WZCW Rating Score

Still at 14050....

What what I thought was pretty respectable score doesn't look so hot now. I always wondered what a Cena heel turn would look like.

Ty Burna. It would look like Ty Burna (only y'know more shaved gorilla like)
Probably on it's own. I say we make it 150, afterall Kermit made this thread/game and he is a WZCW regular memeber ;) or let him decide. But you also get add the points for competing in a gimmick match.
2900. I'm pretty damn happy with that.

Win A Match - 50
Compete on Ascension - 50
Compete at Lethal Lottery - 300
Compete at Kingdom Come - 500
Win Elite X Title - 450
Compete in Title Match - 200
Successfully Defend Title - 250
Win 5 Singles Matches - 250
Compete in a Gimmick Match - 150
5 Win Streak - 400 (currently on 6 since the Lottery)
Had a Backstage Segment - 50
Made the Fantabulous 15 - 100
CB'd by Ty Burna - 100
Hit all of your finishers - 50

This is assuming that the small backstage segment I had wishing Scumm luck pre-KC counts, and that the over-the-top-rope battle royale before the Lottery counts as a gimmick match.
I don't feel like adding up my score right now (mostly because I haven't kept track of my Win-Loss record), but it has dawned on me how much Saboteur hasn't done yet in WZCW. He hasn't been in any gimmick matches (apart from the tuxedo match, which doesn't count because it was Roulette Round) and he's never been in a title match. Luckily, that will change quite soon, but still!
My score is WAY higher if we count every win, I thought you only counted each thing once.

You do. Or that's how it's supposed to work, anyway. But there are certain achievements for wins at certain events and achieving a certain number of wins, and I don't know if I meet the criteria.
You do. Or that's how it's supposed to work, anyway. But there are certain achievements for wins at certain events and achieving a certain number of wins, and I don't know if I meet the criteria.

Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, I knew about how many I'd won -- I'll go back and count 'em up, at some point.
Finally got around to doing this -- up to 1800, which isn't bad considering I haven't won a title yet.

It will be 2500 if I beat Triple X at Redemption.

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