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WZCW Presents: Civil Revolution II

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

A large pyro display and WZCW's theme music welcome us to the PPV. The show is live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the Mellon Arean. WZCW's commentators Jack Cohen and Sebastian Copeland run down the card.

Copeland: Welcome to the pay-per-view extravaganza that is Civil Revolution, folks, what a card have we got for you tonight!

Cohen: How about that main event, eh, Seabass? Everest has got a new attitude, and I like it! With his concern for the fans gone, and in better shape than ever, he's unstoppable!

Copeland: Maybe so, Jack, but never discount the savagery of Carmen Bratchny, or the outright heart of everyone's favorite champion, Steamboat Ricky.

Cohen: Heart and savagery my left foot, Seabass! It's all about mental capacity and physical domination, and Everest has them both outclassed there.

Copeland: Be that as it may, folks, the world title match is only the tip of the iceberg tonight, as we've got plenty more excitement for you! One of WZCW's quirkiest characters competes twice tonight - Drake Callahan first defends his Mayhem Champion against his nemesis Milenko, in a brutal Juggalo Death Match, then goes one on one with Ty Burna for the new EurAsian Championship.

Cohen: I might not know the rules, Seabass, but I sure bet Milenko does, and no one is more brutal than he is. Anytime you put the word hardcore on a match, my money's on Milenko. As for Ty, the kid's a great up and comer, and with Drake already exhausted from getting beat by Milenko, Ty should have an easy time claiming gold tonight.

Copeland: Even more, Titus defends his Elite X title against the newly unveiled Man of Vengeance, Lars Reidar. And the Full House Daves put their title on the line for the first time ever on PPV as they are challenged by Garth Black and Phoenix!

Cohen: Easy calls there, Seabass - Titus has had his fun as Elite X Champion, but it's time to let the real wrestlers have their turn, and Vengeance can crush him like a fly. And as for the tag titles, Black and Phoenix might be our #2 team, but they're a long way out from #1 - the Daves are one of the best we've ever seen, Seabass, and there's no way they're letting go of the gold.

Copeland: All this and more coming to you live at Civil Revolution! Get ready to enjoy the show, folks, as our first match begins momentarily!

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the number one contender-ship to the EurAsian Championship!

The soft beat of war drums is heard as Chief Anoki strides confidently through the curtain. Chanting is heard over the escalating drum beat. Reaching the ring, Anoki ascents the steps, and climbs onto the middle turnbuckle. As the drum beat reaches its crescendo, Aniko spreads his arms wide like a bird in flight, then leapfrogs the top rope into the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 165 pounds, from Blue Diamond, Nevada, Chief Anoki!

"Ladies and Gentlemen" hits and a large screen is in front of the entrance as a lone figure is seen walking towards the screen growing bigger as the opening chords are playing. Then pyro shoots straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, the biggest one at the end as Showtime walks throw the hole in the middle of the screen. Dim blue light fill the arena as a spot light follows Showtime to the ring. Climbs to the second rope on the left turnbuckle on the outside facing in and raises both arms, thumb tips together fingers straight up. Slowly moves his arms down to the side and poses again arms straight to the side clenched fists. Gets off ropes and into ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, "Showtime" David Cougar!

With both competitors now in the ring, the bell rings. Both instantly meet each other in the center of the ring and lock up. As Cougar starts bringing Anoki to his knee, Anoki lets go of the lock, grabs Cougar’s arm, and throws him with a arm drag. Cougar immediately gets up and charges at Anoki only to get caught in another arm drag. As Cougar gets to one knee after being arm dragged yet again, Anoki runs and lands a front dropkick to his knee. Downing Cougar yet again. Anoki takes advantage of downing Cougar and attempts to climb the turnbuckle, but Cougar quickly gets up and lands two hard right kicks to the back of Anoki who was on the 2nd rope of the turnbuckle. Anoki falls off the turnbuckle and hits the canvas.

Copeland: You always run the risk of getting caught when attempting a high risk move, and Anoki payed for it.

Cohen: He hasn’t even started paying yet! Just you wait and see what Cougar does.

Cougar precedes to stomp on Anoki for a good few seconds. Cougar then grabs Anoki by his head and lifts him. As Cougar gets Anoki to his feet he turns him around and lands a reverse neckbreaker on Anoki. As Anoki is down again, he holds the back of his head in pain, Cougar then continues his beatdown by going to the 2nd rope and landing a elbow drop on Anoki. Cougar looks like he might want to end it, he picks up Anoki off the ground by his arm and arm wrenches Anoki two times. Cougar then pulls Anoki towards to the turnbuckle by his arm. Cougar goes for another arm wrench yet again before attempting to put Anoki against the turnbuckle, but this time Anoki cartwheels out of the arm wrench, but while he cartwheels he holds on to Cougar’s arm and arm drags him yet again!

Copeland: That was quite the beating Cougar was putting on, but Anoki managed to get in a picture perfect counter.

Cohen: Yeah, well by executing yet another arm drag all Anoki is going do is anger Cougar.

Angered he was. Cougar almost instantly gets up to his feet with a angered look on his face only to eat a spinning heel kick from Anoki. Cougar drops back to the canvas almost as fast as he got up from it. Anoki attempts to go for a pin, but only gets a two count. Anoki quickly gets off Cougar and lands a jumping leg drop on Cougar’s head. Anoki goes for the pin again, but it only garners another two count. Anoki decides to go to the top of the turnbuckle again, in hopes of ending the match. As Anoki reaches the top of the turnbuckle, he goes for the Phoenix Splash! Cougar quickly rolls out of the way and gets to his feet, but so does Anoki who manages to land on his feet somehow in a impressive display of a athleticism. Anoki, not even giving himself a breather, charges at Cougar and goes for a dropsault. As Anoki is about to hit Cougar with the dropsault, Cougar grabs Anoki’s legs mid air and drops him to the ground. Without letting go of Anoki’s legs, Cougar quickly turns him over and locks in the Commercial Break. Although Anoki isn’t very far from the rope, Cougar is just too much stronger then Anoki, without being able to drag himself and Cougar to the rope, Anoki has no choice but to tap after quite a few seconds.

Harrys: Here is your winner, David Cougar!

Copeland: Great match, very back and forth. Amazing counter by Cougar in the end.

Cohen: See? Anoki shouldn’t have angered Cougar.
Becky is backstage with Carmen Bratchny.

Becky: Carmen, first off, I have to ask, how is Swindle?

Bratchny: How you think? No better, no worse. Same always.

Becky: How is Swindle's health weighing on your thoughts, going into the world title match tonight?

Bratchny: At first, it make me lose focus...I forget about world title, think only Swindle. But, now...I focus only on championship. World title is my focus. I will win world championship, and Swindle will wake up.

He pauses for a moment.

Bratchny: He has to.



Harrys: The following is an over the top elimination battle royale with a 15 minute time limit! Those competitors that last until the time limit will earn a WZCW contract!

Copeland: It’s that time of the evening folks. We are about to see some of the newest talent to hit our great company as they compete for a contract with us.

All the competitors are already inside the ring and the referee signals for the bell. We are underway.

