WZCW MELTDOWN: Episode Seven

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Dufflebag Mod!!

A video comes on screen portraying classic moments in wrestling, from Sammartino to Hogan, from Hart to Michaels, and the very early years of professional wrestling. The video fades to black, as the words, ’40 years in the making’ appear…out of nowhere, a giant WZCW logo appears, as the video is cut to static after a while. A countdown begins, before the video cuts back to the Lawlor Events Center in Reno, Nevada, where an explosion of fireworks rocks the arena! The crowd goes wild as the red and black fireworks continue, as “Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven rocks over the loudspeakers.​

Sebastian Copeland: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again, to WZCW Meltdown!

Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen: It’s been too long since last time Cope, I’ve been dying all day for the Seventh installment of Meltdown

Copeland: And it looks like the fans in Reno Nevada can’t wait either. I think it’s safe to say we made an impact last week on wrestling fans around the world, judging by these fans ‘Force!

Cohen: It is absolutely unbelievable! We are damn sure the best thing that has ever come to Reno, and I think all these fans know it as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you for some ungodly reason weren’t around to witness last weeks, THIS is WrestleZone Championship Wrestling!

Copeland: And now, get ready, buckle up because you’re about to be taken for one hell of a ride tonight!

Pyro explodes from each corner of the ring, as the camera pans out to focus on the entire ring which has two leather mini couches, two spot lights on each far end of the couches & an L.C.D. H.D. 27in. monitor between the two couches. All of this is on a stylish rug that covers the whole ring, the rug itself is black, with a Silver star, in the middle & a Neon Blue "1" in the middle of the star. The ring announcer addresses the audience.. "Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome W.Z.C.W.'s newest superstar.. "The One" Big Will..."

Copeland: I wonder what Will is doing out here Cohen

Cohen: Well he not here to sell cookies Copeland!

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd erupts over the audio system, as the fans rise to their feet awaiting Big Will to walk out through the curtain. Out from the curtain walks a man with confidence on his face, & a cocky type of smirk. He's dressed in faded jeans, with an 'affliction' greyish colored shirt, half way tucked into his jeans. He's wearing a sports coat, also greyish with lightly shaded sunglasses on & a microphone in his hand. Big Will walks down the ramp, completely ignoring the fans with their hands out, as he walks up the steps & enters the ring.​

(Big Will)- "Wow.. would you look at all this?! Check out this couch.." Big Will sits on the couch, only to quickly get up & walk to the spotlight at the end of the couch. "Look at this spotlight.. this is top of the line, high priced stuff!" Big Will stops, as his attention turns to the L.C.D. HDTV monitor "But this.. this is the crowning jewel." Big Will pauses for a moment, just to take in his surroundings.. then continues to address the crowd.

(Big Will)- "Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to the first official edition of 'The One' Big Will's "15 Minutes of Fame." Now, before I go any further.. allow me the pleasure of introducing myself properly, to not only everyone in the crowd.. but to all the boys in the back. I am, 'The One' Big Will, I am W.Z.C.W.'s newest wrestler, & believe me when I say this.. Not only am I the newest, highest paid superstar on the roster today.. but, I'm also going to be the best host a wrestling company has ever had. You see, here on '15 Minutes of Fame' we're gonna get to the bottom of the hottest subjects in W.Z.C.W. We're gonna crack the questions that noone has answers to, we're gonna ask the tough questions, that noone has the guts to ask. So lets waste no more time & get to our first huge topic of discussion.. so whoevers in the truck, play the footage up on the 'Fame-Maker 5000!'"

The camera puts focus on the 27in. L.C.D. HDTV monitor, as it also plays to the crowd. The footage is from Meltdown, last week, with the highlights of the Elite X Championship Tournament. El Guerrero, Mohammad Hasheem, Gus & Big Will are all shown in the updated brackets, set to take place later tonight.​

(Big Will)- "Thats right Ladies & Gentlemen, yours truly has advanced to the Finals of the tournament, & tonight, after I handle my lightwork, I'll be moving on to this Sunday, 'Civil Revolution,' & making history by becoming the First Ever.. Elite X Champion! But dispite in normal circumstances that being the headline of the year, it wasn't the biggest moment from last week. Play the footage, monkeys!" The camera once again places its focus on the 'Fame-Maker 5000' as it plays more footage from last week's Meltdown, this time the Main Event, with Big Will helping the Champion.. & Titus shocking the world by turning on Everest! "Now I told you I'd address the tough questions, the serious situations, the hottest subjects, so without further ado.. I give you Titus!"

Titus' music erupts over the sound system, as the fans begin to boo wildly. Yellow search lights focus on the entrance, at the top of the ramp. They flicker on & off, as Titus walks out through the curtain to a huge eruption of boos from the crowd. Titus holds his Oscar up in the air, only to pull it down & wave off at the fans. Titus makes his way down to the ring, as several fans at ringside begin tossing stuff at him. Titus stops, only to point & have one fan thrown out for his actions. Titus steps up the stairs, climbs in the ring, & stands face to face with a smirk, looking at Big Will.​

(Big Will)- "Titus, the world wants to know, why'd you do it? Why'd you turn on your long-time friend, & 'good buddy' (said with sarcasum, as the fans continue to boo) Everest? Please, indulge these morons & enlighten them as to why you opened your eyes." Big Will hands the microphone to Titus, who begins to speak.

(Titus)- "Why'd I do it? Why, Titus, Why? Thats all I've heard for the past week. Well to be completely honest, I don't feel as if I should have to explain my actions to any of you people. But I will, because thats the stand up guy I am. You see, I had without a doubt, the feud of the year with Mohammad Hasheem, but did people take me seriously? No, the didn't. All they did was say how much they wished me luck, how much they hoped that the 'actor' didn't get hurt." (pauses for a moment) "Thats the key word, isn't it. 'Actor'.. the big movie star 'actor' wants to play Pro Wrestler. Noone ever said 'Wow, this guy can go, he's for real.' Noone ever looked at that side of the script. So you know what, I went out there last week, & I showed the world just what I thought of their opinion.. & I did it to the guy who disrespected me the most. My so-called 'best friend' Everest." (pauses as the crowd boos) "Boo all you want, you ungrateful pieces of shit. Everest, And I promise the showing, of a lifetime!"

(Big Will)- "Well there you have it, whether you like it or not, you're all gonna have to deal with it. Now then, since this is my debut, I'm not gonna end it like that, oh no.. there's more. Ladies & Gentlemen, get up off your asses for your World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Main Event' Joseph Rios!"

"If It All Ended Tomorrow" hits the speakers and out comes Joseph "The Main Event" Rios. He pauses at the top of the stage before pointing to himself. He walks down the ramp and enters the ring through the second rope. He continues to look at the fans and occasionally says something to a booing fan, as he raises his Championship.​

(Big Will)- "Champ, I have to say, its great to have you as one of my guests on my debut show. But the world wants to know, the world needs to know.. whats going on in W.Z.C.W., the world is turning upside down, Big Will helps the Champ, Titus sides with the Champ over his best friend, what.. what is going on?!" (said the entire time with a smirk & cockiness in his voice)

(Joseph Rios)- "Thats Will, nice set, love the t.v... Everyone wants to know, why did the Champion align himself with a so-called 'actor' & a rookie new comer? Well facts are facts people, & when you look at them, I didn't pick just any two losers from the bunch, I picked the two guys I felt had the most potential to be huge in this business. And following behind me, in my success, they're both sure to make it big. So lets get to the real point, & that is more importantly, why we're together, why, exactly, these two." (pauses for a moment)

(Joseph Rios)- "First, I'll start with our great host. 'The One' Big Will. You see, not much can be said about the unknown, but what I will say is this. I've seen footage of this man in his past, I've seen footage of his try-outs for W.Z.C.W. & to me, he's a mirror image. So basically I called Will up, & said 'Hey, I can see the talent you have, I can see the skills you hold, why not showcase them in the center spot light of the elite.' I told Big Will to come join the Champ, & without a moments notice, he obviously agreed. Rookie or not, this man has skills, & come Sunday, at Civil Revolution, don't be a bit surprised to see the 'new comer' walk out with history in his hands."

