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WZCW Apocalypse

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Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend

Video packages are shown, showing the highlights of the past month as Copeland and Cohen come out.


Copeland 'Welcome everyone to WZCW's Apocalypse. We are emanating LIVE from the Kemper Arena in beautiful downtown Kansas City. We have a lot of action in store for you tonight so buckle your seat belts, you're in for a wild ride."

Cohen: "That's right Seabass, we have an action filled rollercoaster here tonight. Three contender matches. and three title matches. We are in for one hell of a night."

Copeland: "With that lets take you to the ring and let Harrys start the introductions..."
Milenko (c) v. The Grand Mystique - WZCW Mayhem Championship

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!!

"Headstrong" - Trapt hits and out comes The Grand Mystique...or so we think. The lights go off...then come back on...and the Grand Mystique is sitting on the top turnbuckle being extremely mysterious.

The Grand Mystique definitely is the most mysterious individual in WZCW.

Cohen: What's more of a mystery is that scent of cologne you're wearing, Seabass. What is that..."Gas Station Bathroom"?

Copeland: No, you're talking about cologne, not the location of your little accident last night. You should really check the T.P. supply before you use public restrooms.

Cohen: Hey! That's private!

Harrys: Introducing the challenger, from Hastings, England, weighing in at 277 pounds...The Grand Mystique!!!

"The Great Milenko" by ICP hits and out comes Milenko. He walks slowly to the ring with smoke and black lights surrounding him. He steps into the ring, hands the ref the Mayhem belt, and backs into his corner.

Harrys: And his opponent, from The Dark Carnival, weighing in at 200 pounds...he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion......MILENKO!!!

*Ding Ding Ding*

The match begins with both participants running to the outside. Milenko looks under the ring, throwing trash cans, stops signs, and metal cookie sheets into the ring. GM is on the other side, throwing chairs, pots, and what appears to be a VCR into the ring...not one of those newer small VCRs...but the big...heavy ones from the early 90s. Milenko goes straight into the ring, but GM grabs a kendo stick first, then bashes Milenko over the head with it repeatedly. GM drops the kendo stick and goes to pick up a pot. He picks it up, turns around, only to be "stopped" abruptly by a stop sign to the face by Milenko.

Cohen: You might say he was "stopped" dead in his tracks, eh Seabass?

Milenko then drops the stop sign, and begins to unleash right hands on GM. He looks like he is going to bite him...but he then realizes that his teeth aren't sharp enough to pierce through GM's mask. Milenko then grabs a cookie sheet and starts stomping on it to break it in a bit...then obliterates GM with it in the head. He goes for the cover...1....2.....Kickout by GM.

Copeland: I think the only "mystery" that The Grand Mystique is facing is trying to figure out where he is after those shots.

Milenko then throws GM to the outside. He goes for the irish whip, but GM counters, whipping Milenko into the barricade. GM the throws Milenko over the barricade and begins stomping a mudhole in him. GM looks around at the crowd, notices a woman, grabs her purse, and he starts beating Milenko with the purse in a fashion resembling a grandmother. GM gives the purse back to the lady...then sends Milenko back over the barricade into the ring area. He proceeds to irish whip Milenko, but Milenko reverses the move, sending GM straight into the steel ring post.

That's what GM gets for stealing purses from women. Somebody must have forgotten to teach him manners.

Milenko throws a dazed GM back into the ring. Milenko sets a steel chair on the ground, stands over top of it, and looks to be going for a piledriver, but The Grand Mystique avoids sure defeat by hitting a back-body drop. Milenko then hits a neckbreaker, followed by a devastating delayed suplex. GM whips Milenko into the ropes, Milenko ducks under, and proceeds to hit GM with a spinebuster. Milenko then whips GM into the corner and hits a huge superplex off of the top rope.

Wow, they are actually using wrestling moves instead of just beating the crap out of each other!

Milenko looks as though he is going for the kill, and he goes to the outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire! He throws it into the ring, puts himself in the ring, but is immediately met with a large pot to the head by GM. GM falls to the mat, as he is still dazed from the offensive onslaught by Milenko. Both get up at the same time, and the pair exchange right hands. Milenko, however, gains the advantage and irish whips GM into the ropes. While GM is in transit, Milenko grabs the barbed wire steel chair and nails GM in the head while he was running toward Milenko! Cover....1.....2.......3!!!

*Ding Ding Ding*

Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL WZCW Mayhem Champion....Milenko!!!

GM lays motionless on the mat as Milenko grabs his belt and limps back to the backstage area after a hard fought match.
Might NorCal v Anthony Stokes I quit match, with Daniel Stokes as special guest referee

Harrys; The following match is an I quit match, Making his way down to the ring, from Brisbane Australia. He is tonights Special Guest Referee....Daniel 'The Thunder' Stokes.

