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WZCW presents Redemption

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Large shots of pyro and fireworks light the stage as the crowd at Madison Square Garden in New York City go wild. The camera pans around the fans as the cheer and hoist their home-made signs high into the air.

Copeland: Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, to WZCW Redemption! 20,000 line the greatest sports auditorium in the world as WZCW comes at you live.

Connor: What an event we have for you tonight and we get started now...

As the pyro finishes, we cut to the ring, already occupied by 6 men as Heavy Artillery reside on the outside of the ring.


Cohen: The cage is being lowered now as this mayhem is about to go live!

Heavy Artillery duck under the bottom rope and join their opponents in the ring. With eight men inside the ring, the corners become headquarters, as the competitors stick to each one. The cage lowers the final way and surrounds the ring. The referee takes the belts from Heavy Artillery and raises both of the belts above his head. All 8 men look at the belts raised high in the air. Knowing what awaits them in the steel heel that surrounds them; all men look cautious but ready for the challenge. The referee opens the door and hands the belts to a stagehand that surrounds the ring. Moving back into the centre of the ring, the referee signals for the bell and all 8 men charge at each other. James Baker and Mr Baller charge at Heavy Artillery as they seek some retribution for what happened at the previous Meltdown event. Karzai and Lights try to cover up as Baker and Baller unleash a flurry of strikes that causes both men to recoil into the corner. Meanwhile, Crashin and Kurtesy are pummelling Jones and Hancock. Jones tries to get some offence going but Kurtesy hits him with a dropkick that takes Jones to the canvas. Kurtesy quickly covers Jones, looking for the quick elimination. Jones is too fresh though and kicks out immediately. Hancock gets the better of Crashin and hits him with a headbutt before hitting Crashin with a scoop slam that takes him down. Hancock keeps him in the pinning position as the referee struggles to stay in control of things. He counts a one count before Crashin kicks out and Hancock gets into the mount position. He starts to pound Crashin before Kurtesy comes from the side to land a knee to the side of Hancock’s head. Meanwhile, Baker has been incapacitated for now and Heavy Artillery are going to work on Mr Baller. Lights whips him off of the opposite set of ropes and as he comes back, both Karzai and Lights land a double dropkick that takes Baller to the canvas. Lights covers him and as the referee’s hand comes down for the 3 count, Baker jumps at Lights and breaks up the count with a double axe handle to the back of his head.

Copeland: That was such a close call and I can only imagine that this match will get more busy as it continues!

Cohen: Lights does well to save his partner there!

Karzai charges at Baker but Baker notices him coming at him and moves out of the way, causing Karzai to collide with the steel as his attempt at a spear goes very wrong. Baker lands a few punches to Lights as he gets to his feet. Lights tries to respond with a wild punch attempt but Baker ducks under his flailing arm and hits Lights with a snap Suplex. Baker immediately gets to his feet and helps Baller to his. Both men stand tall in the ring as Baller goes after Karzai. Karzai is nursing his shoulder and face as Baller pulls him out from between the ropes. Baller hits Karzai with a swinging neckbreaker and covers him as he manages to pick up a 2 count before Karzai kicks out. Meanwhile, with Hancock out of it momentarily, Crashin-Klinic go after Jones. Both men punch Jones as they drive him back into the corner. Doug Crashin and Kurtesy both take turns of kicking and punching their opponent as Jones takes a beating. Hancock gets to his feet and notices the damage that is going on. Running at his opposition, Kurtesy sees him coming and pushes Crashin out of the way, causing Hancock to collide with Jones with a big splash. Hancock recoils out of the corner and Kurtesy quickly rolls him up with a school-boy pin. The referee counts a slow 2 before Hancock kicks out. Crashin runs at Smith, who is still in corner and attempts to land a huge shoulder block to Smith. Smith moves out of the way though and as Crashin recoils out of the corner, Smith launches him into the cage. The crowd boo as Crashin’s face collides with the steel. Smith immediately covers him and pulls out a 2 count.

Connor: Smith and Hancock may be inexperienced but they are taking advantage of the hectic situation so far.

Baker and Baller are taking the offense to Jordan Lights now as Karzai struggles to recuperate from his meeting with the cage that surrounds the ring. Baller tosses Lights into the corner and Baker begins to punish the torso and face of Lights with heavy strikes. Baller goes over to Karzai and grabs him by the hair, forcing him to get up. As Karzai is getting to his feet, he throws a punch at the abdomen of Baller. Baller jerks in pain as the punch connects. Karzai continues to land punches to the abdomen as he gets to his feet. As he eventually gets to his vertical basis, Karzai lands a back elbow smash to Baller. Baller attempts a clothesline but Karzai ducks under his arm and as Baller’s momentum carries him around, Karzai lands The Crazy Train. Karzai takes a second and rolls Baller over. The referee begins to count the fall.


Baker notices that he is on the verge of being eliminated.


Baker leaves Lights in the corner as he launches himself across the ring…

He just manages to reach Karzai and break up the fall as the referee’s hand comes down for the three count. A heavy sigh of relief comes from the crowd as Baker gets to his feet. In the mean time, Lights has climbed the turnbuckle that he was trapped in moments ago. Baker turns around as Karzai gets to his feet behind him. Lights looks unsure on the top rope but launches himself off, looking for the missile dropkick on Baker. Baker moves out of the way though and Lights collides with Karzai. Karzai flies across the ring.

Cohen: I feel an elimination coming, guys!

Connor: The ring is so busy that mistakes are being made all over the place.

Copeland: One of them may be fatal…

With Crashin out of the action momentarily, Kurtesy is left to fend for himself. Attacking Smith, Kurtesy unleashes a volley of punches as Smith attempts to get to his feet. Kurtesy picks him up by the hair and whips him against the ropes, as Smith returns, Kurtesy lands a faceplant DDT and immediately covers his opponent. However, Hancock is on hand to land a double-axe-handle to the back of Kurtesy’s head to break up the count. Hancock pulls Kurtesy to his feet and lands a pumphandle slam as Kurtesy meets the canvas once more. Hancock puts some distance between himself and Kurtesy before running at him and landing a knee drop to the forehead of his opponent. Hancock looks confident and throws his arms out to the side and the crowd boo him heavily. Hancock merely smiles though and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Once on top of the turnbuckle, Hancock does his taunt again as Crashin gets to his feet and launches himself at the top rope nearest to him. Hancock loses his balance and falls onto the corner causing him to damage his groin. A look of agony is etched upon his face as Kurtesy gets to his feet and joins Crashin as they venture towards Hancock. Both men mount the turnbuckle to the second rope and grab Hancock. They struggle with him for a second but finally get what they want as they land a double Suplex from the top rope. Hancock writes around on the canvas as Smith struggles to his feet. Kurtesy slaps Crashin’s shoulder to get his attention. Both men begin to stalk Smith as he stumbles to his feet. As he turns around, Crashin-Klinic hits the “Here’s your health care bill” and Kurtesy covers Smith. The referee gets down and counts the fall.




Cohen: Didn’t I just call that!?

Copeland: We have our first elimination of the night and it wont be our last.

