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All Your Base Are Belong To Us!

Getting Started

In order to become a Member of the Active Roster, you must first submit an Application. You can do this by Visiting the Application Thread HERE. Follow the Template and Instructions carefully. Then your Application will be reviewed, but be aware the staff may require changes to the application and then once the changes are made you will be added to the roster.

Before being Booked we advise that you go and post a Role-Play in the Roleplay Board found HERE. This is not a necessity but we do advise you do this so we can get a feel for your character and the such. Please make the Role-Play WZCW specific, by which I mean cut a Promo on one of the existing Characters. DO NOT post in here unless you have been accepted, roleplays will be deleted without warning if non-members post on that board.

Rules and Regulations

1. You may not use the name or Gimmick of any Licensed WWE, TNA or any other Wrestling Promotion. You may not mention them in your Role-Plays either; doing so can bring serious legal sanctions down upon WrestleZone. Doing this could result in you being removed from the eFed completely. Do Not mention a previous title run in such organisations either in your application or future Role-Plays, for the same reason.

2. Be sure to ask permission for using any Non-Wrestling Federation Characters from the board, likewise for using other Handlers Characters. If you do not ask permission and use these Characters you will be disciplined. You may use any of our Backstage Announcers, however you must ask permission if you wish to attack them in any way.

3. If you have any idea’s about the use of your character, they are more than welcomed, simply send a PM to Lee, Steamboat Ricky, Monkey or TheOneBigWill and we are sure to get back to you as soon as possible. The same applies if you wish to have a segment for the show, as we wont write them for you.

4. We work on a simple Three Strike Rule when it comes to no showing (not RP’ing for Matches). If you no show once you will lose, no show again and you will be Jobbed out and made to look bad, no show for a third time, and you will again be jobbed and kicked out of the eFed, no questions asked. These rules only apply to consecutive no shows; there is a thread open in the Backstage Area about time off. If you need time off, personal reasons or whatever, we will work it out with storyline.

5. Anyone caught stealing RP’s will be immediately thrown out of the eFed and never let back in. We will do periodic checks on the stealing of Role-Play’s, so rest assured if you do steal RP’s or lift lines from anything that isn’t your own work, you would be caught out eventually.

6. If you are booked for a match, please only Role-Play in the thread provided for you, however if you are not booked and wish to Role-Play you are more than welcome to start your own thread in the Role-Play Board Forum.

7. We allow the use of swearing, we realise that sometimes it is required to add aspects of a character, however please use it on a limited basis, we have to cater to anyone of the age of 13 and above, and excessive swearing is not appropriate. Swearing every other word isn't just uncreative, it will actually hinder our overall view of your Role-Play.

8. We usually decide the outcomes of matches based on Role-Play quality, but there are occasions where someone will lose for the purpose of storyline, usually done if both competitors agree beforehand - we will not force anyone to job out on any occasion. Role-Plays are judged on Quality not Quantity - Two good Role-Play’s will beat 5 average Role-Play’s any day of the week. Once Role-Play's are in, the WZCW creative team will be voting on the winners of those matches. If one of the Creative Team is involved in a match, they will not be allowed to vote on said match, and sometimes senior members of the eFed may be asked to vote on certain matches to ensure the right decision is made. If you have a problem with the result of a match, do not voice your displeasure on the board, please PM FLUK and he will be happy to explain why the match went the way it did.

9. Again if you have a problem with how your Character was used in a Match, PM one of the Creative Team about it, do not attack the Team on the Board, doing so could seen you removed from the eFed permanently.

10. You must Role-Play! I can't stress this enough, failure to Role-Play results in your losing the match automatically, Champion or not.

11. Pyrotechnics and Gimmick entrances are not allowed until rewarded. We will reward people with pryo and gimmick entrances. This is so we don't have people coming in with great big entrances and two minute pyrotechnic shows in the opening match. Special lighting is ok, feel free to use strobe lights, green lights, black lights etc.

12. Open challenges and gimmick matches (i.e. Steel Cages, Ladder Matches, etc) are NOT to be made unless given permission by Staff. You MUST ask us first, we hold the right to reject any request.

13. If you wish to do a run-in, or attack someone backstage, you MUST send a PM to Staff, and it must be approved by the other person in question. Send the request, and we will ask that person if you can attack them. The writers will then add it into the show. We do hold the right to reject or add attacks ourselves without permission.

Show and Deadline Times

When a show is posted, it will Always be posted with a deadline date for your Role-Play's. Please ensure you get your Role-Play before the date ends. If you do not Role-Play and provide no advance warning that you cannot make the deadline, you will lose your match. If you know you cannot make the deadline or need an extention on the deadline, please let us know and we can try to accomidate your needs.

The schedule is as follows;

Timing of events for Meltdown...
Every second Friday will be the posting of the new card
You will 10 days (a week after the Monday following) to post your RPs
The show will be up by the Thursday.

WZCW Pay Per Views

Civil Revolution
All or Nothing
Lethal Lottery
Kingdom Come

The Creative Team

Lee (FLUK)
Steamboat Ricky

WZCW Non Wrestling Staff

WZCW General Manager: Chuck “The Assassin” Myles
Chuck Myles was a very talented professional wrestler, who had his career cut short at age 30 with a back injury, stopping a growing reputation that sent him around the world in many international promotions. Not letting his wrestling passion die, Myles took to the business side of the wrestling industry and took charge of many independent promotions in the Mid-West of America. Myles soon became known for introducing an MMA style with his wrestlers.