The music "Down Under" hits and the lights flicker like lightning. Daniel "The Thunder" Stokes appears and raises his arms in the arm. He starts walking down the entrance 5-Fiving a few people, as well as pulling his arm away from a few. He enters the ring and gets on the turnbuckle and raises his arms.

Copeland; Well this should be one very interesting matchup tonight.
Cohen; I agree, both men have been going at it for sometime, and for some reason Michaels wants Stokes, so Bateman makes Stokes special guest referee? What is that about?

Copeland; Who knows what goes on in his head.

Harrys; Making his way down to the ring, from Minneapolis, Mn, at a weight of 245lbs AAAAAAAAAAAANTHOOOONY MIIIICHAELS

Fake by Shinedown hits as Michaels comes and walks fast to the ring, while shooing the fans away. Walks up the stairs into the ring and goes to the corners for his signature pose. The crowd are really hot on Michaels with very loud boos.

Harrys; AND his opponent, from Sacramento CA, at a weight of 215lbs, he is Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty NOOOORCAAAAL!

BWBW hits, and NorCal comes right out, walking with purpose. Goes to one side of the stage, cussing and generally being beside himself, acknowledging fans. Goes to the other side, doing the same. goes back to the middle of the stage, pounds on his heart, and raises both arms,. Walks to the ring staring straight ahead, with a quick pace. Stops at steps, talks himself up while looking down, slaps the steps hard, and jaunts up them. Gets in the ring, and hurries to the corner, raises arms slow while full flex.

Just look at the intensity from NorCal here.
Copeland; Looks like we're in for one hell of a matchup.

Stokes goes to the middle of the ring as the match goes underway. Norcal and Micahels go at it, left punch, right punch, left punch, right punch. The match starts very back and forth with no one having the advantage. This is starting to be very physical.

For every hit NorCal does, Michaels does two.
Cohen; And for every hit Michaels does, NorCal does three!

Finally we see some grappling, and again a very backwards and forwards segment with lots of suplexes from both NorCal and Michaels. Very good mat work.

Cohen; This is very good work from either men, but will it make them quit?
Copeland; No, but I'm sure that will!

Stokes climbs out of the ring, he starts pulling weapons from under the ring, chairs, trashcans, stop signs, even a table.

Things have just gotten hotter!

Michaels goes first with the steel chair, knocking NorCal down, but NorCal gets straight back up, again Michaels hits him down and again he gets up. NorCal is looking pretty syked. Michaels again hits him with the chair, but this time NorCal catches it. He then pushes Michaels away.

Cohen; Did you see that?!

NorCal then grabs the trash can and smacks Michaels across the head, Micahels is busted open. NorCal then starts hitting him again and again with the stop sign.

NorCals snapped, and Micahels is losing a lot of blood, this is no good!

Michaels is down on the floor, as NorCal sets up the table. NorCal places Michaels on top of the table and climbs the turnbuckle.


NorCal delivers a moonsault from the top rope. Michaels and NorCal go through the table, Michaels losing blood very quickly. NorCal stands up and signals for the end. He gets Michaels in the No Mercy. This is held in place for a good 3 or so minutes, with Stokes holding the microphone in Michaels face.

Copeland; What resilience!
Cohen; He can't go on any longer surely.

NorCal breaks the hold, but then goes for the trinity. Stokes hold the microphone to Micahels face and he says those words “I quit” as the bell goes and Norcal is declared the winner.

Copeland; Just wow
Cohen; What an epic encounter.

Michaels stands to his feet as he looks at NorCal and offers a hand shake to the delight of the crowd. This sweet moment is cut short as Stokes hits Michaels and gives him the Stokes Drive. Stokes then turns to NorCal and does the same to him! Stokes music hits as he makes his way out to the back.

Copeland; He took them both out!
Cohen; To be fair they have just been through a greulling match.
Copeland; You have to stay top of your game in WZCW!

"Away" by Mercy Drive begins to play over the sound system, as red and black lights begin flashing and twirling all over the arena. Spiral walks out through the curtain, seemingly refreshed and renewed. Spiral lowers himself toward the ground, only to come straight up in a pose, seemingly soaking it all in. As Spiral makes his way down the entrance walk, he notices several booing fans.

Spiral stops at the fan's who're booing, only to begin stroking his chin in a cocky manner, and smirk as he shakes his head and continues to the ring. Spiral runs up the stairs, only to stop on the apron and glare out toward the crowd, just to wipe his feet on the apron and step into the ring. Spiral walks to the nearest turnbuckle, only to climb up as the camera swerves around him as he tilts his head back.

Cohen - "Spiral definately seems like the man I remember almost a year ago. Doesn't look like he's lost a step."
Copeland - "Well, he definately seems to still have the cockiness and attitude he had then."
Cohen - "What are you talking about? It's not cockiness if it's true. You're just jealous because you can't even be like a fraction of what Spiral or I am."

