting weirdly but it wasn't until after the segment was over when it hit me... Im not too familiar with the Daniel Bryan/Wyatt program but didnt Bray have DB amongst the ranks for a short time ? Isnt that his ultimate goal to expand his influence and have a even bigger following ? It would be pretty interesting if Bray began to do this more often ... Just not with the New Day , he should be targeting people who have little to no direction in there WWE careers ... Such as a Bo Dallas or even Zack Ryder. Those are the guys who could really use a repackaging, not someone like Woods who is already established with another team... Although the thought of it is intriguing and pretty cool actually. It really would be one of those moments in which you would never expect.

Edit : Didnt anyone realize how visually bothered Woods seemed to be when he finally snapped back to reality ? It was almost a look of confusion ...
Would this mean the end for the New Day or will we see some type of positivity vs darkness kind of angle where they try to show Woods the light once again after falling to the Wyatts ?

I noticed it, but I just kind of took it as Woods being Woods and acting weird
That's how I felt as well, I didn't think too much about it. That's just the type of guys New Day are.

Now that the idea of brainwashing has been brought up...it could be interesting. If wwe would ever try to do an angle like that in this era, the Wyatts and New Day would be the perfect guys to do it with. It may get some heat, but I think it could work.

Big E/New Day CAN'T handle all three(4?) members of the Wyatt family, being happy go lucky.
Positivity vs Darkness? Could be used as cannon to turn New Day into a more serious group, while finally giving the Wyatts some championship "gold"(bronze, whatever).
Or what about this? Maybe, that was a glimpse of Bray thinking of adding the New Day to the Wyatt Family.

If he were to somehow control Woods, then E and (probably not) Kofi would fall as well.

That said, maybe it would be a temporary deal, that for some strange reason if Bray is in very dire straits (Rowan, Harper, and Strowman all incapacitated) that he summon Woods to help out. Only after this does Xavier snap back to reality...

No.. no.. stupid idea. Sorry.

edit: It takes me a while to post things, but overall similar idea to what was said above.
Stupid question: Does Bray Wyatt want Xavier Woods to be in the Wyatt Family?

I don't remember Bray doing a hypnotic "Come to me, join me, become one of us!" thing during that promo. If I remember correct, and please correct me if I don't, Woods just started doing the slow walk with a hypnotic stare. There was nothing provoking it, and it was likely Woods showing off how he can be ridiculously serious without cracking up. Woods' stare-down with Enzo over Francesca 2 is a prime example.

Maybe this is a new direction for The Wyatts, but I really hope it isn't. Performers hypnotizing each other was neat when Osirian Portal did it, but that got stupid really fast. Kendo Nagasaki once used hypnosis to make Robbie Brookside attack William Regal, it looked so stupid and is one of the worst moments in pro-wrestling history.

Then there was this match that happened on GLOW that I can't get out of my head, the hypnosis happens at 3:05:


I really hope that Xavier was just being a goof-off and that we won't be seeing any hypnotism in future matches.
It would definitely be a risky move to split up the New Day. They would also have to be careful how they booked it because it could do damage to both The Wyatts and The New Day. But I think it could work if handled right and would definitely cause a initial buzz. The Wyatts need a big win and need to hold some gold to help legitimize them. It's been a common complaint that they just build The Wyatts up just to have them job in big time matches. They can also continue the program heading into Summerslam. It would give Big E and Kofi a more serious edge and give them a new direction. It would be refreshing for WWE to take a risk and do something outside the box. They could have Woods finally snap out of it and turn on Wyatt and turn back face like Daniel Brian did if it doesn't go over as well as hoped.
Initially, I thought it's just Woods goofing around, messing with the Wyatts. Now, looking at how it's been unfolding, I think this is going somewhere, where exactly, I do not know yet... It would be a pity though, if this spells the end of the New Day. I'm not sure if they could be as successful it they were broken up.
I don't think that It's Xavier Woods goofing around.

I think that Bray Wyatt could the same what he did with Daniel Bryan. Woods could be influenced by Bray as it looks right now.

Still I don't think that it's the end of New Day.
I noticed right away "ok Bray has a hex on Woods". So I guess from there New Day drops the belts by way of Wood's swerving to give the Wyatt's some credibility finally, gold and a new member. This feud could be a big'un

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