In late 2004, Myles made a shocking return to the ring, in the top MMA company, IFF (International Fighting Federation) where he blistered into fame in that area. He was given the reputation of being a hard-nosed, old school and tough fighter, but always fought clean and to the rules. In his time there spanning just over a year, at age 48, Myles’ record was 17-1, only beaten by knockout against Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen, in his final match. After this, Myles again ran indy wrestling promotions, stating that he wished to go back to the world of professional wrestling and away from MMA, because his body was fading. He invested his funds and secured strong finacial backing into what he hopes will be a company to rival the greats: WZCW. Since 2006, he has been securing contracts and advertising WZCW all over the place, and his good reputation has landed him the contracts of many top wrestlers.

Myles, at age 50, is still a tough veteran, and he employs a lot of his original standards into his General Manager role of WZCW. He is never intimidated by other wrestlers, and is always willing to lay down the law to those that don’t want to play by it. He is still not one to back down from a fight, but wrestles very rarely and only on special occasions. If anyone wants to land themselves in trouble, they should talk back to Chuck “The Assassin” Myles, because Myles is not one to stand for that, and will only give opportunities to those who deserve it.

WZCW Play by Play Announcer: Sebastian Copeland
Copeland is a young announcer that is gaining a growing reputation. He hosted an online wrestling discussion show, before being scouted by Chuck Myles to be the play-by-play announcer for WZCW. He is a fan of sportsmanship and respect shown in the ring, but attempts to remain unbiased against wrestlers who lack these qualities. The fans like him, but some wrestlers in the back are not big fans of his, but that does not deter him from saying what’s on his mind at times. He has a very detailed knowledge of wrestling, and is someone that knows every move in the book.

WZCW Colour Announcer: Jack “The Enforcement” Cohen
Cohen was a long-time rival of Chuck Myles across the world, and it was a surprise when he was chosen as the colour commentator for WZCW. Cohen is a fan of the bad guys and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about that, but is respected for putting his veteran experience in the ring into his commentary, but manages to anger more than a few fans with his biased commentary.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Rebecca “Becky” Serra
The sultry interviewer that has the guys drooling. She is popular with the fans, and behind the pretty face lies a smart wrestling brain, and Serra is known for not being afraid to ask the tough questions, but can be intimidated by wrestlers and blurt out occasional words of stupidity.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Leon Kensworth
He is the typical male backstage interviewer, in that he is wimpy compared to the other wrestlers and is intimidated by almost anyone. He is somewhat of the laughing stock of the company, with his glasses and nerdy haircut, but has a reputation of being a very good journalist, but just not very confident when it comes to talking with the wrestlers face to face.

WZCW Lead Interviewer: Johnny Klamor
Coming from a long background in reporting for various newspaper tabloids around the world, Johnny Klamor adds a air of arrogance and determination in his interviews that can't be matched by either of the other two. He'll ask all the difficult questions, usually resulting in him getting a smack in the mouth for his troubles, but at least he dares to tread where others can only follow.

WZCW Referee: Jim Coleman
WZCW Referee: Paul Butler
WZCW Referee: Mike Miciziano

Getting Started

In order to become a Member of the Active Roster, you must first submit an Application. You can do this by Visiting the Application Thread HERE. Follow the Template and Instructions carefully. Then your Application will be reviewed, but be aware the staff may require changes to the application and then once the changes are made you will be added to the roster.

Before being Booked we advise that you go and post a Role-Play in the Roleplay Board found HERE. This is not a necessity but we do advise you do this so we can get a feel for your character and the such. Please make the Role-Play WZCW specific, by which I mean cut a Promo on one of the existing Characters. DO NOT post in here unless you have been accepted, roleplays will be deleted without warning if non-members post on that board.

Rules and Regulations

1. You may not use the name or Gimmick of any Licensed WWE, TNA or any other Wrestling Promotion. You may not mention them in your Role-Plays either; doing so can bring serious legal sanctions down upon WrestleZone. Doing this could result in you being removed from the eFed completely. Do Not mention a previous title run in such organisations either in your application or future Role-Plays, for the same reason.

2. Be sure to ask permission for using any Non-Wrestling Federation Characters from the board, likewise for using other Handlers Characters. If you do not ask permission and use these Characters you will be disciplined. You may use any of our Backstage Announcers, however you must ask permission if you wish to attack them in any way.

3. If you have any idea’s about the use of your character, they are more than welcomed, simply send a PM to Lee, Steamboat Ricky, Monkey or TheOneBigWill and we are sure to get back to you as soon as possible. The same applies if you wish to have a segment for the show, as we wont write them for you.

4. We work on a simple Three Strike Rule when it comes to no showing (not RP’ing for Matches). If you no show once you will lose, no show again and you will be Jobbed out and made to look bad, no show for a third time, and you will again be jobbed and kicked out of the eFed, no questions asked. These rules only apply to consecutive no shows; there is a thread open in the Backstage Area about time off. If you need time off, personal reasons or whatever, we will work it out with storyline.

5. Anyone caught stealing RP’s will be immediately thrown out of the eFed and never let back in. We will do periodic checks on the stealing of Role-Play’s, so rest assured if you do steal RP’s or lift lines from anything that isn’t your own work, you would be caught out eventually.

