WZCW Supershow II: Triple X vs Justin Cooper - Elite X League

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
In this two round league format, the winners of these matches will gain a point before going on to compete in four way match next week. The man with the most points will face Sam Smith at Unscripted.

Deadline is: 11:59pm Central, Sunday 11th November, extensions as per thread.
The scene begins on the crazy streets of China’s downtown district. Ever the popular place to be of an afternoon the Chinese men and women borrow past each other as they search for bargain prices. Chinese sellers scream, with a hint of hostility, at their loyal public to buy from them. Amongst the craziness of the Chinese markets, one man is on a hunt for something that can’t be purchased in China. If you look hard enough you can see the man called Iris running around with a wild look on his face. In his right hand Iris holds a mobile phone and he appear to be screaming at whoever is on the other end.

Iris: I can’t see you! Where are you again?

The person responds.

Iris: Temple? There is not a single temple around here Justin.

A pedestrian can’t help but tap Iris on the shoulder and direct him to the building behind him which has a sign that reads “Large Temple.”

Iris: Thank you.

Iris gets back on the phone with Justin.

Iris: Hey, I found it. I’ll be up shortly.

With a large group of stairs looking back at him Iris sighs and then begins his ascent. After only two steps he is already huffing and puffing. We fade out for the moment while Iris begins to disappear up the steps.


We return to Iris, he has large drops of sweat dripping down his face after making his way to the top of the temple. Unable to cope with the strain it has put on his body Iris collapse onto the ground. His vision begins to blur and Iris could be about to pass out… until a mystery stranger comes to his rescue.

???: Welcome.

The blurriness begins to fade and Iris can now see that the “stranger” happens to be Justin.

Iris: Finally.

Justin: It’s good to see you old friend.

Iris: Nice to be back.

Justin: Come, we’ve lots to discuss.

Justin extends a hand to his friend, helping Iris back to his feet. They begin to make their way through the halls of this temple which is covered in pictures of old school monks wearing orange robes. In fact Justin happens to be wearing one of those orange robes.

Iris: I like the new look.

Justin: I’m at peace with it.

Iris: I bet you are.

Justin: How things?

Iris: Things are good.

Justin: That’s nice.

The duo enter a room marked “Room #4”, it’s a sight to behold. Inside of this room is a large picture of Justin standing with several other monks. They look old so they must be legendary.

Iris: Cool picture?

Justin: You should have seen the one where we dressed liked gangstas.

Iris: Really?

Justin: No but it’d be cool if we did.


Iris: You’ve got a nice place here.

Justin: Thank you. It’s pretty good for a commercial temple run by those folks over at Nintendo.

Iris: Nintendo owns this?

Justin: Yep.

Iris: Who would have thought?

Justin: Mario I guess.

Iris: I take it you’ve enjoyed living here then?

Upon the face of Justin appears a large smile.

Justin: It’s been fun. I’ve been able to get anyway from all the things that were causing me problems before. I didn’t have a television or a computer whilst I was here so I know nothing about what has gone on.

Iris: But you’re in China.

Justin: So?

Iris: How can you not have a computer or television when you’re in the country that makes them all?

Justin: It is ironic isn’t it? Did you bring the newest copy of WZCW Magazine?

Iris: Yeah I’ve got it right here.

From within his inner shirt pocket Iris pulls out the magazine and hands it to Justin. Almost immediately Justin flips out and throws the magazine out a nearby window.

Justin: What the hell is this? Sam Smith is facing Showtime Cougar! That should be me!

Iris: Didn’t you come here to calm down?

As usual Iris is correct. Justin’s time in China was to help him calm down after gaining a large amount of anger toward his fellow wrestling stars. This entire trip was aimed at him reaching peace with himself.

Justin: You’re right. I’m calm now. It doesn’t matter that the no talented hack known as Sam Smith is facing the top guy in the company at the moment. It doesn’t matter that I was screwed out of my title after only just winning it. It doesn’t matter that the company continues to push down talent like myself in the hope that fools like Ricky Runn will rise up.

Iris: He’s in a title this week.

The shakes begin for Justin and his face turns a bright red.

Justin: He’s in a title match?

Iris: Yeah.

Justin: After losing to Triple X last week.

Iris: I know right.

Justin: Who the hell did he get his mother to sleep with? That woman sucks more co-

Iris: Stop! I don’t want you getting into a trench that you can’t get out of. Think about this in a more positive light my friend. Look inside, look into your heart my friend.