(Joseph Rios)- "Now, onto Titus. See, everyone overlooked the man's incredible skill in the ring. Except the Champ, because I'm not blind like the rest of you morons." (fans boo at the response) "You can hate all you want, but facts are facts. When I seen Titus in his feud, I thought to myself 'Here's a man, with raw, unmolded talent, that could be turned into a 5 star caliber Champion.' I can do that. So I gave Titus a call, I said look, you can either waste your time dealing with no nothings in the filler spots on W.Z.C.W. cards, or you can climb up into an elite group, with myself & make something of your career. Obviously, the choice isn't hard to see. ."

(With that a sharp guitar rhythm hits the speakers, as Chuck Myles makes his way out to the arena as the crowd rain on him with applause and cheers. He is grinning like a Cheshire cat, and soaks up the crowd for a while on the ramp)​

Myles: I'm sorry to interupt this holy union but just like these great fans in Reno Nevada I wasn't the only one bored *Crowds pop* so I came out here to Spice things up so to say. Since you three action last week you really piss a couple of people off. You Especially piss off the Pinnacle of Perfection Everest.

*The Crowd erupts with Cheers. Then Myles takes out a piece of paper from his inside coat pocket. He unfolds it and hold it in the air.*​

Myles: I bet you three are wondering what I hold in my hand. you see me and the board was upstair putting our heads together and we came up with this.

Rios: What the hell are you talking about?

Myles: I'm talking about you three being in action tonite.

Rios: You can't do that!

Myles:I can do anything I damn well. First Mr Big Will you will be in something I call the Elite X wildcard tag team match. It will be you teaming up with The Man Gus *Crowd Cheers* verus Hasheem and El G!

*As the Crowd Cheers Will Looks around Confused and walks towards the ropes Cursing at Mr Myles*​

Myles: I know...I know I shouldn't have. Now on to Titus that back stabbing Son of a bitch. You will be in a match tonight. Matter of fact you finally get a shot at the bigtime. You will be in the main event, It will be you Verus the man you back stab Everest!*The crowd goes crazy.

*Titus turn to Rios talking nervously. Rios is telling Titus to calm down and turn to Myles*
Rios: You think your so smart! You thin......

Myles: Hold on there champ! I still got more, you are in action too.

Rios: You can't do that. I got to train for my match at Civil Revolution.

Myles: Don't worry champ. You will be in a different type of action. You will be the special Refree for Titus match.

*The crowd boos as Rios looks at Titus with a huge smile on his face.*​

Rios: That the best thing you said all day old man.Just like tonight, when Titus goes up against Everest. I might be wearing the referee's shirt, but Titus can certainly handle his own against this chump. All I have to say is, Titus, man.. save some for the Champ at Civil Revolution, because I don't wanna make it look too easy, when I walk over this punk

Myles: I got even better. If you don't call this match down the middle I will strips your ass of the title *Then Rios Jumps at the trying to get to Myles but Will and Titus holds him back.*

Myles: Now you get ready for you matches and get the hell out of my ring.

*Myles theme music blast as Myles what to the back.*​

Copeland: It looks like Camp Rios are in for it tonite!

Cohen: This may be the most Explosive Meltdown we ever had Copeland

**Commercial Break**
Steamboat Ricky vs. Sammy Orwell​

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Tortuga, weighing in at 260 pounds, “The Scurvy One” , Steamboat Ricky!!!

Steamboat Ricky walks down the ramp, carrying a cooler of his signature non-alcoholic grog .He’s dressed in his usual outfit. He high fives his adoring fans. Polly rests on his right shoulder giving him advice. He then enters the ring, running around in circles for awhile to allow his cape to float in the breeze.

The arena goes black, a message on the tron say’s, “he’s coming” it turns to static, when it stops with the static, it says, “he’s here”.

Harrys: And his, opponent… from London, England, weighing in at 205 pounds, “The man that weakness forgot”, Sammy Orwell!

Orwell emerges through steam and strobe lighting, wearing his ring attire and a towel around his neck. He makes his way down to the ring, hardly ever taking his eyes off of it. He leaps onto the ring apron and fireworks burst behind him and the lights come on fully. He then proceeds to fling himself over the ropes into a forward roll, ending up on one knee.
Ricky and Sam are in opposite corners in the ring, Ricky isn’t sure what to think of Sam, and vice-versa, they both walk into the middle of the ring, when they smash their heads together in a flurry of trash talking, Ricky hears something he doesn’t like and slaps Sam in the face, Sam retaliates with a quick dropkick, knocking down Ricky.

Ricky gets back up and has a pissed off look on his face, he wants a lock up with Sam, Sam locks up with Ricky, and Ricky easily overpowers the 5’10” 205 lb man, shoving him into the turnbuckle, Ricky starts unloading a flurry of rights and lefts on Sam, the ref counts

1...2...3...4...5... And pulls Ricky off of Sam, Ricky raises his hand as if to try and punch the ref, and the ref dives out of the ring

Copeland: That should be a disqualification right there,
Cohen: Maybe, but it wasn’t, so the match is still on

Sam stands up in the corner, Ricky runs and jumps and hit’s a knee strike to the chin of Sam

Copeland: My god, what a move by Ricky
Cohen: I think he almost took Sam’s head off!!!

Ricky goes for the cover on Sam

1...2...Kick out from Sam

Ricky nimbly jumps up onto the top rope, yells “Man Overboard!” and dives off the rope, only to land on his feet as Sam had rolled out of the ring

Cohen: What a pussy, he wouldn’t take Ricky’s elbow drop
Copeland: Would you?
Cohen: That’s a different story
Copeland: Sure it is…

The ref begins to count 1...2...3...4...5... Ricky is standing near the ropes, Sam stands up, Ricky dives over the ropes, hitting an amazing flipping plancha.

Copeland: My god, Ricky’s 260 pounds, what a move
Cohen: You’re damn right it was, he’s an athletic big man, walking those tightropes makes him agile
Copeland: He’s not in the circus…

6...7...Ricky throws Sam in the ring, 8...Ricky trips on the outside, 9... But Ricky gets back in, Sam had gotten up though, and set up for a devastating clothesline, knocking Ricky back over the ropes, down to the outside, Ricky seems to have hit his head on the barricade on the outside. 1...2...3...4...Sam walks over to the ropes, runs to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes, runs toward Ricky on the outside, Ricky stands up against the barricade, Sam leaps over the ropes, sticks his leg out, and leg lariats Ricky over the barricade, both men are out in the crowd.

5...6...7...8...9...Sam dives back into the ring, followed by Ricky, Ricky’s head is busted open

Copeland: My god, what a match
Cohen: It went into the crowd, we got blood, we got a rookie, we got everything…

Sam turns around, Ricky kicks him in the stomach, and hit’s a massive belly to belly suplex

Copeland: What a suplex by Ricky
Cohen: Yea, Sam flew across the ring

Ricky walks over to Sam, and locks in the Boo Box

Copeland: The Boo Box
Cohen: It’s over, Ricky’s got this one sealed up

Sam’s face is wrenching in pain, he’s reaching for the ropes, they’re a fingertip away, Ricky realizes it and pulls Sam in the middle of the ring. Sam shows his quickness and rolls through, breaking out of the Boo Box.

Copeland: He broke out of the Boo Box!!!
Cohen: What a move by Sam

Sam slowly gets to his feet, his hand on his back, Ricky looks mad, jabs Sam in the stomach, and Hit’s the deck swabber

Copeland: Arrrr….That be….
Cohen: Remember last week?
Copeland: I mean, The Deck Swabber, connecting…
Cohen: Better...