6. If you are booked for a match, please only Role-Play in the thread provided for you, however if you are not booked and wish to Role-Play you are more than welcome to start your own thread in the Role-Play Board Forum.

7. We allow the use of swearing, we realise that sometimes it is required to add aspects of a character, however please use it on a limited basis, we have to cater to anyone of the age of 13 and above, and excessive swearing is not appropriate. Swearing every other word isn't just uncreative, it will actually hinder our overall view of your Role-Play.

8. We usually decide the outcomes of matches based on Role-Play quality, but there are occasions where someone will lose for the purpose of storyline, usually done if both competitors agree beforehand - we will not force anyone to job out on any occasion. Role-Plays are judged on Quality not Quantity - Two good Role-Play’s will beat 5 average Role-Play’s any day of the week. Once Role-Play's are in, the WZCW creative team will be voting on the winners of those matches. If one of the Creative Team is involved in a match, they will not be allowed to vote on said match, and sometimes senior members of the eFed may be asked to vote on certain matches to ensure the right decision is made. If you have a problem with the result of a match, do not voice your displeasure on the board, please PM FLUK and he will be happy to explain why the match went the way it did.

9. Again if you have a problem with how your Character was used in a Match, PM one of the Creative Team about it, do not attack the Team on the Board, doing so could seen you removed from the eFed permanently.

10. You must Role-Play! I can't stress this enough, failure to Role-Play results in your losing the match automatically, Champion or not.

11. Pyrotechnics and Gimmick entrances are not allowed until rewarded. We will reward people with pryo and gimmick entrances. This is so we don't have people coming in with great big entrances and two minute pyrotechnic shows in the opening match. Special lighting is ok, feel free to use strobe lights, green lights, black lights etc.

12. Open challenges and gimmick matches (i.e. Steel Cages, Ladder Matches, etc) are NOT to be made unless given permission by Staff. You MUST ask us first, we hold the right to reject any request.

13. If you wish to do a run-in, or attack someone backstage, you MUST send a PM to Staff, and it must be approved by the other person in question. Send the request, and we will ask that person if you can attack them. The writers will then add it into the show. We do hold the right to reject or add attacks ourselves without permission.

Show and Deadline Times

When a show is posted, it will Always be posted with a deadline date for your Role-Play's. Please ensure you get your Role-Play before the date ends. If you do not Role-Play and provide no advance warning that you cannot make the deadline, you will lose your match. If you know you cannot make the deadline or need an extention on the deadline, please let us know and we can try to accomidate your needs.

The schedule is as follows;

Timing of events for Meltdown...
Every second Friday will be the posting of the new card
You will 10 days (a week after the Monday following) to post your RPs
The show will be up by the Thursday.

WZCW Pay Per Views

Civil Revolution
All or Nothing
Lethal Lottery
Kingdom Come

The Creative Team

Lee (FLUK)
Steamboat Ricky

WZCW Non Wrestling Staff

WZCW General Manager: Chuck “The Assassin” Myles
Chuck Myles was a very talented professional wrestler, who had his career cut short at age 30 with a back injury, stopping a growing reputation that sent him around the world in many international promotions. Not letting his wrestling passion die, Myles took to the business side of the wrestling industry and took charge of many independent promotions in the Mid-West of America. Myles soon became known for introducing an MMA style with his wrestlers.

In late 2004, Myles made a shocking return to the ring, in the top MMA company, IFF (International Fighting Federation) where he blistered into fame in that area. He was given the reputation of being a hard-nosed, old school and tough fighter, but always fought clean and to the rules. In his time there spanning just over a year, at age 48, Myles’ record was 17-1, only beaten by knockout against Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen, in his final match. After this, Myles again ran indy wrestling promotions, stating that he wished to go back to the world of professional wrestling and away from MMA, because his body was fading. He invested his funds and secured strong finacial backing into what he hopes will be a company to rival the greats: WZCW. Since 2006, he has been securing contracts and advertising WZCW all over the place, and his good reputation has landed him the contracts of many top wrestlers.

Myles, at age 50, is still a tough veteran, and he employs a lot of his original standards into his General Manager role of WZCW. He is never intimidated by other wrestlers, and is always willing to lay down the law to those that don’t want to play by it. He is still not one to back down from a fight, but wrestles very rarely and only on special occasions. If anyone wants to land themselves in trouble, they should talk back to Chuck “The Assassin” Myles, because Myles is not one to stand for that, and will only give opportunities to those who deserve it.

WZCW Play by Play Announcer: Sebastian Copeland
Copeland is a young announcer that is gaining a growing reputation. He hosted an online wrestling discussion show, before being scouted by Chuck Myles to be the play-by-play announcer for WZCW. He is a fan of sportsmanship and respect shown in the ring, but attempts to remain unbiased against wrestlers who lack these qualities. The fans like him, but some wrestlers in the back are not big fans of his, but that does not deter him from saying what’s on his mind at times. He has a very detailed knowledge of wrestling, and is someone that knows every move in the book.