Blade immediately makes a bee-line for Baller. Baller is quick though and is doing a good job of making his speed known to Blade, who is tracking him with animal like instincts. Blade finally gets a hold of Baller and is beating him with punch after punch in the corner of the ring. Meanwhile, Trevor Steel has managed to gain an advantage over Infamous. Infamous is battling though and Steel is having a hard time controlling him. Infamous looks determined to survive and is frantically trying to mount some offensive against the hardcore physique of Steel. Hitting Steel with backhand chops, Steel retaliates by smiling after each one. After allowing himself to be hit with a few more backhand chops, Steel finally mounts some of his own offense, hitting Infamous with punch after punch, the crowd echoing “Steel” after each one. Infamous is moving backwards and is nearing the ropes. Steel hits Infamous with a huge head-butt to send him reeling over the ropes. Infamous though, holds on to the rope and does not allow his feet to hit the floor, rolling back inside the ring, he is safe. In the other corner, Rafael and Excellency have forged a tentative alliance and are stomping a mud-hole into Markus Chambers. With Chambers incapacitated for the time being, Excellency turns his back on Rafael to celebrate to the crowd. Rafael is quick to seize the opportunity however and hits Excellency with a low blow o a flurry of boos from the fans.


Cohen: 5 minutes have passed and none of these losers have been eliminated yet!

Copeland: It just shows you how much a contract means to these guys.

With Chambers and Excellency strewn out on the mat, Rafael turns his attentions to Trevor Steel who is taunting Infamous. Rafael again finds an alliance, this time with Infamous and the two men go to work on Steel. Meanwhile, Baller has begun to find some offense against Blade who is covering up following a rapid succession of blows from Baller. Baller looks happy with his work and begins to stalk Blade as he gets to his feet. Blade is unaware however and is hit with a huge Bulldog from behind. Blade is out as Baller moves to attack the recovering Chambers. Chambers is wise to it however and hits Baller with a punch to the gut and then a few to the face, quickly followed by an eye poke. Baller is in agony and Chambers seizes the opportunity, hitting Baller with the “Affirmative Action”. Baller crumples to the mat. Excellency is recovering and helps pick Baller up from the mat. Both men usher Baller to the rope and throw him over. Baller’s feet hit the floor and he is eliminated.


Copeland: We have out first elimination, ladies and gentlemen.

As the clock strikes the 10 minute mark, all the men look up at the titantron. It shows that there is only 5 minutes to go. A look of hope and desperation hits all of the men’s faces as Blade makes his way to his feet following a bulldog from the now-departed Baller. All 6 remaining men are looking each other in the eye as the crowd anticipate, with great angst, the mayhem that is about to follow. All of a sudden, all the men charge at each other. Blade has Rafael lingering over the top rope. Struggling to get him over, Rafael is struggling to hold on. Excellency is now making short work of Chambers and has him in the corner. After a flurry of kicks to the face, Excellency elevates Chambers and hits him with a massive Spinebuster which leaves Chambers strewn out on the floor. Steel has renewed his rivalry with Infamous in the meantime and is making short work of him.

The timer is indicating that there is only 20 seconds to go as Steel hits “The Crowning” on Infamous. Rafael is hoisting Blade over the rope now and it seems that he might topple over the rope at any minute, taking his hopes of a contract with him. Excellency looks exhausted after a gruelling match and is struggling to get Chambers to his feet to throw him over. Blade hits Rafael with a few punches and Rafael relinquishes his hold, allowing a reprieve for Blade. With 5 seconds to go, Steel picks up Infamous and throws his limp body over the rope with every remaining fibre of his being. With 1 second to go, Infamous’ feet hit the floor and he is eliminated.


Copeland: What a finish to one heck of a match!

Harrys: The time limit has expired!

The five remaining men show signs of fatigue and celebration as they make their way to the back to work out their official WZCW contracts.


Becky Serra is with Vance Bateman in Bateman's office.

Becky: Mr. Bateman, what are your thoughts on the five men we just saw earn WZCW contracts?

Bateman: I'll tell you what I think, I think our roster's too big as is, and now we have five new talents I have to fit in, let alone pay for?

Becky: Surely WZCW has the money to pay for five new talents.

Vance: Yes, we do, but that doesn't mean I like it. What we don't have enough is enough time for all this. Meltdown can only run so long, and I can't get all these talents onto one TV show.

Becky: What are you saying?

Vance: I'm saying that WZCW needs more time, damn it, and the only way we can get that...yes...

Becky: Sir?

Vance: I've been struck by inspiration! WZCW needs more time, and by gum, we're going to get it...two more hours, of it, in fact...because I'm going to propose to the Board of Directors that WZCW launch a NEW live television show!

Becky: This is a huge step for WZCW, sir. Are you sure?

Vance: Of course I'm sure, you dolt! Now get out of my office! I have phone calls to make!

Becky quickly scuttles out of the room as Vance picks up the telephone. The live WZCW crowd reacts in a hugely positive way to the news.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"10,000 Fists" by Disturbed hits the PA system and blares throughout the entire arena. Walking to each beat of the music Rush emerges out through the backstage curtain methodically massaging the palms of his hands. A black WZCW T-Shirt hugs his frame and match his solid black trucks. He pauses at the top of the ramp and looks around the arena at the WZCW fans. He lets out an scream of intensity and beats his chest like King Kong before grabing his right forearm with his left hand and raises it above his head in his signature pose. He begins to make his way down the ramp to the cheers of the live audience. Some can be seen making the same pose Rush just made. He makes one complete revolution of the ring before climbing up the stairs and walking along the outside of the ring to the middle. He poses once again as the fan’s cameras create a strobe light effect inside the arena. He steps over the top rope and walks to the center of the ring before removing his shirt and throwing to a lucky fan.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 361 pounds, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Rush!

"Hail Mary" by 2Pac hits. Baker has black & white lights flicker while he walks to the ring carrying a long stick with a spike at the end of it, while he taunts the crowd.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 232 pounds, from Compton, California, James Baker!

With both Rush and Baker now in ring, the bell rings and the match begins. Rush gives Baker a cold stare, attempting to intimidate him, but to no avail. Baker gives him a cold stare right back.

Copeland: Boy look at the staredown those two are giving each other.

Cohen: Well Rush is just wasting his time because it’s going to take much more then a stare to scare someone from straight out of Compton like Baker.

After a brief few seconds, Rush gives Baker a smile that seems to set him off. Baker charges at Rush, attempting a clothesline, but Rush is ready and feeds Baker a big boot. Baker lands back head first on the canvas and is down. Rush then almost immediately as if were a reflex, runs to the rope, reflects off the rope back against it, and attempts to land a leg drop on Baker, but Baker quickly rolls out of the way, causing Rush’s thigh and to hit all canvas. As Rush grabs his thigh in pain, Baker takes advantage to get himself up and lands a dropkick right on the face of the downed Rush. Rush’s back and head hits the canvas, Baker then precedes to get himself behind the downed Rush and locks in a side headlock. Baker holds the lock on Rush for a good few seconds, just about when it seems like Rush might be out, a surge of life hits Rush. Rush starts getting to one knee while the crowd chants for him, Baker tries his best to tighten the lock to no avail.

