WZCW Presents - The 2017 Hall of Fame

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As the show begins, some triumphant music plays out as the camera scans all of the momentous names who have turned up for one of the biggest nights in the WZCW calendar. In the from row, some of the legends of WZCW can be spotted. Legends like Showtime Cougar, Ty Burna and Everest clap as lights in the arena continue to swirl. Suddenly, the camera focusses on the stage, where a beautiful wooden podium can be seen in the centre of the stage. As the music begins to fade, a voice-over can be heard.

Voice: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage... Leon Kensworth!

A raucous applause goes around the arena for Leon as he walks out onto the stage. Dressed in a sharp suit and sporting the widest of smiles, Leon gives the fans and wrestlers alike a wave of his hand as he settles behind the podium. He waits a moment for the cheers and applause to settle before beginning.

Kensworth: You know, I am amongst a very privileged few people in this company. A number that seems to be getting smaller and smaller. That group of people, are the few that have been with this great company since it's inception almost 10 years ago.

Leon gets a smattering of applause as his accomplishment is brought to light.

Kensworth: Yes! What an amazing achievement and something that everyone in this room ought to be proud of. We started this company with a goal of being the most successful and must-see product in the world of professional wrestling. And I am proud to say that, 10 years on, we have gone ot achieve all of those goals and more.

Another light applause greets Leon.

Kensworth: Tonight, we honour just a few of the men and women that have taken this company from nothing more than a concept and, without any thought of personal gain, have built it into everything you see in front of you here tonight and beyond. In those 10 years, I have, personally, stood witness to some of the finer things in life and in wrestling. Things that, in any other walk of life, would be considered utterly insane. But those same characters, and the people behind them, have made those 10 years nothing but a pleasure.

Leon stalls for a moment, allowing the fans and wrestlers to think back on what has inspired them over the last 10 years.

Kensworth: Without the men that we honour tonight, perhaps none of this would have been possible. Without their success and without their passion, perhaps WZCW would have ceased to exist a long time ago. So, tonight, we thank those men for everything they have given us – the moments that made us smile, the characters that made us angry, and the legends that will foever make us thankful to be WZCW fans.

One final applause greets Leon's opening speech.

Kensworth: Tonight, the WZCW Hall of Fame welcomes home 3 more legends to it's hallowed halls. So, let's get on with it...

As the opening of the WZCW Hall of Fame comes to a close, the camera shows Leon Kensworth standing behind the podium, much like before. He flashes the crowd another smile before continuing.

Kensworth: Tonight is a massive night for everyone in WZCW, there is absolutely no doubt about that. Tonight, we celebrate the past and just how it has shaped the business as it is today. We give thanks to the superstars and personnel that have given so much to this business. And before we get to the first induction of the night, let's get someone out to induct him.

A curious cheer goes around the arena as Leon allows his brilliant smile to appear again.

Kensworth: This man was a real trail-blazer and was, perhaps, the man of the people that WZCW needed at the time. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ulysses S Adams... U.S.A!

A small applause goes around the arena for a man who, perhaps, is a little lost in the history of this great company. Some, however, are very excited to see the patriot in person. The crowd stands and claps as music begins playing. Several moments pass however and there is no sign of USA. A buzz starts throughout the crowd, the other WZCW stars shooting each other concerned glances. The music stops and starts up again. The music cuts out when a figure suddenly hops onto the stage, a hood up and a bandanna covering his face. Security rushes towards the stage when the man pulls back his hood and bandanna, revealing himself to be Tyrone Blades. A wide smile forms on his face as he looks out from the podium at all the confusion.

Tyrone: Well it appears U.S.A couldn't make it here tonight. Luckily, I feel as if I am the only worthy enough to induct the next member of the WZCW Hall of Fame. While I don't agree with this dog and pony show that Banks puts on, I feel that we still need to honor and recognize one of the best in WZCW history. The man they call Vengeance!

The crowd claps as they now take their seat. Tyrone brushes his hair back as he looks up at the tron behind him a smirk forming on his face as it rotates through a picture of the Dark Alliance.

Tyrone: Vengeance...Vengeance is someone I truly owe a lot to in this industry. He was the original mastermind, just as dangerous in his mind games as he was in the ring. I have to thank him as he was the one that brought me to the next level. He taught me so much, maybe not on purpose, but just getting to sit and listen to a veteran opinion made all the difference in my life. He taught me how to carry myself, how to perfect my craft, but most importantly, how to go after what you truly want not just in WZCW, but in life in general. He wasn't a vocal leader in this locker room, but he lead by example. And though he terrorized everyone he ever faced down, and I believe I can speak for all of us, we respected the hell out of that man, while he was casually beating us with an inch of our lives.