WZCW Colour Announcer: Jack “The Enforcement” Cohen
Cohen was a long-time rival of Chuck Myles across the world, and it was a surprise when he was chosen as the colour commentator for WZCW. Cohen is a fan of the bad guys and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about that, but is respected for putting his veteran experience in the ring into his commentary, but manages to anger more than a few fans with his biased commentary.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Rebecca “Becky” Serra
The sultry interviewer that has the guys drooling. She is popular with the fans, and behind the pretty face lies a smart wrestling brain, and Serra is known for not being afraid to ask the tough questions, but can be intimidated by wrestlers and blurt out occasional words of stupidity.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Leon Kensworth
He is the typical male backstage interviewer, in that he is wimpy compared to the other wrestlers and is intimidated by almost anyone. He is somewhat of the laughing stock of the company, with his glasses and nerdy haircut, but has a reputation of being a very good journalist, but just not very confident when it comes to talking with the wrestlers face to face.

WZCW Lead Interviewer: Johnny Klamor
Coming from a long background in reporting for various newspaper tabloids around the world, Johnny Klamor adds a air of arrogance and determination in his interviews that can't be matched by either of the other two. He'll ask all the difficult questions, usually resulting in him getting a smack in the mouth for his troubles, but at least he dares to tread where others can only follow.

WZCW Referee: Jim Coleman
WZCW Referee: Paul Butler
WZCW Referee: Mike Miciziano

Getting Started

In order to become a Member of the Active Roster, you must first submit an Application. You can do this by Visiting the Application Thread HERE. Follow the Template and Instructions carefully. Then your Application will be reviewed, but be aware the staff may require changes to the application and then once the changes are made you will be added to the roster.

Before being Booked we advise that you go and post a Role-Play in the Roleplay Board found HERE. This is not a necessity but we do advise you do this so we can get a feel for your character and the such. Please make the Role-Play WZCW specific, by which I mean cut a Promo on one of the existing Characters. DO NOT post in here unless you have been accepted, roleplays will be deleted without warning if non-members post on that board.

Rules and Regulations

1. You may not use the name or Gimmick of any Licensed WWE, TNA or any other Wrestling Promotion. You may not mention them in your Role-Plays either; doing so can bring serious legal sanctions down upon WrestleZone. Doing this could result in you being removed from the eFed completely. Do Not mention a previous title run in such organisations either in your application or future Role-Plays, for the same reason.

2. Be sure to ask permission for using any Non-Wrestling Federation Characters from the board, likewise for using other Handlers Characters. If you do not ask permission and use these Characters you will be disciplined. You may use any of our Backstage Announcers, however you must ask permission if you wish to attack them in any way.

3. If you have any idea’s about the use of your character, they are more than welcomed, simply send a PM to Lee, Steamboat Ricky, Monkey or TheOneBigWill and we are sure to get back to you as soon as possible. The same applies if you wish to have a segment for the show, as we wont write them for you.

4. We work on a simple Three Strike Rule when it comes to no showing (not RP’ing for Matches). If you no show once you will lose, no show again and you will be Jobbed out and made to look bad, no show for a third time, and you will again be jobbed and kicked out of the eFed, no questions asked. These rules only apply to consecutive no shows; there is a thread open in the Backstage Area about time off. If you need time off, personal reasons or whatever, we will work it out with storyline.

5. Anyone caught stealing RP’s will be immediately thrown out of the eFed and never let back in. We will do periodic checks on the stealing of Role-Play’s, so rest assured if you do steal RP’s or lift lines from anything that isn’t your own work, you would be caught out eventually.

6. If you are booked for a match, please only Role-Play in the thread provided for you, however if you are not booked and wish to Role-Play you are more than welcome to start your own thread in the Role-Play Board Forum.

7. We allow the use of swearing, we realise that sometimes it is required to add aspects of a character, however please use it on a limited basis, we have to cater to anyone of the age of 13 and above, and excessive swearing is not appropriate. Swearing every other word isn't just uncreative, it will actually hinder our overall view of your Role-Play.

8. We usually decide the outcomes of matches based on Role-Play quality, but there are occasions where someone will lose for the purpose of storyline, usually done if both competitors agree beforehand - we will not force anyone to job out on any occasion. Role-Plays are judged on Quality not Quantity - Two good Role-Play’s will beat 5 average Role-Play’s any day of the week. Once Role-Play's are in, the WZCW creative team will be voting on the winners of those matches. If one of the Creative Team is involved in a match, they will not be allowed to vote on said match, and sometimes senior members of the eFed may be asked to vote on certain matches to ensure the right decision is made. If you have a problem with the result of a match, do not voice your displeasure on the board, please PM FLUK and he will be happy to explain why the match went the way it did.

9. Again if you have a problem with how your Character was used in a Match, PM one of the Creative Team about it, do not attack the Team on the Board, doing so could seen you removed from the eFed permanently.

10. You must Role-Play! I can't stress this enough, failure to Role-Play results in your losing the match automatically, Champion or not.

11. Pyrotechnics and Gimmick entrances are not allowed until rewarded. We will reward people with pryo and gimmick entrances. This is so we don't have people coming in with great big entrances and two minute pyrotechnic shows in the opening match. Special lighting is ok, feel free to use strobe lights, green lights, black lights etc.

12. Open challenges and gimmick matches (i.e. Steel Cages, Ladder Matches, etc) are NOT to be made unless given permission by Staff. You MUST ask us first, we hold the right to reject any request.

13. If you wish to do a run-in, or attack someone backstage, you MUST send a PM to Staff, and it must be approved by the other person in question. Send the request, and we will ask that person if you can attack them. The writers will then add it into the show. We do hold the right to reject or add attacks ourselves without permission.

