WZCW Supershow II: Showtime vs. Sam Smith

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Another showcase match features the two newest champions; both Smith and Cougar are two time champions and will eager to prove their points and stamp their authority over their opponent.

Deadline is: 11:59pm Central, Sunday 11th November, extensions as per thread.
Scene opens backstage at WZCW studios. Showtime David Cougar is sitting in his dressing room and relaxing after a whole weeks worth of shows done that day. Fresh out of the shower, Showtime is dressed in boxers and a thick navy blue robe, with a white towel wrapped around his neck. Sitting in his leather chair bent over a lap top with a glass of vodka and white grapefruit juice nearby, Showtime begins to type and then hits enter and waits. Just then the door opens and Showtime’s assistant Allen Lewicki enters the room. He closes the door behind him and then turns back to Showtime.

Lewicki: Great round of shows out there champ. You really had me rolling over and laughing during your third one. Hey what you looking at?

Allen walks over behind Showtime and looks at his lap top screen.

You’re not normally one to be doing research on your opponents off of the company website.

Cougar: Not doing so much research as I am just checking out some of the changes they’ve made on the new website. It’s about time they did some updating to this old site. I don’t know much about this Admin named FalKon, other than the fact that he really loves something called My Little Pony.

Ohhh... MLP! I love that show!

Allen says this excitedly, drawing a look of concern from Showtime. Allen goes to sit down on the couch as Showtime continues.

Yes... but anyway, great on him for getting everything up to date...

Right where I should be. Plus he is also starting to update some of the roster pages.

Showtime picks up his beverage and begins to drink out of it from a red straw.

Allen, I want you to be responsible for updating my roster page. The title section, the wrestling style, you know I don’t like to say this to people, but I’ve put on a few pounds since my debut and...

What’s that?

What’s what?

The drink in your hand.

Showtime brings it up to his mouth and takes another sip from the straw.

Vodka and white grapefruit juice, it’s called a Greyhound. Why do you want one?

No, I was just thinking maybe we could include some interesting trivia about you as well.

You know Allen, I knew there was a reason why I hired you over the busty blonde. Never will do it again, but I made the right call with you.

Aww, thanks Showtime. So, now that your shows are out of the way I’m sure you must be thinking about the Supershow this week and Sam Smith.

Showtime turns back to the lap top and pulls up Sam Smith’s roster page.

Yes I suppose I should take some notice of him. For all his faults, Sam Smith has one impressive PPV record.

Showtime touches the screen and opens up a new window.

Him and Rush have just been flattening the competition on Meltdown while you were battling Drake on Ascension. And now Sam Smith is a two time Elite X Champion.

Yes, and I’m sure he’s be mentioning it a million times over already. The man is nothing but a statistic, and he likes to pat himself on the back with those stats. Just like how he is always telling people that he is the second longest Elite...

Showtime stops and Allen looks up at Showtime.

Elite X Champion of all time, I know man. I’m watching his interview after the match right now and he mentioned both those things.

Allen, we need to schedule someone to interview me soon.

Alright, lets see speed dial... 1 for Klamour and 2 for Kensworth?

No, let’s get one of the girls this time. No hard questions, I’ll be doing most of the talking.

Okay... umm Becky’s schedule looks really tight. Have you and Stacey settled that restraining order she had against you.

Hey... first if all it’s a duel restraining order, second I had the restraining order against her first, and third yes it’s been settled. She agreed to stop trying to ruin my good name and all I had to do was donate some sperm. I think I won that battle. Now call her.


Scene opens a few days later at a WZCW house show. Showtime David Cougar is backstage waiting to do his taped interview with Stacey Madison. Showtime is dressed to compete in the main event later on in the show and had the WZCW title draped over his shoulder. He feels a tapping on his empty shoulder and turns around. Showtime’s eyes open up wide and the bottom of his jaw drops a little. The camera turns to see Stacey Madison, looking quite pregnant with a huge ball where her slim belly would be. She looks up at Showtime, who appears at a loss for words. Before he can say anything, Stacey reaches for her belly and rips it off, revealing it to be a strapped on disguise. She laughs as Showtime shows relief in his eyes.

Stacey: Oh my god, you should’ve seen the scared look in your eyes. That was priceless.