The crowd laughs as Tyrone smirks, a camera shot of Banks shows the look of irritation on his face at the change of plans.

Tyrone: While Vengeance chased championship gold his entire career, he only held one title, but a title that means the most to us here in WZCW, and that is the World Heavyweight Championship. He was able to defeat fellow Hall of Famer Titus at Apocalypse 2010 for that very title. As I sat in that pile of rubble Showtime left me in, I couldn't help but smile as I heard him called the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. The blood, sweat, and tears this man had shed in his career to finally get that ultimate prize. After that night, he had confided in me that this would be his final ride. He would be around until he lost the World Title. I wasn't quite sure what to say, but I respected his decision, and he respected mine to chase after the very title he held. And so at Unscripted, in the very first Hell in a Cell, the most bittersweet moment of my very own career happened. I defeated Vengeance and became World Champion. The highest of the highs, but it soon sank in what that meant. My mentor, my partner in the Dark Alliance, but most importantly, my friend Vengeance saw his career come to an end and it was by my hands. While I have ended numerous careers in WZCW, this was not one I cherished. As I held my newly won World Title, Vengeance knelt and passed the torch to me. It's something that stays with me to this day, and every time I step foot between those ropes. I carry that torch every time I fight, every machination I have produced in WZCW, it started that night inside the most hellacious structure ever created.

The crowd claps as Tyrone seems to get a bit emotional at the podium, lowering his head for a bit as he takes a deep breath, his hands shaking ever so slightly.

Tyrone: So many great matches with Vengeance. The King For a Day match, his Buried Alive match with Everest for the World Title, The Dark Alliance tormenting Corey Payne, his feud with Titus over the Elite X and World Titles, the list goes on. Vengeance was a big part of the uprising of WZCW. Between Titus, Steamboat Ricky, Everest, and Vengeance, they were the four pillars of WZCW that held the roof up while the rest of us developed our craft. They held it together during the struggle, and they brought the likes of Big Dave, Showtime, and myself up to their level. So tonight, we honor that great pillar of WZCW history. One part of the very backbone this company leaned on for so long, one of the most dangerous men to ever step foot in the ring, and a fitting addition to this elite group. Tonight, it is my highest honor and privilege to induct my mentor and friend, Vengeance!

Vengeance makes his way out, his trademark white hair still going strong as the crowd stands and cheers loudly. The newest Hall of Famer bows his head to the crowd as Tyrone walks over to him, the Dark Alliance reunited for one final time as they shake hands and embrace, Vengeance asking Tyrone what he did with U.S.A. Tyrone shrugs and the two share a laugh. After the embrace security suddenly appears on the stage. Tyrone notices and throws his hood and bandanna back up, quickly jumping off the stage and takes off as security files out chasing after him, as Vengeance watches on - cold but almost amused look upon his face.
Slowly and almost frighteningly, Veangeance meanders towards the podium.

Vengeance: I suppose I should say thanks for this. The fact you even tracked me down after all these years is something. Yet being remembered by people is always something. I have always been a man of few words, choosing instead to let my actions do the talking. So, to that end, I will keep this very short...

Vengeance remains cold as he looks into the eyes of EurAsian champion Titus Avison.

Vengeance: ...There's a legend about a man who held a championship for over 400 days. That is a man that everyone wanted to beat, but a man who couldn't be beaten.

Titus smiles at the comment.

Vengeance: Titus fears Vengeance.

The crowd laughs at this, Titus looks really annoyed but doesn't say anything.

Vengeance: Though he's not the only 400 day reign holder who is scared of me, is it Ty?

Again the crowd laughs at this.

Vengeance: Tyrone Blades fears Vengeance.

The lights flicker and again the unease falls over the crowd.

Vengeance: Some may question why I am in the Hall of Fame over others but it's simple. The biggest WZCW legends only fear one man. These legends only fear Vengeance.

Suddenly, the lights begin to flicker and smoke enters the room. At once, the lights in the arena go out. As they come back on, Vengeance is gone.
With that, Leon makes his way back to the podium from the side of the stage. Leon gives a clap towards the stage in appreciation of Vengeance's words. The applause continues for a few more seconds before Leon turns back to the crowd and allows his massive smile to appear once again.