Kurtesy gets to his feet and raises both arms in the air and then exchanges a high five with Crashin. The referee ushers Hancock over to the door and another official opens it, allowing Hancock out. Smith is next and after he recovers, moves towards the door, clutching his head. Both men exit the cage and the door is slammed shut once more. The official locks the padlock again and Crashin-Klinic look for a new direction. Crashin goes to rush at James Baker but Kurtesy grabs his arm and begins to talk to him with intent. Both men smile and then retreat to the furthest away corner. Kurtesy can be heard telling Crashin to conserve his strength and allow their opponents to beat each other up and to rest for now. Crashin-Klinic lie in wait as Kurtesy hops up on top of the turnbuckle and smiles as Baker picks Karzai up off the canvas before flashing a look at Crashin-Klinic, who are watching with intent. Baker drives Karzai back into the corner and begins to punish him. He grabs his head and turns them both around as he climbs the turnbuckle. Looking for a spinning DDT from the top rope, Baker launches himself off of the top rope. However, as Baker rotates around, Karzai uses the rest of his strength to toss Baker off of him in mid-air. Baker comes crashing to the canvas alone and Karzai immediately covers him. Baller, who was dealing with an exasperated Lights, turns around and saves the pinfall as he lands a kick to Karzai’s back. Karzai gets to his feet, clutching his back. Baller goes for another lariat but Karzai catches his arm and lands a deep arm drag that sends Baller flying across the ring and landing right in front of the Crashin-Klinic. Baller springs to his feet and looks at Max Karzai from across the ring. Karzai gets to his feet and stands before Crashin, his eyes fixed on Baker. Both men stare each other down as Karzai comes to realise what lurks behind him. Kurtesy gives Crashin a nudge and then a nod. Crashin taps Karzai on the shoulder and Karzai turns around to be met with the Crashin Cutter. Kurtesy drops off of his pedestal and locks in the Kommon Kurtesy. Karzai struggles on the canvas as his legs and arms flail as much as possible.

Cohen: He wont submit. Karzai has too much pride in his championship

Connor: The same is true of Jordan Lights.

Karzai is fading as Crashin begins to lay in some boots to the lower torso of Karzai. Lights notices his team-mate writhing on the canvas and begins to mount some offence to Baller. Lights hits him with a few punches and then a hard lariat that sends him to the canvas. Lights makes a break for Kurtesy but is intercepted by James Baker who lands Da Xtreme Knockout. Baker covers Lights and the referee begins the count.




Copeland: I don’t believe it! There you see the power of this steel cage!

Connor: No matter who is eliminated next, we will have new Tag Team Champions!

Cohen: Neither of those men would submit. This has been a hellacious match and it took something special to put them both out.

Connor: Karzai looks out of it. I hope he is OK…

The referee opens the door as Kurtesy relinquishes his hold. The referee begins to roll Lights out of the ring as another trainer moves into the ring to check on Karzai. Kurtesy moves away from Karzai who looks unconscious. The trainer begins to slap his face as Baker picks Mr Baller up from the canvas. Helping him to his feet, Baker gives Baller a reassuring pat on the back and reminds him how close they are to the Championships. Kurtesy and Crashin put an arm around each other for a second and square up to the Ghetto-Stars. The trainer splashes some water on Karzai, who refused to give up on his Championships. Karzai reanimates after a second and the trainer moves with him to get him out of the ring. Once both men are out, the referee slams the door and locks it again. The four men remain in the ring as they look around their surroundings. The steel cage looking very dangerous. All of a sudden, Crashin and Kurtesy rush to the nearest side of steel and begin to climb with gusto. Baker and Baller share a quick look with each other and then rush after their opponents. Baker pulls Kurtesy down from the side and Baller begins to climb the cage. Baller stands on the rope and grabs the leg of Doug Crashin. Baller pulls him down to his level and begins to pound him with punishing punches to the head. Grabbing his head, Baller transitions into the bulldog and launches himself off of the ropes and takes Crashin with him. Both men collide with the canvas with massive force. Kurtesy has gotten the better of his opponent and Baker is struggling to avoid his clubbing blows. Kurtesy attempts to whip Baker off of the ropes but Baker reverses it. Kurtesy whips into the ropes but holds on. Baker rushes Kurtesy but Kurtesy ducks out of the way as Baker lunges at him. Baker crashes into the steel cage, face first and blood immediately begins to spew from the deep gash on Baker’s head.

Copeland: We have our first sight of blood, Jacko. What does that do to a superstar?

Cohen: It may scare him but I suspect that a guy like Baker will be motivated by the scent of his own blood, Seabass!

Baller slowly turns Crashin over and the referee begins his count. Kurtesy notices this and lands a swift kick to the back of Baller’s head. Kurtesy picks up Baller who recoils from the kick. Kurtesy begins to attack Baller and is getting the better of him as he drives him into the corner. Landing some crushing blows to Baller’s torso, Kurtesy notices that he is the only man still standing. He begins to climb over Baller and is on the top rope. Baller comes to and notices that Kurtesy in a perfect position to take advantage. Baller grabs his legs and puts him into the powerbomb position. Baker struggles to his feet and climbs the turnbuckles from the outside. Baller turns around and Baker launches himself off of the turnbuckle, landing a cross-body to Kurtesy. Baker recoils away as Kurtesy lies helpless on the canvas. Crashin is slowly getting to his feet and looks unsure of his surroundings. Baller follows suit and is beginning to stalk Crashin. Crashin turns around and out of pure instinct, he hits the Crashin-Cutter. All four men lie motionless on the canvas as the crowd begin to stir. No one in the crowd is sure of who to support. Baker begins to get to his feet, his face awash with crimson blood. Noticing that it is only him that is standing through blood-soaked eyes, he begins to climb the cage. Crashin stirs and uses the ropes to get to his feet. Baker is almost half-way up the cage as Crashin moves to him. Baker continues to climb as a tense atmosphere begins to circulate the arena. Baker is almost on top of the cage as Crashin grabs his foot. Crashin moves up the cage and eventually both men sit atop the cage. Both men are swinging wild right hands at each other as Kurtesy and Baller get to their feet. All four men are exhausted and Kurtesy begins to climb after Baker and Crashin.

Connor: The chase is on!

Baller grabs his foot and pulls him back down to the canvas and immediately hits the dropkick to his opponent. Kurtesy bounces off of the cage and falls to the canvas. Baller gets to his feet and begins to mount the turnbuckle again. Looking up at Baker and Crashin, who are still pounding each other and then down to Kurtesy. Baller thinks for a second and then looks content with his decision. Suddenly, Baller hits the Buzzerbeater on Kurtesy. With one final shot to the head, Crashin falls to the canvas below with devastating force. Baker slings his leg over the side of the cage and falls to the floor.

Harrys: Here are your winners and new Tag Team Champions… The Ghetto Stars!

Copeland: What a match! All 8 of these men gave it everything and none of them are standing.

Connor: The Ghetto Stars have finally got what they wanted and it must feel great.

Cohen: Even I, the most scrutinising of people, must admit that any of these teams could have won and that was a Hell of a match. Congrats to the Ghetto Stars!

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Elite X title!

“Enya Stomp” by Gammer and Re-Con hits as Chris Beckford comes out to a huge ovation. He poses to the audience his signature arms out pose before running to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 lbs, Chris Beckford!

He climbs to the turnbuckle and posses to the crowd before back flipping off. “Headstrong” by Trapt hits and Austin Reynolds makes his way on to the stage, surrounded by a sea of gold and silver stars. He points and Beckford and then at himself as he makes his way down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, first, from London, England, weighing is at 190 lbs, he is the Ratings Winner, Austin Reynolds.

Copeland: These two men still have a lot to settle, with neither man having a clean victory over the other.
Cohen: And it looks like that will play in to this match as well. Both are hungry for gold and to one up each other.
Conner: And they can do that, in fact, neither man has to pin the champ to become champion so they can settle it here and win gold at the same time.

Austin enters the ring as “Monster” by Skillet hits. Karnage appears on stage with the Elite X title around his waist. He stares menacingly at his opponents as he slowly walks to the ring.

Anderson: And their opponent, from Scotland, weighing in at 287 lb, he is the Elite X champion, Karnage!

