WWF Raw 1997 Week 2 (Part 2)


Show:Monday Night RAW
Arena: 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore Maryland
Commentators:Jim Ross, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Vince McMahon

A Video package airs from last week showing Ken Shamrock giving his speech about why he attacked Bret 'Hitman' Hart at In Your House Stampede. Followed by Bret Hart confronting Shamrock only to be put in the ankle lock over the steel steps putting The Hitman out of action. Later that same night Ken Shamrock won a triple threat encounter to become #1 Contender for the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels at The Royal Rumble. The Show ended with a very intense staredown between the two WWF Superstars.

There is no pyro in the arena tonight. Howard Finkel is in the ring with a piece of paper. He is told to read it aloud to the fans in attendence.

Howard Finkel
"Ladies and Gentleman, Please let me introduce to you..The man who put Bret Hart out of the WWF with a broken ankle and the man who will become WWF Champion, The Most Dangerous man in the World Wrestling Federation...Ken Shammrroocckk!"

The Music hits and out comes Ken Shamrock in a fancy shirt and tie. His eyes are focused on the squared circle as he steps into the ring. Shamrock swipes the microphone from Howard Finkel and orders him from the ring.

"I couldn't help but notice all the angry faces as I came down that alley way, You all seem pissed off at me...Is it because I took out Bret Hart?

Crowd in attendance with a YOU SUCK Chant​

"Did I take away from you people The Hero of the WWF? Let me inform you people that Bret Hart was no hero. If The Hitman was a hero he would come down that alley way right now and go face to face with me, But he's not going to come down that alley way because yours truly broke both his ankles"...."The Ken Shamrock you people once knew is gone, he's history because that Shamrock was a fake"

Chant breaks out for Bret Hart​

"This Ken Shamrock standing before you drew sweat and blood over in the Japanese pro wrestling organization. During that time I made Athletes, Preferably one, His name was Don Nayaka Nielsen. I locked Nielsen in an Arm lock and he submitted in 45 seconds. That was one of my first matches and from there I became a machine taking on guys from all around the world. Then after I conquered Japan I moved back to America and left my mark all over the cage fighting Scene, again, I took out guys in a matter of minutes, being dubbed by real fans as The best fighter in the world.

Another You Suck Chant

"Then I came here, the WWF. Heres my quick summery of what the WWF Did too me, I went from being the best fighter in the world too being the biggest LOSER IN THE WORLD!!

Loud Cheer
"I pretended for months that I loved it here. How can you possibly love getting stepped on by guys who can't even Fight let alone Wrestle. Bret Hart was one of those guys. Although Bret Hart can Wrestle, i'll not denie that but in all fairness I'm the fighter here and from now on I will fight. No more Ankle Locks with no pressure, No more arm drag takedowns and fake cries to the world. From this point on, The Arm drags will hurt and I mean that. The ankle lock I have proved but the Arm lock, I'm saving that one...For Shawn Michaels!!"

The WWF Champion makes his entrance. Shawn Michaels comes out to a mixed reaction. Fans are not sure if he's still the cocky Superstar when competing against Bret Hart or if he is their new Hero. Shawn get's in the ring and stands firmly in the corner creating a gap between him and Ken Shamrock.​

"Nice biography Shamrock, It really had me on the edge of my seat, Japan wrestling, Cage fighting, the WWF and then...you mention me. The thing is Shamrock, nobody will stop you running your mouth but when you mention names that is when things get serious. Last week you became #1 Contender for the WWF Championship. You will face me at Royal Rumble in 3 weeks, I think I speak for everybody here when I say that in 3 weeks, I'm not going to hit Sweet Chin Music, I am going to kick your head off with a Kick that will send your eye's into the back of your skull"

Michaels gets in the face of Ken Shamrock. Crowd begin an HBK Chant

"I may not be on the same wave length as you but I will stand with you when the bell rings and I will stand to the bitter end. You can threaten me with Arm Locks, Ankle Locks, Neck locks...anything but I will find a way Shamrock, When you least expect it I will kick you in the head and you will fall down to the canvas"..."Bret Hart and me didn't quite see eye to eye the last few months but we always took precaution when in this ring, You may be a fighter from around the world, I'm the WWF Champion and I think that beats any title you have ever been givin"