Copeland: Boy the crowd is really getting behind Rush.

Cohen: Bah, let them. My boy Baker is used to getting no support, the man practically raised himself.

As Rush is about to get to his feet, Baker jumps on Rushes back, wraps his legs around Rush’s stomach, and turns his headlock into a rear naked choke. Rush gets to his feet and knows he’s in trouble if he lets Baker hold on to him any longer. With the surge of energy he got from the crowd, Rush quickly runs to the turnbuckle with Baker on his back, and lands back first along with Baker against the turnbuckle. Baker quickly lets go of the rear naked choke now, and is leaning against the turnbuckle holding his back. Rush then paces himself back a few feet away from Baker, then precedes to run and land a huge corner big splash on Baker. As if that weren’t enough, Rush takes advantage of being body to body against Baker on the turnbuckle and locks in a bearhug. Rush carries baker whilst in a bearhug to the center of the ring and precedes to shake Baker around while squeezing harder and harder.

Copeland: Wow! Rush’s got that bearhug locked in tightly. I think it might be over for Baker.

Cohen: Ha!, Baker is used to this kind of pain. He’ll be fine.

As Rush holds Baker in the center of the ring, noticeable panting can be seen from Rush. Its obvious he’s wasted a lot of energy. Fearing he doesn’t have enough strength to tighten the lock for much longer, Rush decides to toss Baker to his side. Rush puts his hands on his knee’s for a few seconds to catch his breath, as Baker lays under the bottom rope out of it. After a few seconds, Rush decides its time end it. Rush looks at Baker’s body under the bottom rope and walks towards it, but Baker now back to his senses rolls out of the bottom rope and stands against the barricade to get his head on straight. Rush takes advantage of this, and decides to throw caution into the wind and goes for a suicide dive in between the ropes, but Baker was ready for this and quickly gets out of the way. Rush hits shoulder first against the barricade.

The ref begins his count as both are now outside the ring. Rush although took a hard blow, is only on one knee against the barricade. Baker starts punching away at Rush. Baker keeps punching and starts throwing in stomps till Rush is down back against the floor. Baker then precedes to land a running senton across the now downed Rush. As the ref’s count now reaches 5. Baker tries to carry the huge Rush and rolls him into the ring, he succeeds. Although Rush is now in the ring, rolling him in took a lot out of Baker. As Baker climbs back into the ring, he pauses for a few seconds on the ring mat behind the ropes. Rush attempts to take advantage of this and gets to his feet, but Baker sees him getting up. Baker precedes to springboard off the rope he was behind to attempt to land a flying forearm. Rush though catches Baker mid air in a falling powerslam position. Rush then lifts Baker up to his shoulder and precedes to powerslam him hard against the canvas. Rush drags Baker closer to the turnbuckle, then with what little energy he has left, climbs up the turnbuckle and hits a moonsault! Rush stays on Baker’s body to get the 1…2….3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Rush!

Copeland: Although Rush was tired, he managed to get the moonsault off in time before Baker could recover from that vicious powerslam.


After the match, strange music plays as Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" hits over the arena. Making his way to the ring is none other than the Representative of the Board of Directors, Vance Bateman!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Representative of the WZCW Board of Directors, Mr. Vance Bateman!

The crowd reacts in a mixed fashion toward Bateman, who gets in the ring with microphone in hand.

Vance: Earlier tonight, you all saw me have a little discussion about the WZCW roster. In short, it's too big for one show. We've only got two hours, and we just can't get all this talent into one show. I made a little phone call to the Board of Directors, and they agreed with me. They made a little call to our network, and well...

Vance smiles smugly.

Vance: I'm very proud to announce that starting in the very next week, airing on Saturday evenings for two hours, WZCW is very proud to present our NEW television show, to be named...

He gestures toward the titantron, where the words "ASCENSION" come on in bright blue letters. The crowd reacts very positively, excited about two more hours of WZCW programming.

Vance: We're very proud of this new step for WZCW, it represents a lot for us. Now, over the next few weeks, we'll find a competent businessman to oversee matters on Ascension, as I do for Meltdown...

Suddenly, more strange music hits, as Finger Eleven's "Falling On" hits, and none other than CHUCK MYLES makes his way to the ring! He's got a huge grin on his face as he spreads his arms out on the ramp, doing a small spin. He stands on the ramps and waves at Vance, who looks upset.

Myles: That's right, Vance, it's me, back in black, baby!

The crowd cheers huge for the surprise return of Chuck Myles. Bateman's face is turning red.

Myles: Hey, Vance, baby, don't get yourself upset. Let me explain. See, after the Board got off the phone with the networks, they knew they needed someone...intelligent...good looking...experienced...to take over, what with Ascension and all.

Vance: So they called you to be General Manager of Ascension?

Myles holds up a hand.

Myles: Wrong, buck-o! They called ME to be General Manager of MELTDOWN, just like the good old days!

Vance looks perturbed.

Vance: Mr. Myles, I am currently in charge of the affairs of Meltdown. The Board assured me they would be searching for someone to head Ascension.

Myles: Yeah, well, they lied. They've got a way of doing that. They decided that the, aheh, senior member of the management staff ought to run the "A" show, y'see...and that's me, baby.

Vance looks frustrated and he's about to speak.

Myles: Hold up, Vance! Don't even try to dispute me, cause you know I'm right. You were MY replacement, and I ran this place for months before you were even a mention. And I did it with ten times as much charisma. I'm good for Meltdown and you, I'm sure, will be good for Ascension...Mr. General Manager.

The two stare down each other for a moment before Vance, tight lipped, nods.

Myles: Good! I've got another announcement too, the Board sent me with. Y'see, this isn't a brand split, our talents shared, but we've decided that just to give things a little kick, now we've got an extra title on our hands, to make one title exclusively defended on each show, and make that champion its exclusive property so long as he's reigning. The Board's already assigned them - the EurAsian Championship, to be decided later tonight, is exclusively Meltdown's, and the Elite X, Vance my boy, is all yours over on Ascension.

Vance nods, a little less upset now that he has the Elite X title all to himself.

Vance: Is there anything else...Mr. Myles?

Myles grins widely.

Myles: Ain't nothing left to say but enjoy the show, folks, and I'll see YOU on Meltdown!

The crowd cheers wildly as Myles's music plays. Vance slowly exits the ring and at the top of the ramp, stares down Myles for a moment before exiting to the back. Myles gives one last wave and heads to the back himself.

Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Elite X Championship!

Copeland: Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for a match that will live long in the memories of every fan here, as two of the biggest starts in WZCW collide. We will also get to see the appearance of Lars Reidar for the for the first time.

“Broken Soul” by Original Sin hits as the lights in the arenas dim. The anticipation of the crowd is palpable as Reidar makes them wait before revealing his true appearance.

Copeland: This is it folks…

After what feels like an eternity, a large man, clad with leather appears on the stage. Muscular in physique, Reidar makes his way down the ramp, his long black locks of hair barely ruffled by the slow-paced walk that takes him to the ring. Looking neither left nor right as he sombrely strides to the ring, Reidar, upon entering the ring, makes his way to the corner and waits for his opponent.