Karnage enters the ring slowly. He turns and faces both men as he takes his belt off and hands it to the ref. The ref holds it up as the bell sounds. Beckford charges at Karnage, but Karnage overpowers him and throws him to the mat. Austin goes at Karnage and Karnage does the same to him. Karnage laughs at his smaller opponents. Beckford charges at Karnage and Karnage knocks him down with a forearm. Austin does the same and he gets knocked down. Both men are up and are now throwing forearms at Karnage, who can no longer defend himself from them. Austin and Beckford both Irish whip Karnage across the ring. Karnage with a double clothesline on both his opponents coming back. Karnage roars at the crowd. He picks Beckford up and throws him into the corner. Karnage starts to drive shoulders into the gut of Beckford. Austin is standing in the opposite corner. Karnage Irish whips Beckford across the ring and he crashes into Austin. Both in the corner, Karnage goes for a clothesline. Beckford moves out of the way and Karnage nails Austin. Beckford off the ropes, hits Karnage with a running forearm to no effect. Karnage chuckles as Beckford runs off the ropes again. Karnage with a big boot, Beckford ducks under it and hits Karnage with a Dropsault. Karnage stumbles backwards, but stays on his feet. Beckford runs and goes for a crucifix pin. Beckford is unable to roll Karnage up and Karnage holds him up behind his back. Karnage turns and Austin hits him with Millions and Millions, causing Karnage to fall back and Beckford to roll him up. Austin breaks it up before 2. Austin jumps onto the ropes and goes for a Rebound back elbow. Beckford moves out of the way and Austin hits Karnage in the eye. Beckford charges at Austin, Austin flips Beckford over top of him. Beckford lands on the shoulders of Karnage. Karnage goes for a powerbomb, but Beckford punches him. Austin pushes both men into and over the ropes. Karnage falls to the floor, Beckford to the ring apron. Austin rebounds off the far ropes and charges at Beckford. Beckford pulls down the ropes and Austin flys over. Karnage catches Austin in mid air. Beckford with a Moonsault on both men as they all crash onto the floor.

Conner: Unbelievable athleticism we’re seeing here tonight.
Copeland: Indeed, Beckford and Austin appear to be inadvertently working together to fight Karnage.
Cohen: Well they have to Seabass, Karnage is just too strong of an opponent for either man to handle on their own.

Beckford stands and raises a hand as the crowd lets out a big cheer. Austin is up and Beckford quickly knocks him down with a clothesline. Karnage is now up and marches over to Beckford. He goes to grab him, but Beckford quickly scissor sweeps him, sending Karnage head first into the stairs. Beckford grabs Austin and rolls him into the ring. Beckford stands on the apron, waiting to strike Austin. Karnage suddenly grabs the leg of Beckford and pulls it out from under him, causing Beckford to crash face first onto the floor. He picks Beckford up and pushes his back hard into the announce table. Beckford crumples to the floor and Karnage starts taking the announce table apart. He turns to face the ring and Austin flys through the ropes and hits Karnage, knocking him and Karnage onto the table. Austin on top throws wild haymakers at Karnage. Austin stands and hits a standing shooting star press on Karnage. The table does not break. Austin hops off the table and approaches Beckford from behind. He grabs his head and smashes it against the ring post. Austin rolls Beckford into the ring and goes for the pin. He gets a 2 count. Austin with a kick to the back. He then puts a head lock on Beckford. Beckford struggles to his feet and rolls Austin forward over his head. Austin charges and Beckford hits him with an arm drag. Beckford follows that up with a Missile dropkick that sends Austin back to the mat. Beckford bounces off the ropes and runs at Austin. Crucifix head scissors connects. Beckford goes for the pin and gets a 2 count. Beckford is up and bounces off the ropes. Karnage trips the leg of Beckford causing him to stumble. Beckfords turns back at a smiling Karnage and then back at Austin, who hits him with a Roaring Elbow. Austin goes for the pin and Karnage breaks it up before 2. Karnage stands over Austin and tells him to give him his best shot. Austin punches, but Karnage grabs the fist and squeezes it. He goes to punch Austin. Austin ducks the punch and hits two in a row on Karnage, followed by a Roaring elbow causing Karnage to stumble back to the ropes. Austin goes to Irish whip him, Karnage reverses. Spinebuster from Karnage, as Austin grabs his back and rolls to the side. Karnage is up now, Beckford hits him with two stiff kicks to the legs. Karnage pushes Beckford with one hand to the mat. Beckford quickly up, runs and Karnage and leaps at him. Karnage catches him in mid air with a bearhug. Karnage swings Beckfords body around before deciding to slam him to the mat with a Belly to Belly suplex. Karnage goes for the cover 1... 2... Beckford kicks out. Karnage picks Beckford up and headbutts him, knocking Beckford to the mat. He does it a second time to the same result. Beckford crawls to the corner and Karnage lifts him to his feet. Backhand chop by Karnage. He does it a couple more times and then lifts Beckford onto the top rope. Karnage climbs to the top. He hooks Beckford up for a top rope suplex. Austin from the apron jumps onto the top rope beside them and hits Karnage square in the back of the head. Karnage slumps forward and Austin yells at Beckford to help him. Austin and Beckford both on the outside apron as Karnage is slumped over the turnbuckle on the second rope. Austin and Beckford grab Karnage and hip toss him over their heads and onto the dissembled announcers table, breaking it upon impact. The crowd explodes in disbelief.

Copeland: Viewers the unthinkable just happened. Not only did Austin and Beckford work together on this move, but they sent Karnage through the spanish announce table from the ring turnbuckle.
Cohen: Better theirs than ours Seabass, I like a place to put my drink down somewhere.
Conner: The crowd is still in disbelief.

Beckford stares for a moment at Karnage before Austin kicks him in the side, returning his attention. Beckford counters with a kick of his own and Austin returns the kick. Beckford goes high and strikes Austin in the head. Austin turns and is leaning back against the ropes. Beckford hits the kick again on him, sending Austin over the ropes. Beckford stands on the apron and leap onto the top rope. Springboard clothesline connects. Beckford is pumped and climbs up onto the top rope. Austin is on his knees and Beckford waits for him to stand. Beckford with a Hurricanrana, Austin prevents Beckford from flipping him and holds Beckford by the legs in front of him. Austin moves his legs in front of Beckford’s and hits him with the Ratings Killer! Austin sits up and talks smack to Beckford before casually rolling him over for the pin. 1... 2..... Beckford gets an arm up a fraction of a second before 3. Austin holds his hair in disbelief that Beckford kicked out and immediately begins arguing with the ref.

Cohen: That was highway robbery. The ref took like two, heck, three whole seconds to get into position. Austin has been robbed the title.
Copeland: Austin should be blaming himself for the weak pin attempt on Beckford. If Austin had hooked the leg I’m sure we’d be here congratulating out new champion.

Austin returns his attention to Beckford and stomps on him. He picks Beckford up and pushes him into the corner. Austin punches him in the face, there appears to be a little bit of blood coming from Beckford’s forehead. Austin lifts him onto the top rope and climbs onto the second rope. Austin with some punches, signals for a Frankensteiner. Beckford fights back with punches of his own. He takes Austin's head and slams it into the corner. Beckford sunset flips over Austin, top rope powerbomb. Both men are out inside the ring and Karnage has moved off the debris, but remains on floor. Austin and Beckford are on their feet. They trade punches. Beckford blocks one and counters with clothesline. He follows that up with another one. Beckford picks Austin up, who quickly gouges his eyes. Austin grabs Beckford head and give him a Monkey Flip to the corner. Beckford lands on the second. He waits for Austin to stand and jumps back a cross body. Austin catches him in mid air and hits him with the Five Star. Beckford rolls on the mat. Austin turns and Karnage is in the ring who hits him with the Early Release. Austin is out on the floor and Karnage eyes Beckford and picks him up for the Solitary Confinement. He lifts him onto his shoulder, Beckford struggles and forces Karnage to stumble backwards to the ropes. Beckford slips onto the apron and hits and inverted Cross Drop on Karnage, the back of his neck bouncing off the ropes. Karnage holds his neck and Beckford limps of the the turnbuckle closest to Austin. Beckford climbs to the top and stares at Austin. Cross Country connects. Beckford with the cover. 1... 2..... Karnage kicks Beckford off Austin. Karnage full of rage, pick Beckford up and hits Solitary Confinement. The cover, 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner.... and still... Elite X Champion... Karnage!

