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WZCW: All or Nothing Pre-Show

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the Frog
We open ourselves up to the arena where the fans in the building don't seem to be too happy, talking amongst themselves and having screwed up faces. Some people are excited for the show but most are shaking their heads with each other and crossing their arms. We transition to Rebecca Serra and Johnny Klamor at the commentary booth where Becky is trying to stay optimistic but Klamor is spinning his pen around looking tired.

Serra: Welcome everyone and we're sorry about the delay for you viewers at home. You'll notice that a lot of people in the arena are quite upset as well and we here at WZCW sincerely apologise for our tardiness to start this event but it seems that a very wealthy V.I.P who invested tickets into this show threw money at the corporate offices of WZCW to insist that they run the show behind just so he can get here tonight and watch the show.

Klamor: Apparently this bastard was out in Sydney, Australia to watch some music festival and his flight was delayed due to weather conditions. I know we weren't supposed to explain the reasoning to you but we feel that you should all know the exact reason and he is that little ant you see in the sky-box.

The camera is focused on the sky-box where the title underneath the man all decked out in My Little Pony gear and playing with his pony toys says:

The reason why this show is late​

The entire crowd boos relentlessly at this with a couple of adult men screaming for blood, racing up the stairs to where he is positioned. A few seconds later, the door barges open and some crowd members assault the man. The crowd cheers loudly as they beat him up until security and EMT's arrive. To the crowd's surprise, they join in on the assault, beating the crap out of the man with the various MLP gear and toys available. They tear him out of the sky-box and the crowd cheers loudly for this.

Klamor: Yes!

Serra: Bloody bronies...


The familiar song prompts the General Manager of Ascension, Vance Bateman, to come out wearing formal attire and making haste to the ring. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone from a ringside worker. As the music dies down, he puts the mic to his face.

Bateman: Good evening everyone and sorry for the delay but we've gotten rid of the problem whilst bleeding his pockets dry... so thanks to that douchebag's donations to the company, everyone who paid to watch this PPV will receive a full refund and we won't be losing any money!

The crowd cheers massively as they've just realised they will be watching this show for free!

Bateman: Anyway, on to business... although we are running late, we are still going ahead as planned by continuing with the Pre-Show. We've got ourselves a special edition of the Ratings Spike alongside Austin Reynolds.

The crowd pops for Reynolds.

Bateman: As well as an Over-The-Top Battle Royale to warm things up before we get onto the PPV. It is going to be an awesome show tonight and I thank each and every one of you for your patience. Without further ado, let's get started!

The crowd cheers massively as Bateman exits the ring. On the titantron, we see the security guards, EMT's and fans of WZCW dragging "Falcon" outside and dumping him in a trash can, sealing the lid shut. We can hear mutters and banging from the inside but everyone leaves him there to suffer for his consequences.

The titantron then switches to the official video for All or Nothing:

A video begins playing that has the text "Earlier Today" on the bottom left part of the screen.

We see Krypto walking in what appears to be the parking lot. He has a giant cardboard box in his hand as he looks around curiously until he finally spots who he is looking for.

Krypto: Myles! Someone told me you wanted to talk about the spaceship for the match tonight!

The camera shows Myles as he appears to be waving on a giant carrier truck to back up closer to him.

Myles: Yeah, yeah I did.

Krypto: Well here it is!

Krypto holds out his cardboard box flying saucer as Myles stops what he is doing and looks down at the box. He is almost insulted by the ugly sight of the thing.

Myles: Um, no. We are not using that thing. Alright stop!

Myles holds up a stopping gesture and we see red brake lights appear on the back of the carrier.

Krypto: I don't understand, what will we use then?

Myles smiles as he steps up to the back of the carrier. He unlocks the bottom latch and holds the handle.

Myles: I figured that you did make something out of the Mentor Program that Dave and Bateman gave me so much crap about. Therefore, I thought I would come through for your match tonight and set it up in style.

With that, Myles slings open the back of the carrier. Krypto looks inside with amazement in his eyes.

