WZ HOF: "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Does AJ Styles deserve to join WrestleZone's Hall of Fame?

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  • No

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
The first nominee of what will henceforth be known as the Sam era is, oddly, one of Sam's favourite wrestlers. It's wierd how this shit works out.


"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

If you don't like my first choice, take it up with the staff. They're the bastards that refused to help me choose between AJ and Randy Savage as my first option. Hell, they're partially behind the four day delay. Not really, that was all me.

So, should AJ Styles be inducted into the Hall of Fame?

There is no set criteria for who should be inducted. Come up with your own. AJ is one of the most exciting wrestlers of all-time. Originally just a really good spot monkey, the AJ of today is a really well-rounded spot monkey. His matches have logic to them, and the guy can even go on the stick now.

If you were going to induct any "TNA original" it'd probably have to be AJ Styles. As TNA puts it - he's the only man in history to have won the "Grand Slam" of TNA titles. That means he's held the TNA tag titles, X Division title, World Heavyweight title and the ever-prestigious Legends title.

And he still has much ahead of him. Should he be in our Hall of Fame? Discuss now. Poll goes up on the eighth.
What has A.J. Styles done again? Nothing would be my firt guess.

Very good, entertiaining, best thing about TNA, all that. But that doesn't mean shit. He's the best thing in TNA because TNA is shit. He's entertaining but when was his last truly great match? I'd say about 4 years ago.

Yeah, induct A.J. if you insist on doing somebody from TNA. Somebody young that is. Because in any other HOF people would induct Samoa Joe & Jeff Jarrett before A.J. Styles.
That's odd, because the same criticisms that you level at AJ could be levelled at Samoa Joe. You know, being very good, very entertaining, arguably the best thing about TNA. He's guilty of all that shit.

I'd also like to point out that AJ was the best thing about TNA even in that short span when it wasn't shit. And he was even in a tag team at the time.
Could be levelled at Samoa Joe, as well as a multitude of other things. Joe hasn't been cool for two years now. For a while he was almost in that exclusive underrated catergory.

A.J. has been the best thing in TNA, but like you said, for a short span. He's frequently overshadowed, by well, everyone at his level. That's why he tries to cripple himself each year at Lockdown.
AJ is the best thing despite not being the, uh, highest level thing, Jake. Yes, he's frequently overshadowed, but that is always, always recognised as a crime by wrestling fans everywhere.

Slammiversary - AJ Styles gets the belt around his neck and starts climbing the ladder. Biggest pop of the night. Samoa Joe powerbombs him off. Everyone looks pissed the fuck off. Kurt Angle winning is welcomed by the most underwhelming booing I've seen in a while.

And yes, doing spots that would put Jeff Hardy to shame is a pretty awesome thing in my book.
If something horrible happened to AJ Styles, like if he got severely injured to where he could never wrestle again, or if he died... then I would come back here and say yes. But, since he is all and well and an active wrestler who is still in his prime... I have to give him a no.

Personally, I think AJ Styles is one of the very best wrestlers in the World. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the time you get a 5th member in the WZ HOF, AJ's match selection will crush over half of those individuals, and the amazing thing is... he's only been wrestling in the spotlight for 7 years.

However, that's still not enough, in my opinion, for him to make any wrestling Hall of Fame. The fact is, as great as he is... he's still no where near being done. He has a lot more left to do in the sport, and personally... I don't even think we've seen him reach his peak yet. And for that reason, I have to vote no.

I know wrestling Hall of Fames are different then other sports HOFs because active wrestlers can make it in, but not once will you see in ANY Hall of Fame ever someone get inducted who people view as someone who has yet to even reached their peak yet. It just doesn't make sense, and I think the WZ HOF should hold that same standard.
I agree with jmt. He will deserve to be in a HoF one day. When he is THE man in TNA - which he will be - when he is a legend and can carry the company on his back for a sustained period of time when they can compete with WWE.

He is great. I am a massive fan and he will get to that level as he has improved massively on every department of his game since I started watching TNA.
So are you implying that AJ has to suffer from Eddie Guerrero syndrome to deserve a spot in the Hall of Fame? I mean to become overrated in death, obviously.

Or are we saying that AJ right now is good enough for a Hall of Fame spot, but we should wait until he's accomplished his "full potential" to give him one?
I'd have to agree with the majority here and say a resounding No.