Kensworth: And congratulations to Vengeance from a personal standpoint. Vengeance and I go a long way back and have somewhat of a troubled past. But there aren't many people in this business and this industry that have done more for the business. It was an honour to share the ring and the screen time with Vengeance.

A smattering of final applause for Vengeance goes around the arena as Leon fixes himself before continuing.

Kensworth: But now, ladies and gentlemen, the time comes to welcome home another of WZCW's finest talents. This talent was a real trailblazer who lived life at the drop of a hat. Perhaps one of the most unassuming men in the business, Big Will forged a legacy for himself that will never be forgotten. But before we get to that, it's time to welcome another WZCW legend to the stage. That man is the very first competitor to ever make it into the WZCW Hall of Fame...

A ripple of curiosity and applause starts as Leon introduces the legend.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage... The Pinnacle, Everest!!

The living legend that is Everest makes his way onto the stage, still looking as sharp and in as good shape as the day he retired from in-ring competition. The fans are on their feet to sound their appreciation for the man who, it is commonly felt, was one of the best Champions in the history of the company. Everest lets a smile appear on his face as he reaches the podium and produces a thick wad of papers from his breast pocket. Laying them down on the podium and straightening them out, Everest looks out into the vast crowd.

Everest: It seems as though WZCW carts me out every year to do these things, right?

Everest laughs as he continues to straighten out his papers in front of him.

Everest: A lot of people might be annoyed by that. Only getting called to the office when they need something from you...

An ominous tone begins circulate the arena as Everest stops for a moment.

Everest: But let me tell you something, folks, there is nowhere in the world that I would rather be at this moment in time.

A small cheer breaks the tension in the room as Everest smile again.

Everest: Before I introduce the next wrestler who will enter the WZCW Hall of Fame, I want to take you back to the very beginning of this company. I remember this company making it's start. Our first show was in none other than San Jose, California. In total, I think about 6,000 people turned up that night. It was a meagre start for one of the biggest wrestling promotions in the world. But you know something, it was ours. We toiled for son long without a future and without a direction that this seemed like light years away from anything we had ever experienced. Most of the guys who wrestled that night didn't come from wrestling backgrounds and the show was a far cry from the polished product that you see today.

The Pinnacle pauses thoughtfully for a second, perhaps remembering his first night in WZCW fondly.

Everest: The first show of WZCW was nothing more than a promise to the fans of wrestling out there who wanted something different. The first show served as a statement from WZCW that it would deliver some of the most high-octane and entertaining wrestling that the world has seen. And the next man into the Hall of Fame is one of the men that embodied that spirit of WZCW Meltdown number one.

A classy applause goes around the arena.

Everest: Fast forwarding a few months, I want to talk about the first ever Lethal Lottery event. In such a short space of time, WZCW had gone from nothing more than an independent with a huge dream to filling the Skydome in Canada. WZCW was the hottest commodity on TV and the people knew it. That night, the first match that was shown was an Elite X Championship match. The two competitors in that match? Gus and, of course, Big Will. I remember it being a hard-fought match but Gus finally putting Will down for the three count...

The Pinnacle stops for another moment.

Everest: In the locker room, I was getting ready for the Heavyweight Championship match. I hear a noise come from behind me as Big Will enters the room. I bite the bullet and go over to him... To this day, I don't know why I did that.

Everest gets a laugh from the assembled crowd.

Everest: But what happened in that conversation is something that I will never forget. I looked in the eyes of Will and told him that I would see him in the main event of Kingdom Come that year. After losing such a tremendous match and his championship, it would have been so easy for Will to have thrown in the towel then and there. But at that moment, he gave this look that said, “yeah, you fucking will”...

The notion of Everest swearing catches the crowd unaware but he gets a laugh regardless.

Everest: A few hours later, I was coming up short in the Championship match. But Will was made of sterner stuff on that night. The look in his eyes in the locker room told me everything I needed to know and it was no surprise, to me at least, that he did the business in the first ever Lethal Lottery match. He outlasted everyone, on the same night that he lost his Elite X Championship. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what Big Will was all about.

Another classy applause greets the words of the WZCW legend.