After a few seconds, Titus’ music hits and the champion appears on stage to a round of cheers. Titus look pleased and turns to his left. The fans go wild and greet him with cheers. He then turns to the right and those fans do the saem. Smiling visibly, Titus begins his walk down the ramp. Pyro begins as fireworks shoot into the air. Titus continues his walk to the ring and slaps the hands of the fans on his way. Upon reaching the ring, Titus mounts the turnbuckle and gives the fans a thumbs up.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 275 pounds...Lars Reidar!

Cohen: Wow, what a guy! The best I've ever seen Vengeance here, and let me tell ya, your new Elite X Champ!

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Keystone City, Kansas. Your WZCW Elite X champion, Titus!

Copeland: We'll see about that, Jack - Titus loves being in the spotlight, and holding that championship is everything to him. Getting him to relinquish it will be one major task.

The referee signals for the bell and we are underway.

Almost immediately the two men walk to the middle for the ring and square up. Neither man looks intimidated and both look intense and ready for the challenge ahead. Both men look each other in the eye and the crowd are going crazy for it. From nowhere Reidar lands a right hand, which is reciprocated by Titus. Both men trade punches before Reidar gets the better of the exchange, Reidar Irish whips Titus and on the return attempts a big boot. Titus is ready for it though and ducks under the leg of Reidar. Allowing himself to bounce of the opposite rope, Titus attempts a sleeper hold. Reidar is to big and too fresh for the time being and easily breaks the hold with a flurry of elbows to the gut of Titus. Titus reels backwards into the corner and Reidar stares him down. The crowd jump to there feet after the first action of the match.

The two men again march towards the middle of the ring and once more begin to trade punches. Reidar again gets the better of the exchange but attempts one to may punches. Titus dicks under the flailing arm of Reidar and from behind, hits Reidar with a reverse DDT. Dragging the incapacitated Reidar to the corner, Titus begins to stomp a mud-hole into him. Stomp after stomp connects with the chest of Reidar and looks to be having some effect. The referee begins to count as Titus breaks the hold, making sure not to be disqualified. Titus wonders across the ring as Reidar quickly makes his way to his feet, Reidar motions to Titus to come get some and Titus immediately runs at Reidar. Reidar is ready for it however and throws him through the ropes and into the ringpost, shoulder first. Titus pulls himself out of the clutches of the ring post but more punishment is on the way as Reidar hits a Russian Leg Sweep, dealing damage to the back of Reidar.

With Titus strewn out on the floor, Reidar makes his way to his feet. Raising both arms aloft, Reidar beckons to the crowd, He gets major heat as a chorus of boos reign down upon him. Titus begins to recover and is on his knees. Reidar notices this and moves towards the fallen champion. Grabbing him by the neck and helping him to his feet, Reidar then hits a huge powerslam to the crowd-pleasing champion. Titus is struggling to catch his breath after some high power moves to the back. Sitting up in an attempt to catch his breathe, Reidar runs at him and kicks him with huge amount of force. Titus is once again incapacitated and Reidar begins to take control of the match.

Pulling Titus to his feet, Reidar picks him up and locks in the torture rack. Titus’ face flushes with anguish and pain as Reidar applies more pressure to his back. Titus begins to squirm and it becomes hard for Reidar to keep control of the champion, Titus continues to squirm and finally makes it close enough to the ropes to grab them. Reidar takes no notice however and continues the punishment. With the referee at a count of 3, Reidar allows the champion to drop to the mat. Reidar smells blood and once more lets Titus get to his feet. Reidar is stalking him and looks to be setting up a big finish. Titus is in no man’s land and is hit with a big knee to the gut, now bent over, Titus is a sitting duck. Reidar bounces of the rope and attempts the “Trial and Retribution”. Titus however, is aware of the danger and manages to avoid the contact. As Reidar turns around, Titus hits him with a swinging neckbreaker, mounting the first meaningful offense of the match for him.

With Reidar down, Titus takes a minute to nurse his back. Holding it and wincing in pain as Reidar gets to his feet, Titus lunges at him and hits a huge hurricarana on Reidar and follows this with a huge knee drop to the forehead of the bigger man. Titus now has the momentum and climbs to the top rope. Allowing Reidar to get to a vertical basis, Titus, once more, lunges at him and hits a powerful flying clothesline. Reidar is lying on the mat and Titus gets to his feet. Raising one hand into the air, the fans go crazy as the champion begins to take control of the match.

After a few minutes of meaningful offence, the momentum is very much with the champion. Titus is now looking to put Reidar away and looks to be setting up “The Thundera”. Much like before, however, Reidar withdras his head from harms way and from nowhere hits “Trial and Retribution” as a huge knee connects with the side of Titus’ head, causing the champion to plummet through the middle rope and to the outside. Reidar smells blood and follows him to the outside. Mocking the champion, Reidar stalks him from behind. With no hesitation, Reidar locks in an ankle lock to the champion, a move that the champion likes to pull off himself. The referee is signalling for both men to return ot the ring. With no response form Reidar, he begins his count.

Titus is screaming in pain and the face of Reidar is filled with determination. Twisting the ankle of Titus with every fibre of his body, Titus is tapping out on the outside of the ring. It means nothing however and the referee continues his count, reaching 6. Reidar, finally noticing the referee’s count makes a break for the ring. Titus, however, is not going to allow it to happen and grabs Reidar with the ankle. Reidar falls to the floor and Titus locks in an ankle lock of his own. The crowd cheer as more pain is inflicted to the challenger. The referee’s count is at 8 as Reidar taps out on the outside. Titus’ face is determined and he does no notice the count. As the referee’s count reaches 9, Titus notices and makes an effort to get into the ring. But, it is too late.

The referee signals for the bell.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match has ended in a double count-out! Therefore, still WZCW Elite X Champion....Titus!

The crowd give a mixed reaction to the decision. Some are cheering as Titus has retained but some are disappointed at the ending.

Copeland: What a match that was, it’s a shame it had to end that way! These fans wanted more and so did I.

Cohen: Robbed! Vengeance, Reidar, whatever, he was robbed! Outright highway robbery, and Reidar had better get a rematch!


Stacey Madison is backstage with WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Steamboat Ricky.

Stacey: Mr. Ricky -

Ricky: Call me Steamboat.

There's an awkward moment, then Ricky guffaws.

Ricky: No, really, just call me Ricky.

Stacey glares at him before continuing.

Stacey: Fine...Ricky...(mumbling) I wanted to interview Everest, or at least, Carmen, but no, they send me to interview the fat, stupid one...

Ricky: Sorry, Stacey?

She glares again.

Stacey: Never mind. What are your thoughts on your world championship defense tonight?

Ricky's face grows serious as he responds.

Ricky: Well, Stacey, I'm in an awkward position, that is, defending my title against two men at the same time. It doesn't help that one is a Russian warrior and the other is a peak athlete, and that both are in extremely bad moods. And my championship advantages don't apply here - I don't have to pinned, and there's no count outs or disqualifications.

