WZ Big Brother Season 1

Rated R would like to remind KB and Fallout he didn't nom them and hopes they return the favor. Rated R also starts chugging some rum to prepare for the veto comp.



Hows that for 80's kickassery?
Dont care that I am breaking the decade here based on sheer greatness. Rock out with your muppet out.


A classic just for Fallout.


...and just for fun...


Ok so that last one is a cover, but c'mon it rocks.
I think Killswitch did a very good job with the Holy Diver cover...but nothing compares to the Dio version.

Still amazing that such a large voice comes from that tiny dude.

nightmare puts on his leather jacket, jumps off the coffee table & over the couch with a mighty metal scream in honor of the fallen rockstar.
hyourinmaru quietly stares at everyone and shakes his head.

Not my circus
Not my monkeys

KB simply goes to the living room to where Spidey and Nightmare are conversing. With a stern face, KB approaches them and points to both of them before saying, "You're both nominated. K bye." Their eyes go wide, shocked at the nomination. Spidey immediately leaves his place and goes to find his Pickle God to ask for mercy and prayer. Nightmare stays in his spot on the couch and takes a nap now realizing that he might be eliminated from this game soon.

Elsewhere, something is going on in the big brother house that causes a few lamps to be broken. Fallout is first to the scene as we see Rated R and Milenko fighting over a pickle. Rated R's efforts to turn the pickle god into relish was known to Milenko. But Milenko had other plans to thwart Rated R's efforts. Fallout lets them scuffle a bit as they jockey for control of the pickle. But before long, Fallout gets bored and simply says, "You guys are nominated this week. Have fun with your pickle." Just like that, the fighting stops. Milenko gains control of the pickle and goes over to a corner to pray to it. Rated R looks gutted and goes after Fallout to see if he can change his mind about choose Rated R as a nominee.


Well, there are your 4 nominations. All 4 of you are in danger of being eliminated from the game unless you win the Veto Challenge. The Veto Challenge will be up shortly.
Noted. Also once each of these eliminations are done, can we get an updated list of the people still involved? It's a bit hard to keep track of.
Welcome to the annual Big Brother Auction! Here, there will be 7 items up for grabs. In these 7 items, two of them will be the power of Veto and the other 5 will be stuff that you may or may not need. Everyone has $300 to spend so please spend wisely on these 7 items. You can put as much money as you want in a specific number but the only rule is that you need to bid on every item and you need to use all of your money So here's an example of what I'm looking for.
Item #1 - $80
Item #2 - $40
Item #3 - $40
Item #4 - $20
Item #5 - $10
Item #6 - $10
Item #7 - $100
Simple enough right? Now you're all probably wondering what the reward that Fallout won was. Well, here's what happened. His reward was going to be an advantage in this challenge. So instead of having $300 like all of you, he would've had $500. However, there was another option. That option was an advantage to the next HOH challenge. So I think you know which one Fallout chose right? So yeah, that was the extra reward that he got.

Also, in case 2 or more people tie for a certain item, I'll use a randomizer to determine who gets the item. And well, that's it. Please get in your bids ASAP. This Veto Challenge will last for 24 hours.

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