Everest: The final stop I want to make on this journey of discovery is the very first Kingdom Come event that WZCW ever held. Going from relative obscurity to the main event of the biggest show in the history of a company is no mean feat, trust me I've did it. But when Kingdom Come rolled around, there he was. That night, he went up against one of the most dominating Champions in WZCW in Joseph Rios. Not only did he win the Championship that night, he won the respect of his peers, fans and the world alike.

A massive clap goes around the arena that is soon joined by a few cheers from further back in the audience.

Everest: During those days in WZCW, it wasn't easy to make a legacy that would last for almost ten years but Big Will did it through all of the right means. I travelled down the road with Big Will in a tiny little van with some other WZCW wrestlers and I could just tell then Will was going to make it. He went on to win the Heavyweight Championship before I did and carried it like a Champion. And here we are, nearly 10 years later, at his induction into the WZCW Hall of Fame.

This time, the biggest of cheers and applause goes around the arena for The One's accomplishments.

Everest: And until I am wheeled out of storage next year, I want to congratulate one of the men that has made a massive legacy in this business. I want to congratulate one of my dearest and older of friends on reaching the very top of the business. Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me no greater pleasure to introduce you to... THE ONE... BIG WILL!!

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd ques up over the speakers, as the fans erupt with cheers and claps. Big Will emerges from the curtains, as the crowd gets louder. He rushes from one side of the stage to the other, pumping up the crowds louder and even louder. Waving his hands in the air along the way. Will pauses just right of the podium as he stares out into the sea of people. Gazing in amazement, with tears in his eyes. Waving off the music.

Big Will: Dammit!

He chokes up.

Big Will: I just stood behind that curtain, telling the boys in the back that I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't tear up, and I can't even make it to this stand without looking like a baby.

He looks around at the capacity crowd in attendance.

Big Will: Wow! Who would've thought it. Just look at all of you, all of this. I... I have truly missed this. I have missed all of you.

Suddenly, a "we missed you" chant breaks out. Will smiles softly, looking out beyond the podium.

Big Will: Thank you, sincerely, thank you."

Big Will: You know, when I first broke into this industry, not in a million years could someone have told me I'd be standing here in front of all of you, right now, in this moment; accepting an entrance into one of the greatest Hall of Fame's in all of Professional Wrestling.

A "You deserve it" chant breaks out.

Big Will: Stop... No, keep going.

Will steps back and laughs, as the fans grow louder with the "You deserve it" chants.


Big Will: Okay, okay. HA HA Let me get this out, before they usher me out of here back into obscurity... I had a speech prepared, it's around here somewhere.

He pats his pockets on his tux, but can't seem to find anything. He reaches in and out of pockets around his jacket.

Big Will: You know what, screw it, most of my career was taken off the cuff. It seems fitting this should be, too.

Big Will: I wanted to start off by saying something about the business, and giving thanks to those who paved the way - but then I realized, I paved the way for so many here; and my God if that isn't terrifying, then I don't know what is. I mean, hehe, who the hell would be stupid enough to follow me? In all seriousness though, there were so many who were here before me - who inspired me. The likes of Everest, Steamboat Ricky, Joseph Rios, and Sincade. Even guys like Downward Spiral, and D.C. Hell, even guys like Titus and Celeste who still seem to be tearing it up. I wouldn't be here, if it weren't in part to guys like them.

Big Will: You know, that makes me think of a story, a situation I had coming into the business. Joseph (Rios) comes to me, telling me he wants me to come in with him. He said the business was looking for youth, and he liked what he saw out of me on the indy scene. I wasn't sure, so I was very nervous to accept his invite. Well time passed, and Joseph keeps calling me up, telling me to just come down to the arena, swing by HQ. Finally I cave in, accepting his offer.

Big Will: So my first day here, not knowing a damn thing, I go through the back entrance and I'm standing here with my bags in hand; all the sudden this security guard stops me and asks if I've lost my way. He tries to point me around to the front entrance with the fans, and I'm here saying 'No, it's okay. I have clearance. I know Joseph, he invited me.' All the sudden, here comes Sincade and Joseph, and I go up saying to him this rent-a-cop won't let me pass. Next thing I know, Joseph is ribbing me telling the guard he's never seen me before. Telling me he'll sign autographs after the show, and do the photo thing with me and any kids wanting memories. Suddenly, two more guards show up, and I'm getting pissed off - and handcuffed. Sincade is laughing hard as hell, as they are taking me out of the back lot to a waiting police car. In my mind, I just kept thinking 'What the hell is going on?!' Finally, Joseph and this guard come walking up telling the cops it was a rib. I wanted to kill him. The whole time, I kept thinking I was still going to jail, because I wanted to kill him.