Krypto: Woah....

Suddenly, Krypto jumps onto Myles and begins a long-drawn out hug, but his attempt is short lived.

Myles: Get the hell off of me!

Krypto jumps off in fear. Myles burns a hole through him before shouting.

Myles: Freak!

With that, Myles walks out of the camera view and leaves Krypto to gawk some more about the contents inside of the carrier.




Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome The Ratings Winner...AUSTIN REYNOLDS!!!

As Austin emerges, the crowd pop loudly for the returning superstar. He poses at each side of the ramp before making his way from the stage to the ring. As he grabs a mic and prepares to speak, the crowd applaud him warmly. Austin smiles as he raises the mic.

Reynolds: “Oh hell yes.... that’s what I am talking about. WZCW Network, it’s so good to be back!”

Reynolds: “Ahead of my date in the All or Nothing main event with David Cougar and John Constantine, I thought I’d come out here and talk about the championship where it all began. I am the best and longest Elite X championship of all time but I’ve heard there’s a guy who thinks he’s better. I thought I’d give him a chance to state his case. But first, his challenger tonight is another company mainstay who is getting her shot at being the next Elite X champion. Ladies and Gentlemen, Celeste Crimson!”

The Elite X challenger comes out to a huge pop. She takes her time coming to the ring, posing for the fans on her way. Austin lifts the ropes for her to enter and she poses once more on the corner before being handed a mic.

Reynolds: “So Celeste, are you ready?”

Crimson: “Sure, Austin.”

Reynolds: “No Celeste, are YOU READY?”

Celeste smiles.

Reynolds: “Are YOU ready to become the next Elite X champion?!”

The crowd love the build up job that Austin has done. Celeste grins widely.

Crimson: “I’ve been here a long time Austin; longer than most of course. I’ve achieved a lot that I am proud but one thing has evaded me. Being a champion is a measuring stick that superstars are measured. The Mayhem title, the World Heavyweight, all state how great a superstar is. I’ve been lucky that a lot of fans tell me I am great and I love that but I don’t have a championship reign to prove it.”

Crimson: “I -”


Smiths’ music plays and both Austin and Celeste seem primed for a feisty encounter but Sam Smith appears on the screen instead of at the top of the entrance.

Smith: “This cursed company seems to be wheeling out the antiques for the big pay-per-view and yet the most valuable asset the company has is right here.”

Smith: “Take a look at real greatness. The Elite X title means nothing because I am that damn good without a strap around my waist. I have achieved more than either of you two idiots put together and it sickens me to see you hogging the limelight when you should be sent to pasture and then shot!”

Smith: “Celeste, you will be another no-name that I defeat as champion and -”

Crimson: “Sam, I beg of you, for the fans here and for the sanity of Austin Reynolds, shut the hell up.”

Sam goes apoplectic at the lack of respect shown by Celeste.

Smith: "You don't speak to me like that. Nobody here speaks to me like that!"

Crimson: “Well if you think it is going to be so easy then come and do it right now. Austin already has one refereeing gig tonight. I am sure he can do it twice in one night.”

Austin and Celeste smirk. Smith has thrown a tantrum and walked off camera.

Crimson: “Sam can try and deny it but he knows what Austin knows and what I am sure you all believe, I am going to walk out the new Elite X champion later tonight. Sam Smith is a bottom dweller and he will know that he has been in a fight by the time I am done with him.”

Reynolds: “Celeste, it's been my pleasure to see you tonight. Guys and girls, let’s hear it for Celeste Crimson!”

The crowd give a rousing applause for both superstars as we fade to commercial.
We are backstage with Triple X who is standing next to Stacey Madison who is ready to interview him. As she takes in a deep breath to ask the first question, her eyes grow wide and she screams. Triple X goes to turn around but he is knocked down by a mysterious individual. Madison runs off elsewhere as this new individual relentlessly hits strike after strike on X who cannot get up to defend himself. This individual gets Triple X up by the head and throws him into the wall nearby that seems to be made of concrete. X bounces off with a sickening thud and crumples in a heap clutching his neck instantly. The mysterious man crouches down and grabs X by the face with a smile on his face before pushing it away. He looks over to his left and shows his smile.