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd erupts over the sound system, as the fans begin going wild, while Spiral's cocky look turns to one of distain and anger. Big Will walks out through a mist full of fog, as he rushes to each side of the entrance, acknowledging his fans on either side of the arena. Will walks to the center of the entrance, only to wipe away the happiness and put on a determination filled face. Will walks mid-way down the aisle, only to raise his arms as pyro shoots up from everywhere behind him. Will continues to slowly walk down the aisle, as he stands just outside of the ring in front of Spiral.

Spiral out of nowhere rushes the ropes, suicide diving through them, taking Will out. Spiral begins unloading on Will with a flurry of fists to the face. The official jumps out of the ring, demanding Spiral get in the ring so the match can begin. Spiral gets off Will, only to shove the official out of the way, as he walks over to a nearby crew worker and shoves him out of his chair, only to fold it up and stalk back toward Will.

The official is demanding Spiral put the chair down, but it seems Spiral's too far gone through the look on his face. Spiral raises the chair up, only to swiftly take one swing, connecting full force and violently on Will's head and face, knocking him down and brutally busting him open. Spiral stands over Will, only to take a couple more vicious chair shots to Will's head, causing the cut to gash and widen.

Cohen - "What a match!"
Copeland - "The match hasn't even started yet, this was a set-up."
Cohen - "How was it a set-up? He seen him coming."
Copeland - "The match hasn't even started, Spiral's already using every dirty tactic he can think of to take an advantage on Will."

Spiral tosses the chair down, only to kneel beside Will, wiping his hand's across Will's bloody face, only to then spell out the word "DIE" on his (Spiral's) chest. Spiral raises up, only to look out toward the crowd and seemingly embrace their anger and sadness. Spiral moves the chair he used with his foot, seemingly positioning it on the floor, only to grab a seemingly lifeless Will, raise him up, and drop him down in the Death Down Under!

Cohen & Copeland - "HOLY SHIT!!!"

Spiral slides back in the ring, demanding the official ring the bell and start the match. As the official continues to check on Big Will, Spiral rolls back out of the ring only to grab the official by the shirt, toss him into the ring and slide in behind him, demanding that he ring the bell and start the match. The official feels he has no choice, as he calls for the bell. Spiral walks over to a corner, as he sits up against it, seemingly impressed and accomplished with what he's done, as the official (seemingly unwillingly) begins to count Big Will out.

Cohen - "I don't see what the issue is. The bell rang, count him out."
Copeland - "Cohen, the man was just brutally beaten with a chair, by a man who wrote DIE on his chest with his victim's own blood."
Cohen - "I think you're really misunderstanding that. Spiral's got a toned body, it's not big enough to write what he really wanted."
Copeland - "So what'd he really wanna write then?"
Cohen - "Diet. He thinks Will needs to take a diet."

Will slowly begins to move, as the official is at a 6 count. As the official reaches 9, Will uses what energy he has to roll back into the ring, beating the count. Only to infuriate Spiral even more. The opening part of the match is all Spiral, taking his anger and vengeance out of Big Will, completely decimating him, yet being unable to put him away regardless of what's done to him.

***The early part of the match continues with Downward Spiral remaining in control, with Big Will getting short bursts of offense in here and there. Half way through the match, Will finally gets some offense in, as he begins to weaken and find ways to remain in the match. We jump to the end portion of the match.***

Both men seem spent on each other, with Spiral seemingly weakening himself, more than anything Will's done thus far. Will continues to remain in the match, yet he's lost a ton of blood and has only gotten in enough offense to keep Spiral from winning, yet not enough to even begin being capable of defeating him.

Spiral whips Will toward the ropes, only for Will to bounce off and hit a flying forearm, as both men lay on the mat. Spiral slowly begins grabbing for the ropes to pull himself up, while Will suddenly finds a resurgence of energy, nipping up and meeting Spiral face to face. Spiral seems almost stunned and in shock at Will's new found life, as he takes a swing, only for Will to duck it and answer with one of his own.

Spiral continues to try and hit Will with wild punches, but Will continues to counter his attacks, and answer back with his own. Will takes control of the match, after hitting Spiral with a Satelite spin, but only gets a 2-count when he went for the victory.

Cohen - "Spiral has controlled every part of this match, and Will thinks after hitting a couple moves he can put him away? Now who's cocky?"
Copeland - "I think at this point, Will's lost so much blood he doesnt' realize how many moves he's connected with, he's just trying to survive."

As Will continues his momentum shift, Spiral tries to take underhanded tactics to remain one step ahead, going for a low blow, only for Will to counter by grabbing Spiral's hand, and pulling him up into a fireman's carry, into a gut-buster. As the action continues, Will hits a few signature moves, including a top rope elbow drop and his Will to Win ddt. But nothing seems to be capable of gaining Will enough strength to keep Spiral down.

Will finally signals for the end of the match, as he raises his hand and begins counting down from 5, while standing in a corner. Spiral slowly begins getting to his feet, as Will reaches 1 he comes out of the corner, attempting a Willennium only for Spiral to duck out of the way, as Will connects with the official. Spiral then quickly hits a low blow, as all 3 individuals are down.

