WZ Forums Hall of Fame

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
This is in regards to the 10 most importamt persons in WZ thread. You see there are some Moderators and Admins here that have been here from the begininning. Alot of posters like me may not have known of the hard work they put into these forums or the shitty years these forums have had. This is a chance for the people who have been here to discuss which posters deserve to be in what I'd like to call in lack of a better name. The WZ Forums HOF. Don't go putting your own name into consideration just to hear yourself talk unless your a legitimate poster who has a valid argument as to why you've been important over the years. After discussion I'll add the names that people have decided on as appropriate entries into the HOF. I'll then write inductions.

Have Fun
Jake, Johnny, Luther, RVD Girl, ED they have all been here a long time and over the years have contribute tons of shit to the forum.
Well to be honest, this idea has been thrown about a few times before.

Nice gesture though.

If it has then someone should start one. I think the little discussion that was generated in the persons of importance thread is exactly why we need one. So the posters who started this all get the respect they deserve. I could help wiith ideas on how to start it off if you want to help Shango?
I've always been intrigued by this idea. It could work, but I agree with Shango. It should be someone more familiar with the people here. No offense meant at all Christian. This shows effort, which is never a bad thing
Something like this I think should be left up to the Admins. If they feel the need to do it, then they have the power to do it right, with a little sub-forum perhaps. But it hasn't surfaced yet. I'll wait for them to do it.
Let a new commer who lets say made a impact on this forum who knows a lot of legends that has 4 rep bars and let his name be long like I don't know. Me?
Jake and Jonny first of all. Without them these forums would not be what they are right now.

IC, and Shocky. They are doing an amazing job as admins right now.

Luther, ED, AJ, Will, RVDgirl, and Ricky.

There are a few others who ca be considered, but these are just my top 10.
Jake and Jonny first of all. Without them these forums would not be what they are right now.

IC, and Shocky. They are doing an amazing job as admins right now.

Luther, ED, AJ, Will, RVDgirl, and Ricky.

There are a few others who ca be considered, but these are just my top 10.

Thnx for your contributions but We're probably gonna wait and see if the admins start this up seeing as how the majority would prefer if they ran this thing which is ok with me. But again thank you for your contributions.
I hate this entire idea. Basically, it's to say "who has been the most popular", and "who has been on staff"...but only for the last two or three years.

What's really the point?
I hate this entire idea. Basically, it's to say "who has been the most popular", and "who has been on staff"...but only for the last two or three years.

What's really the point?

Sly, Corporate Sly, 'That 70's Sly', Slyfox696, Mr Slyfox, Sir Slyfox, 'Sly's an ass', Jonny, Sly 'Tormenter of newbs' Fox and to make up the tenth, a large pie chart showning the results of this thread

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