Big Will: Through it all though, I am eternally grateful and honored to be standing here, before all of you. Especially when I didn't think it would happen toward the end. Kind of breaking kayfabe here, but I didn't exactly leave on the best note - but mind you, it wasn't due to the Company so much as my own personal demons. Right after Kingdom Come, and my Championship victory I was on cloud 9. I felt untouchable. Next thing I know, the Company comes to me and says they want me to drop the belt. They want me to start giving back, putting over other talent coming up. Of course, I'm not happy by this, but politics were a larger part of the place back then. My hands weren't clean, they were very much in the thick of a lot by this time, and times were changing; so I felt robbed. I felt blindsided. Guys like Rios were on their way out, and true talent like Ricky, and Everest were being held back.

Big Will: So instead of doing the right thing, I backed out. I felt my talent was just as big, and I'm man enough to admit now that I was wrong. Little known fact to this, was I had a back injury from Lethal Lottery that no one knew about, but those close to me at the time. The Company knew it, and that's one of the reasons why they wanted to ease back on everything I was doing. So I was definitely going through my own personal demons, but thankfully I had a great support system that helped me find my way. One of my last matches was my call. I asked to face a legend in my eyes. I wanted Spiral. So the Company gave me that request, but only by way of helping to push Ricky. I agreed, and by far it was probably the best thing to do, I mean, look at that crazy bastard. Ricky ended up in here, and rightfully so, before I did. HAHA!

Big Will: I guess it's about time to wrap this up, so I just wanted to say thank you to the Company that gave me an opportunity, and the fans that refused to quit on me - even when at my lowest, I walked away from them.

A "One more match" chant erupts throughout the crowd.

Big Will: Thank you, thank you!! You don't know how much that means to me, to hear all of you still wanting me back. My message to all of the current talent is this..

Big Will: Understand that legacies aren't built on tomorrow. Legends aren't formed from ideas that haven't happened yet. Bust your ass. Give your all, and never quit striving for that brace ring. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed, so make today your immortality and create your legacy each and every day!! The best thing I can end on, is by saying I might not have been here for a long time, but dammit if I wasn't here for a good time!! Until we meet again, thank you WZCW, and thank all of you!
As will walks towards the edge of the stage, he offers the crowd one more wave, his smile still very evident on his face. Leon makes his way towards the podium once again.

Kensworth: Well, ladies and gentlemen, the WZCW Hall of Fame has just grown by two more illustrious names. How about we get another one in there?

A few cheers and a warm applause meets the promise of Leon.

Kensworth: This, ladies and gentlemen, is your main event of the evening. The man about to be inducted has done it all in this business and the success of it can be meaured by the amount of fans and, more importantly, friends he has carried with him with throughout his illustrious career. The next man onto the stage just so happens to be the biggest of them... Ladies and gentlemen, WZCW Heavyweight Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

The crowd stands and applauds. A few people yell out to the champ as he walks out to the stage, dressed in a lush white suit. He waves to the crowd with one hand, carrying a set of notes in the other. Of course his WZCW Heavyweight Championship belt is strapped around his waist. He smiles as he takes his place at the podium.

Stormrage: Thanks guys. Always nice to hear you guys, you never fail to give me a warm reception. Tonight though isn't about me, tonight we are here to celebrate the best this fine company has to offer. We have seen great men take their place in the Hall of Fame, and tonight, I'm proud to stand here and help induct one of the greatest of all time. No slight to Big Will or Vengeance, both of who could probably come up here and kick my ass at anytime, but few people can you call great and best friend.

When I got this call, I was a little surprised. You see Matt and I haven't exactly been on the best of terms in the last few months. I first met Matt a few years back after a house show. In our sport, life on the road is often hectic. Unless you have a traveling buddy, you don't get much time to interact with your fellow superstars. I knew of Matt Tastic, the Mayhem legend, but I didn't personally know him until that night. We had never had any one on one interaction, hell even any interaction, until we crossed paths in a Denny's in some town I can't even remember at this point. He ordered a t-bone and shrimp, I ordered a sirloin. We were the only two in the dinner so we made small talk, but nothing serious. Just two guys passing the time. It wasn't until a few months later that he challenged me for the EurAsian title that I really got to know him. He has a complete asshole, and I apologize if I can't say that on air, but it is the truth. We became locked in a bitter feud, with Matt getting the best of me with a rollup. He couldn't even beat me with a regular move, he rolled me up. How lame is that?