Conner: What an outstanding performance here tonight from all three of these men.
Cohen: What are you talking about CC? Austin was robbed yet again of the Elite X title and that criminal is still holding one of WZCW’s most prestigious belts.
Copeland: Well Jack I’m going to agree with CC here, all three men preformed outstanding and Beckford too came mere fractions of a second away from victory as well, but Karnage picked up the very hard earned fight here tonight, not performing at his very best, but still being successful in his first defense.

Karnage looks tired and annoyed at how much effort it took. The ref brings him the belt, which he snatches quickly from him and holds up to a chorus of boo’s. Karnage walks over to Austin, still out on the mat, and holds the title over him, shouting at him. He does the same to Beckford before he leaves the ring and starts walking up the ramp.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The arena goes dark as soon as “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” by the Smashing Pumpkins hit. Flames shoot up on stage at every bass hit and the lights flicker like lightening as Phoenix appears. Phoenix turns his head slowly, scanning the whole arena, before making his way to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 213 lbs, he is from the great beyond, Phoenix!

Cohen: Gaze your eyes at the new and improved Phoenix, who will prove to us all tonight that he that he is what carried Second Coming.
Copeland: Well I will agree with you about him being new. The transformation Phoenix has taken in the last month has been nothing short of scary for his opponent or anyone.

Phoenix slowly enters the ring and scans the whole audience as the light returns to the arena. “P.C.P” by the Manic Street Preachers hits the arena as the crowd cheer in anticipation of Garth Black. As pulsing lights flash around the arena, the music speeds up. As the strobe lights get more intense, Black appears on top of the ramp. He spins with his arms outstretched and begins to walk down to the ring, keeping his eyes on Phoenix who does the same back.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Wales, weighing in at 168lbs, Garth Black!

Garth enters the ring, never taking his eyes off Phoenix. The ref quickly pats down both men and calls for the bell. They begin by circling the ring, waiting for the moment to strike. Phoenix and Garth go for a lock up. Phoenix turns and puts a headlock on Garth. Garth tries to push Phoenix off. He grabs his by the waist and lifts him for a back-body drop. Phoenix uses the momentum and flips over Garth, landing on his feet. He pushes Garth into the ropes. Garth grabs the ropes and holds himself as the momentum rolls Phoenix backwards. Garth turns and goes for a roundhouse kick. Phoenix quickly ducks the kick and rolls Garth up from behind for a 1 count. Both men up, Phoenix goes for a step up Enziguri. Garth ducks the kick, still holding on to the foot. He spins Phoenix around. Phoenix comes back with a Dragon whip. Garth ducks that as well and goes for a Black Out. Phoenix stuns Garth with a right and counters with a Jaw breaker. Garth holds his mouth as he stumbles around the ring. Phoenix rushes at him with a spinning heel kick. Garth manages to duck that as well. Garth quickly up, hits a dropkick on Phoenix, which causes him to roll outside the ring.

Copeland: Both men showing a good knowledge of each others repertoire. Neither man has gained the advantage so far.
Cohen: That’s why Phoenix is taking this moment to figure out what he’ll do next.
Conner: Allowing Garth to do the same.
Cohen: Quiet you.

Phoenix circles the ring as Garth decides to go and chase him. Phoenix slides back in the ring and hits Garth sliding in with a falling forearm. Phoenix throws a few more forearms, then Irish whips Garth across the ring. Garth rebounds back and ducks a clothesline from Phoenix. Garth jumps onto the ropes. Phoenix bends over to duck the cross body. Garth adjusts in mid air and flips over Phoenix, rolling him up in the process, 1... Phoenix kicks out at 2. Phoenix up quickly charges Garth, but runs into a spinning heel kick. Phoenix up slow, Garth Irish whips him across the ring and flips him his head over coming back. Garth waits for Phoenix to get to his knees, then runs off the ropes. Phoenix goes for a dropkick, Garth slides underneath. Garth behind Phoenix, hits the Black Out successfully on him. Goes for the pin, gets another 2 count. Garth takes Phoenix to the corner and starts kicking him. He climbs the second rope and shouts to the crowd before he begins punching Phoenix. Phoenix pushes Garth off the turnbuckle. Garth stumbles on his feet, Phoenix hits him square in the jaw with a running knee lift. Garth falls hard on his back. Phoenix with the cover, 1... 2... Garth kicks out.

Copeland: Garth was showing signs of being in control of this match till Phoenix hit that knee right against the jaw of Garth.
Cohen: The master of wit is seeing stars now, Phoenix will look take the rest of this match now.

Phoenix starts stomping Garth on the mat. He sits Garth up and kicks him hard in the back. He grabs him by the hair and proceeds to him with 10 straight forearms before the ref finally puts a stop to it. Phoenix casually bounces off the ropes and hits a low dropkick on the still sitting Garth. Phoenix eyes the ropes and runs to them. Phoenix Drop connects off the second rope. Phoenix with the cover, 1... 2... Garth gets a shoulder up. Phoenix picks Garth up and Irish whips him into the corner. Phoenix runs and hits him with a shinning wizard. Garth slumps over and Phoenix hooks his arm. Fishermen suplex by Phoenix into the pin. 1... 2... Garth just kicks out. Phoenix is beginning to look frustrated. He rolls Garth onto his stomach and locks in the camel clutch. Garth cries out in pain. The ref asks him if he quits, which Garth refuses. Phoenix starts pulling back farther as Garth begins to fade. The ref raises his arm, it falls. He raises it a second time and it falls again. A third time and Garth just keeps his arm up. Garth struggles to break free and Phoenix lets go, hitting Garth in the back of the head. Phoenix picks Garth up and goes for the Incinerator. Garth uses Phoenix’s momentum and hits a judo throw on him instead. Garth hooks his legs quickly and locks in Black Death on Phoenix. Phoenix screams out in pain, but refuses to tap.

Conner: Garth has Black Death locked on. Come on Garth.
Cohen: No biased cheering. Come on Phoenix, get to the ropes.
Copeland: I think you're both being childish. Garth has Phoenix on the verge of tapping. Can he make it to the ropes.

Phoenix crawls slowly towards the ropes. He reaches his arm out and just gets ahold of the bottom one. Garth lets go and helps Phoenix to his feet. Phoenix with a quick rake of the eyes, stunning Garth. He picks Garth up and hits him with a Sit-down Scoop Piledriver, the Immortal Driver. Phoenix with the cover. 1... 2... Close kickout by Garth. Phoenix picks Garth up and pushes him in the corner. He slaps him across the face once before walking to the opposite corner. Phoenix charges at Garth, missing with a shinning wizard. Garth runs to the ropes and springboards off them. Phoenix turns around into a tornado DDT, Black Hole! Garth is up and slowly climbs up to the turnbuckle. Black Magic misses as Phoenix rolls just out of the way. Garth slowly gets up, Phoenix waiting to strike. Phoenix goes for the Rebirth. Garth ducks the kick and rolls Phoenix up from behind. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Garth Black!

The ref raises Garth's hands to a huge cheer as Phoenix is up on the mat, shocked and looking quite pissed. Garth goes and climbs up and poses on the turnbuckle as the ref tries to escort Phoenix out of the ring. Garth descends from the turnbuckle and is hit with a Rebirth from Phoenix. Phoenix stands over Garth as the crowd boos. Phoenix slowly leaves the ring and starts to walk up the ramp. He stops as he sees on the titantron that Garth is slowly struggling to his feet. Phoenix turns around and slowly walks back to the ring. Garth is almost on his feet as Phoenix comes from behind and hits the Incinerator on him. Phoenix then looks to the corner and climbs up it. He scans the entire arena slowly before hitting The Final Flight on Garth. Phoenix lies over him as the arena lights dim and Phoenix's music plays.