Like most other people here and anyone who enjoys quality in-ring work, I'm a big fan of AJ. Have been since the moment I saw him wrestle. He's probably among the best workers around today (though you wouldn't know it from the light schedule he works for TNA).

But you have to be more than just a great worker to be a true Hall of Famer in my eyes. You have to make a real impact on the industry, or at the very least accomplish quite a good bit to be considered a true legend worthy of the Hall of Fame. Winning a few TNA titles doesn't qualify him for HOF status yet.
Probably not. He's pretty entertaining and is the best guy in TNA right now, but for some reason he still doesn't get the title. Maybe it's just the bookers being stupid but I'd think that he'd have to have more than the prop known as the Legends Belt to get into this prestigous Hall Of Fame.

In fact, even if he did have the TNA World Title I don't think he should be let it because it's still in TNA. Anyone who has spent most of their career in TNA shouldn't be eligible for the HOF for that matter. By inducting a TNA wrestler that would imply that TNA doesn't completely suck which would be a horrible, sick lie.
Probably not. He's pretty entertaining and is the best guy in TNA right now, but for some reason he still doesn't get the title. Maybe it's just the bookers being stupid but I'd think that he'd have to have more than the prop known as the Legends Belt to get into this prestigous Hall Of Fame.

I appreciate you're using hyperbole, but that's hardly the basis of the argument that he should get into the Hall of Fame. Then again, the title might actually be quite prestigious if you look at it using some people's criteria. There's only been one other holder, for one. AJ has officially never been defeated for the Legends Title.

In fact, even if he did have the TNA World Title I don't think he should be let it because it's still in TNA. Anyone who has spent most of their career in TNA shouldn't be eligible for the HOF for that matter. By inducting a TNA wrestler that would imply that TNA doesn't completely suck which would be a horrible, sick lie.

I'd agree with you if only I could see the reaction people would have to ECW wrestlers. I wonder how people would react to inducting Rhino, Taz, RVD or Sabu into the Hall of Fame.

Come to think of it, I think people would AJ a better reception.
So are you implying that AJ has to suffer from Eddie Guerrero syndrome to deserve a spot in the Hall of Fame? I mean to become overrated in death, obviously.

No certainly not. I think he would deserve it on his own merits. I mean, if he works his way through the MEM to become the top dog in the next era of TNA, he would be eligible IMO, having beaten other legit HoF candidates to get his status.

Or are we saying that AJ right now is good enough for a Hall of Fame spot, but we should wait until he's accomplished his "full potential" to give him one?

I'm not sure he deserves it yet but we all see that he can and should in time achieve everything in TNA that is expected of him
I'm not gonna write him off because he is in TNA. He has done everything there is to do in TNA, is there really anything else he can do? If TNA really sucks like you say, isn't there something to be said about making a tremendous career in an inferior company? I'm sure that if TNA lasts long enough to have their own HOF he would be one of the first to be inducted. Plus I like Sam. He said we can use any criteria we want, so I choose being a Sam mark.
I'm randomly deciding to open the poll now. Even more randomly, I'll leave it open for two weeks. I don't think AJ Styles will be going in, but let's see if WrestleZone can't reject him an overwhelming, humiliating fashion.
Just like JMT I'm gonna say no, AJ has to reach his prime IMO, He still has another good 10-15 years left in him. It just wouldn't make sense, it's like suggesting that next year Batista will be in the WWE HoF. AJ's great he's done everything in TNA, Mr. TNA awards, titles, etc. But I think his best feuds and reigns are yet to come so Sam wait damn it.
Just like JMT I'm gonna say no, AJ has to reach his prime IMO, He still has another good 10-15 years left in him. It just wouldn't make sense, it's like suggesting that next year Batista will be in the WWE HoF. AJ's great he's done everything in TNA, Mr. TNA awards, titles, etc. But I think his best feuds and reigns are yet to come so Sam wait damn it.

So what if this is his prime,what if this current run or phase is his prime,will this be enough to warrant a hall of fame spot.Or are you just denying him a spot to him,hoping for him to get better.Personally,based on a few things,I do think he deserves a spot.

I'm not gonna write him off because he is in TNA. He has done everything there is to do in TNA, is there really anything else he can do? If TNA really sucks like you say, isn't there something to be said about making a tremendous career in an inferior company? I'm sure that if TNA lasts long enough to have their own HOF he would be one of the first to be inducted.