Showtime: Good one Stacey. I’m glad you have a good sense of humour about all this. You must need one though to know that the only way you are going to be getting any of my love juices... is with a turkey baster.

Oh Showtime... I forgot you try to do stand up on your show. The last thing that I would want is to carry your child, let alone anyone else’s child. You see this smoking hot body. It screams to be pampered on and pleasured by some real men, not a scared little champion.

I’m sure by real men you’re talking about say WZCW’s resident Sasquatch, Rush, or my opponent in a few days, Sam Smith. Hairy, drunk, and abusive. Stacey you sure know how to pick great men.

Well Showtime, in WZCW, both also happen to be champions. Rush is currently the longest reigning champion in WZCW, and Sam Smith has just won the Elite X Championship for the second time in his career. Together these two are unstoppable.

Which is a good thing then that I am only fighting one of them, and from what I’ve heard around backstage, I’m fighting the lackey of the two.

I don’t think you should underestimate Sam Smith quite like that. His accomplishments speak for themselves.

Then why does he has to restate them over and over? Why does he has to tell us each and every week how he was a great Elite X Champion? I never lost the Elite X title while I was champion. You don’t hear me bragging about that and saying I deserve a chance to reclaim my belt. The only difference between the Sam Smith from a few weeks ago, and the Sam Smith now is the phrase “is” instead of “was”. Otherwise, it’s the same Sam Smith filling the airwaves with his hot air. Sam Smith has shown to be a very challenging competitor in WZCW, but that doesn’t make him the best, or even a serious threat. Being a two time Elite X champion doesn't make him a great champion, especially from my view where I stand here as a two time WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

So... what you're saying is Sam Smith is nothing in WZCW? Trying to fuel the anger in this beast could lead to your undoing Showtime, or do you not remember how you discredited a former World Champion who was victorious over you several times, as well as for your team last Meltdown.

Sam Smith isn’t nothing in WZCW. Compared to me... I think that’s a comparison that does speak for itself, but let’s not discredit Sam Smith further. Sam Smith knows how to win; that’s quite obvious given his multiple title wins and win/loss record at PPV’s. Sam Smith can go as far as he wants in WZCW and unfortunately Sam Smith seems very much settled with being second best.

So when someone wants to work with another individual towards a common goal in WZCW, one has to be viewed as in command and dominant while the other is inferior?

Rush and Smith may tell everyone that they are equals, but you don’t have to look far to see that they are not. Rush is bigger, and stronger, and at times smarter. Sam Smith has continuously being putting his body on the line to aid Rush. Rush has a championship that has been held by the likes of Black Dragon, Ty Burna, Big Dave, and myself. The Elite X title, while around longer than the current EurAsian title, does not mean it is of greater prestige, especially when it’s been held by the likes of Justin Cooper and Mick Overlast recently.

So perhaps Rush would win in a fist fight. Maybe the EurAsian Championship has had greater champions than the Elite X Championship, that still shouldn’t mean you should discredit Sam Smith like that. He has had lots of success before by himself. He won the Elite X Title within his first year and successfully defended it against two very challenging opponents. He has the second longest Elite X Title reign in history.

Exactly my point Stacey, the second longest title reign in WZCW history. How many times has Sam Smith pointed that out. Used it as a pat on the back for himself. Sam Smith is proud to have been the second best at something. To me, second best is all right, but that’s nothing I’m going to go cheering about or be telling each and every person who interviews me. If I finished with the second longest title reign in WZCW than I’m telling everybody that my next goal is to have the longest title reign. It’s all about going forward and what’s next for, not about looking back and saying I did well. When I look back I want to say I did my best. Sam Smith did do his best, and you want to know what, he’s sold himself short for so many years. Stacey if you will, please look at these papers I’ve brought. They are the title reigns of Sam Smith, Austin Reynolds, and Karnage.

10. Criminal Karnage

Defeated: Frankie Smith.

Event: Ascension 11

Reign: (MD 36 & AS 11), (MD 37 & AS 12), (MD 38 & AS 13), Redemption, (MD 39 & AS 14).


11. Austin Reynolds

Defeated: Criminal Karnage.