Stacey smiles smugly.

Stacey: So, basically, you're screwed.

Ricky smiles oddly back at her.

Ricky: Maybe I am.

Without another word, he walks off, still smiling crookedly, with his world title over his shoulder. Stacey looks after him with a glare.
Johnny Klamor is backstage with Everest.

Klamor: Everest, buddy, let me tell ya, first off, way to go telling those fans where they can stick it.

Everest only shoots him a hard look.

Klamor: But hey, listen, that aside, what are your thoughts going into the world championship match tonight?

Everest cracks his knuckles.

Everest: My thoughts? My thoughts, Klamor, are that this will be the easiest world championship match in history. Bratchny, for all his talk, is a broken man without his manager, and Ricky is a fat, pandering, pirate who won his title on a fluke. I could beat both of them with my hands tied behind my back. I am the Pinnacle of Perfection, I am an athlete at my absolute physical and mental prime...there is no one that can stand in my way, let alone those two pathetic excuses for competitors.

Everest stalks away without another word and leaves Klamor with a smile on his face.



Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championship!

“PCP” by the Manic Street Preachers hits as Garth Black and Phoenix make their way to the ring. As the music starts, there are pulses of arena lights in time with the music, which turns into out of sync strobe lights flashing all over the arena. Black and Phoenix look determined as they both run and jump into the ring, then discuss strategy as they wait for their opponents.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challengers, at a total combined weight of 381 pounds, the team of Garth Black and Phoenix!

“What I Want” by Daughty hits and Big Dave and Ace David make their way out after the drum intro. They’re both wearing sunglasses and Ace has a deck of cards in his hands. He shuffles them on the way to the ring as the both of them strut and taunt the fans. Near the ring, Ace throws the cards in a jeering fans face, and security has to restrain him. The Daves laugh as they slowly make their way into the ring, showing off their belts.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a total combined weight of 499 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, the team of Ace David and Big Dave, the Full House Daves!

The champions present their belts and taunt the crowd and their opponents to a chorus of boos, as Black and Phoenix stoically look on. The Daves remove their sunglasses and belts from the ring as the match is about to begin.

Ace leaves the ring, as does Phoenix, leaving Big Dave and Black to square off as the bell rings.

Cohen: What a mismatch here, Copeland! Big Dave outweighs Black by a full 100 pounds!

Copeland: Never underestimate the heart of Garth Black, Cohen! This team’s beaten the Daves before, and they can do it again!

Black takes the action to Big Dave first, going at him with jabs and kicks and forcing Dave into the corner. Dave, however, roars and shoves Black onto the ground, and follows it up by taunting Black. Black gets up and stares down Dave. He backs into the ropes and charges him with a shoulder block, but Dave hardly moves. He grins and invites Black to try again. Black does, to the same result. Black tries a third time, but on this attempt, Dave ducks, lets Black come around again, and levels him with a big clothesline. He covers him for a two count.

Cohen: Haha, get used to this folks! This is gonna be a short one.

Dave gets up and taunts the crowd again as Black struggles to his feet. Black gets up, only to be met with a powerslam from Dave. Dave covers him again for only two. He gets up and stomps all over Black, forcing him into the corner where Black pulls himself up. Dave backs up and charges the corner, ramming his side into Black. Black stumbles but hangs onto the ropes. Dave charges again, but Black gets his feet up and nails Dave in the face. Dave backs up and Black scrambles up the ropes, flying off with an elbow to Dave’s neck. Dave collapses and Black covers him but only gets a one count.

They both get up at about the same time and Black again tries to take Dave down with punches and kicks, staggering Dave somewhat, but one huge right from Dave takes Black down. Dave drags Black over to the champions’ corner and tag in Ace, who springboards over the ropes with a crossbody onto Black. He covers him for only two.

Copeland: Like them or not, you have to admit that the Daves have grade A team work.

Ace gets up and taunts Phoenix, who’s looking for a tag. Ace lets Black up and lets him stagger over to his corner before grabbing him, turning him around, and nailing him with a short arm clothesline, all right in Phoenix’s face. Phoenix is livid and he tries to get into the ring as the ref restrains him. While the ref is distracted, Ace laughs and whips Black back into the champions’ corner, where Big Dave smashes an elbow into his face and starts choking Black. Phoenix quickly retreats, but the ref sees nothing. With Black backed into the corner, Ace charges and hits him with a clothesline, which sends Black down to a sitting position. Ace hits a huge kick to the side of Black’s head which collapses him. Ace pulls him out a ways for a cover, but Black kicks out at two.

With Black lying in the middle of the ring, Ace climbs up to the top rope and taunts the crowd again, flying off with a diving fist drop right onto Black. He covers him again for only two. Black staggers up and Ace gets him over to the middle of the ropes, where he tags Big Dave in. The pair whips Black into the opposite rope, join arms, and level Black with a double clothesline on the rebound. Dave quickly covers him but only gets two.

Cohen: More of that excellent team work, Seabass!

Copeland: Some would call it cheating, Jack.

Dave looks frustrated as he stomps on Black’s legs a bit, and then locks him into a sharpshooter. Black is in obvious pain as he struggles in the hold, but with some amazing strength, manages to grip the ropes after a full minute in the hold. Dave breaks the hold and taunts Phoenix. Phoenix is rabid, again, and the ref is distracted. Dave turns around to Garth Black, but while the ref is distracted, Black low blows him! Dave is in huge pain as he collapses to the ground, looking to tag in Ace. Black struggles to his corner as Dave makes his way over…Ace is tagged in…and so is Phoenix! The two charge each other and Ace tries to clothesline Phoenix, but Phoenix ducks and kicks Ace right in the back, collapsing him! He charges the corner quickly, leaping to the top rope, and blindly flies off with a moonsault, catching Ace who had just come into range!

Copeland: Exciting offense from the risk taker, Phoenix! Will it pay off?

Phoenix covers Ace but only gets a two count. He taunts Dave and Dave charges the ring, heedless of the referee. Phoenix sidesteps him and as Dave charges into the ropes, Black pulls down on the ropes and sends Dave flying outside. The ref goes to check on him and Black enters the ring while he’s distracted. Black gets a quick suplex on Ace and when Ace comes down, Phoenix hits a standing moonsault on him. Phoenix and Black signal the crowd that the end is near. The ref has returned his attention to the match and Black has exited the ring. Phoenix stomps Ace a few times, drags him into the corner, and goes up to the top.

However, at the top, Big Dave comes out of nowhere and shoves Phoenix off the turnbuckle! Phoenix crotches himself on the turnbuckle and painfully stumbles off of it. Confused, he turns around to Big Dave, but Ace has just recovered! From behind, he rolls up Phoenix and gets a one, two, and three!

Harrys: Here are your winners and STILL WZCW World Tag Team Champions…the Full House Daves!

Cohen: Brilliant! That’s what makes real champions, Seabass – the ability to do whatever it takes to win.

Copeland: Some might disagree with you, Jack, but nevertheless, whatever their methods are, the Daves remain your world tag team champions.