Jim Cornette comes out to a lot of boos. He stands on the alley way with a microphone,

Suck Chant"Gentleman, You have a match in 3 weeks at the Royal Rumble event, Thats finalised and right here next week we will have a contract signing for that match. But...tonight and everynight until your match, niether man can lay a finger on the other, If you do it will have serious consequences. The other thing Gentleman is that tonight Shawn Michaels you will be the guest referee when Ken Shamrock faces Vader in the main event"

Shawn Michaels and Ken Shamrock have a staredown in the ring. Vince McMahon speaks for the first time tonight. He welcomes us to Raw and goes over what just happened. Jerry Lawler adds that tonight there will be 3 Royal Rumble Qualifying Matches, plus Razor Ramon will defend the WWF Intercontinental Championship against Ahmed Johnston later tonight. Raw goes for a commercial...

Raw returns from the commercial. Backstage we see Mankind in the boiler room. Vince tells us that up next Mankind will meet Savio Vega in a Royal Rumble qualifying match.

Mankind vs. Savio Vega - Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Mankind is out first to a heated reaction. Savio Vega is next. Mankind can't wait for Vega so he exits the ring and meets Savio on the Alleyway. Match begins but the bell hasn't rang yet. Vega hits a nice dropkick on Foley sending him too the ground with a splat. Vega chant breaks out. Mankind gets to his feet. Savio Vega swings him into the metal barriers holding back the fans. Mankind quickly comes back with a clothesline. He then throws Vega into the ring which triggers the bell and officially the match begins. Mankind climbs up unto the rope, unto the top rope, goes for an elbow drop only for Vega to roll out of the way. Vega makes the cover. Foley kicks out at two. Savio stomps away at Mankind and does an impressive standing splash, another kick out at two by Foley. Savio sizes Foley up for the Caribbean Kick. Foley gets up, Vega goes for it, Mankind ducks and as Vega is swinging around he is caught in the Mandible Claw. Vega goes down with Mankind holding it in. The Referee lifts Vega's arm, it drops once, twice but not a third. Vega begins to power up from the Claw. Nobody has endured the move this long. He somehow manages to break the hold throwing Mankind into the corner. As he turns around, WHAM! Caribbean Kick to the face and down goes Foley. Savio Vega covers Mankind and gets the pinfall.
Winner : Savio Vega

Vega celebrates with the crowd. Jerry Lawler tells us that Vega has now qualified for the Royal Rumble match. The Camera cuts backstage to the WWF Tag Team Champions Steve Austin and Mr.Perfect with Mr.Fuji.

Kevin Kelly​
"I'm standing here now with the WWF Tag Team Champions, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mr.Perfect. Gentleman tonight we will find out your opponents for the Royal Rumble when Faarooq and Khama Mustafa go up against Goldust and Marc Mero in a rematch from last week. Who would you like to face at the Rumble?

Steve Austin
"Kevin Kelly it goes like this, 6 months we have been Tag Team Champions. We've took on The Legion of Doom, HHH and Rocky Mavia and those idiot Punk guys The Headbangers, The fact is we beat all of them teams at one point. Whoever wins tonight will just be added to the list of defeated assholes"

Kelly passes the microphone too Mr.Perfect

And after we defeat whomever at the Rumble, Both myself and Austin will then go on to win the Royal Rumble Match and become Co.WWF Champions at Wrestlemania and that my friend is the Perfect plan...

Jim Ross talks about how cocky the Tag Team Champions are and that indeed tonight, The Nation will face Goldust and Marc Mero for a chance to become #1 Contenders for the Tag Team Titles. Vince talks about the opening segment of Raw and reminds us that Ken Shamrock will face Vader later tonight with Shawn Michaels as the guest Referee. Raw goes to a commercial Break...