Justin: Once again you’re right Iris. I can’t let one or two idiots ruin all my progress. What does it matter if Smith and Runn continue to get countless title shots even after losing to better men each week? It doesn’t matter if guys like me are left facing rubbish if Runn can play with the big boys just like Reynolds did. It doesn’t matter does it Iris? Just like Reynolds and his countless chances it seems Runn is getting the same treatment as his mentor, if you can even call him that. More like a leach on talent that is better than him.

Iris: Let it go Justin, focus on your match this week instead.

His master nods and turns toward the window to begin one of those soap opera monologues people like so much.

Justin: I’ve heard, through my sources, that I’ve drawn Triple X again. It’s some type of special tournament.

Iris: From what I can gather the idea is that you, Triple X, Mr. Baller and that scientist fella are going face off in singles matches this week and then next week you’ll all compete in a fatal four way. The winner of that match will go to Unscripted to face Sam-

Justin: What’s the rule?

Iris: He makes people fall asleep when they hear his name.

Justin: Good man.

Iris: Now, how are you going to handle this match up with X?

Justin: Pretty much like I did last time.

Iris: You lost last time.

Justin: Oh… I did, well that’s a bit of a knock to the head. I guess I’ll do something new like any other normal person would.

Iris: I take that’s a shot at me.

Justin: You may ask stupid questions but you seem to get the message after a while. You know who doesn’t get the message?

Iris: Let me guess.

Justin: No time for guessing, I’m talking about that pill popping, heart stopping, no problem throwing a glass of wine down his whole, Mr. Triple X. He never gets the message Iris, I try and tell him you can’t go mixing all of your medication around. It’s one thing for him and his mother to share a bed but to be sharing pills on top of that.

Let the head shaking begin!

Justin: I take it you don’t believe me. That’s fine but believe me when I tell you that not only has Triple X failed to reach any level of sustainable living but he also spent the last week partying here in China. I saw him with my own eyes!

Iris: You saw Triple X drinking here in China?

Justin: No but it’d be cool if I did right?

Iris: This isn’t helping.

Justin: What more do you want me to say? I’ve proven over the past month that I am at the top of this division. I beat Matt Tastic, I beat Mick Overlast three times in a row and I already own a tag team victory over X. I’m on a hot run at the moment and even without the Elite X Championship I’m still the best damn thing in this company. I’m still firing like a gun, throwing down some fun and rolling with a pile full of puns. Nobody can do what I can. Triple X has his values of not going back to his past, well this week I’m going to kick his drug free attitude all the way back to imagination land where it belongs.

Iris: Imagination land?

Justin: I’m struggling at the moment, leave me.

Iris: Fine. I’ll be back tomorrow to pick you up. We’ve got an early flight back to America.

Justin: I hate America.

Iris: Don’t we all?

As Justin stands at the window, looking out at the Chinese public, Iris gathers his things and exits the room. He begins to make his way down the steps but is stopped by Justin running after him.

Justin: Iris!

Iris: What?

Justin: Take this with you, I borrowed it off X a couple of weeks ago and no longer have a need for it.

From his right hand Justin throws a book across to Iris, which he catches. Iris looks down at the book and reads the front cover aloud.

Iris: The twelve steps to recovery.

With a small smirk on his now Iris continues to exit the temple and we fade to black all the way from China.
Eight Years Ago…

The hall is humming with the noise of the waiting crowd. People are slowly making their way to their seats, as crew members are doing the final checks of the ringside area.

Two teenagers make their way from the back of the hall to their seats. Xander Knight and Abigail Park. Both are sixteen. X has spiked-up red hair, and Abi has shoulder-length black hair with a hint of purple about it.

Abi: I can’t believe your parents fell for that again.

Xander: I know! You’d think they’d learn their lesson after the first three times.

Abi: Did you tell them you were going round to mine?

Xander. No, I told them Johnny’s. His parents are out of town, but he said he’d cover for me.

They sit down a few rows from the front. Xander takes his backpack off, and takes out two bottles and opens one, passing it to Abi before doing the same to his own.

Xander: These guys are good. Saw them a couple of years ago with dad.

Abi: Well, as long as I see The Great Avenger here, I’m happy.

Xander: I’m still not sure why you like him.

Abi: You jealous?

Xander: You nuts?

Abi: Oh come ON! He’s amazing! The stuff he does is unreal. It’s-

Xander: -stuff that Oscar Sanchez did years ago.

Abi: Okay, what makes Sanchez greater than Avenger?

Xander: What?

Abi: Come on!

Xander: You’re seriously asking me that question?

Abi: Well if you can’t answer-

Xander: Sanchez was innovative. He did things no-one else had done, and he made it look easy. And he carried a special flow into each of his matches. Avenger isn’t bad, but he’s a disjointed mess. He does things that make no sense and shows no real smarts in the ring. He just leaps off the top rope without thinking about it. And he takes things from other people and passes them off as his own.