Event: Ascension 14

Reign: (MD 36 & AS 11), (MD 37 & AS 12), (MD 38 & AS 13), Redemption, (MD 39 & AS 14), (MD 40 & AS 15), (MD 41 & AS 16), Apocalypse, (MD 42 & AS 17), (MD 43 & AS 18), (MD 44 & AS 19), Unscripted, (MD 45 & AS 20), (MD 46 & AS 21), (MD 47 & AS 22), All or Nothing.


14. Sam Smith

Defeated: Chris Jones, Michael Winters and Phoenix in a Fatal Fourway Match.

Event: Redemption.

Reign: Redemption, (MD 58 & AS 33), (MD 59 & AS 34), (MD 60 & AS 33), Apocalypse, (MD 61 & AS 34), (MD 62 & AS 35), (MD 63 - AS 36), Unscripted, (MD 64 & AS 39), (MD 65 & AS 40), (MD 66/AS41/AF1), (AF2), All or Nothing.

Do you notice anything Stacey?

There is an overlap that shouldn’t be there.

Exactly, for years Sam Smith has been telling himself he had the second longest reign, when all along he’s had the longest reign. All his career Sam Smith has been telling himself he was second best, instead of believing that he was already the best. Who knows what Sam could’ve done with his career had he known all along that he had the longest reign. Maybe he would’ve set higher goals for himself, maybe he would’ve even accomplished some of them. We’ll never know though because Sam Smith has alway settled for good enough, for being almost as best as he can be, and at the Supershow, it will be no different. Sam Smith will almost win his match, but he won’t because he is facing me, Showtime David Cougar, and I know that I am the best in WZCW, and this title and all my other accomplishments are merely the rewards for being the best, they aren’t the reason why I am the best. I am the best because I believe that I am the best.

Well best or not, at Unscripted you will have to be at your best if you want to leave with the WZCW Title around your waist. Drake Callahan and Steven Holmes are two of biggest challengers for the title and a third challenger will be determined in a huge battle royal that will take place at the Supershow. Is there anybody in the field of challengers that stands out as a likely winner, or is there someone you would like to face out of the possible competitors?

I have no preference on who I face and I don’t think you can call a favourite in that match, unless of course we see the return’s of Doug Crashin, DK Wilton, and Armando Paradyse. One of those guys could easily take the match. All kidding aside, it’s really anybodies to win. At Unscripted 2010, then Dr. Steven Kurtesy was the surprise winner of this match and was vaulted into the main event scene from there, which eventually lead to a successful reign as World Champion. And last year, Mr. Baller was the surprise entrant in the Unscripted Main Event and he nearly shocked the world. This year anyone in the field could do it and it doesn’t matter if it’s Chris K.O. Barbosa, S.H.I.T. Jacob’s Derek, Grand Mystique, El Coffee Dragon, or Alexander Stark, they are going to walk into this match and their fate will be like Callahan’s and Holmes’, they will be defeated at Unscripted.

One last question, with about a month left until this match occurs, do you have any fears that John Constantine may decide to cash in and effectively remove you from the main event at Unscripted?

Showtime chuckles. As if he hasn’t been asked this question a hundred times since he first won the championship and now that he’s won the title again the questions still begin to mount about whether his former associate will cash in his title match.

John Constantine can go ahead and decide to cash in at anytime. It doesn’t matter to me because I’m not going to let him defeat me. It would take a battle royal of men to keep me down for John to take this title and unfortunately for him I’m not in that match. There aren’t a whole lot of firsts left for someone to do in WZCW. Successfully defending the belt against a King For A Day cash in is one that still remains, and I plan on doing just that to our king. Thank you very much for the interview Stacey.

Showtime nods his head and walks off camera as Stacey watches on and the scene fades.
The scene opens in a large lecture hall. Students are hurriedly scrawling notes on the edges of their desks, their full attention on the lecture. At the head of the classroom stands the professor, leaning against the podium. The professor is a tall, wiry man, with a sandy blond tuft of hair standing up almost straight on his head and a thick mustache above his lip. He looks at the students feverishly taking notes with a look of amusement on his face. He reaches up and takes off his thick-rimmed glasses, pausing to wipe the lenses against his brown tweed sportcoat.

"You know, I look at you guys -- at all the hard work you've given me -- and I'm so proud of each and every one of you. You are the select few that will be graduating from this law school, and you'll be going on to do great things in the word. You guys are the future, but most importantly: You guys are my legacy."