Copeland: Well Garth picks up the win here tonight, but Phoenix with no remorse for his opponent and former partner, has savagely assaulted him after the match.
Cohen: Garth may have won this match, but Phoenix is so far winning the war.
Conner: EMT's are out to check on Garth. I hope his not injured.

The EMT's assist Garth to his feet. Garth refuses to be carried off in a stretcher so they help him to the back. The crowd cheers Garth Black as they go to commercial.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Mayhem Championship!

KillJoy’s music hits and the crowd lets out a pop as KillJoy makes his way down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger, from Rat’s Ass, America, The KillJoy!

KillJoy gets to the ring and goes straight under the apron, taking out some weapons and throwing them inside ring. Roll Deep comes on and Hammond makes his way out, Mayhem Title around his shoulder. He starts to walk slowly down the ramp but suddenly, John Smith comes from behind with a steel chair, smashing Hammond in the back of the skull. Hammond goes down, and Smith quickly pins him, as a ref comes down to make the count before KillJoy can react, 1... 2... 3!

Copeland: I don’t believe this! Smith wasn’t supposed to be part of match!

Cohen: Hahaha! Don’t you just love the 24/7 rule?

Smith grabs the belt and runs up the ramp, with KillJoy chasing after him

Anderson: Uhhh... Your new Mayhem Champion, John Smith?

Harrys: The following contest is a two out of three falls match and is for the Eurasian Championship!

Showtime walks out with no music playing. The crowd pops for him as he stands at the top of the entrance ramp looking out for a moment before walking down with a purpose to the ring. He slides into the ring and stares at the entrance ramp waiting for Big Dave.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada. He stands 6'1" and weighs 213 lbs, "Showtime" David Cougar!

The arena goes silent and the lights go out. Suddenly a spotlight shines down on the top of the entrance ramp where Big Dave stands, the Eurasian Title wrapped around his waist. He makes his way slowly down the ramp, the spotlight following him all the way down. The arena continues to be silent as he climbs into the ring and stares down Cougar from the opposite corner. He holds up the Eurasian Championship up in the air right before the lights come back up

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England. He stands' 61" and weighs 268 lbs, the Eurasian Champion, Big Dave!

Copeland: This rivalry has picked up its intensity, first starting with Ace David's unfortunate career ending injury, but the devastation Karnage and Big Dave put Trevor Steel through.

Connor: No question that this has become far more than just a battle for the Eurasian title, this is personal.

Cohen: What did you two expect? That Big Dave would simply let it go that Showtime ended his best friend and partner's career? Showtime opened up Pandora's Box and he deserves whatever he gets.

The referee signals for the bell and Showtime rushes Dave immediately and starts throwing a flurry of punches. Dave covers up and backs into the corner, causing the ref to begin the 5 count. Showtime backs away at 4 but Dave kicks him in the gut and throws him into the corner. He quickly throws a knee into Showtime's midsection before whipping him into the other corner hard. Showtime drops to the ground and Dave walks over slowly to him. He stands over him for a moment before running his foot across Showtime's face. He picks Showtime up and hits a Northern Lights Suplex. He bridges and gets a two count from the pin attempt.

Cohen: Like I expected, Dave is showing no mercy for that coward Showtime. He's dominating this match up and should get the two falls back to back in record time.

Copeland: Showtime tried jumping Dave right away, but Dave used his power advantage to take control early.

Dave gets up and stands over Showtime once more. He grabs him by the hair and pulls him up before throwing him over the top rope. Dave follows him out and slams Showtime's head into the ring post. He turns Showtime around and begins punching away at his head, leaving Showtime leaning against the ring post. Dave backs up and gets a running start and goes for a big boot. Showtime ducks causing Dave to smack the ring post with his foot. He quickly hits a drop kick and knocks Dave into the announcer's table. Showtime gets his bearings and walks over to Dave and pounds away on him. Dave suddenly lifts Showtime up and drops him face first into the announcer's table. Showtime bounces off and rolls on the ground holding his face. The ref's count is up to 7 as Dave grabs Showtime and rolls him into the ring.

Connor: These two have to be careful, a count out is as as good as a pin or submission in this match. A mistake could be the difference between walking out Eurasian Champion and leaving with nothing.

Copeland: It's already getting violent, I wouldn't be surprised if Showtime broke his nose on our announcer's table here.

Cohen: Wait what is Dave doing now?

Dave turns to the ring announcer and shoves him off his chair. He grabs the chair and slides into the ring. The ref tries to grab the chair away from Dave but Dave nudges him away. Showtime gets up and turns around only to get absolutely blasted by Dave with the chair. Showtime crumples to the ground. The referee signals for the bell as Dave holds the chair up showing the huge dent in it.

Harrys: The winner of the first fall due to disqualification, Showtime David Cougar.

Copeland: I think Showtime is out from that hellacious chair shot from Dave!

Connor: Why would Dave get himself intentionally disqualified like that? If Showtime pins or submits him, he'll lose the title.

Cohen: Are you blond CC? Don't answer that I already know your response. It's obvious, how is Showtime getting up from that? Dave now has an easy route to getting two pins to end this match quickly. A sacrifice of a fall was necessary for it though.

Dave tosses the chair over the ropes and stands over Showtime, raising his fist into the air. He lifts Showtime up and hits the Stamp of Authority! He covers Showtime and gets the three count.

Harrys: The winner of the second fall via pinfall, Big Dave.

Cohen: I swear you two never watch wrestling CC and Seabass. It's evident Dave figured a way to stymie whatever aggression Showtime had and has effectively won this match without much effort.

Copleand: Showtime still hasn't moved from the mat. This match may be over already.

Dave again stands over the downed Showtime staring down at him. Blood trickles down from Showtime's forehead before Dave picks him up again for the Stamp of Authority. Showtime suddenly shows life and begins elbowing Dave in the head and floats over him. Dave turns around and gets hit by a spinning clothesline! Both men collapse to the ground and the referee begins the ten count. The crowd cheers Showtime loudly, and both men slowly get to their feet. At the count of 6 Showtime is up first followed by Dave. Showtime kicks Dave in the gut and then connects with an enziguri! Showtime connects with a standing leg drop and goes for the cover, getting a two count.

Connor: Showtime is still in this match! How he was able to get out of a second Stamp of Authority is beyond me.

Cohen: A cornered dog will eventually bite CC. He's running off adrenaline only. That will wear off shortly.

Showtime motions for Dave to get up. Dave gets to one knee before Showtime hits a running dropkick right to the face. He climbs up to the top rope and comes flying off with a high angled moonsault. He connects and goes for the pin! The referee almost counts three but Dave gets his shoulder up at the last second. Showtime stomps away on Dave before he drops an elbow across the face. He quickly follows by punching away at Dave. He even grabs Dave and headbutts him. He grabs Dave and lifts him up. He whips him into the corner and hits a big clothesline in the corner. He puts a facelock on Dave and runs forward, dropping Dave with a bulldog. He covers again, but gets a two count.

Copeland: Look at Showtime go! He's taking it to the champion and has really come alive here since that chair shot.

Cohen: He should be worried about the amount of blood he's lost Seabass, he'll pass out shortly from the blood loss.

The crowd begins cheering for Showtime to an almost deafening pitch. He picks Dave up and hits a few knife edge chops, illiciting a loud "Woo" from the crowd with each chop. Showtime hits a knee to the midsection and gets behind Dave. He quickly drops him with a reverse DDT. He goes out to the apron and springboards back in, connecting with a splash! He hooks the leg and nearly gets the three count as Dave kicks out at the last second. Showtime gets up and signals for The Final Act. He drags Dave up and tosses him into the corner. He hits a few chops before lifting Dave up to the top turnbuckle. Showtime follows him and sets him up for The Final Act but Dave throws a few elbows into Showtime's head. Showtime staggers momentarily, giving Dave the chance to lift him onto his shoulder. He jumps off the top turnbuckle and hits the Stamp of Authority! Both men are down on the mat as Dave pulls himself over and wraps an arm across Showtime, getting the three count.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still Eurasian Champion, Big Dave!