The Daves celebrate together with their belts, as Black and Phoenix retreat angrily from the ring. The Daves laugh at their challengers and Black and Phoenix angrily swear revenge.

Harrys: The following contest is a Triple Threat match, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

'Supernova goes Pop' by Powerman 5000 hits and Everest enters very simply to start. Orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen that then flashes the words “Are you Ready to Go” The lights go out for a second and when they kick back on Everest stands in the middle of the ramp, taking in the boos instead of the characteristic cheers. He makes his way to the ring stoically, though he takes plenty of time to eye up the women on the way to the ring.

“Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones hits and as the music starts, Carmen walks out alone. Carmen then steps on the apron and steps in to the ring through the ropes, looking focused and intense as he stares down Everest.

"Over the Seas" by Alestorm hits and Steamboat Ricky walks down the ramp, carrying a cooler of his signature non-alcoholic grog. He’s dressed in his usual outfit. He gives high fives his adoring fans and Polly rests on his right shoulder giving him advice. He then enters the ring, running around in circles for awhile to allow his cape to float in the breeze.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, the Pinnacle of Perfection…Everest!

Everest sneers at the crowd as he takes in their boos.

Harrys: Introducing next, the challenger, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 230 pounds…Carmen Bratchny!

Bratchny punches the air a few times, oblivious to the crowd, focusing only on his match.

Harrys: And now, introducing their opponent, from Tortuga, weighing in at 260 pounds, he is the current, reigning, and defending WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World….Steamboat Ricky!

Ricky presents his custom belt to the adoring fans and chugs down one last non alcoholic grog as the bell rings.

The three men stand in a triangle pattern as the bell rings. The referee presents the belt one last time then hands it off, ready to officiate. The three men stare each other down for a moment. They all move a little bit closer to one another as Bratchny taunts Ricky. Bratchny and Everest shoot a brief glance at each other, than suddenly turn on Ricky, attacking him and forcing him to the ropes. They both whip him off the ropes into the opposite side of the ring, but on the rebound, Ricky catches both of them in clotheslines, knocking them to the ground! Ricky goes right for Everest, grabbing him and chucking him to the outside of the ring.

Copeland: An exciting start as Ricky seems to want Bratchny on his own to kick things off!

Bratchny, however, has gotten up quickly and attacks Ricky, kneeing him in the gut and punching him as Ricky leans in against the ropes. Bratchny tries to whip him to the other side, but Ricky reverses the whip, catching Bratchny around the neck, looking for a chokeslam!

Cohen: What the hell is Ricky thinking? A chokeslam on Bratchny? Madness!

Copeland: Maybe it’s going to take a little bit of madness to win this match, Jack! He’s heavier and taller than Bratchny – he can pull it off!

Ricky struggles to get Bratchny up for a moment, but somehow, he elevates Bratchny and chokeslams him! Ricky celebrates his accomplishment for a moment, before quickly covering Bratchny. He gets a two count, but Everest has returned to the ring and breaks up the count. Everest goes right after Ricky, punching him, but Ricky gets a knee up into Everest’s face, staggering Everest. Bratchny, meanwhile, has rolled out of the ring. Ricky’s backed Everest into the corner, where he hits a big chop on him. Ricky whips Everest into the opposite corner, and charges him, but Everest gets out and jams his hip into Ricky, stopping him. Everest charges Ricky, who catches Everest and looks like he wants a powerslam! Everest slips out, however, and gets behind Ricky. He goes for a German suplex, but Ricky’s too big!

Cohen: All that fat finally came in handy for Ricky, Seabass.

Ricky forces Everest off him and sends him staggering backwards. Ricky then turns around and clotheslines Everest. Everest staggers up and Ricky grabs him, then headbutts him, sending Everest down to the mat. Everest gets up again and Ricky goes for him, but Everest starts nailing him with punches, forcing him toward the opposite side of the ring. Everest backs up and rebounds off the ropes to charge Ricky, ducking a clothesline, rebounding again, but this time, Ricky catches him! Ricky looks like he wants a Samoan drop, but Everest slips out, grabs Ricky’s legs, and knocks him off his feet! He grabs Ricky’s legs and he’s locked in a cloverleaf! Not long after, however, Ricky managers to turn on his back and kick Everest off. Both men are up as Bratchny tries to clamber back in the ring, but Ricky hits him and knocks him back to the floor. Ricky then goes after Everest and punches him a few times, before kicking Everest square in the gut and sending him into the corner. Everest staggers out and walks toward Ricky, who clotheslines him down to the mat!

Copeland: Ricky looking incredible here tonight, giving it his all to retain his title!

Ricky backs up and drops a big leg on Everest, going for a cover, but Bratchny gets back into the ring and breaks it up at two. Everest rolls out of the ring as Bratchny goes after Ricky. He punches him in the back and forces him into the corner. While in the corner, Bratchny rams his shoulder into Ricky’s gut a few times, and then tries to whip Ricky into the opposite corner, but Ricky reverses it and sends Bratchny to the corner. He goes for Bratchny, but Carmen gets out and jams his shoulder into Ricky. Bratchny jumps up to the second rope and flies off with a forearm to Ricky’s face, knocking him down.

Copeland: What athleticism from Bratchny, who doesn’t fly often, but it just goes to show you what the world champions means!

Bratchny lets Ricky get up and then goes to life him, as if for a brainbuster, but Ricky is heavy and he struggles. Ricky recovers enough to chop him in the back, catching Bratchny around the neck, and hitting an inverted DDT on him. He covers Bratchny but only gets two. Everest, however, gets into the ring and he’s carrying two trash can lids!

Cohen: Whoa! Everest is the farthest thing from hardcore, but it looks like his new attitude has taught him the most important principle in wrestling – whatever it takes, baby!

He goes right after Ricky with them, smashing them over his head. He drops one trash can lid which Bratchny grabs. The two keep striking Ricky in the head as Ricky sways on his feet. Finally, the two strike him at the same time and knock him down. The two look at each other, wanting to go for a cover, but neither man knowing who should go for it. In the meantime, Ricky gets up. The two try to repeat their whipping Ricky into the ropes, but meet the same result – Ricky levels them with double clotheslines. All three men are down but Ricky gets up first, taunting the others to get up. The two get up and though Ricky tries to fight them off, they both start laying into him with punches and kicks. The two of them join up and hit a big double clothesline on Ricky, all three men lying on the ground afterwards. Bratchny gets up first and covers Ricky for a two count, but Everest pulls him off by the leg. Everest and Bratchny stare each other down now. They get into a shoving match, and Bratchny knocks Everest to the ground with an elbow to the face.

Cohen: Yeah, finally, the good stuff! No more of that fatty, let’s get two real athletes competing here!

The two trade punches and kicks, but suddenly Bratchny has Everest up, and drops him with a brainbuster! Everest, however, quickly rolls away to the ropes. Bratchny is calling for either man to get up, and Ricky begins to do so, Everest having rolled out of the ring. Bratchny elevates Ricky, and also drops him with a brainbuster! Bratchny slowly makes the cover, but only gets two when Everest pulls the ref out of the ring. Bratchny angrily heads to the outside, where he attacks Everest. Bratchny whips Everest into the steel ring steps, then Bratchny slams Everest’s face into the steps. He throws Everest into the ring post. Ricky gets up and tries to get to the outside, but Bratchny catches him and forces his neck off the ropes, sending him reeling back. He then charges Ricky and tries to clothesline him down, but Ricky ducks, Bratchny rebounds, and Ricky knocks Bratchny down!