Show and Deadline Times

When a show is posted, it will Always be posted with a deadline date for your Role-Play's. Please ensure you get your Role-Play before the date ends. If you do not Role-Play and provide no advance warning that you cannot make the deadline, you will lose your match. If you know you cannot make the deadline or need an extention on the deadline, please let us know and we can try to accomidate your needs.

The schedule is as follows;

Timing of events for Meltdown...
Every second Friday will be the posting of the new card
You will 10 days (a week after the Monday following) to post your RPs
The show will be up by the Thursday.

WZCW Pay Per Views

Civil Revolution
All or Nothing
Lethal Lottery
Kingdom Come

The Creative Team

Lee (FLUK)
Steamboat Ricky

WZCW Non Wrestling Staff

WZCW General Manager: Chuck “The Assassin” Myles
Chuck Myles was a very talented professional wrestler, who had his career cut short at age 30 with a back injury, stopping a growing reputation that sent him around the world in many international promotions. Not letting his wrestling passion die, Myles took to the business side of the wrestling industry and took charge of many independent promotions in the Mid-West of America. Myles soon became known for introducing an MMA style with his wrestlers.

In late 2004, Myles made a shocking return to the ring, in the top MMA company, IFF (International Fighting Federation) where he blistered into fame in that area. He was given the reputation of being a hard-nosed, old school and tough fighter, but always fought clean and to the rules. In his time there spanning just over a year, at age 48, Myles’ record was 17-1, only beaten by knockout against Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen, in his final match. After this, Myles again ran indy wrestling promotions, stating that he wished to go back to the world of professional wrestling and away from MMA, because his body was fading. He invested his funds and secured strong finacial backing into what he hopes will be a company to rival the greats: WZCW. Since 2006, he has been securing contracts and advertising WZCW all over the place, and his good reputation has landed him the contracts of many top wrestlers.

Myles, at age 50, is still a tough veteran, and he employs a lot of his original standards into his General Manager role of WZCW. He is never intimidated by other wrestlers, and is always willing to lay down the law to those that don’t want to play by it. He is still not one to back down from a fight, but wrestles very rarely and only on special occasions. If anyone wants to land themselves in trouble, they should talk back to Chuck “The Assassin” Myles, because Myles is not one to stand for that, and will only give opportunities to those who deserve it.

WZCW Play by Play Announcer: Sebastian Copeland
Copeland is a young announcer that is gaining a growing reputation. He hosted an online wrestling discussion show, before being scouted by Chuck Myles to be the play-by-play announcer for WZCW. He is a fan of sportsmanship and respect shown in the ring, but attempts to remain unbiased against wrestlers who lack these qualities. The fans like him, but some wrestlers in the back are not big fans of his, but that does not deter him from saying what’s on his mind at times. He has a very detailed knowledge of wrestling, and is someone that knows every move in the book.

WZCW Colour Announcer: Jack “The Enforcement” Cohen
Cohen was a long-time rival of Chuck Myles across the world, and it was a surprise when he was chosen as the colour commentator for WZCW. Cohen is a fan of the bad guys and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about that, but is respected for putting his veteran experience in the ring into his commentary, but manages to anger more than a few fans with his biased commentary.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Rebecca “Becky” Serra
The sultry interviewer that has the guys drooling. She is popular with the fans, and behind the pretty face lies a smart wrestling brain, and Serra is known for not being afraid to ask the tough questions, but can be intimidated by wrestlers and blurt out occasional words of stupidity.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Leon Kensworth
He is the typical male backstage interviewer, in that he is wimpy compared to the other wrestlers and is intimidated by almost anyone. He is somewhat of the laughing stock of the company, with his glasses and nerdy haircut, but has a reputation of being a very good journalist, but just not very confident when it comes to talking with the wrestlers face to face.

WZCW Lead Interviewer: Johnny Klamor
Coming from a long background in reporting for various newspaper tabloids around the world, Johnny Klamor adds a air of arrogance and determination in his interviews that can't be matched by either of the other two. He'll ask all the difficult questions, usually resulting in him getting a smack in the mouth for his troubles, but at least he dares to tread where others can only follow.

WZCW Referee: Jim Coleman
WZCW Referee: Paul Butler
WZCW Referee: Mike Miciziano

Getting Started

In order to become a Member of the Active Roster, you must first submit an Application. You can do this by Visiting the Application Thread HERE. Follow the Template and Instructions carefully. Then your Application will be reviewed, but be aware the staff may require changes to the application and then once the changes are made you will be added to the roster.

Before being Booked we advise that you go and post a Role-Play in the Roleplay Board found HERE. This is not a necessity but we do advise you do this so we can get a feel for your character and the such. Please make the Role-Play WZCW specific, by which I mean cut a Promo on one of the existing Characters. DO NOT post in here unless you have been accepted, roleplays will be deleted without warning if non-members post on that board.

Rules and Regulations

1. You may not use the name or Gimmick of any Licensed WWE, TNA or any other Wrestling Promotion. You may not mention them in your Role-Plays either; doing so can bring serious legal sanctions down upon WrestleZone. Doing this could result in you being removed from the eFed completely. Do Not mention a previous title run in such organisations either in your application or future Role-Plays, for the same reason.