The professor pauses to put the glasses back on his head, before continuing.

"You may not understand this now, but some day you'll want to leave a legacy of your own and I want you to remember this: You must keep your ego in check, if you wish to be the best person you can."

A hand shoots up from the crowd of students. The professor stops and points toward the hand.

"Yes, Mr. Smith?"

A young Sam Smith stands from his seat, a slight grin crossing his face.

"Professor, are you saying that ego is bad? Some of the greatest athletes, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and so on have all had massive egos."

The professor smiles and Sam slides back into his chair.

"You're absolutely right... But those people learned to separate 'self' from 'ego.' They had confidence, but it was based on ability and performance. I'm not implying that that is a bad thing, but I'm trying to keep you all from allowing your ego to control you. Simply put: Never allow yourself to get a big head."

The scene fades out.


The scene re-opens inside of the dimly lit Staples Center, mere hours before the SuperShow. Sam Smith stands in the empty ring, filming a vignette to be aired later that night. Smith has on a pair of black sneakers, jeans, a commemorative "Showtime" David Cougar, World Heavyweight Champion t-shirt, and his Elite X Championship belt around his waist. He breaks the silence of the lifeless arena and begins to speak.

"Tonight, I am in the biggest match of my career -- I will be facing 'Showtime' David Cougar."

Smith points at his t-shirt.

"In case you haven't noticed, Showtime is the top guy around these parts, he's the one wearing the only belt that matters. This belt that I won last week from Justin Cooper is nice, but ultimately it's nothing more than a placeholder until I get my hands on the World Heavyweight Championship."

Smith paces around the ring, continuing to talk.

"I know what you're all thinking: I just won the Elite X Championship -- I'm not on Showtime's level, right? When I was first came to WZCW -- which seems like ages ago -- I probably would have agreed with you. I looked up to Showtime, I revered him. Showtime was everything I wanted to be, and then some. He had been Elite X Champion, but he'd moved on to the main event of Kingdom Come. He was rubbing elbows with Ty Burna, while I facing legends like Chris Jones and Ferbian. Showtime was doing late night talk shows, he was on PPV posters, while I was struggling to make it past the dark match. I looked at Showtime in awe of his abilities and I kept thinking that he was destined to be a legend in this business -- and that's where I was wrong."

Smith turns and looks directly into the camera, leaning against the ring ropes.

"Showtime's a guy who -- by all measures -- has it all. The accolades, the ability, the looks, and on, and on. The one thing he lacks is humility. That's the one thing keeping Showtime from being at the absolute top of this business, like Ty Burna was. Sure, Showtime's got the shiny gold belt around his waist and calls himself the best, but that doesn't make it true.

Showtime parades around like the greatest wrestler to lace up a pair of boots -- but that's because he truly believes it. His ego is so large, that he can't stop to think that maybe, just maybe, he isn't the center of attention, that he isn't the only person in this company that knows how to work in this ring."

Smith stops and points up at the empty seats in the arena.

"Later tonight, this arena will be packed with you adoring fans who will chant Showtime's name and boo me out of the building, dismissing me as a viable threat to the king's throne. It's match may not be for the World Heavyweight Championship and I may not be in the World Heavyweight Championship picture -- yet -- but tonight is the most important step in my journey towards that belt.

Showtime and all you people are overlooking me because of the aura of 'greatness' that precedes Showtime. His ego has rubbed off onto you. He's made you believe in his fraudulent claims of being the best wrestler in the world. Tonight, I will shatter that belief."

Smith clears his throat.

"Showtime, ego is the greatest enemy you'll ever have. Long ago, I learned to leave my ego at the door, and I plan on teaching you that lesson tonight. You are at the top of this company -- you are the very thing I hate -- and I will bring every ounce of anger and hatred I have into that ring tonight. Not because I want to prove myself to these people, but because I want to rid the world of one more false prophet, of one more small man whose ego has swallowed him whole.

I have never wanted to fight anybody in my life quite as much as I want to fight you, Showtime. You are everything that I have fought against since my return to WZCW and I would love nothing more than to expose you in front of all these people."

Smith quiets down to a whisper, hissing out his final words.

"Good luck, Showtime... Because the better man WILL prevail tonight and he'll define the legacy he leaves behind in this ring."

The scene fades to black.
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