Raw returns from the break and in the ring is Mark Henry from the Nation and Owen Hart as we get set for the next Rumble Qualifying match.

Mark Henry vs. Owen Hart - Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

Match starts with Owen going straight for Henry's legs. The Big man pushes Hart away and clotheslines Owen down. Crowd chant for Owen and boo the hell out of Mark Henry. Hart manages to get up. Henry runs in for another Clothesline but Owen ducks and swings of the ropes connecting with a hard shoulder tackle but Henry dosent budge and again he throws Owen to the canvas. Hart rolls from the ring as Henry follows. Match continues on the outside with Mark Henry stalking Owen. The referee is at a count of 5. Henry runs at Owen but Hart drop toe holds Mark straight into the steel steps. Owen gets in the ring as the Referee finishes his ten count resulting in Henry getting counted out.
Winner by Countout : Owen Hart

As Owen celebrates in the ring Henry re-enters and runs straight into Owen taking him down. He then runs of the ropes and hits a big splash crushing Owen Hart. Vince is disgusted at Mark Henry who leaves with a smile but no victory.

An advertisement for the Royal Rumble is aired saying its The Sweet Chin Music vs The Ankle lock with the WWF Championship on the line Plus 30 men will compete for a chance to main event Wrestlemania 13. WWF Royal Rumble live in 21 days from the Provinince Civic Centre in Rhode Island. The entire WWF is on the poster for the event.

Were back in the Arena now. Vince thanks us for tuning in as Ahmed Johnstons music fills the Mariner Arena as we get set for our next bout live on Raw!

WWF Intercontinental Championship Match (Stampede Rematch)
Razor Ramon (Champion) vs. Ahmed Johnson

Razor Ramon comes out to great Reaction. The bells rings and here we go for the Intercontinental Championship. Both men lock up with Johnston pushing Ramon away. Ahmed really has the strength advantage here. Ramon taunts Johnston as they lock up again. This time Ramon breaks it off and starts hitting with rights and lefts. Ahmed staggers into the corner. Ramon climbs up two ropes and begins punching away as the crowd counts to 10 with the punches. Ahmed pushes Ramon and runs connecting with a devastating Clothesline. Crowd boo. Johnston makes the cover but Tim White only makes it to two. Johnston picks up Ramon and hits a back breaker. It was such an Ouch moment. Ahmed stomps away at Ramon landing 3 standing elbow drops. Again Ramon kicks out. Razor manages to stagger up. Ahmed goes for another clothesline but Ramon moves and lowers the top rope sending Johnston crashing to the floor below. Ramon follows Ahmed and the two brawl outside the ring. Ramon hits a bodyslam on the thin protective mats. He then puts Ahmed back in the ring. As Johnston gets up to his feet, Ramon goes for a big boot but Ahmed moves and the boot connects with Tim White. Ramon turns checks on the Ref giving Ahmed time to recooperate. As Razor turns around he is hit with the Pearl Driver Plunge underhook sit down powerbomb. He goes for the cover. Tim White slowly counts the fall but Ramon kicks out. Both get to there feet. Ramon hits a sideslam but he looks upon the entrance way as the deranged Mankind is walking out. Ahmed comes from behind hitting away at Ramon. Mankind walks over to the time keeper. They engage in an argument resulting in Mankind punching the Time Keeper, He then grabs the Intercontinental Championship and proceeds to walk through the crowd. Back in the ring Ahmed runs at Ramon only to be caught in the Chico slam. Tim White counts the pinfall for Razor Ramon and this match is over.
Winner & still WWF Intercontinental Champion : Razor Ramon

Vince is comfused as too why Mankind just assulted the Time Keeper and stole the Intercontinental Championship. Ramon goes outside the ring and asks for his title too which Howard Finkel tells him that Mankind just took it. Ramon climbs the barrier and starts running after Mankind in pursuit of his Intercontinental Title. Jim Ross reminds us that Ramon is still the Intercontinental Champion but Mankind just stole the belt while the match went on. Jerry Lawler praises Mankind for doing something exciting.