Copeland: What a match! What a finish! I was certain Showtime had the victory there. He was so close to hitting The Final Act.

Cohen: Showtime slipped for just a second and that gave Dave the one opportunity he needed to secure his title. He is quite easily the best champion we have in WZCW at this moment.

Dave slowly gets to his feet as the ref hands him his belt. He snatches it away quickly and stands over Showtime, holding his belt up as the crowd boos him loudly. Dave walks over Showtime and exits the ring, the lights dimming and the spotlight shining down on Dave once more as he makes his way up the ramp and to the back.


John Smith is walking through the backstage halls with the Mayhem belt draped over his shoulder. He looks paranoid, glancing over his shoulder continuously as he makes his way through the building. He walks out into the parking lot, looking around.

Smith: Where’s that damn taxi!?

Suddenly Smith spots a yellow cab in the top corner of the parking lot. Smith rushes over it, still looking over his shoulder. Smith opens the cab door, throws the belt in and gets into the back seat.

Smith: Get me the hell out of here!

The taxi doesn’t move, and Smith’s voice starts to sound full of panic.

Smith: Oi! Driver! I told you to get the hell out of here!

Driver: Afraid I can’t do that.

The driver turns around, revealing it’s KillJoy! He hits Smith over the head with a steel pipe before getting out of the car. He opens the back door and pulls Smith out. He delivers a DDT to Smith on the concrete before motioning for a nearby referee to make the pin, 1... 2... 3! KillJoy grabs the belt and walks back into the building

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. However there is a stipulation that if either Ty Burna or Lars Reidar pin Corey Payne, they will be the new King For A Day and earn a title shot against the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion at a time of their choosing.

The lights go down with spotlights spinning around as the drum beats of ‘Down with the Sickness’ kick in throughout the arena as the fans cheer out with excitement in anticipation for Corey Payne’s arrival. The music kicks up an extra beat as the spotlights all focus on the centre of the stage where the hoodie wearing Corey Payne stands in the middle and gives his trademark air punches out to the crowd who cheer.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevadea, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is your King For A Day, Corey Payne!

Payne walks down the ramp and takes the time to high fives some adoring fans. He backs up a few steps from the ring and slides in under the under the bottom rope. He stands up, heads over to the turnbuckle to pose to the crowd before pull down his hood.

Copeland: Standing in this ring is a man who survived the Chamber and pinned both Lars Reidar and Ty Burna, how many can say they’ve done that? Let alone in one night

Cohen: Because he never actually beat them, he was just lucky

Connor: But it’s down In the history books and he is the King For A Day

Cohen: Yeah, how about you sit there and don’t talk for the rest of the night

Payne stands smiling as a WZCW Crew member comes rushing past the ring and hands a note over to Copeland.

Copeland: WZCW fans, I have just been handed a statement. Apparently, it is from Corey Payne's mystery partner for tonight's match. I have been told by the truck to read this aloud. Can you guys switch my mic to PA? I think the live crowd needs to hear this too.


Can you guys in the crowd hear me?

The crowd roars

Corey Payne's mystery partner has prepared a statement.

Dear WZCW Galaxy,

Redemption is a very important word in my life. Sometimes we fall, and that second chance is what saves us. We feel redemption. When we get redeemed, all that matters is what we do with that second chance. This is another chance for me to climb that ladder. This is another chance for me to achieve me goals. This is another chance to give WZCW what they need.


Too many times evil men like Burna and Reidar have come out on top through their nefarious actions. WZCW has a reputation like baseball. If you're not cheating, you're not trying. That is not how it is supposed to be. In Mexico, in Japan, professional wrestling is about honor. In WZCW, it seems that professional wrestling is about.....


Redemption from the evil that has run amok. Redemption from the leaders of the locker room being afraid to enforce order. Redemption from the rewards a corrupt office provides for those who cheat. This is the redemption I can provide in this one match. Corey Payne's mystery partner is Corey Payne's redeemer. All the times he has felt the wrath of the evil men has set him back. Well, tonight he gets....


Redemption is a tough word to define. Any second chance could fall under the umbrella, but differences exist. Ty and Lars constant chances to reach the top of second chances given, not redemption earned. You like taking shortcuts? You like cheating? Try it tonight.

I am the ultimate redeemer. I am what is right with WZCW. I have taken my lumps, but I have received redemption from the support of the fans and the love of those around me. I have seen the horrors of the world, and my personal redemption is the chance to do something good.

This week, at Redemption, I will cut right to CORPS of the evil around me.

If you still haven't figured out who this is, hit the music and start waving the flags. Semper Fi!


The ‘Star Spangled Banner’ starts to play as the crowd roar up into a frenzy

Harrys: His partner, from Corpus Christi, Texas, weighing in at 257 pounds, USA!

USA comes out with the US flag resting on his left shoulder as he comes out and salutes the crowd along his way down and slap some fives with the crowd as he rolls into the ring, getting back on his feet again and waves the flag to the crowd before shaking hands with Payne. Suddenly the lights and music cut out instantly as the crowd get their lighters out as eventually ‘Blackened the Sun’ starts playing to the images of static flashes of white light. Out onto the stage, emerges a cloaked Ty Burna, holding his Ouija scroll with Serafina walking alongside him, head bowed down.

Harrys: Their opponents, first, weighing in at 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

Ty turns towards Serafina who leaves back out through the curtain before he turns to face the ring, he walks slowly towards the ring, heading down the ramp at a slow and steady pace. When he reaches the ring he looks up at his opponents before turning around and opens the scroll, he lifts it up high in the air as his music dies down and silence resumes again. The sound of thunder rumbles throughout and smoke fills the arena right when a bolt of lightning strikes the stage and a huge beam of light shines out from behind the curtain, it’s bright and blinding that it’s hard to make out the silhouette that forms within the light.


The silhouette starts walking towards the stage, getting smaller but in clear focus as the mysterious man gets closer to the stage. Eventually he reaches the stage and we see he is cloaked in a hooded white robe.

Cohen: Seabass…it’s…it’s him!

Harrys: Weighing in at 275, the man they call VENGEANCE!

Copeland: Vengeance has returned! He’s shedded the darkness and wearing all white as he use to. This is certainly a scary sight!

Vengeance walks down the ramp in a similar pace to Ty, he meets Ty outside the ring and they both drop their hoods to reveal the white/blonde hair of Vengeance completes his look, they drop their hoods right as out of nowhere Corey Payne has leapt over the top rope right onto his two opponents. Payne gets Ty by the head and rolls him in, following after. The bell sounds and USA goes into his corner as Payne locks onto Ty’s arms in a wrenching motion. He slams his knee into Ty’s shoulder and continues to keep a strong lock on his arm before releasing it, getting up to his feet and then leaping to drop the knees onto the same shoulder. Payne goes for a cover 1…..2…. kickout by Ty. Payne heads over and tags USA in who goes for the elbow onto Ty’s shoulder but he rolls out of the way. Both men make it back to their feet and USA tries to go for a lariat but Ty ducks and counters into a Russian legsweep, he gets up whilst holding his shoulder and tags Vengeance who comes in with a storming presence.

Vengeance walks slowly over to USA who stands there starting right back at him, Vengeance stomps on his foot before hitting USA in the gut, he lifts up and drops him stomach first on his knee as he rolls over to his corner and tags Payne in. Payne gets in and stares at Vengeance before running at him and getting caught in a powerslam, Vengeance just stands staring over him before placing his boot on Payne’s throat and forcing his might down before the referee warns him that he’ll be disqualified. He argues with him whilst Payne sits up holding his throat, Vengeance then turns around and runs at Payne, taking him down with a quick boot before going for a quick cover 1…..2… kickout by Payne. Vengeance gets up and pauses for a moment before looking at Ty and proceeding to tag him in.

