www.Bill Lesnar.com/archive

When ever i see ur name Angel Bill Lesnar imagines some soggy frail vagina walking towards me while doing a handstand. The vagina then stands up and offers to shake my hand. The vagina proceeds to laugh and offer me a beer. WHICH I ACCEPT. We drink. He's stressed. Afterwards while we are both quite drunk he offers to take me to his place. I startled by the soggy vaginas proposition. Decline and i knock him out.

There's my story about Bill Lesnar beating up a a gay, soggy and frail vagina
Bill Lesnar will make a major announcement in 3 days. Bill Lesnar has been a prisoner for 747 days. On the 750th and record breaking day of his tenure, a major announcement will come.

Is the announcement that you will continue to stay in the prison because you are a crazy douchebag?

The answer is yes, and we didnt even have to wait 3 days.

Did your sex change operation take a turn for the worse? Im just asking because after your multiple 'big return' fails I assume you kept leaving for medical issues.

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