Backstage :
Faarooq is seen getting ready for the Tag Team Match when Khama Mustafa walks in,

"Let's put our differences aside for this match Faarooq, last week you blamed me for losing the match when it was you who got pinned, Let's have a clean slate tonight please"

I don't care about what happened last week, What I do care about our those Tag Team titles and if we win tonight then we our one step closer to gaining them so let's go kick some ass!"

Mark Henry walks in just as Faarooq and Mustafa walk out. Henry looks pissed off

Jim Ross talks about Wrestlemania 13 and that the Royal Rumble winner will face the WWF Champion whomever that may be at the event. He talks about past winners and what goals they have achieved from winning the Rumble. He goes over statistics on what to do when in a Rumble. Lawler interupts and says Ross dosent know anything because he's not a wrestler and he adds that he (Jerry Lawler) will win the Royal Rumble but first he has to qualify and that his match is next as Raw goes too a Commercial...

Jerry 'The KIng' Lawler vs. Rocky Miavia - Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Lawler is in the ring when Raw returns. Rocky Mavia comes out next to a good ovation. He gets in the ring and this match starts. Lawler cowards around the ring. Mavia and Lawler eventually lock up. Lawler rakes the eyes quickly that the ref didn't catch it. Mavia trys to shake t off. Lawler taunts Rocky, he runs at him when suddenly Mavia rolls up Lawler into a cradle. The ref counts the pinfall and this one is over. Embarrasing moment for Lawler.
Winner : Rocky Miavia

Lawler sits on knees in the ring. He is shocked. Rocky Sarcastically claps Lawler and gives him the thumbs up. Vince and JR have a good laugh at Lawler but things get serious when the camera cuts too Shawn Michaels putting on a referee shirt. Ken Shamrock will face Vader with Shawn Michaels as guest referee later tonight.

Backstage : Kevin Kelly is with Vader​

Kevin Kelly​
"Vader tonight you will step into the ring with the man who beat you down last week, Ken Shamrock, I don't think anyone has seen such a beat down on a heavyweight such as yourself"

"You think it's funny Kevin Kelly? Huh! You think Ken Shamrock trying to rip my ankle apart is funny, Just because I'm a heavyweight dosent mean I'm completely invincible, Im not weak either, which is why tonight Ken Shamrock will feel my wrath as I bend his body over my back and another thing...If Shawn Michaels gets in my way, He two will be my next victim"

Coming up next is the #1 Contender Tag team match...

#1 Contender match for a Tag Team Title shot at Royal Rumble
The Nation (Khama Mustafa and Faarooq) vs. Goldust and Marc Mero (w/Luna)

The Nation is out first accompanied by Mark Henry. Faarooq and Khama seem too be bickering coming down the alleyway. Goldust and Marc Mero come out next too a great reaction. Luna is a crazy looking woman. The referee gains control as Faarooq and Marc Mero start off here. Steve Austin and Mr.Perfect come out with Mr.Fuji and stand at the top of the ramp way looking down at the match. Faarooq locks up with Mero as the bell rings. Faarooq shows his power and shoulder blocks Mero down. He then hits a running knee onto Meros face. He goes for another but Mero shoots up and hits a nice clothesline, two body slams and knee of his own to Faarooqs face. He tags in Goldust who goes straight for a grounded Faarooq. He hits a nice suplex. Faarooq fights back with a hard spinebuster. He tags in Khama who gets on Goldust and starts punching away. The ref pulls him off, Khama gets in the referees face giving Faarooq the chance too come in illegally and drop his knee into Goldusts manhood. Khama tags Faarooq back in who does another number on Goldust. The match goes on with the Nation in firm control. Faarooq locks in a bear hug wearing down Goldust. Hes nearly out when all suddenly Goldust starts head butting Faarooq. He breaks out of it and quickly tags in Mero. Marc Mero shows off some skill taking out both Khama and Faarooq. Henry gets on the apron and Mero takes him down. Khama runs in but Goldust enters and spears Khama down who rolls out unto the apron. Mero swings Faarooq into Khama and both men collide. The referee does a tag gesture signally thay Faarooq and Khama made an Tag. Mero throws Faarooq to ringside where Goldust continues to beat on him. Mero climbs the top rope and hits a huge flying cross body on Khama rolling him into a pinning move. The referee gets down and this one is over.
Winners : Goldust and Marc Mero