Ricky goes for the cover… 1...2...Kick out from Sam
Ricky jumps up to the top rope, yells, “man over board!!!” and jumps off the ropes, hitting an elbow drop,

Copeland: an elbow off the top, that could be it right there…

1...2...kick out from Sam

Cohen: That was it, that was a slow count
Copeland: what, last week, you said Gus got a fast count, do you think the refs have something against steamboat?
Cohen: yea, don’t you,
Copeland: not really…

Ricky goes for another deck swabber, but Sam turns it into a hurracarana, Ricky looks stunned, Sam head-butts Ricky, and hit’s a vicious tiger bomb on Ricky, into the cover 1...kick out from Ricky

Copeland: a beautiful Tiger Bomb by Sam
Cohen: I havent seen that move in a long time

Sam picks up Ricky and hit’s a german suplex, picks him up and delivers a clothesline, Ricky dropkicks Sam out of nowhere, Ricky walks into the corner, waits for Sam to get up, Ricky runs at Sam, Sam hit’s a The Rock style samoan drop, Ricky is lying prone on the mat, Sam jumps up to the top rope, points up to the heavens, possibly towards Eddie Guerrero, and he hit’s a frog splash on Ricky. Sam crawls into the cover… 1...2...kick out from Ricky, Sam looks like he’s getting frustrated, and he lifts Ricky up for the crucifix power bomb, and Sam drives him down into the mat, Sam climbs to the top, and hit’s a slingshot splash, and covers Ricky, 1...2... Kickout from Ricky.

Copeland: Sam cant put Ricky away
Cohen: and he wont, Ricky’s too good

Sam looks pissed, he has a grimace on his face, and then his face shutters, and his eyes seem to roll back into his head, he looks insane, he starts pounding on Ricky, 1...2...3...4... The ref pulls Sam off of Ricky, Sam goes outside the ring, grabs 2 steel chairs, he drops them in the ring, he picks up Ricky, and hit’s a crucifix power bomb onto the chair,
Ref: Ring the bell!!!

Harrys: Here is your winner by disqualification, Steamboat Ricky!!!

Sam looks even more insane, he puts the other chair on top of Ricky, climbs up to the top rope, and hits another frog splash, Sam keeps attacking Ricky, the referees are trying to get Sam out of the ring, when Will, Gus, El Guerrero, and Hasheem come out of the back, grab Sam, and drag him to the back… Ricky’s face is blood covered, Ricky stands up by his own power, he looks pissed off… Ricky slowly makes his way to the back

**Commercial Break**
Copeland: Welcome back to Meltdown folks if you are just tuning in you are missing a great night of action.

Cohen: Like I said before Copeland this is an explosive night of wrestling.

Copeland: Who will have thought Orwell had a mean streak like that. Hold on
Cohen I hear we have commotion in the back. Folks we are going to take you to the action.

(The Camera cut to the parking lot as you see 4 guards holding Sincade back.)​

Guard:I'm sorry Mr. Sincade but I special order from My Myles to not let you in the building.

Sincade: What the hell are you talking about? You know what take you and your Jabronis and go kick rocks because I'm getting in!

(Then Sincade tries to push pass the Guards but is grab up and is thrown back. Sincade looks stun and frustrated. He tries again and is thrown back. Sincade then gets into the guard face)​

Sincade: Listen here jack off. I don't know what that son of a bitch is paying you but if you or your jack off friends touches me again and there will be problems. I sure hope he gave you a good insurance plan.

Guard: I'm just doing my job. So if you please. Leave the premises. I don't want any problems.

Sincade: You already got one.

(Then Sincade storm off out of the camera shot. Then the head guard sighs in relief. Suddenly the camera shot point towards the entrance of the loading area. You see a black mustang Gt lights come on)​

Copeland: Oh my god! What does Sincade got plan?

(The Mustang Suddenly starts to peel out and shoot off like it was shut out of a cannon heading straight for the Security guards. At the last moment all of them jump out of the way while the car goes crashing thru the loading dock door.)​

Copeland: Sincade just lost it Cohen; He almost killed those Guards for no reason!

(Sincade gets out the mustang with a sinister smirk on his face.)

Sincade: Damn ass flashlight cops!

(As Sincade walk away the camera cuts back to Copeland and Cohen)​

Cohen: Sincade looks like a man on a mission Copeland I hate to get in his way

Copeland: Tell me about it. But ladies and gentlemen Civil Revolution is just two weeks away. Please log on and vote! well folks let take you to Becky Serra. who is apparently looking for someone to interview

We see Becky walking around backstage looking to see who to interview.

Becky: No, no, no, ucch why isn’t there anyone to interview!!! Why is this so –

Just then, Becky sees someone. Her eyes become huge and her face is glowing!!

Becky: Oh my gosh!!! Look over there!!!

We then see someone who is very familiar to the WZCW home. He is wearing gray sweatpants, with a blue Hollister sweatshirt. He is leaning against the wall enjoying a smoke. Becky runs and approaches him!!

Becky: Hey!! Remember me!!?!!?!?

The guy turns around and it is legendary WZCW superstar, D.C.!!!!

D.C.: Hey sweetie, how’ve you been?

Becky: I am doing so great!! I missed you so much!!! How’ve you been?

D.C.: Good, good thank G-d. I’ve been doing well you know. Life can’t complain.

Becky: True, true.

D.C.: So how come you are all alone?

Becky: Well because I have no one to interview, slow night.

Becky has a frown on her face.

D.C: Hey baby, chin up because if you are looking for an interview, then I’ll give you one!!

*Crowd Cheer*

Becky: Oh well umm, oh ok. Where have you been all this time? This is the first time we have seen you in months!!

D.C.: Well interesting story, you see I was on top of the mountain, on top of the world!!! I was literally the most dominant superstar in all of WZCW!! Good times!! Me and my pals would wreak Havoc all over WZCW!!! And then Chuck Myles started to irritate me. He started firing everyone, including my friends. I was all alone in WZCW, and everyone was gunning for me. I had no one to watch my back so I simply left. I got tired of having no competition anyways so I thought, what’s the point. But then I started to hear that the WZCW are coming back to greatness so I thought I would catch up via their homepage online, through magazines, and I even watches a few weeks back the shows. I was very impressed. There are a lot of superstars that weren’t there back in my day and they are truly shining there. Men like “The One” Big Will, Titus, Hasheem, the World Champion, The Enforcer. Hell there is one superstar who I would love to come out of retirement for a “one-match only” and that would be Sincade.

Becky: him? Why Jason Sincade?

D.C.: Because he’s arrogant, cocky, self-centered, selfish, wants all the glory for himself. he is always bugging Chuck Myles about how he keeps screwing him out of a title shot. he a bitch; Hey Sincade Go out and earn a shot!!!

Becky: Those are harsh word D.C!!!!

D.C.: The real question is when is D.C coming back? im coming back at Civil revolution * Crowd Cheers* and we that WZCW heavyweight title.

Becky: Yea yea yea.

D.C.: It feel good to be back but i got a question for you Becky? Can I have a little kiss, for old times sake?

Becky: Only if you promise to come back to WZCW?

D.C.: Not only will I promise, but I swear on my life that I will be back and better than ever by next week. Deal?

Becky goes to shake his hand but D.C. pulls his hand back.

D.C.: Uh-uh, I don’t shake hands, I kiss.

Becky and D.C. then start kissing. They then start making out as we go to

**commercial break**​
Nate Thorpe Vs. Tom Mcbrady

Copeland: Welcome back to WZCW alot have gone Down so far Cohen, but we have more in store. Right now I have a Exclusive straight out of Mr Myles office. At Civil Revolution it will be SteamBoat Ricky vs. Sam Orwell in either a London street fight or a Caribbean Strap match. you Decide just log on to WZCW.com and vote

Cohen: Damn Copleand I knew you was good for Something. Another Great match for a great pay per view

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Phoneix, Arizona, weighing in at 250 pounds, Tom McBrady!!!

Opening guitar riff hits and strobe lights hit the stage, McBrady walks out shaking his arms and legs as if he is warming up before a game. Then he stops and holds his arms outstretched a single blast of gold sparks shoot up from the ground., then McBrady starts jumping up and down as if “pumping up” before a football game and high-fives everyone possible. He then rolls into the ring and poses with his arms outstretched again.