2. Be sure to ask permission for using any Non-Wrestling Federation Characters from the board, likewise for using other Handlers Characters. If you do not ask permission and use these Characters you will be disciplined. You may use any of our Backstage Announcers, however you must ask permission if you wish to attack them in any way.

3. If you have any idea’s about the use of your character, they are more than welcomed, simply send a PM to Lee, Steamboat Ricky, Monkey or TheOneBigWill and we are sure to get back to you as soon as possible. The same applies if you wish to have a segment for the show, as we wont write them for you.

4. We work on a simple Three Strike Rule when it comes to no showing (not RP’ing for Matches). If you no show once you will lose, no show again and you will be Jobbed out and made to look bad, no show for a third time, and you will again be jobbed and kicked out of the eFed, no questions asked. These rules only apply to consecutive no shows; there is a thread open in the Backstage Area about time off. If you need time off, personal reasons or whatever, we will work it out with storyline.

5. Anyone caught stealing RP’s will be immediately thrown out of the eFed and never let back in. We will do periodic checks on the stealing of Role-Play’s, so rest assured if you do steal RP’s or lift lines from anything that isn’t your own work, you would be caught out eventually.

6. If you are booked for a match, please only Role-Play in the thread provided for you, however if you are not booked and wish to Role-Play you are more than welcome to start your own thread in the Role-Play Board Forum.

7. We allow the use of swearing, we realise that sometimes it is required to add aspects of a character, however please use it on a limited basis, we have to cater to anyone of the age of 13 and above, and excessive swearing is not appropriate. Swearing every other word isn't just uncreative, it will actually hinder our overall view of your Role-Play.

8. We usually decide the outcomes of matches based on Role-Play quality, but there are occasions where someone will lose for the purpose of storyline, usually done if both competitors agree beforehand - we will not force anyone to job out on any occasion. Role-Plays are judged on Quality not Quantity - Two good Role-Play’s will beat 5 average Role-Play’s any day of the week. Once Role-Play's are in, the WZCW creative team will be voting on the winners of those matches. If one of the Creative Team is involved in a match, they will not be allowed to vote on said match, and sometimes senior members of the eFed may be asked to vote on certain matches to ensure the right decision is made. If you have a problem with the result of a match, do not voice your displeasure on the board, please PM FLUK and he will be happy to explain why the match went the way it did.

9. Again if you have a problem with how your Character was used in a Match, PM one of the Creative Team about it, do not attack the Team on the Board, doing so could seen you removed from the eFed permanently.

10. You must Role-Play! I can't stress this enough, failure to Role-Play results in your losing the match automatically, Champion or not.

11. Pyrotechnics and Gimmick entrances are not allowed until rewarded. We will reward people with pryo and gimmick entrances. This is so we don't have people coming in with great big entrances and two minute pyrotechnic shows in the opening match. Special lighting is ok, feel free to use strobe lights, green lights, black lights etc.

12. Open challenges and gimmick matches (i.e. Steel Cages, Ladder Matches, etc) are NOT to be made unless given permission by Staff. You MUST ask us first, we hold the right to reject any request.

13. If you wish to do a run-in, or attack someone backstage, you MUST send a PM to Staff, and it must be approved by the other person in question. Send the request, and we will ask that person if you can attack them. The writers will then add it into the show. We do hold the right to reject or add attacks ourselves without permission.

Show and Deadline Times

When a show is posted, it will Always be posted with a deadline date for your Role-Play's. Please ensure you get your Role-Play before the date ends. If you do not Role-Play and provide no advance warning that you cannot make the deadline, you will lose your match. If you know you cannot make the deadline or need an extention on the deadline, please let us know and we can try to accomidate your needs.

The schedule is as follows;

Timing of events for Meltdown...
Every second Friday will be the posting of the new card
You will 10 days (a week after the Monday following) to post your RPs
The show will be up by the Thursday.

WZCW Pay Per Views

Civil Revolution
All or Nothing
Lethal Lottery
Kingdom Come

The Creative Team

Lee (FLUK)
Steamboat Ricky

WZCW Non Wrestling Staff

WZCW General Manager: Chuck “The Assassin” Myles
Chuck Myles was a very talented professional wrestler, who had his career cut short at age 30 with a back injury, stopping a growing reputation that sent him around the world in many international promotions. Not letting his wrestling passion die, Myles took to the business side of the wrestling industry and took charge of many independent promotions in the Mid-West of America. Myles soon became known for introducing an MMA style with his wrestlers.

In late 2004, Myles made a shocking return to the ring, in the top MMA company, IFF (International Fighting Federation) where he blistered into fame in that area. He was given the reputation of being a hard-nosed, old school and tough fighter, but always fought clean and to the rules. In his time there spanning just over a year, at age 48, Myles’ record was 17-1, only beaten by knockout against Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen, in his final match. After this, Myles again ran indy wrestling promotions, stating that he wished to go back to the world of professional wrestling and away from MMA, because his body was fading. He invested his funds and secured strong finacial backing into what he hopes will be a company to rival the greats: WZCW. Since 2006, he has been securing contracts and advertising WZCW all over the place, and his good reputation has landed him the contracts of many top wrestlers.

Myles, at age 50, is still a tough veteran, and he employs a lot of his original standards into his General Manager role of WZCW. He is never intimidated by other wrestlers, and is always willing to lay down the law to those that don’t want to play by it. He is still not one to back down from a fight, but wrestles very rarely and only on special occasions. If anyone wants to land themselves in trouble, they should talk back to Chuck “The Assassin” Myles, because Myles is not one to stand for that, and will only give opportunities to those who deserve it.