???: That was too easy.

At the moment, Steven Holmes appears into the camera shot who is grinning like a chesire cat and shakes the hand of this mysterious person.

Holmes: Thank you. You are the only person I could ever rely on for a situation as serious as this. I should not have doubted you... Erik.

The two men and get up, leaving the scene before Stacey comes back with help who check on X's condition.



Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is the main-event for our All or Nothing 2013 Pre-Show, and it is an Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for a spot in the Lethal Lottery match!

The crowd pops at the announcement of the prize. The lights die down.

The crowd lights up upon hearing the music. Multi-colored lights bounce in the beat of the music as Flynn walks out from the gorilla position. He kneels on the ramp and points up to the sky with a smile on his face. The camera zooms in on him.

Serra: Flynn is the first to make his way out to the ring. When we get back, we will have all eight superstars ready to compete for the first step towards a bright future. You never know, we could be witnessing the winner of this year’s Lethal Lottery in action tonight! Don’t go away, here is a quick word from our sponsor for tonight’s Pay-Per-View event!


We return to the pre-show and the camera reveals that a plethora of superstars have now filled the ring. The likes of Jimmy Flynn, Connor Reese, Sandy Deserts, Brent Blaze, Thrash, Dustin Hunter, Ricky Runn, and Mister Alhazred are all in the ring. We hear the dying down of what appeared to be Alhazred’s music.

Serra: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, all eight competitors have now made it into the ring and we are about to get underway!

As if on cue, the bell rings and the action is immediately set into motion. We see Sandy rush up to Alhazred and begins pounding furiously at him as he holds up his arm to block the blows. He gets backed up into the corner as we see Reese and Runn begin trading blows off to the side. Meanwhile, Flynn meets Hunter in the center and the two begin a series of grapples, until Flynn takes him down with a quick Fireman’s carry. In another isolated corner we see Thrash pushing Blaze up into a corner and then using a set of knees to his gut.

Klamor: Action has started off quick here. Any predictions Serra?

Serra: I have to go with my gut and stick with girl power. I think Sandy takes it. Don’t look now, she is going after her first victim!

We see Sandy picking Alhazred up by the legs as she attempts to toss him over the ropes in a corner turnbuckle. She finally gets him over them, but he lands on his feet on the outside apron! She goes to grab his head, but Alhazred sends a stiff punch to her face via his power glove. This allows him to climb back inside. We pan over to see that Thrash is now on the ground, while Bllaze and Hunter double team the pure-wrestler, Flynn. They get him in a bent over position and both hook an arm while grabbing the tights; they execute a beautiful double-suplex to Flynn!

Thrash is now back up and goes to attack Hunter as he is getting up. Blaze leaves him to fight for himself. Meanwhile, we see that Reese has a camel-clutch locked on the chin of Runn. He applies the pressure to the back as he wrenches back the neck of Runn. The camera quickly pans away though as the crowd perks up at the sight of Hunter on Thrash’s shoulders. Hunter kicks his leg in an attempt to get out of the maneuver and it works! Kind of! Hunter rolls off of the shoulders near the ropes and goes over them, however he brings a handful of Thrash with him! He holds onto the rockstar and brings him over the top ropes with his falling momentum! Both men come crashing down on the outside mat!

Klamor: Two for one!

Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, Thrash and Dustin Hunter are eliminated!

Hunter climbs back up to his feet on the outside as Thrash does the same. Hunter is furious over his elimination and starts yelling at Thrash. Thrash just waves him off and turns to leave. This makes Hunter pissed and he clubs Thrash in the back. He looks down at his work as he continues to walk off and up the ramp.

Serra: Talk about sour grapes.