Cohen - "Will should be DQ'd right now! He just intentionally took out the official, knowing full well he couldn't defeat Spiral!"
Copeland - "Spiral ducked, he was aiming for Spiral!"
Cohen - "So he's a bad aim, and an intentional cheater!"
Copeland - "NO! *argh* Are you always going to defend anyone who cheats?"
Cohen - "No, I haven't once defended Will's actions. Call the match, Copeland, quick being so damn biased."
Copeland - "I'm not.. oh nevermind, everyone's out but Spiral seems to be getting up."

Spiral is the first to get to his feet, as Will slowly follows in suit. The official is still out cold. Spiral grabs Will by the arm and head, setting him up for what looks to be the Dead End only for Will to reverse out of it, connecting with a Willennium on Spiral, only to fall on top of him. The fans begin chanting to 3, only for the official to remain out cold.

Copeland - "It's over! Will finally connected with his finisher!"
Cohen - "Well, maybe if he wouldn't of blasted the official with it earlier, he'd have won."
Copeland - "The match isn't over yet, Spiral's out cold."

Suddenly, out of the crowd a massive female comes over the guardrail and slides into the ring. It's Celeste Crimson!! She picks Big Will up, only to deliver a High Speed Roundhouse Kick. She then grabs Downward Spiral, and drags him to lay over Big Will, as she jumps out of the ring, grabbing a pitcher of Ice Water and dumping it on the official's head, reviving him. She points at the cover, as the official counts to 3, awarding the match to Spiral.

Copeland - "What the hell?! It's Celeste!?! What's she doing here? I haven't seen her since she returned at Lethal Lottery."
Cohen - "Celeste? Oh shit, I thought that was a male fan of Spiral's."
Copeland - "This is robbery at it's greatest. Big Will was screwed."
Cohen - "By a man, no less. Well, I think. I've never been brave enough to check."
Copeland - "I have a feeling this feud between Spiral and Will is anything but over."
Cohen - "Well it should be, Spiral just proved he was the better man."

Celeste reaches into the ring, grabbing Spiral and literally pulling him with ease out of the ring, only to help carry him off to the back, as Spiral raises his hand in victory, barely conscious enough to do so.
Harrys; The following match is a four corners elimination match and it is for the vacant Elite X title.

“Ladies and Gentleman” by Saliva hits the sound system as Drake walks to the ring with a confident smile and swagger as he high fives all the fans.

Making hiss way down to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio Drake Callahan

He jumps onto the ring and looks out, smiling, at the whole crowd. In the ring, he spreads his arms and poses for the crowd, and then goes to the top rope and performs the same gesture. The crowd give him a nice pop.

Cohen; People call him a drunk, but Callahan is notorious, his effort he puts in is nothing short of amazing.

"Andy, You're a star" starts as Bratchny walks out with his manager.

And from Moscow Russia, at a weight of 230 lbs and being accompanied by Swindle McKenzie Carmen Bratchny.

They slowly walk down the isle with Swindle mouthing off at fans, Carmen then steps on the the apron and steps in to the ring through the ropes as the crowd boo him quite heavily.

Bratchny came out strong in the battle royale, and has had an interesting month. He just goes from strength to strength, and I feel like he could win this.

O Fortuna hits as Vengeance makes his way out with DisasterPiece to a huge amount of boos.

And from The Master's Presence, at a weight of 275lbs, being accompanied by DisasterPiece. Veeeengeance!

Vengeance does a slow paced, ominous walk down to the ring, wearing hooded cloak, with his arms linked in front. he enters the ring by sliding under the bottom rope.

If ever there's someone that the title is going to, it's this man here. He is unstoppable, especially now he has the master with him.
Copeland; That is true, and lets see how the almost hometown hero fares tonight.
Cohen; Ah yes, Red Mask, a hero for Keystone in Kansas, I'm sure the folks in Kansas city will take a liking to him too!

Red Masks theme hits to a nice pop.

And making his way down to the ring, from keystone City, Kansas at a weight of 215 lbs, Red Mask.

The crowd pop nicely for Red Mask, as he comes out and does his usual entrance of thumbs ups and he makes his way to the ring.

Bratchny and Callahan start in the ring as Bratchny starts on the offensive, punches are back and forth between the two, eventually Bratchny knocks Callahan clean to the floor. Bratchny gets Callahan in the corner of the turnbuckle ( one of the sides where no one is) and starts working away on his knee. Callahan ends up sitting down in the corner of the turnbuckle as Bratchny goes and tags in vengeance.

Vengeance comes into the ring as he starts kicking Callahan in the same knee that Bratchny had been earlier. Eventually Callahan gets to his feet and gives Vengeance a right hook out of nowhere. This catches Vengeance off guard as Callahan walks in to tag Red Mask in.

Copeland; Vengeance has lain out Red Mask a few times now, so lets see how they will do right now!