Steve Austin and Mr.Perfect knod there heads and walk to the back. Faarooq gets in the ring and picks up Khama. Faarooq stands with his hands on his hips. Henry enters the ring and stands between both members of the Nation. Vince adds that there is serious tension between this faction right now. Faarooq leaves the ring leaving both Khama and Henry. Jim Ross adds that Goldust and Marc Mero will now challenge Steve Austin and Mr.Perfect at The Royal Rumble with the Tag Team Championships on the line. Raw goes for a commercial...

The show returns showing a recap of the Ken Shamrock speech from earlier in the night. Up next it is the main event with Shawn Michaels as the guest referee. Vince adds that niether HBK or Shamrock can lay a finger on each other until there bout at the Royal Rumble. The WWF Champions music fills the arena to a better reaction than earlier.

Ken Shamrock vs Vader (Shawn Michaels as Guest Referee)
Shamrock is out next. He has new ring gear. New cage fighting shorts with big fist pumping gloves. He enters the ring and him and HBK have a mini staredown. It is interupted by Vader who walks with a purpose and a slight limp after last weeks altercation with Shamrock. HBK rings the bell and here we go. Vader backs Shamrock into the corner and begins shoulder tackling him. Shamrock goes to his knees but he has a sick smile on his face. Crowd are against Shamrock big time here. Vader gets pulled of my HBK who wants a clean match. Vader gets in Michaels face giving Shamrock the chance the jump on Vader and begin punching at his face. He dosent let up as Michaels tries without force with the rules of know touching to break it up. Vader got hit right on the nose causing a bit of bleeding. Shamrock circles the heavyweight and kicks him on the head. Vader on his knees in the ring starts to hit back at Shamrock. He manages to get up, Crowd chanting for Vader, He hits a clothesline taking Shamrock down. He then bodyslams Ken at the corner. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and goes for the Epic splash but Shamrock avoids it and moves. Vader crashes hard. Shamrock quickly on the attack locks on that dangerous Ankle lock. HBK Rings the bell without hesitation. Shamrock keeps the hold locked on.
Winner by Submission : Ken Shamrock

Officials run down as Shamrock won't let go of the hold. HBK can't do anything at this point. Vader has passed out. Ken Shamrock has made the once unstoppable Vader pass out. Unbelieveable. Eventually he breaks the hold. Michaels has left the ring at this point is walking up the ramp facing Shamrock who is standing in the ring. Shamrock gives Michaels a smile as if too say, "That will be you in a few weeks". Raw goes off the air...

You can't create a new thread everytime you write a show. You need to put it all in the one thread. All you do is press the "Post Reply" button on the bottom of your thread and then post your show there. You might want to ask a Moderator to merge your threads.


You need a different name...I'm the only Ryder who is allowed to post here...

I liked some of it. Mostly the matches but I think you need to work on promos a bit more. I actaully got bored reading through the opening and it's one of the most important parts of the whole thing.

Steve Austin
The Patriot
Undertaker - WWF Champion
Ken Shamrock
Ahmed Johnson
3 Faces of Foley
Chainsaw Charlie
Rocky Maivia
Steve Blackman
Marc Mero
Jesse James
Flash Funk
Bart Gunn
Bob Holly
Freddy Joe Floyd
Tom Brandi
Aldo Mantoya
Barry Horrowitz
Jake Roberts
Doug Furnas
Phil Lafon
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Taka Michinoku - WWF Light Heavywieght Champion
The Great Sasuke
Brian Christopher
Yoshihiro Tajiri
Mr Aguila
Super Loco
Scott Putski
Scott Taylor
Devon Storm
Ace Darling
Flash Flanagan
Tommy Rogers
Bobby Fulton