WZCW Play by Play Announcer: Sebastian Copeland
Copeland is a young announcer that is gaining a growing reputation. He hosted an online wrestling discussion show, before being scouted by Chuck Myles to be the play-by-play announcer for WZCW. He is a fan of sportsmanship and respect shown in the ring, but attempts to remain unbiased against wrestlers who lack these qualities. The fans like him, but some wrestlers in the back are not big fans of his, but that does not deter him from saying what’s on his mind at times. He has a very detailed knowledge of wrestling, and is someone that knows every move in the book.

WZCW Colour Announcer: Jack “The Enforcement” Cohen
Cohen was a long-time rival of Chuck Myles across the world, and it was a surprise when he was chosen as the colour commentator for WZCW. Cohen is a fan of the bad guys and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about that, but is respected for putting his veteran experience in the ring into his commentary, but manages to anger more than a few fans with his biased commentary.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Rebecca “Becky” Serra
The sultry interviewer that has the guys drooling. She is popular with the fans, and behind the pretty face lies a smart wrestling brain, and Serra is known for not being afraid to ask the tough questions, but can be intimidated by wrestlers and blurt out occasional words of stupidity.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Leon Kensworth
He is the typical male backstage interviewer, in that he is wimpy compared to the other wrestlers and is intimidated by almost anyone. He is somewhat of the laughing stock of the company, with his glasses and nerdy haircut, but has a reputation of being a very good journalist, but just not very confident when it comes to talking with the wrestlers face to face.

WZCW Lead Interviewer: Johnny Klamor
Coming from a long background in reporting for various newspaper tabloids around the world, Johnny Klamor adds a air of arrogance and determination in his interviews that can't be matched by either of the other two. He'll ask all the difficult questions, usually resulting in him getting a smack in the mouth for his troubles, but at least he dares to tread where others can only follow.

WZCW Referee: Jim Coleman
WZCW Referee: Paul Butler
WZCW Referee: Mike Miciziano

Getting Started

In order to become a Member of the Active Roster, you must first submit an Application. You can do this by Visiting the Application Thread HERE. Follow the Template and Instructions carefully. Then your Application will be reviewed, but be aware the staff may require changes to the application and then once the changes are made you will be added to the roster.

Before being Booked we advise that you go and post a Role-Play in the Roleplay Board found HERE. This is not a necessity but we do advise you do this so we can get a feel for your character and the such. Please make the Role-Play WZCW specific, by which I mean cut a Promo on one of the existing Characters. DO NOT post in here unless you have been accepted, roleplays will be deleted without warning if non-members post on that board.

Rules and Regulations

1. You may not use the name or Gimmick of any Licensed WWE, TNA or any other Wrestling Promotion. You may not mention them in your Role-Plays either; doing so can bring serious legal sanctions down upon WrestleZone. Doing this could result in you being removed from the eFed completely. Do Not mention a previous title run in such organisations either in your application or future Role-Plays, for the same reason.

2. Be sure to ask permission for using any Non-Wrestling Federation Characters from the board, likewise for using other Handlers Characters. If you do not ask permission and use these Characters you will be disciplined. You may use any of our Backstage Announcers, however you must ask permission if you wish to attack them in any way.

3. If you have any idea’s about the use of your character, they are more than welcomed, simply send a PM to Lee, Steamboat Ricky, Monkey or TheOneBigWill and we are sure to get back to you as soon as possible. The same applies if you wish to have a segment for the show, as we wont write them for you.

4. We work on a simple Three Strike Rule when it comes to no showing (not RP’ing for Matches). If you no show once you will lose, no show again and you will be Jobbed out and made to look bad, no show for a third time, and you will again be jobbed and kicked out of the eFed, no questions asked. These rules only apply to consecutive no shows; there is a thread open in the Backstage Area about time off. If you need time off, personal reasons or whatever, we will work it out with storyline.

5. Anyone caught stealing RP’s will be immediately thrown out of the eFed and never let back in. We will do periodic checks on the stealing of Role-Play’s, so rest assured if you do steal RP’s or lift lines from anything that isn’t your own work, you would be caught out eventually.

6. If you are booked for a match, please only Role-Play in the thread provided for you, however if you are not booked and wish to Role-Play you are more than welcome to start your own thread in the Role-Play Board Forum.

7. We allow the use of swearing, we realise that sometimes it is required to add aspects of a character, however please use it on a limited basis, we have to cater to anyone of the age of 13 and above, and excessive swearing is not appropriate. Swearing every other word isn't just uncreative, it will actually hinder our overall view of your Role-Play.

8. We usually decide the outcomes of matches based on Role-Play quality, but there are occasions where someone will lose for the purpose of storyline, usually done if both competitors agree beforehand - we will not force anyone to job out on any occasion. Role-Plays are judged on Quality not Quantity - Two good Role-Play’s will beat 5 average Role-Play’s any day of the week. Once Role-Play's are in, the WZCW creative team will be voting on the winners of those matches. If one of the Creative Team is involved in a match, they will not be allowed to vote on said match, and sometimes senior members of the eFed may be asked to vote on certain matches to ensure the right decision is made. If you have a problem with the result of a match, do not voice your displeasure on the board, please PM FLUK and he will be happy to explain why the match went the way it did.