The crowd goes wild as Red Mask goes for a flying cross body on Vengeance, knocking Vengeance to the floor. Red Mask stands up, turns and looks to the crowd to give a thumbs up. Meanwhile Vengeance gets back to his feet as he grabs Red Mask from behind to give him the Northern lights suplex.

Cohen; That's the problem with Red Mask, he's on the ball, but then loses it...he needs to stay focused or it may cost him the match.

Vengeance then walks over and tags in Callahan, Callahan goes over and picks up Red Mask and gives him a scoop powerslam. Callahan goes for the cover 1...2...KICK OUT by Red Mask.

Cohen; That was too close there! As long as Callahan can beat that knee problem, everything should be fine.

Red Mask gets up to his feet, as both men grapple, a very old school bout between the two, showing how efficient each other is in technical wrestling. Eventually Callahan goes to give Red Mask the “Crashing Down” but his knee buckles as he falls down in the ring. Red Mask quickly gets up and gives Callahan the Thundera which is then followed by the British Figure-Four Leglock. Callahan seems in so much pain on his knee. This is held for about two minutes as Callahan eventually taps being eliminated. Red Mask stands to his feet and jumps up with his hands in the air to celebrate, not realising that Carmen Bratchny has already entered the ring and is standing right behind him. Red Mask turns around as Bratchny grabs Red Mask and gives him the Petrove Driver. Bratchny goes for the cover 1...2...3 as Red Mask is also eliminated.

Copeland; Well you called it, a true technical bout between Callahan and Red Mask, but his knee just couldn't cope any longer, eliminating Callahan.
Cohen; And Red Masks lack of focus, or rather in experience, got him eliminated.

Vengeance climbs in the ring now as he looks outside to DP, then looks to Bratchny. Vengeance with an evil look on his face, Bratchny with the face of a monster who could destroy anyone right now. Both men begin brawling, backwards and forwards, very brutal and very intense. The crowd are quite into this, Bratchy goes for the big boot on Vengeance, but Vengeance ducks and somehow manages to get the inverted DDT on Bratchny.

Copeland; WOW a nice turn by Vengeance, surely this is it!

Vengeance lifts his hands to the heavens and signals for the Judge, Jury and Executioner, at this point DisasterPiece shouts for his attention as Vengeance turns round. DP wants Vengeance to go for the Trial and Retribution instead. Meanwhile Bratchny has returned back to his feet, and as soon as vengeance turns around, grabs him into a chokelsam to the knee. Vengeance is out on the floor as Bratchny picks him up and gives him the Mafia Drop. Bratchny goes for the cover 1...2...3 as the match is over.

Cohen; Vengeance had that in the bag, but he wanted to please his master and Bratchny capitalized on that.
Copeland; Yup, Bratchny is our new Elite X champion.

Here is your winner and NEW Elite X champion Carmen Bratchny. Bratchny and McKenzie celebrate in the ring.

"I Could Care Less" by Devildriver erupts over the sound system, as the lights darken, white strobes begin flashing and the fog rolls in. Disasterpiece comes through the curtain with Vengeance in tow right behind him. Disasterpiece stops at the top of the entrance, only to spit blood into the air, and begin looking out toward the crowd, as small children and Women seem generally frightened.

Both men begin walking down the entrance way, as Disasterpiece pays no attention to anyone around him, slowly stalking toward the ring. He stops just shy of the steps, only to wave Vengeance away to the back. As Disasterpiece walks up the stairs and climbs into the ring, he walks over to the nearest turnbuckle, only to look up and out toward the crowd for a moment, until lowering his head once again.

Cohen - "You see that Copeland, he's so confident that he's sending away his most trusted servant. This match is gonna be good."
Copeland - "I don't think he would've had a choice, Cohen, I mean it's not like Vengeance can willingly get involved without costing his Master this contest."
Cohen - "What are you talking about? Disasterpiece is the end all, be all to evil. Do you know how evil he is?"
Copeland - "Not really, but I'm sure you'll tell me, right?"
Cohen - "You're damn right I'm gonna tell you. See, if Jason and Freddy had a baby.. then Godzilla and Lockness had a baby.. and those two babies met and made a baby.. it'd be Diasterpiece. He's the definition of evil."
Copeland - "What the *bleep* are you on?"

"Stand Here with Me" by Creed begins to play over the sound system, as the fans all jump to their feet, rushing to the sides of the guardrails to get a look at their favorite Superstar. Steamboat Ricky emerges from the curtain, carrying with him his signature cooler of non-alcoholic grog. He stops at the beginning of the ramp, only to open his cooler and crack open a cold one. He begins drinking it, as he continues to walk toward the ring.

Ricky stops shy of the ring, only to interact with a group of children, and their attractive yet respectable Guardian. One of the children reaches for Ricky's drink, as he pulls it away and laughs, only to then shrug his shoulders and tilt the child's head back, cracking open another grog and dropping it down the child's mouth. The kid seems overjoyed that he got to interact with Ricky, as the Guardian gives him a wink and blows him a kiss. Ricky catches it, then turns back toward the ring.