The camera has to cut away from the Thrash and Hunter scenario as we return to the ring. Alhazred has Sandy propped up in a corner turnbuckle as he dials up his Power Glove. He shakes his head in pleasure as he looks out to the crowd. He begins slowly spinning his fist, but as he approaches Sandy, he gets a face full of glitter! Alhazred is blinded as he staggers in circles and finds himself leaning up against the ropes. Sandy uses the moment to her advantage and hits Goodnight! Alhazred goes toppling out of the ring and crashing to the outside mat! The crowd pops over the spot!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, Alhazred is eliminated!

Serra: Girl power!

Meanwhile, we see that Blaze has Flynn leaning up against some ropes. He steps back and gestures to himself in praise. The crowd boos as Blaze just smirks. He prepares to charge at Flynn, but finds himself given some extra momentum via Reese grabbing him by the back! Reese hurls him over the ropes, but Blaze grabs onto the top one and is able to keep himself from falling. However, after re-finding his footing we see Flynn step over to him and send an elbow into his face, causing him to crash to the outside! Flynn looks down at him, but he forgets that Reese is very nearby and is able to lift Flynn up and toss him out of the ring as well! The crowd is stunned!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, Brent Blaze and Jimmy Flynn are eliminated!

Klamor: Flynn didn’t see it coming. Reese used Blaze as a distraction so that he could get both men out of the ring. What a genius!

Reese smiles as he turns from his accomplishment, but he is met by a charging Sandy! She goes for what appears to be a clothesline, but Reese ducks! By the time she turns around, Reese is able to grab her head for a quick snapmare! He rolls through the maneuver and finds himself on his feet. He swings his leg back and sends a stiff kick to the head of Sandy. It sends her upper torso slinging back onto the mat hard. Reese goes for a follow up, but a re-ignited Runn shows up to stop the assault. He sends a stiff dropkick to the shoulder of Reese, and it sends him to the mat. Runn quickly climbs back up to his feet and goes to pick up his prey. As he pulls up Reese, he grabs the head and begins twisting it until he drops him with a rolling neckbreaker! Ricky then springs back up to his feet off of his back in a display that pops the crowd! He gestures to them, but then proceeds to drag Reese to a nearby turnbuckle. Runn then begins to ascend the turnbuckle with his back turned to Reese.

Serra: This is vintage Ricky Runn! He is going airborne!

The crowd pops as Runn makes it to the top. He looks back over his shoulder and sees that Reese is still down along with Sandy, who has rolled herself over to another corner.

Klamor: Here we go!

Runn begins bouncing on the top rope as he prepares do a massive moonsault off of it. One bounce, two bounce, three!


The top rope slings off of the turnbuckle, and right out underneath Runn’s feet as he crashes onto his back inside the ring. The top rope also pulls off of two other turnbuckles as it slings to the opposite side of the ring and coils in the opposite corner of where Runn was at. The crowd pops huge at the destruction of the ring rope.

Klamor: Holy crap! Runn just broke the top rope!

The camera shows Runn in the ring as he holds his back in pain. We immediately see referees jump to the turnbuckle where the top rope is still attached.

Serra: How are we going to continue with the Over The Top Rope Match without a top rope?

We begin to see the referees quickly removing the rope from the lone turnbuckle as a ring official goes over the announcer booth and says a few words to Serra and Klamor.

Serra: Uh huh. Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we will continue the match without the top rope, and officials will have to reattach it after this match for tonight’s Pay-Per-View. It now appears that you only have to send your opponent over the second rope, which is now the top rope for the time being.

Klamor: Great, just great! Runn ruins everything!

We return to the ring and see that Reese and Sandy are getting to their feet. Both of them examine the ropes before deciding to just go with it. Reese steps up to Sandy and goes for a punch, but she blocks the blow and sends a stiff one into the jaw of Reese. Reese stumbles backwards, but as he turns around he sees Sandy coming with a backhand chop that is aimed a little higher than usual. He ducks it and catches Sandy from behind. He lifts her up and stumbles backwards as he dumps her onto the second rope and tumbling to the outside mat! The crowd boos!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, Sandy Deserts is eliminated!