Harrys: and his opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 225 poounds, “Showtime” Nat Thorpe!!!

Thorpe comes out to the ring with his head bopping to the beat of the music and pointing to the crowd. He jeers the fans. Climbs two turnbuckles and taps his two fists together then outstretches his arms as to say, "Bring it on!"

The ref calls both men to the middle of the ring, they look as if they don’t know what to think of each other, the ref says some things, and then Thorpe and Tom lock up

Copeland: and here we go, this one is under way

Thorpe gains an advantage as he turns McBrady’s wrists over, but then Tom counters and turns Thorpe’s wrists over, Brady releases, kicks Thorpe in the knee, and hit’s a float over DDT, cover, 1...2... Kick out from Thorpe
Cohen: He almost had him
Copeland: That would have been a major upset

Brady nods, as if to say” I need to step it up” he starts jumping up and down as if to be pumping up , grabs Thorpe in a fireman’s carry,
Copeland: This could be the chaos drop!!!

Thorpe breaks out of it, and hits an STO, Brady looks dazed on the mat, cover, 1...2...kick out from Brady

Cohen: Wow, how did he kick out of that?
Copeland: I don’t know, he’s double tough obviously

Thorpe takes a deep breath, and stands up, takes a few steps back, runs forward and does a standing shooting star press

Copeland: Shooting Star Press
Cohen: That’s more effective off the top…

Cover, 1...2... Kick out from Brady, Thorpe looks pissed now, he walks into the corner, has a sadistic look on his face, he jumps up to the top, and goes for the hang time drop

Copeland: The hang time drop…

He misses Brady completely as he rolled out of the way

Cohen: Misses…

Brady stands up, sees Thorpe on the ground, and locks in the STF

Cohen: He should be doing an armbar, that would be more effective, I mean, Thorpe just missed The Hangtime Drop, bad move in my opinion…

Thorpe counters it, and locks Brady in the boston crab

Copeland: and he counters it with a boston crab,great technical skills being shown by Brady and Thorpe.

Thorpe lets go, and he picks up Brady, and goes for a jumping enzuigurI, but Brady ducks, and hits his own EnzuigurI,

Copeland: They’re meeting hold for hold, move for move
Cohen: What a match

Thorpe gets up, and rakes Brady’s eyes

Cohen: By any means necessary

Brady’s back is to Thorpe, Thorpe goes for the running bulldog, Brady turns around and gets in a quick small package… 1...2...kickout from Thorpe, Thorpe turns around, and hit’s a german suplex and bridges it, 1...2...kickout from Brady, Thorpe looks pissed, walks over to the ropes, kicks them, turns around, Brady is up, and hit’s a belly to belly suplex, Thorpe rolls all the way onto his feet, but Brady meets him with some muay thai kicks, knocking him down…

Copeland: Oh my god, what kicks from McBrady!!!

Brady jumps to the tope rope, and hit’s the workhorse

Cohen: Oh my god, the workhorse, what a move by Brady

Cover, 1...2...kick out from Thorpe,

Copeland: What a damn match
Cohen: you’re right, it’s a classic

Thorpe is holding his stomach as Brady picks him up in a fireman’s carry, Thorpe rolls out, and hit’s the bust down out of the fireman’s carry

Cohen: Oh my god, The Bustdown!
Copeland: What a move, this could be it right there

Into the cover, 1...2... And two men come into the ring and kick Thorpe

Ref: Ring the bell!!!

The bell rings as the two men are identified as Joe and Maxx

Copeland: We were having an awesome match, and Joe and Maxx had to come out here and ruin the awesome match were having

Cohen: They’re trying to make a statement here in WZCW, it’s a damn good way to do it, too!!!

Joe and Maxx stomp the crap out of Thorpe and Brady, Maxx takes Brady and locks in the Crossface on Brady, Joe hit’s the Depths of Hell on Thorpe, Joe watches Maxx torture Brady, Maxx gets up, Maxx shakes Joes hand, Joe turns around, Maxx tries to lock in the crossface on Joe, but Joe kicks him in the stomach, Joe hit’s the depths of hell on Maxx as well, Joe pulls all 3 together near a corner, climbs up to the tope rope, acknowledges the cheering crowd, and delivers a shooting star press to all 3 men on the ground. Joe walks up the ramp, laughing at the other 3, but only 2 are in the ring, Thorpe escaped, and is now behind Joe, and he hit’s a running bulldog on joe on the ramp, knocking him out cold…

Copeland: Oh come on…
Cohen: what a statement by Maxx and Joe here tonight…
As Meltdown returns from commercial break, we hear “Pretty Handsome Awkward” by the Used blare in the stadium.

HARRYS: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Ben Legend!

The crowd cheers for the returning Ben Legend as he enters the ring with a microphone in his hand. He is not dressed to compete.

LEGEND: Wow. Let me just say it’s great to finally be back here on Meltdown! I apologize if my absence has saddened anyone; I just needed to take a quick sabbatical to heal up a minor injury. But, that doesn’t matter, because I’m back, and ready to roll. But, Chuck Myles says he wants me to wait a couple more weeks before I get back in the ring.

The fans boo at Myles’s decision.

LEGEND: Hey, give the guy a break. Now I checked my calendar, and it seems that I’ll be ready for in-ring action just in time for WZCW’s next pay-per-view, Civil Revolution. And then, I got an idea. I asked Mr. Myles to set up my return match at Civil Revolution-and since the fans get to vote on what they want to see, I asked Myles to let the fans vote for who my opponent will be. Now I don’t know who the choices will be yet, but I believe they will be announced on WZCW.com. So make sure to keep your eye out for that next time you’re online.

Legend now has a serious look on his face.

LEGEND: And this goes out to whoever I face at Civil Revolution-when you get in that ring with me, be ready for a war. I am no pushover, and I will NOT lay down for the three count. My eyes are still focused on that top prize-the WZCW World Championship. And when I get it, when I reach of the road, when I reach the top of the mountain, you will all know that Legends aren’t born…

Legend sticks his microphone up in the air as the fans finish his trademark statement.


Legend drops the mike and rolls out of the ring, slapping hands with fans as he walks up the entrance ramp, his entrance music blaring again.

Copeland: Wow Cohen! Ben Legend is coming Back to the WZCW this is huge!

Cohen: Why is it huge Copeland. he havent done squat in the WZCW.

*Suddenly the camera cuts to the backstage Area. Then you hear women and men yelling like someone has just been killed. We see Becky in a corner crying and yelling “HELP!! HELP!!!” She has blood all over her neck and hands. We then see across from her D.C. lying on his back, his face piled and piled with blood. His eyes are shut and he isn’t moving. We slowly see a foot on his stomach. The camera slowly goes up and up until we see the man’s face. It is Jason Sincade. Sincade is holding and Axe Handle and the stick is covered and covered with blood, hell the stick is dripping with blood. Sincade is smirking*

Sincade: Not so Tough now are we D.C?

*Then Sincade bends down and hover over D.C body. Sincade Examines D.C body with a sarcastic grin. Then he set the Axe handle to his side*

Sincade: Now D.C you talk a big game but I swing a big stick. You are a perfect example of wrong place, wrong time. *then he looks at the camera* Hey Chuck here another, you can say he’s lying down on the job.

*Sincade pick up his axe handle and walks away. The camera then cuts back to Copeland and Cohen. Copeland face is curl up in Disgust.*

Copeland: Ladies and Gentlemen, we at WZCW do not condone the Action of Jason Sincade. Can someone please Go back there and give D.C some medical attention.

Cohen: I know I can be a Hard ass but what we have witness was just senseless *sigh* Just senseless.

"Seek and Destroy" by Metallica erupts over the sound system, in the arena, some guide lights point the entrance ramp. El Guerrero walks out at normal pace, very confident. He stops at the middle, and takes off his mask when the announcer says his name. El Guerrero continues down the rampway, but instead of entering the ring, he circles around to a little girl with an El Guerrero sign. El Guerrero places his mask on the girl's head, as the little girl goes crazy, jumping up & down. El Guerrero slides into the ring, & gets to his feet, as he walks to the nearest turnbuckle & steps up onto the middle rope, holding his arms in the air.