Cohen - "What's this? Come on, this isn't playtime with Barney and friends, this is W.Z.C.W."
Copeland - "Ricky's a huge fan favorite with the little children, he's just showing his respect toward his fans."
Cohen - "He needs to be concerned about what's gonna happen to him when Diasterpiece gets ahold of him. He's gonna end up drinking those grogs through a straw."
Copeland - "Uhm.. you do know, they're liquid, right?"

All the joking aside, Ricky's expression goes from playful to dead-serious. He glares a hole through Disasterpiece, who's standing in the middle of the ring, awaiting Ricky to enter. Ricky sits his cooler down beside the ring, as he slides into the ring and walks straight up to Disasterpiece, both men staring back and forth at each other.

The official calls for the bell, as each man begins delivering stiff punches back and forth, neither man getting an upper hand until Disasterpiece kicks Ricky in the lower abdomen reigon. Disasterpiece connects with a series of suplexes, followed by a neckbreaker, only to attempt a quick cover, but just for a 2-count.

Cohen - "Diasterpiece is taking control of this thing early. I don't think it'll last another 5 minutes at this rate, Ricky can't even get any offense in."
Copeland - "Give it time, all great fighters overcome the odds."

As the match goes on, Diasterpiece stays in control, as Ricky can't seem to get out of the gate with any opening. Disasterpiece hits a series of moves, all pushing the rules. He begins choking Ricky in the corner, only to continue to break on a 4-count by the official.

Diasterpiece walks away from Ricky, only to charge back and hit a version of his impact spear on Ricky's ribs in the corner, causing Ricky to drop to the ground. Disasterpiece seems generally happy with the way things are going, as he eases up on Ricky to look around ringside, at all the unhappy faces on the people. When he turns his attention back to Ricky, he gets a sudden burst of explosion from the hardcore legend.

Ricky begins trying to fight back, punching Diasterpiece in the gut, trying to fight out of the corner, but to no change as Disasterpiece quickly retakes control of the match with a finger poke to the eye, and a questionable low kick to what could've been the groin. The official pulls Diasterpiece away, getting in his face and sternly telling him about the rules, only for Diasterpiece to intimidate the official out of his face, backing him down and out of the ring entirely.

Cohen - "I have no idea what that official is doing. He has no right to get in Diasterpiece's face like that, someone get him outta here."
Copeland - "He's the official of the match, Cohen, he's trying to keep order."
Cohen - "Well he's doing an awful job. I've been waiting on a club sandwich since the beginning of this Pay per view. He needs fired."

***The early part of the match continues with Diasterpiece remaining in control, with Ricky getting short bursts of offense in here and there. Half way through the match, Ricky finally gets some offense in, as he begins to weaken and find ways to hurt Diasterpiece. We jump to the end portion of the match, where the action has spilled outside the ring.***

Diasterpiece tries to whip Ricky into the steel steps, only for Ricky to reveal the irish whip, sending Disasterpiece flying into the cold, unforgiving steel. Ricky then charges in, only for Disasterpiece to move, causing Ricky to hit knees first and flip over the steps.

Diasterpiece slowly walks around ringside, with barely any energy taken out of him, while Ricky seems almost spent over half-way through the match. Disasterpiece grabs a folding chair, as the official jumps out of the ring and warns Disasterpiece about using it. As the official grabs the chair from him, Ricky surprises Disasterpiece by grabbing ahold of his legs, and locking him in the Boo Box outside the ring.

Cohen - "Come on Ref, break the damn hold. He's not in the ring, this is illegal, DQ him, do something."
Copeland - "Diasterpiece has been taking cheap shot after cheap shot and you didn't say a word, now all the sudden when Ricky turns the match around, it's breaking the rules?"

The official tries to plead with Ricky to release the hold, but Ricky refuses to listen. Disasterpiece is showing his first sign of weakness, as he let's out a yell, trying to find any way to get out of the unforgiving hold. The official begins counting both men out, until Ricky finally has no choice but to release the hold, only to grab Diasterpiece and bring him back into the ring.

Ricky grabs Disasterpiece, only to hit a series of different moves, including a bulldog, belly to belly overhead suplex, double arm ddt, and a full nelson slam. At this point in the match, Disasterpiece seems just as weakened as Ricky is, which gives Ricky the belief the match could be close to an end, as he signals for his man overboard elbow drop.

Ricky goes to the ropes, as he looks out toward the fans and calls out for his elbow drop, only for Vengeance to rush down from the back, quickly jumping on the apron, gaining the official and Ricky's attention. As the official demands Vengeance get down, Ricky turns his attention back to Disasterpiece, who has quickly refound a way to get up, only to spit red blood into Ricky's face. Ricky falls to the outside of the ring, seemingly blinded.