Essentially,what Nate says.If AJ is being thought of for a spot in the hall of fame in the,in most people's opinions,inferior TNA,surely that is a testament to his incredible talent.If he is able to carry a company that is constantly growing,against a wrestling giant like the WWE,I think he surely warrants a place.

In fact, even if he did have the TNA World Title I don't think he should be let it because it's still in TNA. Anyone who has spent most of their career in TNA shouldn't be eligible for the HOF for that matter. By inducting a TNA wrestler that would imply that TNA doesn't completely suck which would be a horrible, sick lie.

Damn,I thought the HOF was for wrestlers,and not just for WWE.Even if,as you say,TNA "completely sucks",it's still wrestling.And hall of famers are based on themselves,not their employers.Woud you deny Sting a place because he has never wrestled for Vince?Just because he wrestled for a no longer existent company and an upstart one.IC25 would definitely argue that El Canek should deserve a place,despite wrestling for not the main promotion during his prime,the UWA.They weren't as big as E/CMLL,but El Canek is deserving of a hall of fame spot, even being inducted to the wrestling observer hall of fame in 1996.He held the world title 15 times.

But you have to be more than just a great worker to be a true Hall of Famer in my eyes. You have to make a real impact on the industry, or at the very least accomplish quite a good bit to be considered a true legend worthy of the Hall of Fame.

An impact.What could be more impactful on the business than almost carrying a company for 7 years.You can say he didn't carry it single handedly.Well,3 men did.AJ,Jarrett and Joe.They all kept TNA alive.All of TNA's greatest matches contain those 3.AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Chris Daniels.Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle.Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle.You see,AJ styles has made a huge impact on the business.Providing an alternative to,in my opinion,a boring WWE.

AJ Styles is the most impressive worker there is.He can wrestle any style.Power,brawler,technical,high flyer.Surely someone who can wrestle all styles of wrestling is good enough for a hall of fame spot.AJ Styles should be world champion,I will admit that.TNA fucked up.But TNA are trying to grow,by using well known faces to attract viewers.When they become interested in the product,AJ will shine.And TNA will improve.

Untill then,AJ deserves a spot.

But he won't get it.
Just because you're the brightest star in a sky full of clouds doesn't make you Hall of Fame worthy... does it ???

Do Jimmy Smith, Fred Taylor or Mark Brunell belong in the Pro Football Hall of Fame simply because they're the greatest Jacksonville Jaguars of all time ??

Should Jake Delhomme or Steve Smith get enshrined in Canton because they're the best Carolina Panthers ever ??

AJ Styles is good, but he's not even the reason why TNA has managed to survive 7+ years - that credit should go to Jeff Jarrett.

Not worthy... not by a long shot !!
I am not gonna sit here and pretend that I have a full proof argument with astounding facts and pie charts. I simply like AJ. You say there should be better criteria for a HOF induction than just liking someone, I say there should be better criteria than just bashing TNA. There is no proof TNA sucks, it is just an opinion, just like mine. Mine wants to induct AJ. He is a phenomenal performer, and the heart of TNA, which happens to be quite good IMO.
So what if this is his prime,what if this current run or phase is his prime,will this be enough to warrant a hall of fame spot.Or are you just denying him a spot to him,hoping for him to get better.Personally,based on a few things,I do think he deserves a spot.

How does he possibly deserve a spot? Are we just awarding Hall of Fame spots to every fucking champion ever now? Where's David Arquette's spot?

People...this is the HALL OF FAME. Not the Hall of Very Good, not the Hall of Champions, and not the Hall of Great In-Ring Workers. THE HALL OF FAME. AJ Styles has done nothing to be able to be mentioned in the same breath as guys like Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin, and if you think he does, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Essentially,what Nate says.If AJ is being thought of for a spot in the hall of fame in the,in most people's opinions,inferior TNA,surely that is a testament to his incredible talent.If he is able to carry a company that is constantly growing,against a wrestling giant like the WWE,I think he surely warrants a place.

Since when has AJ Styles been carrying TNA? We're talking about the same guy that was wrestling in a turkey costume not too long ago, right? That guy? No. If anyone is carrying TNA its guys like Angle and Sting, AJ Styles has been relegated to basically mid-card status for quite awhile now. You can't carry the company when you're in the midcard, it doesn't work like that.