Copeland: Well here we go! the Elite X tag team match.

Cohen: This is what everyone has been waiting for Copeland. Four people that hated each other on the same team.

Harrys:Coming to the ring El Guerrero! and his tag team partner.

Arabic music interrupts over the sound system, as the fans cheers quickly turn to boos. Mohammad Hasheem walks out through the curtain, as he has a bitter look on his face. Hasheem's manager, Rajeem follows Hasheem out. Hasheem stops at the top of the ramp, only to look to both sides of the arena. Hasheem raises both his airs up into the air, as he begins yelling something in his native tongue. The fans begin throwing stuff at Hasheem, as he begins walking down the rampway, toward the ring. Hasheem walks around the ring, not entering, but instead positioning himself on the opposite side, outside. Hasheem & El Guerrero lock eyes, but only for a second, as Hasheem walks around to the fan that El Guerrero gave the mask to.

Harrys: Weighting in at 285lbs hailing from Ramallah Mohammad Hasheem

Hasheem grabs the mask off the child & spits on the mask, then drops it & stomps on it. This triggers the little girl to cry, as El Guerrero jumps out of the ring & throttles Hasheem by the throat. El Guerrero shoves Hasheem up against the ring apron, as Hasheem begins to laugh. Rajeem attacks El Guerrero from behind, but the hit has no effect on El Guerrero, except to gain his attention. As El Guerrero releases Hasheem, & slowly stalks after Rajeem, Hasheem low blows El Guerrero, as officials come from the back to split the two up.

Harrys: And theirs opponents.

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd erupts over the sound system, as Big Will makes his way out through the curtain to a chorus of boos. Big Will walks to both sides of the stage, acknowledging the booing fans, only to ignore them & make his way down the rampway. Big Will completely ignores the fans, as he focus' his attention on the officials trying to keep El Guerrero & Hasheem apart. Big Will slides into the ring, as he makes his way to the nearest turnbuckle, closest to the cluster below, as he raises each index finger, on each hand.. pointing to himself, then trash talks to the two below.

Harrys: Coming to the ring weighting in at 230 lbs from Toronto, Ontario, Canada "The One" Big Will

"The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars begins to play over the sound system, as Gus bursts out through the curtain, with Heidi beside him. Gus is full of energy, as he & Heidi make their way down the ramp. Gus raises his arms as he walks down the ramp, then begins high-fiving fans. Heidi follows in tow, high fiving fans herself. As Gus gets to ringside, Big Will sits on the middle ropes, opening the middle & top ropes, motioning for Heidi to come into the ring. Heidi walks up the stairs, as she gives Gus a strange look. Gus follows her up the stairs, as Heidi enters the ring. Gus begins to enter the ring, as Big Will gets up & releases the ropes, snapping Gus on the head.

Harrys: And his Tag Team Partner hailing from Reno Nevada " The Man Gus!

Cohen: Look at the hometown boy!

Big Will begins talking to Heidi, who doesn't seem to know what to think, as Gus grabs Heidi's arm & pulls her behind him. Big Will puts his arms up in the air, motioning that he wasn't doing anything, with a smirk on his face, as Gus begins getting upset that he's talking to Heidi. Gus helps Heidi back out of the ring, as he glares at Big Will, who's still smirking toward both of them.
Mohammad Hasheem slides into the ring, as he rushes past Big Will & attacks Gus from behind. Hasheem continues to kick Gus, as he slumps into the corner, while Big Will walks past them, getting out of the ring, holding his arms up. Hasheem grabs Gus & pulls him away from his corner, as Heidi yells at Big Will for not helping Gus.

Cohen: Why did Gus bring his chick to the ring. Gus just brung his love one to war!

Copeland:She out here for moral support Cohen.

Hasheem climbs on top of Gus, & begins to punch Gus repeatedly in the head, as the official starts a count to 5. Hasheem pulls off at 4, as he then grabs Gus & pulls him to a standing position. Hasheem looks over toward El Guerrero, only to spit toward him, then deliver a standing dropkick to Gus. El Guerrero attempts to come into the ring, as the official stops him. Meanwhile, Hasheem takes this advantage to low blow Gus, by dropping his knee on Gus' crotch.

Hasheem looks back toward Big Will, who remains in his corner, not making any attempt to come in. As Hasheem turns his attention back to Gus, he's shocked to get a foot in the gut, causing him to stumble backwards. Gus gets to his feet, as he punches Hasheem back into the ropes, only to send him to the far side. As Hasheem bounces off the far side ropes, Gus attempts a clothesline, but Hasheem ducks underneath, & quickly turns. However, Gus remains one step ahead, as he rushes the ropes himself, only to springboard onto the middle ropes, moonsault backwards, & land in a reverse DDT, dropping Hasheem down, as the fans stand to their feet & cheer.

Copeland: What a move by Gus!

Gus goes for a cover, but before the official can even get down to count, Gus pulls off when he notices Big Will down off the apron, trying to talk with Heidi some more. Heidi is shaking her head no toward Big Will, as Gus comes to the edge of the ring, yelling down at Big Will, who in turn points behind Gus, telling him to "focus" on the match. Gus continues to focus on Big Will, & starts to step out of the ring, but is met from behind, by Hasheem, who delivers a forearm smash to Gus' head, sending him outside the ring, at Big Will's feet.

Big Will backs away from Gus, as Hasheem rolls out of the ring, & stares at Big Will. Will raises his arms, as he's backing off, then motions for Hasheem to continue. Hasheem grabs Gus & jerks him up, only to pick him up & drop him, throat first, across the guardrail. The official is trying to get both men back in the ring, but Hasheem motions for Rajeem to distract the official. Rajeem gets up on the apron, as the official yells at him to get down. Meanwhile, Hasheem picks up a steel chair, & sets up to hit Gus with it. Heidi pleads with Will to stop him, but Will simply holds up the tag rope, saying he can't get down.

Copeland: How can Will just stand there while Hasheem grabs a chair and about to hits his partner.

Cohen: Will doesnt Care Copeland with Gus hurt it makes it easier for him to win at Civil Revolution.

As Hasheem raises the chair, he sets to strike Gus with it, when El Guerrero comes up from behind & grabs the chair from Hasheem. Hasheem turns around, still holding the chair, as El Guerrero has the opposite end of it. Hasheem demands that El Guerrero release the chair, but El Guerrero shakes his head no, then rams the chair into Hasheem's gut. Hasheem drops his end, as El Guerrero picks up the chair & raises it to strike Hasheem. Suddenly Big Will comes off the apron with a flying clothesline to El Guerrero.

Hasheem gets to his feet, as he walks past El Guerrero on the ground, he kicks El Guerrero in the face then signals for Rajeem to exit. Both men begin walking around the ring, toward the entrance ramp. As both men are on the entrance ramp side of the ring, neither of them remembered where Gus was, as he comes running around the guardrail on the opposite side & leaps off, catching both Hasheem & Rajeem with a summersault, double clothesline! The official is demanding that the legal men return to the ring, as he's lost complete control.

Big Will picks El Guerrero up, as he rolls him into the ring. Neither man is legal, but the official doesn't seem to notice, as Will begins kicking El Guerrero on the mat. Big Will picks El Guerrero up, only to deliver a hurricanrana, but Will stays on top & begins punching El Guerrero, as the official starts to count to 5. Will gets up, at the count of 4, explaining to the official that he knows the rules. Will grabs El Guerrero by the hair, & jerks him to the corner, as he attempts whiping El Guerrero to the far side, El Guerrero holds onto the turnbuckles. Big Will attempts whiping him again, but the same result, this time with El Guerrero shaking his head no to Big Will. Will tries to punch El Guerrero, but its reversed with a strong fist to the face of Big Will, from El Guerrero. Will stumbles backwards, as El Guerrero rushes out & delivers a strong running lariat that turns Big Will inside out.