Cohen - "Looks like that grog wasn't non-alcoholic, Ricky just stumbled off the turnbuckle to the floor. Drunk bastard."
Copeland - "Are you even watching the same match? Diasterpiece clearly just spit blood in Ricky's face. And someone needs to get Vengeance out of here, he has no right being here."
Cohen - "He has every right to be here, that's his Master, he's suppose to make sure his Master safe at all times, definately not in any type of danger from a drunk."

Vengeance gets down and begins slowly walking toward the back, as Ricky seems unable to continue. Diasterpiece no longer wants to fight, as he demands the official to just count him out. As the official begins counting, the little boy whom Ricky gave a grog to jumps the guardrail and rushes to his hero.

The official stops counting, only to motion for the guards to get the child. As Diasterpiece tries to go outside the ring, the official stops him, still continuing to give Ricky more time to recover. The boy begins crying, as his fallen hero is not showing signs of life. Quickly, the child jumps up, and rushes to Ricky's cooler of grog. He grabs a couple out of the case, as he opens one and poors it on Ricky, seemingly waking him up.

Cohen - "What the hell is this?! Can security please arrest the little punk!?"
Copeland - "He's just concerned with his hero, Cohen, cut the kid a break."
Cohen - "Fine, how's 5-10, instead of 10-20?"

Ricky sits up, as he looks at the little boy who opens another can and hands it to Ricky, who quickly tips it back and seemingly finds himself completely reenergized. Ricky gets up, hugs the child and then slides back into the ring, only for Diasterpiece to meet him.

Diasterpiece quickly grabs Ricky, only to deliver a sickening ddt that apparently has reknocked Ricky out. As Disasterpiece signals for the end, he picks Ricky up in position to go for the Morbid Massacre only for Ricky to reverse out of it and hit a version of the Deck Swabber. Ricky draps an arm over Diasterpiece, as the official counts the 3.

Copeland - "It's over!! Ricky did it, Ricky did it!!"
Cohen - "He cheated! He used every dirty tactic in the book!"
Copeland - "I know Diasterpiece did, but Ricky over came the odds."
Cohen - "I was talking about Ricky. This sucks."

The fans go wild, as Vengeance, still standing at the entrance way can't believe what he's just witnessed. Instead of coming to the ring, Vengeance turns and simply heads through the curtain toward the back. Meanwhile, Ricky is helped up by the official, as he begins to celebrate his victory and hard fought battle.
Backstage we see Johnny & Becky talking.

Johnny; Becky where is he?

Becky; What? Who?

Johnny; Leon, I've been looking for him all evening, we were supposed to interview Everest together before his match, yet he's just...vanished.

Becky; Actually now you say it, I haven't seen him since he arrived. He was here earlier though.

Johnny; This is not like him, I wonder where he is.

Becky; Hmm not like him at all. Have you called him?

Of course, it's switched off

Becky; Maybe he's with a lady

Leon Kensworth, with a lady?! HAHAHA

Becky; I guess you're right, hmm. Weird ey?
*Scene cuts to backstage as Magnus Maximillion stands alongside Hatchiyama Manzo.*

Magnus: Derf, remember that I own you, son. Now, do you remember what to do?

Derf: (hesitantly): Y...Yes sir.

Magnus: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The title is as good is ours! It's our's Manzo!

*All three head out toward the entrance area.*

Hatchiyama Manzō v. Everest - WZCW World Heavyweight Championship Match


Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW Worrrrld Heavyweight Championship!

"Sumo" hits the speakers and the crowd begins to boo loudly as Hatchiyama Manzō enters first being accompanied by Magnus Maximillion and Derf. Derf appears to be a little ashamed or uneasy, but Hatchiyama Manzō looks as confident as ever, waving the Japanese flag with pride and stopping for no one.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Hiroshima Japan...weighing in at 585 lbs..."The Pride of Japan"....Hatchiyama Manzō!!!

"Supernova Goes Pop" - Powerman 5000 hits and out comes Everest to a roar of cheers. He stops to give high fives to his fans and then quickly gets in the ring, as Everest looks focused and ready for business.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California....weighing in at 200 lbs..."The Pinnacle of Perfection"...Everest!!!

Copeland: Well this truly has a big match feel, as we have two of the greatest competitors in the history of this industry squaring off right now.

Cohen: No doubt about that, Seabass. And with Manzo in the mix, well, you might say 3 competitors. This guy weighs almost 3 times as much as Everest. I don't think he'll be able to bring the big fella down.

The match begins with both men standing in the middle of the ring, Everest staring up at Manzo. All of a sudden, Everest holds up his right arm as if to challenge him to a Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock! Manzo looks down at Everest, seemingly laughing at his much smaller opponent. But Manzo accepts the challenge, and the knuckle lock ensues. It ends quickly, as Manzo easily overpowers Everest to the mat.

Copeland: Boy, Everest sure has some guts, Jacko.