Connor: Curious that Vengeance chose to let Ty take some offence.

Cohen: Just shows that they will work together to get the job done!

Ty gets behind Payne who’s sitting up once more and locks in a Dragon Sleeper, he keeps it locked in whilst the referee keeps a check on Payne as Ty has himself between Payne and the ropes. The pain builds as Payne tries to roll out of it but is growing weary from the hold. After minutes have passed the referee lifts up his arm, drops it down once, he picks up the arm again, drops it a second time. He goes for the third attempt, he lifts it and lets go but Payne keeps his arm up, he tries swaying his arms around and then props himself on his feet whilst in the hold. He uses all his might to jump and force Ty onto his shoulders 1……..2……Ty lets go and stops the pin attempt. Payne is up and runs at Ty who picks up and drops him on the ropes and holds onto his shoulder again.

Ty tags in Vengeance again whilst Payne is still down, he picks up Payne whilst looking at Ty and locks arm around Payne’s head and immediately hits the Judge, Jury and Executioner on Payne. Vengeance then sits up for a moment and then rolls over Payne and goes for the pin 1…….2….. USA runs in and interrupts the count. Ty comes in and takes down USA before standing with Vengeance over Payne. They both get him up and lock both hands on his throat, leading to a double chokeslam, Vengeance then drops to cover him but Ty shoves him off and tries for the cover but Vengeance shoves him off. They both stand toe to toe arguing over who should take the pin.

Cohen: Come on guys just one of you pin him at least!

Copeland: So much for that team effort!

The two partners continue to argue whilst Payne slowly crawls to his corner without them being aware of what’s going on. He reaches out to a waiting USA who is stretching out, they tag and USA climbs up and hits a double crossbody on his two opponents, cover attempt 1…….2….power out by Ty and Vengeance. Payne takes down Ty from behind as Vengeance is caught by USA in the position ready for the Rocket’s Red Glare. He gets Vengeance up in the air ready to drop him but Ty kicks at USA’s leg and falls back, with Vengeance landing on top which seems to knock out USA.

Vengeance and Ty get back up as it appears Corey isn’t in the ring or his corner as both men stand face to face again and continue their bickering, it’s not long before they agree and they both turn to face USA until Vengeance suddenly grabs Ty and slams him into the turnbuckle and unloads some rights but Ty counters and hits some rights of his own. He irish whips Vengeance into the opposite corner when Payne pops back up and shouts something at Ty. Vengeance recoups and stands poised to attack, Ty tries to grab Payne who drops down as Ty turns to Vengeance’s direction who runs at him and Ty instinctively hits a devastating bicycle kick to Vengeance’s head as he falls backwards on top of USA who is still down. The ref goes to count as Ty tries to stop it but Payne grabs his leg from the outside and keeps a hold of his boot, 1…….2…….3.

Harrys: Here are your winners Vengeance and Ty Burna!

Copeland: You have to give it to Payne, he outsmarted the two of them where they were too focused on trying to beat him, he used their destructive nature against each other and whilst his team still lost, he’s still the King For A Day!

Connor: I concur, such a great way of getting away from them without having to defeat them.

Cohen: It’s a fix I tell you. Vengeance should be King For A Day right now! I demand the referee call that right now!

Connor: It’s how it was made and it will stick.

Copeland: Now comes the question of when Payne will cash in that opportunity, he will be able to after tonight and whoever the champion is, he better keep an eye out over his shoulder! And we'll be finding out our Unified Champion, next!

Payne helps USA out to the back whilst Ty looks on in disbelief as Vengeance is still groggy from the kick that he received. Payne raises USA’s arms as they head out through the curtain whilst Ty is standing up in the ring looking at Vengeance who is still down and then suddenly sits up. Ty gives a displeasing look at Vengeance before giving him another quick kick to the head and then proceeds to the leave the ring in disgust and anger.


KillJoy is walking towards the locker room, Mayhem belt in hand. He kicks open the door and grabs his bag before trying to leave. He exits the room, but Hammond comes from behind with a stiff forearm. KillJoy turns around, and the two men start brawling viciously. Hammond grabs KillJoy’s head and throws him into the wall. Hammond picks up a camera and goes to smash it off KillJoy’s head, but KillJoy moves, making the camera hit the wall as a large chunk of it smash into small pieces. KillJoy delivers kicks to Hammond’s legs, putting him off balance. KillJoy grabs a trash can and smashes it over Hammond’s head, making Hammond stumble into some backstage scaffolding. KillJoy grabs a 2x4 and swings it wildly at Hammond, but Hammond ducks, causing KillJoy to hit a backstage worker over the head. Hammond takes advantage, delivering a quick lowblow to KillJoy, causing KillJoy to fall to his knees. Hammond then kicks KillJoy in the face, making him fall backwards. Hammond beckons over the referee, and tries to pin KillJoy but KillJoy hits Hammond in the face with the belt. With Hammond busted open, KillJoy walks over to a nearby catering table. He sweeps the food off it before dragging it over to Hammond. KillJoy picks up Hammond and tries to lift up Hammond for a vertical suplex through the table but Hammond blocks it. Hammond kicks KillJoy in the gut, lifts him up and delivers the F-5 through the catering table! Hammond goes for the pin, 1... 2... 3! Hammond grabs the belt and stumbles away from the battle scene with blood trickling down his face.

Anderson: The following contest is our main event of the evening and it is a three way dance to unify the WZCW world title and the Real world title!


The crowd starts booing loudly as Everest makes his way out onto the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, the Pinnacle of Perfection, Everest!

He makes his way down the ramp, with orange lights flashing overhead. He gets into the ring and looks around with contempt at the capacity crowd.

Connor: The former champion would love to add the moniker of First Ever Unified World Champion to his list of accomplishments!

Cohen: He’s my favourite going into this match, guys. His gameplan is always flawless.

Papa Roach hits and is met with a mixed reaction from the crowd. Carmen Bratchny walks out, his face expressionless with his world title draped over his shoulder.

Anderson: Next, weighing in at 230 pounds, the Real World Champion, Carmen Bratchny!

Bratchny walks down the ramp, eyeing up Everest as he gets into the ring. He gets up on the turnbuckle and holds the Real World Title high above his head.

Copeland: We’ve seen in Bratchny over the last few weeks.

Connor: He seems to find winning the world title more important than his friendship with Titus.

Cohen: That’s what any good wrestler does. Greatness is more important than silly friendships, and Carmen is starting to realise it.


The crowd let out a huge pop as Red Mask emerges, World Title around his waist. He looks out to the left into the crowd, and motions to the belt. He goes over to the right side and does the same to huge cheers.

Copeland: The crowd are red hot for the return of Red Mask!

Cohen: Damn split personalities...

Anderson: And their opponent, the WZCW world champion, Red Mask!

Titus high fives some fans as he goes down the ramp, before turning his attention to his two opponents in the ring. He slowly gets into the ring before getting on the second rope and looking out into the crowd. The referee takes the belts and calls for the bell. All three men stay still, none of them wanting to make the first move. Everest motions at Bratchny for them to team up on Red Mask, but Bratchny shakes his head. Suddenly, Everest goes for Red Mask, laying into him with right hands, but Red Mask fights back with right hands of his own. Both men go at it as Bratchny watches from his corner, not moving. Red Mask gains the advantage, backing Everest into the corner. Red Mask goes for a DDT, but Everest reverses by lifting Red Mask up and driving him down with a Spinebuster. Everest goes for a quick pin, 1.. Red Mask kicks out. Everest picks up Red Mask, with Bratchny still just watching on. Everest hits a short arm clothesline, taking Red Mask down again. Everest walks over to Bratchny and gets in his face. Bratchny remains expressionless with Everest practically shouting at him. Everest turns back around, and is met with a spinning heel kick from Red Mask. Everest quickly gets back up but he’s hit with a clothesline from Red Mask. Red Mask turns his attention to Bratchny, keeping an eye on him as he delivers a knee drop to Evererst.