9. Again if you have a problem with how your Character was used in a Match, PM one of the Creative Team about it, do not attack the Team on the Board, doing so could seen you removed from the eFed permanently.

10. You must Role-Play! I can't stress this enough, failure to Role-Play results in your losing the match automatically, Champion or not.

11. Pyrotechnics and Gimmick entrances are not allowed until rewarded. We will reward people with pryo and gimmick entrances. This is so we don't have people coming in with great big entrances and two minute pyrotechnic shows in the opening match. Special lighting is ok, feel free to use strobe lights, green lights, black lights etc.

12. Open challenges and gimmick matches (i.e. Steel Cages, Ladder Matches, etc) are NOT to be made unless given permission by Staff. You MUST ask us first, we hold the right to reject any request.

13. If you wish to do a run-in, or attack someone backstage, you MUST send a PM to Staff, and it must be approved by the other person in question. Send the request, and we will ask that person if you can attack them. The writers will then add it into the show. We do hold the right to reject or add attacks ourselves without permission.

Show and Deadline Times

When a show is posted, it will Always be posted with a deadline date for your Role-Play's. Please ensure you get your Role-Play before the date ends. If you do not Role-Play and provide no advance warning that you cannot make the deadline, you will lose your match. If you know you cannot make the deadline or need an extention on the deadline, please let us know and we can try to accomidate your needs.

The schedule is as follows;

Timing of events for Meltdown...
Every second Friday will be the posting of the new card
You will 10 days (a week after the Monday following) to post your RPs
The show will be up by the Thursday.

WZCW Pay Per Views

Civil Revolution
All or Nothing
Lethal Lottery
Kingdom Come

The Creative Team

Lee (FLUK)
Steamboat Ricky

WZCW Non Wrestling Staff

WZCW General Manager: Chuck “The Assassin” Myles
Chuck Myles was a very talented professional wrestler, who had his career cut short at age 30 with a back injury, stopping a growing reputation that sent him around the world in many international promotions. Not letting his wrestling passion die, Myles took to the business side of the wrestling industry and took charge of many independent promotions in the Mid-West of America. Myles soon became known for introducing an MMA style with his wrestlers.

In late 2004, Myles made a shocking return to the ring, in the top MMA company, IFF (International Fighting Federation) where he blistered into fame in that area. He was given the reputation of being a hard-nosed, old school and tough fighter, but always fought clean and to the rules. In his time there spanning just over a year, at age 48, Myles’ record was 17-1, only beaten by knockout against Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen, in his final match. After this, Myles again ran indy wrestling promotions, stating that he wished to go back to the world of professional wrestling and away from MMA, because his body was fading. He invested his funds and secured strong finacial backing into what he hopes will be a company to rival the greats: WZCW. Since 2006, he has been securing contracts and advertising WZCW all over the place, and his good reputation has landed him the contracts of many top wrestlers.

Myles, at age 50, is still a tough veteran, and he employs a lot of his original standards into his General Manager role of WZCW. He is never intimidated by other wrestlers, and is always willing to lay down the law to those that don’t want to play by it. He is still not one to back down from a fight, but wrestles very rarely and only on special occasions. If anyone wants to land themselves in trouble, they should talk back to Chuck “The Assassin” Myles, because Myles is not one to stand for that, and will only give opportunities to those who deserve it.

WZCW Play by Play Announcer: Sebastian Copeland
Copeland is a young announcer that is gaining a growing reputation. He hosted an online wrestling discussion show, before being scouted by Chuck Myles to be the play-by-play announcer for WZCW. He is a fan of sportsmanship and respect shown in the ring, but attempts to remain unbiased against wrestlers who lack these qualities. The fans like him, but some wrestlers in the back are not big fans of his, but that does not deter him from saying what’s on his mind at times. He has a very detailed knowledge of wrestling, and is someone that knows every move in the book.

WZCW Colour Announcer: Jack “The Enforcement” Cohen
Cohen was a long-time rival of Chuck Myles across the world, and it was a surprise when he was chosen as the colour commentator for WZCW. Cohen is a fan of the bad guys and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about that, but is respected for putting his veteran experience in the ring into his commentary, but manages to anger more than a few fans with his biased commentary.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Rebecca “Becky” Serra
The sultry interviewer that has the guys drooling. She is popular with the fans, and behind the pretty face lies a smart wrestling brain, and Serra is known for not being afraid to ask the tough questions, but can be intimidated by wrestlers and blurt out occasional words of stupidity.

WZCW Backstage Announcer: Leon Kensworth
He is the typical male backstage interviewer, in that he is wimpy compared to the other wrestlers and is intimidated by almost anyone. He is somewhat of the laughing stock of the company, with his glasses and nerdy haircut, but has a reputation of being a very good journalist, but just not very confident when it comes to talking with the wrestlers face to face.

WZCW Lead Interviewer: Johnny Klamor
Coming from a long background in reporting for various newspaper tabloids around the world, Johnny Klamor adds a air of arrogance and determination in his interviews that can't be matched by either of the other two. He'll ask all the difficult questions, usually resulting in him getting a smack in the mouth for his troubles, but at least he dares to tread where others can only follow.

WZCW Referee: Jim Coleman
WZCW Referee: Paul Butler
WZCW Referee: Mike Miciziano
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