WZ Big Brother Season 1

Holy crap, not bad for 3rd place. If only bronze had earnt me something.

Also, congrats M, I would never had been able to beat your over 500 words. Think I would have had Blade though had I tried for another half and hour.
Oh well, such is life
if we get put up for nomination do we have to say cheesy shit saying why we shouldn't leave, thats what they do in Australia at least

A11 hears the result of the HOH challenge and knows that the 5-10 minutes he spent probably got him what he deserved, he just prays that M doesnt put him up for nomination so he can show that he isnt the sex fiend that M once thought him to be
Rated R grabs a wooden spoon from the kitchen and tries to pry the HOH room door open, however once he obviously fails again M walks up to him and simply opens the door with his key before shaking his head at Rated R.
While I was coming up with the words, I was thinking about being one word behind someone and Spidey came to mind. That eventually happened but in my favour. :p

So did you guys have a strategy or just think of random words which worked?
Spidey wanders around the Big Brother House with the greatest philosophical question of our time lingering on his mind.

Will I get eliminated, or will eliminated get me?

M didn't notice Blade not showering since M doesn't have a sense of smell ;_;

M also wonders why there aren't many people sucking up to him.
Kiss his ass if you wanna stay.

Cereal is dragged into the room after nearly drowning in the pool after trying to get an unusual teddy bear which supposedly belongs to M.
Spidey passes by the Have-Not Room. Knowing he trashed it, he is hoping M sees him as just too gotdahm cool to be nominated and sent in there.
KB struts out of the broom closet, looks back, and warns that next time he'll use mustard. A pained "meow" can be heard.
The houseguests gather in the living room dressed in their best suits. The one who stands out is M, who is the first HOH of the game. He is dressed in a hideous light green suit complete with a vest and a watch that goes along with it. Despite the unique look, M pulls it off quite well. With the HOH necklace around his neck, he shows it off to his fellow housegests, rubbing it in their faces that only he can enter the HOH room that is filled with only God knows what.

JAM appears on the biggest flat screen in the house. JAM is all business tonight, getting straight down to revealing who the two nominees will be. JAM looks down for a quick moment and is ready to deliver the first name.

JAM: You are up for nomination.....

Cereal Killer, I'm sorry.

With that, the cameras close up on Cereal Killer to get his reaction. CK is giving M a death glare right now. However, M doesn't back down and simply smirks at the gesture. Sensing that CK has had his time to react, JAM looks down once more to look into the envelop where the name of the next nominee is at.

JAM: You are the second person up for nomination.....


As soon as the names are said, JAM throws his cue cards in the air which is seen by the housemates. They get a chuckle out of this but not before the cameras see A11oftheLight's reaction to being nominated. He takes his suit off, stripping down to just his boxers before running around the house screaming, "I'm nominated, I'm nominated!" He laps the house twice before arriving back in the living room where he collapses on the couch. With no intention of helping him, the rest of the houseguests go back to their rooms to change out of their suits.


Out Of Character (OOC): Well there you have it folks. We have the first set of nominees. Up next is the Veto Challenge. Like I said, the Veto Challenge will be played by everyone. If one of the two nominees wins the Veto Challenge, they can use the Veto on themselves to save them from being eliminated. They also have the choice not to use it despite winning it which will show a new level of stupidity. So please, use it :lmao: So if one of the nominees wins the Veto Challenge, the HOH will need to name a replacement nominee, which the HOH will PM me about. If M wins the Veto Challenge, then the nominees will stay the same. If the HOH or someone who isn't up for nominations wins the Veto Challenge, that person can use the Veto on one of the nominees to save them or they can just leave the nominations the same and have joy in winning the Veto Challenge :) So yeah, that's the new update. Be ready for the Veto Challenge!
M is enjoying his room to himself, but he would much prefer a magenta suit over the one the production team made him wear during nominations ;)

M also kind of wants A11ofthelights to win the veto challenge.
I'm so fucked, but i saw it coming, please give me a miracle and the veto challenge is something that is interesting and i'm good at it
Shit's about to go down. Bring on the Veto challenge.


Me and M right now.

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