Copeland: What power by El Guerrero. He flip Will inside. out

Cohen: That just Intenstity Copeland.

El Guerrero gets to his feet, as he signals for it to be over. El Guerrero lifts Big Will up into position for the 6 FEET UNDER, as noone is around to stop him. El Guerrero delivers his finisher, as he attempts the cover. The official gets down to make the count. 1......... 2............. suddenly, El Guerrero is pulled off Big Will & out of the ring, by Hasheem?! El Guerrero doesn't think twice about attempting to hit Hasheem, who ducks the attempt, as Gus takes the clothesline by El Guerrero. Hasheem drops down & delivers a low blow to El Guerrero, who slumps down beside Gus, as Hasheem takes advantage of Big Will being out in the ring

Hasheem climbs into the ring & quickly goes for the cover on Big Will. The official gets down to make the count.. 1............................. 2..................... Big Will's right arm & shoulder come shooting up off the mat, as the official almost got to 3. Hasheem gets up, yelling at the official, as both Gus & El Guerrero are pulling themselves up off the floor. Gus climbs into the ring first, as he rushes at Hasheem, attempting a clothesline. Hasheem ducks the clothesline, but only to be met by a stiff right hand by El Guerrero. As Gus bounces off the far side ropes, El Guerrero sets Hasheem up in the powerbomb position, but Gus leaps through the air, delivering a dropkick to El Guerrero, sending him backwards & out of the ring, through the middle ropes.

Big Will is slowly getting to his feet, as Gus grabs Hasheem & holds him up in place, telling Big Will to go for his finisher. Big Will agrees, as he begins the countdown by raising his hand & counting from 5 down. Gus is yelling for him to just do it, but Will continues with the countdown. Will goes to deliver the WILLENNIUM, but Hasheem drops out of the way as it connects on Gus! Big Will stands over Gus, only to shrug his shoulders.

Copeland:He`s hit Gus! He`s hit Gus! He`s hit Gus!

Cohen: I knew something like this is going to happen.

Hasheem tries coming up behing Big Will, but Will knows hes there, as Hasheem attempts a forearm smash, Will moves out of the way, as Hasheem stumbles past him. Will quickly grabs the back of Hasheem's head & delivers the satelite spin! (Inverted headlock backbreaker, into a russian leg sweep) Big Will quickly goes for the cover, as the official gets down to make the count. 1.............................. 2...................... El Guerrero makes the save, as he elbows Big Will in the head.

El Guerrero picks Hasheem up, then puts up two thumbs, signalling everythings okay. He then points to Gus, as Hasheem nods & begins walking toward Gus. Suddenly El Guerrero spins Hasheem around & lifts him up into position for 6 FEET UNDER! El Guerrero drops Hasheem in his finisher, then slides out of the ring, flipping Hasheem off & begins walking back to the locker room.

Copeland: What was that for Cohen?

Cohen: That`s one man that dont give a sugar honey iced tea.

Big Will crawls over to make the cover on Hasheem, as the official gets down to make the count. 1............................ 2..................... suddenly, Gus pulls Big Will off, as Gus is grabbing his jaw & questions why Big Will hit him. Will shrugs his shoulders, as he turns away from Gus, only for Gus to grab him & swing him back around, facing him. Gus continues to berate Big Will, as Will turns his head slightly, only to turn back & punch Gus in the face. This triggers Gus to deliver a fist of his own, as Big Will & Gus begin punching each other. The official calls for the bell, & has thrown this match out.

Meanwhile, Hasheem rolls out of the ring, only to grab a chair then proceed to slide back into the ring. Big Will throws Gus over the ropes to the outside of the ring, as Hasheem rushes Big Will with the chair. Without a second thought, Will out of nowhere blasts the chair back into Hasheem's face, via the WILLENNIUM!!

Copeland: Another Willennium!

Cohen: Yup I think Gus`s Jaw was feeling lonely.

As Big Will begins trash talking Hasheem, who lays motionless on the mat, Gus pulls a ladder out from underneath the ring. Gus slides the ladder in, then slides in behind it. Before anything else, Gus gets to his feet & grabs Will, spinning him around only to then connect with a REALITY BENDER!! Gus gets to his feet, as he points to the ladder. The fans go wild, as Gus opens the ladder & positions it near the corner. Gus then yells "900" as the fans quickly stand.

Cohen: The hometown boy is going insane again.

As Gus begins climbing the ladder, Hasheem slowly begins to move, as he's been busted open by the shot he took. Hasheem grabs the ladder, as Gus has to steady himself on it. Hasheem begins climbing the ladder, as Gus tries to meet him with a fist. Hasheem blocks the fist, as he in turn delivers a shot of his own, rattling Gus. Both men fight atop the ladder, as Big Will now begins to slowly move & climb up beneath Hasheem.

Big Will positions himself directly under Hasheem, as Hasheem grabs Gus in a suplex attempt. Big Will delivers a powerbomb off the ladder to Hasheem, as Hasheem pulls Gus up & over with a superplex off the ladder!!! All three men hit hard on the mat, as the fans begin chanting "Holy Shit!"

Copeland: The fans said it right.

Cohen: I hope the Janitor got extra brooms because somebody got to scrap these men of the mat!

The official in the ring quickly signals for more help from the back, as none of the 3 superstars are moving. The medical staff comes out, as the officials begin checking on each superstar, as they lay motionless in the ring. The camera fades away

**Commercial Break**
(A Sharp guitar rifts Echoes thru the arena Chuck Myles Make his way out to a Mixed Reaction. He is walking to the ring with a purpose he scream at Harry to give him a mic.)

Myles: Sincade you go around attacking other people with axe handle. I want you to bring your dumbass to the ring right now.

(Chuck Myles wait but there is no answer from Sincade. Now he is even more frustrated. Chuck Myles is now beginning to yell.)

Myles: Sincade I'm am not asking I'm tell you! Get out here you piece of shit!

(Suddenly you see Sincade face on the titantron. As the camera pans out you see Sincade wearing a white "Sin City" T-shirt and beige Cargo Short. Sincade have an axe handle and keep tapping it in one hand. He looks up at the camera and gives off a sinister smile while the crowd boos.)

Sincade: *Sucking his teeth* Now...now...now Chucky such language!

Myles: Get out here you son of a bitch!

Sincade: Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you think I'm really going to come out there? So you can have me arrested again.

Myles: Listen up Sincade I'm getting tired of you running around crying like a lil bitch about how I was screwing you out of title opportunity after title opportunity, Because of your contract I can't fired you so I'm going to do one better. I got a little proposal for you Sincade. At Civil Revolution it going to be you up against a mystery opponent of my choosing.

Sincade: Okay so what do I get if I lose?

Myles: Legally I can't fire your ass on the spot but I can do this. When you lose you will be fired from WZCW.

(The crowd’s cheers echo thru the Arena)

Sincade: You can't do tha......

Myles: I can do anything I want. I'm the head cheese.

Sincade: So what do I get when I win?

Myles: *Sighs* If and that a very big if. If you win since you hate how I'm running this company. I will let you run the company.

Copeland: Wow what a big announcement!

Myles:But! The fans will choose for how long. The choices are 1 weeks, 2 weeks or 1 month.

(Sincade looks up and begins to think about offer.)

Sincade: You know what old man. I think I will take you up on you offer old man! So when I beat this so call Mystery opponent. I will show you how to run a company.

(The stadium erupts in boos Chuck Myles look at the Titantron with disgust in his eyes. He slowly raises the mic to his mouth and says)

Myles: After Civil Revolution you will learn the meaning of the word respect! Even if I have to beat it out of you myself!

(Chuck Myles theme music play as the scene fades as an angry Chuck Myles leaving the ring)

**commercial break**​
Titus vs. Everest
Joseph Rios: Referee
Written by Senoir Coconut

Copeland: Welcome back from commercial ladies and gentlemen, and what a night it has been. The Wildcard Tag Team match was explosive, the debut of Sammy Orwell was spectacular, everything about this show was excellent!!