He quickly drops a leg on Bratchny and covers him, but Bratchny kicks out at two. Everest has been busted open on the outside as he tries to get up. Ricky headbutts Bratchny again into the corner, where he hits some chops on Bratchny. He forces Bratchny up to the top rope, looking like he wants a superplex. Everest briefly distracts Ricky, and in that time, Bratchny pulls Ricky out of the corner and powerbombs him!

Both men are down in the middle of the ring as Bratchny slowly goes for a cover, gets two, but Everest breaks it up with a steel chair shot! Everest waits for Bratchny to get up, then nails him right in the face! Bratchny rolls out of the ring, and Everest goes for the cover on Ricky, who kicks out at two! Everest grabs the chair and brains Ricky with it, sending him to the outside as well!

Cohen: What domination! Everest is unstoppable! The best part is – he doesn’t need the steel chair, but when he wants it, he can do anything with it!

Everest charges Ricky with the chair, but Ricky ducks and Everest nails the ring post, staggering him and falling to the ground, clutching his arm. Ricky starts to take apart the Spanish announce table. He tries to put Everest through the table with a full nelson slam, but Everest slips out, kicks Ricky, and elevates him with the Rock Slide, right through the table!

Both men are out cold on top of the wreckage of the table. Everest slowly makes his way back into the ring, as does Bratchny. The two men stare each other down on their knees, then get up, staggering. The two engage in a big slug fest, that goes back and forth until Bratchny gets the upper hand, elevating Everest, looking for another brainbuster, but Everest holds onto the ropes! Angered, Bratchny tosses Everest right over the top rope!

Cohen: There, you see? That’s the mental frustration kicking in. You can’t get a pin on the outside, but Bratchny fails to realize that, distraught as he is.

Bratchny heads to the outside of the ring, where he brawls with Everest, trying to whip him into the ring steps, but gets reversed and hits the steel himself. Everest brains Bratchny on the steps a few times, before getting back into the ring. Bratchny swings wildly at Everest, who ducks, slips around, and plants Bratchny with a German suplex! He rolls through and hits a second one, this time releasing in mid air! He goes for a cover, but only gets two. Everest gets up and it looks like he’s calling for the Rock Slide! He elevates Bratchny, but Bratchny slips out, sends Everest into the ropes, and plants him with a spine buster on the rebound! Bratchny slowly goes for the cover, and only gets two. On the ground, Bratchny locks in an uncharacteristic gutwrench.

Copeland: It looks like Bratchny is showing off to Everest – proving he can go on the ground too!

Bratchny has the hold locked in, as the ref raises Everest’s arm once, twice, but suddenly, Ricky’s in the ring and breaks the hold! Ricky goes for a quick cover on Everest, but he kicks out. Ricky calls for the Blunderbuss! He quickly nails BOTH Everest and Bratchny with his version of the stunner, covering Bratchny, but somehow, someway, Bratchny kicks out! He covers Everest, but Everest also just kicks out! Ricky is angry, and turns to Bratchny, who blatantly low blows him sending him out of the ring!

It’s back to Everest and Bratchny, who trade rights in the center of the ring. Bratchny forces Everest into the corner, charges him, but Everest ducks out and Bratchny knocks his shoulder against the ring post. Everest pulls him out by the leg, and locks in a cloverleaf! Ricky charges Everest, but Everest sees him coming and breaks the hold, kicking Ricky in the leg, turning him around, and hitting the Rock Slide on him! Ricky rolls to the corner, however, and prevents the count. Everest looks pissed as he waits for Bratchny to get up…Bratchny stands, turn around…Everest elevate him, and PLANTS him with a SECOND Rock Slide! Bratchny isn’t moving as Everest covers him and the ref counts 1, 2, and 3!

Cohen: Yes! I told you, Copeland, I told all of you, the greatest in the world is champion once again!

Harrys: Here is your winner and the NEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion…EVEREST!!!!

Everest stands up from the cover and lets out a shout of pure adrenaline. He raises his arms and nearly collapses against the ropes as the referee hands him the title belt. Everest looks emotional - joyous, fierce, and proud - as the ref raises his hand in victory. Everest leans against the ropes and shows off the title to the crowd, as if to say, "I told you so." The crowd boos heavily to this, but Everest is oblivious. Everest clutches the belt to his chest and climbs the turnbuckle in the corner, where he presents the belt to the crowd again. Everest rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the top of the ramp where he presents the belt once again, the ref raising his arm in victory again, while Ricky and Bratchny lay prone in the ring.

Cohen: Haha, Seabass, there's gonna be a celebration tonight! I mean, you're not invited, but it's gonna be great! Haha!

Copeland: If you say so, Jack. Nevertheless, Everest takes back his title for a second reign, and what does this mean for WZCW? Tune in to Meltdown and our very first broadcast of Ascension next week, for the answers to all your questions! From all of us at WZCW, we thank you for tuning in, and we'll see you next time.

Harrys: The following is a Juggalo Death Match for the WZCW Mayhem Championship! In this match, the rules are as follows – in order to win, one competitor must first draw blood from his opponent, and then keep them down for a count of ten.

“Woke up this Morning” hits the PA system and Milenko walks on to the stage with a cocky look on his face. He struts to the ring as the fans boo him as loud as they can. When he gets to the ring he throws his arms out to his sides and he gets a cocky smile as he waits for his opponent.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, weighing in at 200 pounds…Milenko!

“Be Free” by Papa Roach hits and Drake comes out to the ring with a huge grin and a beer bottle in hand, as he staggers to the ring, slapping the hands of fans on the road. In the ring, he lifts the beer to the crowd in a toast, and chugs it down before beginning the match.

Harrys: And his opponent, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion…Drake Callahan!

Cohen: I said it before, Seabass, this is Milenko’s match, and this is Milenko’s night. He’s walking out of here with HIS Mayhem Championship.

The bell rings and Milenko stares at Drake with murder in his eyes, as Drake laughs obliviously and starts to circle around Milenko. The two lock up in the center of the ring and Drake forces Milenko into the corner, where he lays in on Milenko with chops to the chest. He backs up a bit and then hits a big corner dropkick, forcing Milenko into a sitting position. Drake backs up to the other side of the ring, then charges Milenkoand knocks a big knee into the side of his head. Milenko rolls out of the corner and Drake quickly rolls out of the ring, looking underneath it for a weapon.

Copeland: And Drake wants to get it hardcore early! Not a bad strategy for this kind of a match!

He comes up with a trash can, a kendo stick, and a steel chair. He throws the items into the ring, where Milenko is just staggering to his feet. He kicks Milenko in the gut, hooks him around the neck, and positions him so that his head is above the trash can…and DDTs him right into the trash can! Drake quickly rolls him over and checks for blood, but he’s not bleeding yet.