Klamor: Yes! Reese did it again!

Reese pulls himself up to his knees with the ropes he just tossed Sandy over. He rises to his feet on his own, but he is shocked to see Runn coming towards him. However, Runn runs past Reese and jumps up onto the second rope and leaps up towards Reese for a spinning RickRana! Reese is sent spiraling to the ground, but somehow finds himself rolling back onto his feet in a daze. Runn has also returned his feet and runs up to Reese as he hooks one arm from behind and goes for The Ricky Runndown, but no! Reese rolls to his side and avoids the maneuver. This leaves Runn just landing back on his feet. Reese steps towards Runn and kicks him in the gut. He reaches for the head and pulls him in for KO:E! However, Reese doesn’t apply the sleeper as he gingerly returns to his feet.

Klamor: It has to be over!

Reese proceeds to drag Runn towards the side of the ring where the entrance his. He makes it where Runn has his feet facing the entrance stage while lying on his back. Then, Reese bends down and picks up both legs and puts them underneath his arms. With that, he takes a deep breath and falls back. The leverage sends Runn standing up and being launched out of the ring like a sling shot... but the astonishment of the crowd and Connor Reese, a seemingly easy elimination has been transformed into Ricky holding on for dear life on the available ropes left! Reese gets up and looks at Runn with fury as Runn is slowly recovering on the apron, getting to one knee. Reese charges at Ricky to knock him off but a low-bridge by Ricky causes Reese to trip and nearly fall head first on the floor ... but Connor holds on to the ropes as well using his feet. Runn is still quite dazed from before as he desperately tries to get to his feet as Reese pushes himself up with his hands. Reese is firs to his feet and he kicks Runn in the face a couple of times before picking up Runn. He looks to throw off but Ricky is able to fend himself off with a strike to the face sending Reese staggering back on the apron. Runn runs at Reese and delivers a spear where both men crash and burn onto the canvas below, looking like they've just hit the mat at the same time. The crowd cheers as Runn was the man to spear Reese but after a moment, there is some confusion as the referee doesn't ring the bell. He is quite confused as both Runn and Reese are laid out on the floor.

Serra: I think we've had ourselves a double elimination.

Eventually, the referee calls for the bell and goes over to Anderson to tell her what to announce.

Anderson: The referee has declared that Ricky Runn & Connor Reese were eliminated simulatenously, therefore both men are declared the winners of this match!

There are both cheers and boos as the announcement is made. You can hear the buzz throughout the arena of people talking as the ref exits the ring to check on both men. People in the crowd ask questions at the ref but he ignores them to take care of the stars.

Serra: There you have it, folks. Both Ricky Runn & Connor Reese are the winners of this Battle Royale and it seems like that both men have qualified themselves into the Lottery.

Klamor: I think we deserve to see a replay of the situation to truly determine whose feet hit the ground first but those details can be figured out at a later time because we're running out of time here.

Serra: You are right partner! Ladies and gentlemen, this is the conclusion of our free Pre-Show for tonight! If you have not ordered All or Nothing yet with your cable provider, please do so now! I promise that you will not regret it! We have to leave you for now, but the All or Nothing 2013 Pay-Per-View will be underway in a matter of minutes.

The camera shows several men begin working on the top rope situation as Reese makes his way up the ramp to his music.

Klamor: Hopefully we will have the top rope attached by then! We look forward to seeing you real soon as Sebastian Copeland, Jack Cohen, and Catherine Connors will be ready to greet you for the All or Nothing show! See you there!

The last shot we get is of the WZCW logo and copyright information appearing at the bottom of the screen as the camera pans around the crowd, who await in anticipation for tonight’s PPV.
Who Wrote What:

Fapples - Opening, Segments
Kermit - Segments, Battle Royale
Numbers - Ratings Spike

The PPV won't be too long. Just adding the opening and some last night editing. Thanks for the patience again.
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