Damn,I thought the HOF was for wrestlers,and not just for WWE.

It is. The most important wrestlers of all time. AJ Styles is NOT one of those.

Even if,as you say,TNA "completely sucks",it's still wrestling.And hall of famers are based on themselves,not their employers.

So we should just let every minor promotion's champions into the HOF now? If AJ Styles is qualified to be in the HOF, so if Johnny Hotbody and Mikey Whipwreck. Do you see how this is ridiculious?

An impact.What could be more impactful on the business than almost carrying a company for 7 years.

AJ hasn't carried jack-shit. For the last few years he's gone from main eventer to comedy sidekick to midcarder. Team 3D has brought in more business than AJ for god's sake.

AJ Styles is the most impressive worker there is.He can wrestle any style.Power,brawler,technical,high flyer.

Clearly you don't understand power wrestling, because someone AJ's size can't wrestle it.

Surely someone who can wrestle all styles of wrestling is good enough for a hall of fame spot.
No, they aren't. This is the HALL OF FAME, not the Hall of Great In-Ring Workers.

I love AJ Styles, but you guys are being ridiculious. Let's come back to this topic in ten years, and than we'll see.
X, I respect your opinion more than most. I just got to put a couple things out there. Though you, and a lot of people, don't think TNA is any good, there are quite a few that believe it is. Now TNA only has a 7 year history, but most would consider AJ a "legend" in the company. IMO, if AJ doesn't make the cut, no TNA star should. If you consider TNA irrelevant, then your opinion is biased. Not unlike mine. Which has been my point. It is fun to argue but when it starts coming to insults, the fun ends (Slyfox anybody?)
I personally think it would be a discredit to A.J. to have him be inducted now. He still has, health permitting, many great years in front of him and can soon be right back at the top of the TNA Title picture. It is almost impossible to argue the fact that he is TNA's biggest homegrown star, and that in itself is almost grounds enough for induction. I say we wait until his career is over and weigh all of his accomplishments, rather than just a portion of them.
X, I respect your opinion more than most. I just got to put a couple things out there. Though you, and a lot of people, don't think TNA is any good, there are quite a few that believe it is.

I never once said that TNA "wasn't any good". I enjoy TNA, and have for several years now. I wasn't discredting TNA, I was making the point that just winning a few titles is NOT enough to be considered into a Hall of Fame. If it were, people like Johnny Hotbody would be in.

Now TNA only has a 7 year history, but most would consider AJ a "legend" in the company.

And New Jack is a legend in ECW. Should we throw him in the HOF as well?

IMO, if AJ doesn't make the cut, no TNA star should. If you consider TNA irrelevant, then your opinion is biased. Not unlike mine. Which has been my point. It is fun to argue but when it starts coming to insults, the fun ends (Slyfox anybody?)

I never said that he shouldn't be in the HOF because TNA is inferior to the WWE, or anything like that.

To be considered a TRUE HOF'er, you have to make a lasting impact on the industry. AJ Styles has not done this. You ask the majority of wrestling fans who AJ Styles is, and they'll have no idea. For god's sake, AJ has only been wrestling for less than a decade, and anyone who isn't named The Rock doesn't deserve to be put in a HOF with less than a decade under their belt.

AJ Styles is good, great even. But this isn't the Hall of Great, or the Hall of TNA Legends, or the Hall of Great In Ring Workers, this is the Hall of FAME. And AJ styles has not earned a spot in that hall yet, and I've yet to be given a legitimate reason as to why he should.
At this point I don't think so. I love watching Styles he is one of the few reasons I will turn on tna every once and a while. He is a great in ring worker who is possibly one of the best workers in the business today, but. I don't think that he is worthy to be the first person inducted. There is a large number of people that I would put in before AJ.

For me to be in any HoF you have had to make a huge impact. AJ hasn't reached that level yet. He's not on the same level as Rock, Austin, Michaels, Hogan, Triple h, Jericho, or a man in his own promotion Kurt Angle. To me those are men that made an impact on the business. Men who helped shape wrestling for generations to come. AJ isn't on that level. He's is good like I said, but he hasn't been accomplished near as much as the men that I listed above. Of which I think all deserve to go in above Styles

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