WZCW Network Presents: Buried Alive

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Leon: Hello, I am Leon Kensworth, and tonight here on the WZCW Network and WZCW.com, we're bringing you a special treat. In just a few days at Meltdown 113, Ty Burna and Chris KO will be competing in a Buried Alive Match. Now some of you may not have been around when the last Buried Alive match took place, a World Title match between Everest, and Lars Reidar, more commonly known as Vengeance. This brutal match took place at Lethal Lottery II, and it has been a little over five years since this type of violence has taken place. For your enjoyment, we present to you, Lars Reidar vs. Everest for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, in a Buried Alive Match!


Harrys: The following contest is a Buried Alive Match and is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

The camera pans out to the large mound of dirt on the side of the entrance ramp, a 6 foot rectangular hole is dug at the top of the pile of dirt, with a gravestone and shovel right behind the hole. A bulldozer also sits near the grave as well. "Broken Soul" by Original Sin breaks the buzz of the crowd as Lars makes his way out to the entrance ramp. He stops midway down the ramp and looks at the grave to the side. He then enters the ring and stares forward at the entrance.

Harrys: Introducing the challenger, from Ragnarog, he stands 6'6" and weighs 275 lbs, Lars Reidar!

"Supernova Goes Pop" by Powerman 5000 hits the sound system as Everest makes his way out with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. The crowd begins booing and jeering him loudly as he makes his way down the ramp. He stares down Lars as he makes his way into the ring, handing his belt off to the ref.

Harrys: And introducing the champion, from Los Angeles, Caliornia, he stands 6'0" and weighs 205 lbs, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Everest!

Copeland: There is a lot of bad blood between these two. And it's finally come to this, a Buried Alive Match. The crowd is electric for this match.

Cohen: This will be the pinnacle of Everest's title reign after he buries that overrated Lars.

Connor: I wouldn't be so sure Cohen, this match is perfect for Lar's sadistic tendencies.

The ref holds up the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship belt and then signals for the bell as the two competitors walk towards each other and a stare down ensues. Everest begins talking trash to Lars, only Lars just smiles and then hits Everest right in the face, knocking him back. Everest wipes his mouth before coming back with his own hard punch. It breaks down into a brawl quickly, with Lars gaining the advantage. Lars whips Everest into the rope and drops him with a power slam, and immediately begins stomping away at Everest. Lars backs up into the ropes and waits for Everest. Everest sits up and Lars rushes and kicks Everest right in the face. He stands and poses above Everest before dropping an elbow into the chest.

Connor: Lars is clearly focused here tonight, he's been dominating Everest since the opening bell and hasn't let up at all.

Cohen: Everest is playing it smart. He's letting Lars expend all his energy right away, allowing himself to dominate the match later on.

Copeland: I don't think we've seen Lars this determined in quite some time. It's quite scary to behold if you ask me.

Lars drags Everest to his feet and whips him into the corner. He rushes and splashes Everest in the corner before kicking him the gut and goes for a roundhouse kick, only for Everest to duck and counter with a belly to belly suplex. Everest goes right to work on Lars' leg by applying a knee bar, looking to further damage a lingering injury. Lars face twists in anguish as he struggles to escape the hold. He eventually kicks Everest away with his free leg, but Everest quickly rushes forward and stomps away at Lars' knee. He pulls Lars up and whips him into the corner and rushes forward going for a clothesline. Lars moves out of the way and Everest bounces off the corner. Lars grabs Everest from behind and drops him with an inverted DDT. Lars rolls out of the ring and pulls Everest by his legs to the corner post. He grabs a leg and smashes it right into the post, causing Everest to scream out in pain. Lars slams Everest's leg into the post 3 more times before going under the ring and grabbing a steel chair.

Copeland: Lars is going to break Everest's leg by the way he's looking at that chair!

Cohen: This is why I was nervous about this match, with no rules Lars can do whatever to win, while in a regular wrestling match Everest would have handled that overrated Norse by now.

Lars lines the chair up and swings it with all his force. Everest moves his leg out of the way just in time and Lars drops the chair as Everest rolls out of the ring as well. Lars rushes Everest but he trips him up with a drop toe hold, causing Lars to land flat on his face. Everest grabs the steel chair and looks to smash it over Lar's head. Instead he sets it up and throws Lars over the crowd barrier. He then comes launching off the steel chair and hits a huge crossbody, knocking himself and Lars into the fan's seats. Everest gets up and looks at the fans around with a smug look, causing them to boo him loudly. He kicks Lars in the face before pulling him up and leading him up the stairs of the arena. He slams Lars' head into the hand rail before connecting with a spinning heel kick.