Anyway they say often times your worst enemy can turn out to be your best friend. Slowly, Matt came around, sure I was bitter that he beat me, but I found out we had a fair amount in common. We started to talk after shows, then we started to travel together. Through a shared love of Taco bell and fart jokes, we found out that we made a pretty good pair. There were a lot of highs, including being there in Matt's home country of Puerto Rico to help him win his first World Title. There were lows, like being unable to help him defeat Dorian Slaughter and watching him pass out in the middle of the ring. Then there was Kingdom Come seven. Live Mas, who to this day have not been approached by Taco Bell for endorsements or cease and desists, hit a wall. You can only fart one someone's pillow so many times before they want revenge.

But seriously, it wasn't easy fighting my best friend on the grandest stage of them all, and even though I totally kicked his ass, it had to be done. I hope that in the near future, Matt and I can regain that friendship we once had. This business has torn better men than us apart, I only hope the bonds we once had are still there.

Without further ado, I present to you my brother, my friend, WZCW Hall of Famer, Matt Fucking Tastic!


The crowd cheers as Tastic makes his way onto the stage. The two former members of Live Mas embrace for the first time in almost a year. The crowd begins to chant "LIVE MAS" as Mikey lifts Matt in the air in an almost bear hug before setting him down and fist bumping him before walking off stage, allowing his friend to have his moment in the sun.
The crowd continues to applaud, as Matt takes his place at the podium.

Tastic: Thanks everyone. Make sure to get your photos while you can, I may never wear a suit again in my life.

Thank you to Mikey for that fine intro. Like he said, this business will chew you up, you have to find friends, and I'm glad I found one in him.

Tastic takes a deep breath, before he speaks again.

Tastic: I've been in this business a long time. Longer than almost anyone I can remember. I've seen legends rise and fall, I've seen good and evil control this company, I've seen just about anything you can imagine. Including Mikey Stormrage naked.

Matt and the crowd laugh. Mikey yells from behind the curtain.


Matt and the crowd laugh even harder before he continues his speech.

Tastic: Truth be told, I can't really believe I'm standing here. I'm just a kid from a poor small town in Puerto Rico. This business though has allowed me to travel the globe. From Japan to England to Brazil to Australia, I've been all over. This business has helped me achieve my dreams. Where I come from, people aren't supposed to make it. Somehow, through hard work and an unhealthy obsession with anime, I managed ot break through.

I've sat front row nearly each year since we started the Hall of Fame. I've seen absolute legends stand where I'm standing. Titus, Showtime, Ty Burna, Everest, Big Dave, I honestly can't believe that my name will be included alongside theirs. Some people have called me Mr. WZCW. I still think that title belongs to Titus, but I feel proud each time it gets brought up.

A few days ago, while I was getting measured for my suit, my grandpa stopped me and he said "Matt, you deserve this. I'm so proud of you." I got a little choked up. I hadn't given any thought to it, but maybe I do deserve to be here. For so long I was just the Mayhem Guy. I still remember being left off the Kingdom Come card a few years back for the pre-show. I had a match against Alex Bowen, and I was so upset at being left off that I didn't take the match seriously. That was my turning point though. I realized I didn't want to be the Mayhem Guy anymore. So I started to train harder, and eventually I managed to capture Elite and EurAsian gold. Then I got lucky. In front of thousands of friends and family, I managed to win Lethal Lottery and was awarded the vacant World Title. I could have called it quits right there, but I kept going. I eventually won the title a second time, truly cementing myself as one of the all time greats. A tag title run later and I was only the second Grand Slam winner in history.

A lot of people have been asking, is tomorrow night my last match. To be honest I'm not sure. I have a lot of thinking to do after tomorrow night. But you can rest assured that I will be in that ring, giving my all, and Flex better watch out, or Kick Assery will find its way to you Flex.

Thank you all!

The crowd cheers as Tastic takes one last wave to the crowd, bowing, before he walks through the curtain to the back area and the lights go down in the building closing the festivities.

Yaz: Stormrage speech, Tastic speech
Lee: Vengeance speech
Dave: Opening, Everest Speech
Ty: Tyrone speech
Will: Will's speech

Make sure to rep the guys who aren't on creative who worked on this, and congratulations once again to the newest members of the WZCW Hall of Fame!
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