Connor: What is Bratchny doing? Last time I checked, this match had 3 men in it!

Copeland: Perhaps it’s part of his strategy....

Cohen: Exactly! He’s showing intelligence.

Red Mask picks up Everest, Irish whipping him at the ropes. Everest bounces back, but suddenly Bratchny comes in, taking Red Mask down with a clothesline before catching the returning Everest with a Sidewalk Slam. Bratchny quickly goes for the pin on Everest, 1... 2... Kick out by Everest. Bratchny gets back up and turns his attention to Red Mask, who’s getting to his feet. He gets Red Mask in a Full Nelson and thrashes him around for a few second before delivering the Full Nelson Suplex. Bratchny then tries to pin Red Mask, 1... 2... Kick out! Bratchny lets out a sigh of frustration before quickly climbing to the top rope. He jumps off, going for the flying headbutt on Red Mask, but he’s intercepted, with Everest hitting a drop kick to Bratchny. Bratchny crashes to the mat and Everest catches his breathe and goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Bratchny. Everest gets back up and turns around but he’s caught by a clothesline off the top rope from Red Mask! Red Mask goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Everest. Red Mask goes back to Bratchny and picks him up. He hits a European Uppercut and a few chops, backing Bratchny into the corner. Red Mask takes a few steps back and looks out into the crowd, who are cheering loudly, before running at Bratchny. But Bratchny quickly grabs the ref and uses him as a shield, making Red Mask hit the corner splash on him. Red Mask backs up and tries to revive the fallen referee. Bratchny dropkicks Red Mask from behind, sending Red Mask to the outside. Everest is back up now, hitting Bratchny with a n Enziguiri! He sees Red Mask on the ground on the outside and goes out after him. He stands over Red Mask for a moment, who’s slowly getting to his feet. Suddenly, he spots a steel chair out of the corner of his eye. He picks it up, and shouts at Red Mask to get up. Red Mask gets up to his knees and Everest raises the chair, but Bratchny grabs it out of his hands from on the apron. Everest turns around, looking livid at Bratchny. Bratchny tosses the chair away before leaping off the apron, hitting Everest with a missile dropkick off the apron. Bratchny picks up Everest and motions to Red Mask, who’s now on his feet. They both get Everest in a front facelock and deliver a double suplex to him on the outside. For a moment, Red Mask and Bratchny look at each other with respect, but Bratchny quickly hits a right hand to Red Mask’s head. He then Irish whips Red Mask into the steel steps, creating a loud crash. Bratchny rolls Red Mask into the ring and hits the From Russia With Love! He goes for the pin, but the referee is still knocked out!

Connor: I don’t believe it! Bratchny using the referee has come back to bit him in the ass!

Bratchny angrily shakes the referee, trying to wake him up. He slaps the ref in the face and tries to lift him up onto his feet. Everest comes from behind, turning Bratchny around and hitting a big Fisherman Suplex. Everest then goes over to Red Mask and lifts him up. Everest sets him up for the Rock Slide, but Red Mask elbows his way out before delivering a kick to Everest’s gut and hitting The Thundera out of nowhere before collapsing back to the mat. Bratchny gets up with the help of the ropes and kicks Red Mask out of the ring, before picking up Everest, hitting That’s Larceny, using The Rock Slide. Bratchny goes for the pin, as the referee slowly crawls over, 1....... 2..... 3!

Copeland: Everest is out! It’s down to the two world champions!

Cohen: I.... I don’t believe it.

Bratchny stands up and leans back into the corner, trying to catch his breath. Red Mask slowly gets up on the outside and climbs up onto the apron. He goes to get back in the ring, but Bratchny catches him with a headlock on the second rope. With Red Mask’s legs on the second rope and his head in the headlock, Bratchny looks out into the crowd as a faint, sick smile appears on his face for a fleeting moment, before he falls back, hitting the Rope Hung DDT. Bratchny goes for the pin, 1... 2... kick out by Red Mask! Bratchny lets out a shout of anger, before quickly getting to his feet and starts stomping on Red Mask’s head. Suddenly, Red Mask grabs Bratchny’s leg, twisting him around into the ankle lock. With pain etched on his face, Bratchny reaches out desperately for the ropes but Red Mask gets to his feet and drags Bratchny back to the centre of the ring. Bratchny clutches his head in his hand and screams out in pain. For a brief moment, he raises his hand, apparently about to tap but lowers his hand again, pushing himself forward with his last bit of energy and grabbing the bottom rope. Both men are on the mat, breathing heavily with Bratchny grabbing his ankle as the referee starts counting. At 9, both men are able to get to their feet. Red Mask goes for a right hand, but Bratchny ducks under it, grabbing Red Mask by the throat and hitting a chokeslam backbreaker. Bratchny gets back up, and climbs up onto the top rope. He signals that he’s going to hit Red Mask’s own Red Comet on him. But Red Mask quickly gets to his feet, pushing Bratchny’s injured leg from under him, making Bratchny crotch himself on the top rope. Red Mask pulls himself up onto the second rope, delivering punches to Bratchny’s head.

Connor: This is a dangerous situation right here!

Copeland: You’re right, either man could get seriously hurt from this position...

Red Mask steps up onto the top rope, before jumping up and hitting a hurricanrana off the top rope! Bratchny crashes to the mat as Red Mask gets up, getting back up onto the top rope. He signals to the crowd before hitting The Red Comet! Red Mask goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Bratchny gets a shoulder up! The crowd is deafening now as Red Mask’s eyes show his absolute shock. He uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet and he leans back into the turnbuckle. He walks forward, picking up Bratchny slowly. He wearily Irish whips Bratchny into the ropes, but Bratchny springboards back, hitting the From Russia with Love. Bratchny slowly crawls over, draping an arm across Red Mask, 1.... 2.... Red Mask gets his shoulder up! Both men are on the mat, barely moving. The referee again starts to count. At 9, both men are on their feet, leaning on each other. Bratchny pushes Red Mask backwards, kicking him in the stomach. He goes to hit Red Mask’s The Thundera move, but Red Mask moves out of the way. He delivers a kick of his own to Bratchny, and hits the Thundera. He covers Bratchny, hooking both legs, 1... 2.... 3!

Connor: Red Mask has done it! He has unified the world titles!

Cohen: The one guy who I didn't want to win... What are the chances.

Copeland: About 33.3%, Jack.

Cohen: It's a figure of speech, Seabass.

The referee hands Red Mask both titles, as he lies on his back, clutching them to his chest. He slowly gets back up and gets on the second rope. He raises the two titles up, with every member of the crowd on their feet applauding. Fireworks go off over Red Mask’s head as he poses for the crowd. He gets off the second rope and turns around to see Bratchny standing across from him. Red Mask hesitates for a moment before extending his hand for Bratchny to shake it. Bratchny looks at it for a few moments before shaking his head and rolling out of the ring. Red Mask watches on as Bratchny limps up the ramp for a few second, but he turns away and climbs back onto the second rope, posing with the two world titles belts.

Copeland: The rejection of the handshake from Bratchny might hurt a bit, but it’s certainly not going to kill the high Red Mask must be on right now from unifying the world titles! From Cat Connor, Jack Cohen and myself, Goodnight ladies and Gentlemen!
Who wrote what?

Tag Match - Dave
Elite X Championship - Showtime
Phoenix/Black - Showtime
Mayhem Segments - Blade
EurAsian Championship - Ty Burna
Tag Match - Phoenix
World Championship Match - Blade

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