Cohen: Yeah, well they are about to be splattered all over the mat.

Everest is slow to get back up, but eventually does and begins to throw right hands at the giant. He lands a few, but Everest's punches seem to have little effect on the big man. Manzo shakes them off...hits Everest with a thunderous headbutt. Manzo picks up Everest, backs him into a corner and hits a series of right hands, finishing by whipping Everest into the opposite turnbuckle. Manzo then runs and hits a devastating M-10 (body avalanche). Manzo whips Everest into the opposite corner, and once again, Manzo goes for the M-10. This time, however, Everest moves out of the way, Manzo crashes into the corner, and Everest manages to takedown Manzo into a rollup!! 1....2....KICKOUT.

Copeland: I cannot believe that Everest was able to get the big man off of his feet!

Cohen: I think Manzo must have slipped.

Outside the ring, Magnus is standing with Derf. Magnus appears to be whispering into Derf's ear, while Derf seemingly nods in agreement. Back in the ring, Manzo is still on the ground, as Everest begins to attack the legs of Manzo.

Copeland: What a great strategy by Everest. The only way that he can hope to beat Manzo is by weakening his legs, making it easier for the near 600 pounder to fall to the mat.

Everest kicks at the left knee repeatedly, causing the big man to noticeably wince. Everest applies a single leg-lock to the left leg of Manzo, stretching the giant's knee. But it doesn't last long, as Manzo uses his enormous right leg to kick Everest in the face, breaking the hold. Manzo hobbles to his feet, noticeably limping after the damage suffered from Everest's offense. Manzo whips Everest into the ropes, catches him, and hits a spinning sambo suplex toss. Manzo goes for the cover...1....2....KICKOUT by Everest. Manzo then picks up his opponent, hitting him with a belly to belly side slam.

Copeland: Manzo seems to be too much for the much smaller Everest, Jacko.

Cohen: I told you, Seabass. Will you be paying me now? Or after Manzo finishes splattering him?

With Everest down on the mat, Manzo runs into the ropes, attempting to land a running leg drop. However, Everest moves out of the way, sending Manzo crashing to the mat. With Manzo lying on the mat, Everest manages to pick up the upperbody of Manzo and applies the Mountain Climber!

Copeland: What strength by Everest!

Manzo tries to fight out of it, but it appears that Manzo is fading quickly, as his kicking and fighting begins to weaken. Eventually Manzo completely stops moving, and the ref begins to drop his arm.....1! Drops his arm again.....2! Drops a third time.....but Manzo is still conscious. He begins to fight out of the submission, and in a ridiculous feat of strength, Manzo stands upright out of the Dragon Sleeper position with Everest in hand and delivers a crushing tombstone piledriver. Manzo covers. 1....2.....KICKOUT.

Copeland: HOLY CRAP! That might be the greatest single athletic feat I have ever witnessed! What a tombstone by Manzo!

Cohen: Yeah, start rooting for the winner, now Seabass.

Both men lay on the mat as the referee begins to administer the 10 count. Outside the ring, Magnus begins to whisper something in Derf's ear, Derf nods his head, then they both split up, walking on different sides of the ring. Suddenly, Magnus stands on the ring apron, successfully distracting the referee. At the same time, Everest begins to make it to his feet, and Derf steps on the ring apron himself, seemingly holding something in his hands. Everest makes it all the way to his feet, but just as Derf began to throw something in the eyes of Everest, he looked down at the substance, threw it to the floor, and ran back up the ramp to the backstage area!

Copeland: HAHA! Derf defied his owner, Magnus! Jacko, he was going to blind Everest, allowing Manzo to pick up the win!

Cohen: Derf, do you realize that you just crossed the boss!? He may have just cost Manzo the title!

Magnus is visibly livid at Derf's actions, and he begins to attempt distracting Everest. Everest hears Magnus, runs over, and knocks Magnus to the floor! Meanwhile, Manzo is back on his feet, Manzo misses a clothesline, Everest catches him for the Rock Slide and goes for the pin!! 1....2..........3!!!!


Harrys: Herer is your winner and NEWWWWWWWWWWW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.....EVEREST!!!!

Copeland: He did it, Jacko! He did it! Everest somehow beat the giant Manzo!

Cohen: What a raw deal, Derf didn't live up to his end of the bargain. I guarantee Derf will regret the day he crossed Magnus and Manzo!

Manzo picks himself up off the mat, as he and Magnus slowly retreat to the backstage area. Meanwhile, Everest stands in the ring with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship in hand, raising it in the air as Apocalypse goes off the air!
Quick Results;

Milenko beats GM to retain the Mayhem title

Mighty NorCal beats Anthony Michaels in an I quit match.

DS beats the One Big Will

Carmen Bratchny defeats Vengeance, Red Mask and Drake Callahan to win the Elite X Title.

Steamboat Ricky defeats DP

Everest defeats Manzo to become the new WZCW Heavyweight Champion
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