Abi: Well, I like it. He looks cool.

Xander: …okay, I’ll concede he wears a pretty sweet mask.

They both laugh. The ring announcer for the evening; a rather large fellow in an obviously old and worn tux, enters the ring with a microphone.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s show shall begin in five minutes! Please take this time to find your seats so you don’t miss any of the action!

Abi takes a sip of her beer, and turns to face Xander.

Abi: We could totally do this, you know.

Xander: What; ring announce or wear a really bad tuxedo?

Abi: No...I mean, we could find a wrestling school, learn the basics-

Xander: Oh, and you have a few hundred dollars lying around?

Abi: No, but-

Xander: Or a job to support buying gear and travelling?

Abi: I’m just saying-

Xander: Ab, it’s a pipe dream. Besides; who’d take a chance on a pair of potheads like us?

Abi: I’m just saying, if we really want to do it, we could.

Xander turns to face her; a soft smile on his face. Her earrings catch his eye; small studs in the shape of butterflies.

Xander: Is that what you want?

Abi: I dunno…it’s the only thing I can see myself doing I the future.

Xander: Huh.

Abi: What?

Xander: Nothing; I just…I don’t tend to think about the future much, is all.

Abi: You should. We’re not young forever. We’ve got to start thinking what we want to do with the rest of our lives, and throwing each other around in your back yard on crash mats is one thing, but if we really want to give it a go…I just don’t want to miss an opportunity.

Xander: Ab, we have the rest of our lives together to do that stuff. For now, we should just enjoy what we have.

Abi: And what’s that?

Xander: Four more bottles.

Abi laughs at the snappyness of X’s remark, as the lights in the hall go down. She leans her head on his shoulder as loud, generic rock music signifies the start of the show.

Abi: You and I could do it. We could do anything we set our minds to.

Xander: Now that MUST be the beer talking.

Abi: I mean it. With you by my side, nothing could possibly stop me.

Xander smiles, and kisses Abi on the top of the head, as the first wrestler of the night comes out.

Xander: Together, we’re invincible.

Triple X is sitting alone in the locker room. Ascension 55 is over, and the hum of the stadium leaving in unison is all but drowned out by the noise of X’s thought’s in his head. He stares down at the necklace in his hand, and runs his fingers over the tattoo etched into his forearm. X’s mind is ablaze with thoughts, none of which make a coherent stream of consciousness. He drops the necklace into his rucksack, zips it up, and exits the room.

Her life. That’s what I’m living right now. She wanted the dream of being a pro-wrestler, not me. Oh sure, I’ve grown into loving it. It’s become my life. But no matter how much my passion for it grows, it’ll still be a direct response to the darkest day of my life.

She’s the reason I do this. Every success is to make up for the success she cannot accomplish. Every win I get is a win she will never have. Every time I step through that curtain, I take in that reaction; the roar of the crowd. And wherever she is now, I know that she feels that response through me.

But Abi was a person deserving to be champion. I may have tasted Elite X gold, but I lost it, and failed to regain it. She deserves better than that.

My very existence disgraces her memory.

Faith: ...dude, since when did you get so emo?

X looks up, almost snapping out of a trance. Ascension 55 has long been and gone, and it’s only a few days before the Supershow. He and Faith are sitting in a coffee shop in this week’s host city. He stares at her as she gives him the most persecuting of stares she can manage.

X: …emo?

Faith: Yeah, you know? Bleeding heart, sob story, feeling sorry for yourself. And you have the hairstyle anyway…

X: Oh gee, thanks!

Faith: Any time.

X leans back in his chair and lets out a sigh.

X: She’s just been on my mind a lot lately. I mean, she’s never truly out of my mind; the dead who you care about can never truly be free from your thoughts. But it’s what you do with those thoughts that matters, and up until recently I’d been pretty good at channelling it.

Faith: Then what’s changed?

X: Well, the only thing that’s recently changed is the Elite X league.

Faith: So, what, is this just your reaction to it? A feeling of needing to win? For her?

X: I don’t know.

Faith: Or is it just an overwhelming desire to slap Justin Cooper again?

X laughs at the thought of him kicking Justin Coopers head off. A little sadistic, maybe, but a nonetheless pleasing thought.

X: Something I would do with pleasure. Still, he’s the guy who beat the man I couldn’t beat. Gotta give him props for that.

Faith: Yeah, who then lost to Sam Smith; a guy who you beat.