Shawn Michaels
Hunter Helmsley - WWF Intercontinental Champion
Bret Hart
Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Jim Neidhart
Brian Pillman
Jeff Jarrett
Jerry Lawler
DLo Brown
Kama Mustafa
Skull & 8Ball
Savio Vega
Miguel Perez
Jose Estrada
Jesus Castillo
Sycho Sid
Tiger Ali Singh
Leif Cassity
The Sultan
Brooklyn Brawler
Henry Godwinn
Phinias Godwinn
Blackjack Bradshaw
Blackjack Windham
Fake Diesel
Fake Razor Ramon
JC Ice
Wolfie D

Hart Foundation
Nation of Domination
Disciples of Apocalypse
Los Boricuas
Truth Commission
Owen & Bulldog - WWF Tag Team Champions
New Age Outlaws
Legion of Doom
New Blackjacks
The Godwinns
The Headbangers
Hardy Boyz
Fake Outsiders

Jim Cornette
Clarence Mason
Jose Lothario
Paul Bearer
Rick Rude
The Commandant
The Jackyl
Hillbilly Jim
Honky Tonk Man
Iron Sheik
Gorilla Monsoon
Sgt Slaughter
Max Mini
ECW Invasion


The In Your House Preview show begins. Vince McMahon is on the entrance way with his Broadcast partner, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler…

Vince: “Good Evening everyone and welcome to the In Your House preview show! I’m Vince McMahon and this man next to me is none other than Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and King we our 30 minutes away from the In Your House Pay per View.

Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler: "That’s right McMahon! Behind that curtain is the WWF Champion Bret Hart and tonight he will put the belt on the line against none other than Shawn Michaels. This match has been building ever since November and right here at In Your House the two athletes with finally collide”

Vince: “Indeed. Also this evening The Undertaker will try to take another soul and this time it could possibly be Ahmed Johnsons. These two colossal beasts have been at each other fiercely over the past few weeks with Johnson even abducting The Undertakers manager Paul Bearer. The building will surely shake once these two men get it on”

HHH Theme"Symphony No. 9 (Fourth movement)" by Ludwig van Beethoven

Vince McMahon and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler vacate the Entrance way and make their way to the commentary booth were Jim Ross is sitting. Howard Finkel is in the ring.

Howard Finkel
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 15 minute time limit. Introducing first…From Greenwich Connecticut…Weighing 245Ib…Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Vince – “What a way to kick of what is sure to be a huge night. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, a former Intercontinental Champion set to lock horns with The Wildman Marc Mero and for those who missed Raw last week let’s take you back and show you why these two men will be competing”

(Last Monday Night Marc Mero took on The Sultan. He had the match basically won when Hunter Hearst Helmsley came through the crowd. He entered the ring as the Referee was distracted and hit Marc Mero with a pile driver. The Sultan took advantage and Won the match after the interference)

(Crowd come out of their seats)

Howard Finkel
“His Opponent, From Buffalo, New York, Weighing in at 235Ib….The Wildman Marc Mero!”

Match 1 (Preview Show)
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. “The Wildman” Marc Mero

Marc Mero enters the ring as his theme music comes to a stop. The referee rings the bell as we get going with are first overall match of the evening. Both men lock up pushing each other back and forth. Mero shoves Hunter across the ring. Hunter looks stunned. Marc Mero taunts Helmsley much to the delight of the fans in attendance. They lock up again and for a second time Mero knocks Hunter down. Marc Mero stays on Helmsley and stomps at the back of his head. The referee tries to break him off, Mero gets in the Referee’s face which gives Hunter the chance to dropkick his legs sending Mero to his knees. Helmsley runs of the ropes and connects with a low clothesline. Helmsley makes a quick cover but Mero kicks out at a 2 count. The match continues with Hunter in firm control. He body slams Mero and lands a fallen elbow. Mero tries to shake off the cobwebs but Hunter lands another elbow. Another cover and again Mero kicks out at a 2 count. Hunter locks in a sleeper hold. Marc Mero slowly fades away but a quick Wildman chant from the crowd and he manages to stagger up knocking Hunter off. Mero hits Helmsley with rights and lefts. He runs of the ropes and hits a massive clothesline, Hunter gets up quickly but Mero lands another Clothesline followed by another. Mero has the crowd behind him as he climbs up the turnbuckle. He dives. Hunter moves and Mero gets a face full of canvas. Helmsley picks up Mero and goes for the Pedigree but Mero counters it into an overhead slam. Hunter gets up and turns around, Mero nails Hunter with a pile driver. Revenge from Raw. Marc Mero then climbs up the turnbuckle. He jumps and hits Marvelocity. He makes the cover. 1…2…3!
Winner by pin fall: “The Wildman” Marc Mero (8:30)