Cohen: There's the Everest we know, using his strategic thinking to dissect Lars.

Copeland: Everest has taken control of this match, but they're far from the grave at this point. He needs to get Lars there while he has him down.

Connor: Copeland you're absolutely right. Everest needs to take advantage of this and end the match.

Everest looks around once more at the fans and makes a cutting motion across his neck. He rushes towards the slowly rising Lars, but Lars catches him with a sitout Spinebuster, causing a sickening thud against the concrete. Lars slowly makes his way to a sitting position as Everest rolls onto his stomach, grimacing in pain. Lars gets to his feet as does Everest. Lars kicks him in the stomach and drags him across the break between section levels, moving towards the dirt pile. Lars stops suddenly and slams Everest's head down onto a table set up for merchandise. He begins punching away at Everest but Everest counters with a low blow. Everest grabs a t-shirt with his image on it and drapes it across Lars' prone body. Everest climbs up a few stairs and gets onto an edge about 10 feet above Lars. He launches off and crashes into Lars, collapsing the table beneath them.

Copeland: That was a huge risk on Everest's part! He could have ended up seriously injured had he missed.

Connor: Everest isn't known for his high flying, he's pulling out all the stops to keep his World Championship.

Cohen: And to make it all the better, he added insult to injury with that Everest shirt!

Everest untangles himself from the mess and slowly drags Lars up to his feet and then throws him over the railing, spilling him to the entrance ramp space near the dirt pile. Everest hops over the railing kicks away at Lars before pulling him up and sets him up for a fisherman suplex. Lars blocks it and counters suddenly with the Judge, Jury, and Executioner! Lars lies on his back for a few moments, as Everest appears to be completely out at this point. After regaining his thoughts Lars stirs and sits up and looks over at Everest and a sick smile crosses his face. He limps over to Everest and picks him up in a fireman's carry and begins making his way up the dirt pile.

Copeland: Everest is out! After that JJE, there's no way he can recover in time to stop his own burial.

Cohen: No! We can't let that bastard Lars get his mitts on the World Title. We need a true World Champion, not someone who uses smoke and mirrors.

As Lars makes his way to the top of the dirt pile, he drops Everest right in front of the hole and goes to grab the shovel. As Lars makes his way back to Everest with the shovel, Everest suddenly sits up and throws a handful of dirt right into Lars' eyes. Lars' stumbles backwards trying to get the dirt out of his eyes and almost falls into the 6 foot deep hole. Everest makes it to his feet and begins firing away with punches on Lars. Lars covers up and suddenly counters by lifting Everest with a military press. Everest floats over and connects with a DDT on Lars, dumping him face first into the sand. Everest makes it to his feet right in front of the grave as Lars does as well. Lars with an enraged scream rushes blindly towards Everest. Everest ducks Lars' clothesline, wraps his arm around his chest and hits a Rock Slide, dropping Lars right into the 6 foot hole!

Connor: Oh my God! Lars just got hit with a Rock Slide and fell 6 feet down

Copeland: Lars has to be broken in there, there's no way he could have survived that.

Cohen: And yet you two are so worried about a psychotic Norseman that you can't see how much of a genius Everest is. Clearly blinding Lars improved Everest's chances of avoiding his attacks.

Everest grabs the shovel and begins furiously shoveling dirt into the hole. After completely covering Lars with dirt he moves to the bulldozer and pushes the pile of dirt into the hole, completely covering the grave. The bell rings as Everest makes his way out of the bulldozer. The ref raises his hand and given the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship as the crowd begins booing loudly.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Everest!

Copeland: Everest retains in a brutal battle here tonight Cohen. He goes on to Kingdom Come to face the winner of the Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: I had no doubts about his victory tonight Seabass. He is a great champion and any great champion can adapt to any match and walk out victorious. Whoever faces Everest at Kingdom Come has their work cut out for them.

Everest grasps his World Championship close to him, looking back at the grave and shakes his head. He makes his way to the entrance ramp and stops at the top, holding his championship belt up once more before going to the back.

Connor: And who will Everest face at Kingdom Come? We'll find out next as 20 of the top WZCW competitors battle for that very opportunity.

Leon: In the end, Everest was able to outsmart Lars and retain the World Heavyweight Championship. Everest would go on and face Titus in the Main Event of Kingdom Come II, while Lars would revert back to Vengeance, and team with, ironically enough, Ty Burna and formed the Dark Alliance. There is nothing on the line except personally pride, and perhaps the final chapter between Chris KO and his former mentor. Who will claim victory and put their opponent six feet under? Join us at Meltdown 113 to find out!
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