Cohen: Correct-o-mundo, Copeland!! And if you thought all that was hot, the very next event of WZCW is Civil Revolution!!!

Copeland: Cohen, we have talked about that all night, I have never been more excited about something like I am right now!!

Cohen: Apparently you never had sex.

Copeland: What?

Cohen: Nothing nothing.

Copeland: Thought so, well anyways ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event of the evening, the man who will be facing Joseph Rios, at Civil Revolution for the World Title, Everest, will face the man who screwed Everest last week, his former friend, Titus!!! And the special guest referee of this match is the World Heavyweight champion himself, JOSEPH RIOS!!!

Cohen: Ok ok, we ain’t gonna wait much longer, so let’s give it to Harrys who is in this ring at this very moment.

The bell rings and we see Harrys in the ring, mic in hand.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!

'Supernova goes Pop' by Powerman 5000 hits and the crowd’s on their feet!!! Everest easily gets the BIGGEST ovation of the night!!! His music is still playing but he isn’t coming out. Suddenly orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen. It then flashes the words in big letters, “Are you Ready to Go!!” The lights go out and the fans are still screaming in cheers!! When the lights go back on, we see Everest standing alone in the middle of the ramp!! Everyone is chanting his name!! We see many fans across the whole arena holding their posters high and proud for Everest!!! Everest looks up at the ceiling and looks to his left from the fans next to him to the fans all the way above. He does the same to his right side. He looks at the whole atmosphere and starts smiling.

Harrys: Introducing first, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 205 pounds, from Los Angeles, California, “The Pinnacle of Perfection” Everest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copeland: This man has been very impressive as of late, I cannot wait to see this match get on and for him to finally take revenge for the actions by Titus, that sickening coward!!

Cohen: Easy Copeland. Don’t get too ahead with yourself.

The crowd still cheers like crazy!! He makes his way to the ring very confidently and stops by the stairs. He goes over to a little boy, takes his necklace off and puts it on the little kids neck. He then walks around the ring. And by the announce table, there is a ravishing good looking woman standing in the front. He goes over to her, slowly takes her hand and kisses her hand. He smiles in happiness. He climbs up the stairs by the announce table, and gets in the ring. He smacks his left wrist, he is actually smacking his taped white taped wrist, and does the same to his right wrist. He starts pumping up and jumps, like Brock Lesnar does. He cracks his neck by going left and then right. He bends his knees and is signaling for Titus to come out already!!

Harrys: Introducing second…

The crowd starts to boo very loudly. We see yellow lights flashing everywhere, and then the lights go completely off. During this time, the fans are booing like crazy, holding nothing back on Titus. After a few seconds yellow lights appear and they are dim! We then hear a long and loud drum roll. Suddenly, 'Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggles hits and we see Titus coming out slowly in his stupid arrogant smile, yelling on the top of his lungs holding 2 Oscars!! He is yelling that he is better than everyone!! He slowly walks down the ramp, and then walks backwards to show off his awards!!

Harrys: And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Newcastle, England, weighing in at 200 pounds, TITUS!!!

Crowd is really booing at the name of Titus. Titus is still holding his 2 awards. He walks down the ramp and is by the stairs. He looks at the same little boy that Everest gave his necklace to and starts smiling. A crazy smile. He walks to the boy and talks to him. “You see these shiny goldy things? These are mine!!” The boy has a sad look in his face. So Titus says, “Ok fine, do you want one of these?” The kid nods his head yes. So Titus says, “Okay, here you go.” Titus puts the award near the child and the child stretches out his arm, because he wants the award. Titus quickly pulls the awards back from the child that the child loses his balance but his mom caught the child. Titus is yelling, “You stupid little brat, this is mine!! Mine I tell you!! All MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” The kid starts crying hysterically as the mom is trying to calm down her child. In the ring, Everest is nodding his head in shame.

Copeland: This man sickens me!!! How can he live with himself? How can he look himself in the mirror every day??!?

He gets into the ring and puts his 2 Oscars down on the corner of the ring, underneath the turnbuckle!! He then takes out wash-hand soap. He pours some on his hands and cleans his hands. He puts the hand washing soap by his 2 Oscars! Harrys is about to announce the referee but then Titus quickly removes the mic from Harrys.

Titus: Go sit down loser. You’re ALL losers!! I am the best, simply the best!! You all might hate me and think I have no feelings or emotions, but I gotta be honest with you.

The crowd boos

Titus: I gotta be honest with you, I actually feel really bad for Everest!! I really do!! I mean honestly, he is lucky to get a title shot at Civil Revolution, and he has to face me before his match!! And better yet, his opponent, the World Heavyweight Champion…Joseph Rios…is the special guest referee. So without further ado, please welcome the referee of this match, “The Main Event: and YOUR World Heavyweight Champion, JOSEPH R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Titus rolled his “r” when he said Rios.)

If It All Ended Tomorrow" hits the speakers and out comes Joseph "The Future" Rios, in a referee shirt with black pants. His world title is wrapped around his waist as the crowd starts to boo. He pauses at the top of the stage before pointing to himself as to say "Look at me, I am perfect." He rubs his world title. He starts walking down the ramp and enters the ring through the second rope. And continues to look at the fans and occasionally says something to a booing fan. He high fives Titus and then both Everest and Rios are looking dead-on…face to face.

Cohen: You can cut the tension with a knife, you can feel it!!!

Copeland: This match is sure to be one hell of a slobber-knocker!!

Rios hands his title to Harrys separates Everest and Titus. He then low-blows Everest and calls for the bell!!

Everest quickly goes down to the mat and Titus starts stomping on him. Rios goes to the outside and brings in a chair. He takes the chair and brings it to the ring.

Copeland: It is a 2 on 1 assault and Everest is defenseless so why does he have to bring in a steel chair?

Rios is now in the ring with the chair and Titus goes over to Rios and tries to take the chair and now both Rios and Titus are holding the chair. Rios rips it out of Titus’s hands and slams the chair on the ring mat, and Rios takes a seat and watches the match. He signals to Titus to continue.

Cohen: You see, you had it wrong.

Copeland: Yea whatever.

]Titus picks up Everest and hits him with the European Uppercut. He hits Everest with a few more uppercuts following with a DDT!!! Titus has Everest in an arm bar, and he has this lock on for about 4 minutes straight. But while those 4 minutes were happening, Everest grabbed the ropes but Rios “looked away.” Everest was tapping on the mat but Rios started laughing but still didn’t do anything. Titus got off of him and got in Rios’s face, asking him why didn’t he ring the bell. Rios said, if you are the best, than at least do more damage. Titus agreed and continued his assault on Titus. As Titus was picking Everest up, Everest pulled Titus’ feet and Titus flipped backwards and landed on his back!! The crowd cheers as Rios is nodding his head in disappointment. Everest then jumps on Titus and starts punching him like crazy. Rios pulls Everest off of Titus and throws him in between the top and middle turnbuckle, ramming Everest’s shoulder to the metal part, in the process.

Copeland: There is no chance of Everest winning this match because of that damn Rios!!! Curse him!!! Curse Rios to death!!!

Rios picks Titus up, Everest somehow runs to Rios and Titus and he jumps, landing on both of those men in the process!!! Everest pulls Rios off of Titus, and Everest starts dragging Titus by his foot to the middle of the ring!! He starts kicking Titus in the ribs, and then he picks Titus up. Everest delivers a low-blow to Titus while Rios wasn’t looking. Everest picks Titus up and delivers the Samoan Drop!! He picks Titus up again and delivers the Samoan Drop once again!! He finally does it for a 3rd time. He is finally exhausted, but gets up anyways, and picks Titus up as well. He throws Titus to the ropes, and delivers the spine buster!!! The crowd is on their feet for this!!

Copeland: Go!! Go!! Go Everest!! Go!! Kick his ass!!

Everest picks Titus up and goes to the back of Titus, and connects with a German Suplex. He picks up Titus and delivers another German Suplex, but this time he is holding onto Titus and he gives Titus 3 more consecutive German Suplexes!!!! He picks Titus again and delivers the Belly-To-Belly Suplex!!

