WZ Depth Chart: Your Top Five

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Whether or not you follow along with the main page, I do a monthly editorial after every WWE PPV that compiles a list of the Top 10 wrestlers from WWE and TNA. It's a moving ladder, rather than a fresh list every single month. Apart from just the WZ Staff picks, we do a fan vote, that usually draws upwards of a thousand people casting their vote.

I tried to do this once, the very first time, and did not get a positive reception. Since it has been gaining speed, many have bitched at me that I do not offer the forums a chance for their voice to be heard. (that's actually not true. just get off your ass and post in the comments section on the main page...)

Anyways, if you want to vote here, go for it. All I need is your current Top 5 from WWE and TNA. Voting ends whenever I wake up on Monday and finalize the article... Go crazy.
Do I have to pick 5 from TNA? It would just be random people from the roster since I have no idea what's going on there.
I shall pick people and you will discuss them with me KillHam!

Ziggler - Because he's getting a pushy
Punk - Coz he is berating people and he should stick to that
DBD - I like him as the coward heel/lover/giant dodger/gillette hater/vegan
Jericho - For making me laugh with his 80's over the top antics
Brodus Clay - For gyrating

Jeff Hardy - For getting shit together
Storm - For being entertaining and stellar on the mic and ring
Roode - For playing a heel well
Young - For making me laugh
Tessmacher - For that great ass
Do I have to pick 5 from TNA? It would just be random people from the roster since I have no idea what's going on there.

No, this is your all-inclusive TOP FIVE. If you don't watch TNA, or simply don't think any of their talents are worthy of mention here, don't use them. Completely up to you.

And no, PaperGhost, I will not discuss them with you. I am entirely too busy eating Red Vines and drinking rum.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3678690 said:
No, this is your all-inclusive TOP FIVE. If you don't watch TNA, or simply don't think any of their talents are worthy of mention here, don't use them. Completely up to you.

And no, PaperGhost, I will not discuss them with you. I am entirely too busy eating Red Vines and drinking rum.

You will discuss them with me!

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