Cohen: Ha! Moron, Milenko’s made of tougher stuff than that.

Drake grabs the kendo stick and goes to town on Milenko, cracking him until the stick splinters into a useless hunk of wood. Drake turns around to grab the steel chair, but when he turns, Milenko desperately low blows him. Drake drops the chair and collapses as Milenko rises with malicious intent, the steel chair in hand.

Cohen: Aha, it’s the beginning of the end, folks!

Drake staggers up, clutching his groin, and Milenko brains him with a huge chair shot. Drake collapses and Milenko swings wildly all over Drake’s body until Drake simply rolls out of the ring. Milenko taunts the crowd from inside the ring before rolling out himself, going underneath the ring. He pulls out a bat covered in barbed wire! He looks at it with a sick look in his eye, then turns to Drake. He sets the bat on the apron for a moment, kicking Drake in the gut and sending him crashing into the steel ring steps. He lifts him up and slams his face into the steps, then into the ringpost. As Drake is dazed, Milenko grabs the bat and rakes it across Drake’s forehead! He relentlessly grates for several seconds and then relents…Drake collapses, leaning against the ring apron for support. Milenko cracks him across the back with the bat not once, but twice, before throwing the bat aside and taunting. Drake is bleeding from the forehead and the back now.

Cohen: All that beer ought to have thinned his bloody nicely!

Milenko has the advantage now as he rolls Drake back into the ring. On the outside, he pauses and goes under the ring…pulling out a wooden table! He sends it into the ring and leaves it there for a moment, going to work on Drake. He lifts him up and hits a few headbutts, opening his cut further, then whips him into the corner. He goes to charge Drake, but Drake gets his legs up, kicking Milenko in the face. He quickly heads up to the second rope, flying off quickly with an elbow right to Milenko’s neck. Milenko collapses and Drake staggers, trying to get a hold of himself.

Copeland: The tenacious champion refuses to go out without a fight!

Drake stomps on Milenko while he’s on the ground, then drops a leg on him. He quickly scrambles back up, stands over Milenko, and flies with a standing moonsault right on top of him. He goes for a cover, but the ref shakes his head. Drake takes a moment to regain his senses and stands up, as does Milenko. Drake measures him and hits a big right hand, which Milenko answers in kind. The two get into a slugfest that Drake gets the better of. He quickly slips behind Milenko and kicks him in the back, allowing him to plant him with a big tiger suplex.

Drake quickly stands and sets up the table. Milenko staggers up and Drake punches him a few times in the head, then lays him across the table. Drake quickly rolls outside the ring, where he finds the splintered remains of his kendo stick. He looks at them for a moment, then grins, returning to the ring. He punches Milenko another few times, then…jams the splinters of his kendo stick right into Milenko’s forehead! Milenko struggles in pain but he’s too weak to resist as Drake rips his forehead wide open, blood gushing everywhere!

Cohen: What?! That’s illegal! He could get an infection! Stop this match right now, damn it!

Drake celebrates as blood runs down his own face. The dazed Milenko lies across the table as Drake climbs to the top rope. He gestures to the crowd and flies off, but Milenko rolls up, sending Drake through his own table! Both men are down and the referee counts, but he only get to seven before both men are up. Milenko punches out Drake this time, then rolls out of the ring, going under the ring, retrieving…a ladder!

Cohen: Does that idiot know this isn’t a ladder match?

Milenko slides the ladder into the ring as Drake gets up. Milenko brains him with the ladder and then jams it into his gut as Drake collapses. Milenko leans against the ropes for support as the ref counts, but he only get to six and Drake is up. Milenko lays the ladder down and then knees Drake in the gut. He then elevates Drake and powerbombs him right onto the ladder! The ref starts a count again but Drake manages to make it up at a count of 9. Milenko measures him for another shot with the ladder, but Drake manages to duck the shot! As Milenko starts to turn around, Drake low blows him! Milenko drops the ladder and collapses. Drake staggers up and grabs the ladder, which he sets up in the middle of the ring. He starts to climb it as Milenko lies prone on the other side, as if he wants to fly off the ladder onto Milenko.

Copeland: One has to wonder if Drake is still aware enough to remember there’s no title belt hanging up there!

Milenko, however, gets up and starts climbing the ladder himself. He gets to the top along with Drake, where both men brawl for control. As they brawl, Milenko gets up a little higher than Drake, for leverage. Drake, however, punches Milenko in the gut a few times, then gets him across his shoulders!

Cohen: Wait, wait, wait…what is he thinking!

Drake looks around at the crowd as Milenko struggles…Drake JUMPS OFF THE LADDER, Milenko in tow, and PLANTS MILENKO RIGHT INTO THE MAT WITH A HANGOVER, a brainbuster!

Copeland: Oh my goodness! Drake has no abandon! He may have seriously injured Milenko, or worse!

The crowd is stunned as they chant “Holy shit” over and over, and both men look to be out of it. However, just at the count of nine, Drake pulls himself up on the ropes, just getting one foot on the ground as the ref counts ten!

Cohen: Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! Get some medical care in there for Milenko, right now, and get that pathetic excuse for a wrestler into a mental institution!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and STILL WZCW Mayhem Champion…Drake Callahan!

Drake has his hand raised in victory and is handed his belt, but he’s in obvious pain. He has no energy left to celebrate as he rolls out of the ring amidst the carnage, but suddenly, “Mr. Ouija 2” hits and Ty Burna is on his way to the ring. Drake groans as he clutches the Mayhem Championship to his bloody chest.

Harrys enters the ring, looking concernedly at Drake.


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen…the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW EurAsian Championship! Already presented, the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Drake Callahan! And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 235 pounds…Ty Burna!

Cohen: Haha, this is some sweet revenge for what he’s done to Milenko, let me tell ya.

Ty grins maliciously at Drake, who staggers back into the ring and hands his belt to the ref. The bell rings and Ty quickly charges Drake, who tries to present some offense but fails. Ty quickly elevates Drake, and drops him with an Argentine DDT, the Ouija Flame! He covers Drake for one…two…but only two as Drake somehow kicks out!

Copeland: Incredible! After all this, Drake still finds it in him to kick out! But was it purely instinct!

Ty looks incredibly frustrated as he calls for Drake to stand once more. Drake staggers up and has no chance, as Ty again elevates him and drops him with the Ouija Flame, this time for one, two, and three.

Harrys: Here is your winner and the NEW WZCW EurAsian Champion…Ty Burna!

Cohen: Well, at least one thing went right here – Ty Burna is the new champ. Drake doesn’t deserve one belt, and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve two. Congratulations to Ty Burna!

Ty greedily grabs the EurAsian Championship and spits on Drake’s fallen frame. The ref lays the Mayhem title in Drake’s arms as he groggily stirs, unaware of his surroundings. Ty retreats up the ramp and presents his belt to the crowd as Drake rolls out of the ring, exhausted.
Hope you enjoyed the show, folks. Sorry for the delays, they were mostly unavoidable.

Credit goes to Scotsman Dave and Marquis who wrote two matches each. The remainder were written by myself.

As always, enjoy.
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