Cohen: This man is fierce, still has no shot in winning this match!!

Copeland: Yea ok, we’ll see!!

He picks Titus up again and kicks him in the gut, grabs his neck and connects the Standing Neck Breaker!!! Both men are down now, Titus in getting his ass kicked, Rios when he took that bump from Everest, and now Everest is on the mat, trying to catch his breath. Everest slowly gets up, picks Titus up, kicks Titus’s gut, but Titus catches his foot!!! ‘

Cohen: Oh no, Everest in a load of trouble here!!

Titus is about to attack Everest, but Everest reverses whatever Titus was gonna do with an Enziguiri Kick!!!! The crowd goes crazy!!

Copeland: Oh my G-d!!! He reversed it!!! By G-d, Everest reverses Titus’s hold with an Enziguiri Kick!!!!!

Cohen: My goodness, do you hear the loud ovation from these fans!?!? Someone can go deaf here, Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!

Everest gets up and Titus is down. Everest picks Titus up and delivers the Russian Leg Sweep!! Titus gets picked up by Everest who throws him down by the ropes. Titus is on the ring mat, clinging onto the bottom rope. Exactly across from them is Joseph Rios!! Everest is holding onto the top rope, on top of Titus. Everest starts beating Titus down with his feet!!! This goes on for about a couple of minutes, no joke!! Everest is actually crying in anger and is very happy that he is getting his frustrations out on the man who he thought was his friend!!

Copeland: Yea!! Yea!!! Do it!! Kick his ass Everest!!! End his damn, good for nothing career!!’

Everest stops, picks Titus up, once again, and set him up for The Rock Slide. (you know like the Rock Bottom…well in this case Everest put Titus’s shoulder over Everest’s head and was about to deliver his finisher maneuver!!

Cohen: OH boy, watch out Everest!!!!!!

Suddenly, Rios attacks Everest, which means that he puts Titus down. Rios attacks Everest with the steel chair!! He is banging and banging on Everest until Everest doesn’t move anymore, and Rios throws the chair. Rios picks up Everest and sets him up for his finisher maneuver, the Perfect Shot. He kicks him in the mid-section and is about to go for the Perfect Shot but Titus pulls Rios off of Everest and he has a chair in his hand. Everest is down on one knee and Rios is pissed off and yelling at Titus. Titus is ignoring Rios.

Cohen: Uh-Oh…looks like there is some trouble with those 2 teammates!! This is gonna be HUGE!!

Titus brings the chair over his head, and is about to whack Everest with the chair on Everest’s back but then Rios gets in Titus’s face so Titus stops mid-point. Titus is yelling to Rios to get out of his way. Rios’s face is completely red and he starts jumping up and down in Titus’s face yelling at him, saying like who the hell does he think he is, blah blah blah. Rios is really getting in his face.

Copeland: Someone better stop this before this gets ugly.

Cohen: Shh shh shh, shut the hell up for once this is getting serious.

Copeland: Sorry Cohen, just doing my job.

Cohen: SHUT UP!!!!

Titus pushes through Rios and Rios walks to the ropes and grabs the top rope to let out his frustrations. Titus, who isn’t that far from Rios, swings the chair at Everest, but during the time when Rios and Titus were arguing, Everest got to his feet and played possum (fake dead) and was waiting for the chair shot. So Titus swings the chair at Everest and Everest catches the chair. The fans roar!!

Copeland: Oh my!!! Everest caught the chair!! Everest has caught the chair!!!

Cohen: Oh no, Rios do something quick!!!

Titus pulls the chair to him but Everest pulls back. They go pulling it back and forth and back and forth, like it is a game of tug of war. Rios gets behind Titus and raises his fists but controls himself. Titus is now yelling at Everest, not realizing that Rios is behind him, “GIMME THE DAMN CHAIR!!” So Everest answers, “YOU WANT THE CHAIR?” Titus says yea. So Everest lets go, Titus is still pulling, and by mistake, Titus turns around swinging the chair at Rios. This was totally by mistake!! Titus’s eyes are huge because he is really scared that he hit Rios with the chair. Rios then goes flying out of the ring and he is out, leaving Everest and Titus alone in the ring. Titus covers his mouth with both his hands and Everest then picks up the chair. Titus turns around and WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK!!! Each WHACK is a hit by Everest to Titus’s skull!!! Titus is busted open and is lying unconsciously on the ground!!!

Copeland: Oh my!!! Everest has just hit Titus maybe about 10 times with that chair, letting out his frustrations!!

Cohen: Everest should be disqualified damn it!!!!

Copeland: Yea well that isn’t gonna happen!! Oh my!!! LOOK!! A 2nd REFEREE!!!!!

Everest sees a 2nd referee coming out so he disposes of the steel chair and goes to cover Titus. The referee counts: 1…2…3!!!!!!! The fans are going wild!!!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!!!!!

Copeland: He did it!! Everest has defied the odds and picked up a win over Titus, even with his own opponent for Civil Revolution, Joseph Rios, as the referee!!!

Cohen: I am not happy about that but this match was crazy!! I certainly cannot wait for Civil Revolution!!!
Everest makes his way to the back as his music continues to play over the speakers as Rios gets up and back into the ring. He is now fixed on Titus. He is yelling at him, and pushing him saying "What the hell?!" Rios goes over and grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

Rios: Cut that damn music! What the hell was that?!

Titus has a look of concern on his face as he knows he truly messed up big time when he hit "The Main Event"

Rios: I asked you a question dammit! What the hell was that?!

Rios now gets in Titus' face and pokes him in the chest.

Rios: You want to be a part of this "Dynasty" and you come in this ring and disobey me like that? You hit me with a damn chair.

Big Will now makes his way down to the ring. He is jogging to the ring to get in between these 2.

Rios: Stay outta this one Will. He has some explaining to do. I am only going to ask you 1 last time Titus, What the hell was that?

Titus grabs a mic from the timekeeper and puts the mic up to his mouth.

Titus: I am sorry champ. I didn't mean to hit you. I know I screwed up bad. Give me another chance, please.

Rios: There are no 2nd chances when it comes to greatness. Its now or never and you just proved to me that you couldn't even win a match when the cards were stacked in your favor. I knew I shouldn't have taken a chance on a 2nd rate has been actor like yourself.

Titus now gets in Rios face with anger.

Rios: Go ahead and do it. Make me beat your ass right here. Your nothing but a piece of S#it!

Titus pushes Rios back. Rios stumbles a bit and falls to 1 knee. Will goes over to Rios pick him back up. Just as that happens a man hops over the guardrail and into the ring and smashes Titus with a chair. POW! Titus falls to the floor in pain.

Rios: You see what I mean, I always have a backup plan. I knew you wouldn't cut it with us, so what did I do? I went out and got the biggest, meanest, toughest SOB I could find, other then myself of course. Pick him up and beat his ass.

The Unknown man picks up Titus and delivers a Reverse Death Valley Driver onto the steel chair.

Rios: You have just expierenced a Morbid Massacre. How does it feel?!

Rios bends down and grabs Titus hair, as it is drenched with blood. He begins delivering thunderous blows to his forehead opening his wound even more. Rios fist are now covered in Titus blood as he grabs the mic again.

Rios: Ladies and Gentleman. I give you the true "Dynasty" of WZCW, with the newest memeber Diasterpiece!

Copeland: WZCW is in for a rude awaking if this is an example of what is to come under this new "Dynasty" as it was explained.

Cohen: God only knows how this will play out at Civil Revolution. Ladies and gentleman, make sure you join us for Civil Revolution. Good Night.

The fans all begin booing as all 3 men join arms and raise their hands in victory as Rios music plays over the speakers as Meltdown comes to an end.

Sam Orwell Vs. Steamboat Ricky
Writer: Gus

Nate Thorpe Vs. Tom Mcbrady
Gus again

Elite X Tag Team Match
Big Will

Titus Vs. Everest Special Ref Joseph Rios
P for Peanuts

Special Thanxs to Enforcer!
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