X: Smith was only just back at that point. Now he’s in the groove, he’s more dangerous than ever before. Cooper’s also more dangerous; he’ll be looking to prove a point that he’s the deserving number one contender. I need to prove him wrong. I need to prove to him, and to everyone who has an opinion on the subject that I am a worthy champion.

Faith: X, don’t you think you’re holding the Elite X championship in too high a regard?

X: In what way?

Faith: I just… Faith looks away for a second, before taking a deep breath …it just looks like you’re settling for a middle-of-the-card championship as opposed to gunning for a new challenge. I mean, okay, sure, you have pride invested in that title, but what about the Eurasian title? Or maybe the Mayhem championship? Or what about the world title? Instead, you seem fixated on that one damn belt. And, obviously a title is important, but why is this match so important to you?

X looks up, then back down to the table. Almost instinctively, he'd taken the necklace out of his pocket, and had begun playing with it.

X: The Elite X title was my first title win in this company. And I won it right around… X trails off, gathering himself before continuing …right around the anniversary. I made a promise to her that I wouldn’t let her down again. That I’d go out and win it, for her, and become a legend in this company, all for her. And…

Faith: …and what?

X: It’s gonna sound stupid, but I’m not ready for anything else yet. I felt that I could easily take on the world as Elite X champion, but the second I lost it I felt more weak, more vulnerable than ever before. And when I couldn’t get it back, against a guy I’d beaten before in Mick Overlast…

Faith: You didn’t let her down. One loss, X. Everyone has them. And not everyone becomes champion, even once.

X: I know that. But I need to win it again. To prove to myself that I’m ready to move to the next level. To prove it to her.

Faith: What about you?

X looks back up.

X: What about me?

Faith: You spend all this time worrying about what the fans want. What she wants. What about you? Xander, you need to start thinking about what Triple X wants in his life. Not about people who you don’t know. Not about people who are-

X: -don’t say it-

Faith sighs, and leans forward, resting her arms on the table.

Faith: You really think she wants you to worry about her? You need to go out there and want to beat Cooper for yourself. You need to do it because you have the desire to win, for you. Not for her.

X: That’s not how it works.

Faith: Then change the rules.

X: You know what-

Faith: No, Xander. I don’t. But I do know what driving yourself down this path feels like. It rips apart at your insides and whatever’s left feels like poison. And you constantly strive to get better. But you need to realize that you’ve done a lot in your short time here. Have you hit a bump? Sure. But everyone does, X.

X: How could you possibly know?

Faith pauses for a moment before answering.

Faith: There's more to people than meets the eye, X. You should have learned that by now.

She reaches out and grabs one of his hands.

Faith: I don’t want you to lose sight here.

X looks back down at the necklace.

X: That’s exactly what you’re telling me to do. The only reason I’m here is her. She wanted this, and I followed her path, Faith. I may have grown to love it, I may have naturally taken to it, but this wasn’t my path. It was hers. I don’t just need to do this for her. I’m doing it because of her.

X pulls his hand away, and leans back again. As he does, a girl no older than twelve comes up to the table, slowly and shyly, with a small booklet and a pen in her hand.

Girl: Excuse me, are you…Triple X? Could I have an autograph please?

X is slow to look up, but finally catches her gaze. As he does, he sees something sparkle; in her left ear a stud shaped like a butterfly; incredibly similar to Abi’s. The similarity and coincidence can’t help but make him smile.

Faith: sweetie, I’m not sure that-

X: -no, it’s okay Faith. What’s your name?

Girl: Sarah. Are you going to beat Justin Cooper?

X smiles again.

X: I’ll definitely try my hardest.

Sarah: I hope you do. I don’t like him. He’s rude, and you’re nice, and I want you to win. And when I grow up, I’m gonna be a wrestler like you.

X finishes signing the booklet, and gives it back to her.

X: It’ll be my pleasure to beat him.

Sarah smiles, and turns away and runs back to her table. X, still with a smile on his face, turns his gaze back to the table and the necklace. He stares for a moment, before putting it back around his neck.

Cooper might want a fight, but he’s not gonna want any part of me come Ascension. I’ve invested far too much emotion into that championship to lose to a scumbag like him. I need to show him what it takes to be a true champion.

Faith was half- right, but she didn’t quite get there. I shouldn’t be doing this for Abi: that much is true. But that’s because she’s already here with me, fighting as a part of me. The ink on my skin, the necklace, the very memory of her is inside of me. A whole part of me. And I thought I understood it when I said it back then, but now I know the true meaning of what I told her that night.

We are one, and…

X: “Together, we’re invincible.”

Faith: What?

X looks back up and smiles back at her.

X: It’s nothing.
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