Vince: “The Wildman getting some serious retribution over Hunter Hears Helmsley. He hit the Marvelocity with great height and speed. What a way to kick of the In Your House Preview show”

Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler
: “Retribution? The Wildman just assaulted Royalty and you like that? If Hunter had any morals he would get up right now and order Marc Mero to be beheaded and seeing as I’m the King I shall grant him permission”

Vince:“What a nice way to kick things off here tonight and standing by in the locker room is Sunny and I believe she is with the WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart and The British Bulldog”


“Thank you Vince and I am indeed here with the WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart and The British Bulldog, Gentleman in a short while you will be defending the Tag Team Championships against The Legion of Doom at the In Your House event. What strategies have got going up against former Tag Team Champions?”

Owen Hart:
“Sunny, a team like myself and Davey boy here don’t need Strategies. We are the WWF Tag Team Champions and we have been the Tag Team Champions for a good Seven Months. In fact if you remember correctly it was The Legion of Doom who we defeated to become the Tag Team Champions. This is a feud being revisited and tonight we will put a drastic end to those face painted jack-offs”

Owen Hart and The British Bulldog storm of camera,


“There you have it Vince. Back to you”

“Thank you Sunny. Owen Hart and The Bulldog are certainly ready for the Legion of Doom here tonight and another man that is indeed ready for In Your House is the WWF Intercontinental Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and we heard last week on Raw that he will be defending the Intercontinental Championship against his former Tag Team Partner Brian Pillman. That match is indeed set for the event which will begin in under 10 minute’s time”

Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler: “That means I’ve got 10 minutes to speak to the fans in attendance and the viewers watching at home”

Lawler leaves the announce booth and gets into the ring with his crown in hand.

In Ring Segment:

Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler:
“Before In Your House gets underway I just want to let everybody know that tonight is a total waste of time simply because I am not booked to compete and get my rightful shot at the WWF Championship”

Crowd boo Lawler as Vince Apologises at the Announce booth.

“The WWF needs me in the main event and not some goofy looking guy who wears sports glasses and parades the ring in purple underwear, I am a King and I need to be noticed”

"Eyes of the World" by Rainbow (VADER)

Vince: “Wait just a second! Is that….YES! Ladies and Gentleman VADER has returned”

Vader has indeed returned. Crowd love this moment. Jerry Lawler looks stunned. The last time Vader was on television he injured his right leg and thus missed 3 months of Wrestling.

Vader gets in the ring and immediately clotheslines Lawler to the Canvas. He taunts the crowd a lot asking if they want to see the Vader Bomb. Crowd start chanting for the Vader Bomb. Lawler then gets dragged to the corner as Vader climbs up the turnbuckle. WHAM! Big Vader Bomb by the heavyweight crushing Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler. Crowd are having a great time seeing Vader.

Vince: “Vader has returned to the WWF and ultimately gave Lawler the moment he desperately deserved. We’ll done Vader and it is damn good seeing him in that ring looking healthy as ever”

Crowd are still going wild for Vader as he exits the ring.

Vince: “We’ll it is that time again folks. We must leave you briefly but don’t be alarmed because in a few moments the In Your House Pay per view will begin. Thank you for watching the Preview show and we will see you all in a few moments”

Preview Show is now over​
For any confusion, The above thread is a fresh plot. Anything previous was just a test just so I could get the hang of things.

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