WWE's Top Ten Trash Talkers List

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First Immortality..Then the Bitches
So Over on WWE.com, they have a video that's compiled of the "top 10 trash talkers ever" and since I didn't see a thread dedicated to this so I'm going to make one.


the list is comprised of the following

10. C.M Punk

9. Laycool

8. Rowdy Roddy Piper

7. Edge and Christian

6. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

5. Stone Cold Steve Austin

4. The Miz

3. Ric Flair

2. Chris Jericho

1. The Rock

Now personally I don't see how Laycool out ranks Punk. If anybody is flawless it would be C.M Punk, the guy is absolute gold when talking trash and in my opinion is miles ahead of laycool. or how Miz can even possibly out rank Austin. That's my only beef with this list. What do you guys think? Accurate? Did WWE over-look somebody? People on this list who does not deserve to be on it? Sound off below.
Once again the WWE have pushed their current heels over some genuine trash talkers, the is no way The Miz is a better trash talker then Austin, The Brain & Rody Piper... but I understand why the WWE is doing this... it's to help put over their current roster so whilst I disagree with the inclusion of 'The Miz and Laycool' and maybe even CM Punk (he's a good trash talker but I don't know if he's top ten) I'm not at all surprised or upset about why the WWE did this.
The Rock, Chris Jericho and Stone Cold Steve Austin should be the top three. I don't know what order though.

The next three should be Roddy Piper, CM Punk and John Cena (the old Cena).

The next one should be Edge and Christian. They were gold on the microphone and I agree with them being ranked together, they deserve it.

The final three should be Jerry Lawler, Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair.

Honorable mentions for Santino Marella, The Miz, Brock Lesnar, Vince McMahon and Triple H.
When I first saw that they were going to do the list, I knew it would be biased. There is noway the miz is in the top ten. Then Laycool was just ridiculous; they are vey entertaining but best trash talker of all time. My ten would be:
10) Fred Blassie
9) Ernie Ladd
8) CM Punk
7) Roddy Piper
6) Chris Jericho
5) Vince McMahon
4) Dusty Rhodes
3) Steve Austin
2) Ric Flair
1)The Rock
There are alot of great trashtalkers in wrestling history, but these ten individuals are the best in my opinion.

Honorale Mention: Billy Graham, Mick Foley, John Cena(thug version), Brickhouse Brown, Stan Hansen, Terry Funk, Shane Douglas.
The Rock #1 slot?

How much longer is the WWE going to continually blow the Rock?

I agree with Jericho being in the top three, but the Rock as number 1? yuck

C.M Punk should be in the top 3 along side Jericho.

Austin should be ranked higher than #5, possibly ranked at #1

How are Triple H and Cena not on this list? REALLY?

this list is crap, total crap
You think the Rock being number 1 is blowing the Rock? He is without a doubt the best trash talker of all time and deserves the top spot. Of course they would throe w in some questionable picks that are current stars, but what would you expect?
You think the Rock being number 1 is blowing the Rock? He is without a doubt the best trash talker of all time and deserves the top spot. Of course they would throe w in some questionable picks that are current stars, but what would you expect?

Better than Austin or Jericho? put the pipe down son. At this point it seem the WWE will do anything to keep the Rock happy, so putting him at #1 on a list, and giving him a 2 hour Raw birthday tribute all go into that.

Its not the Attitude Era any longer, and the Rock is not the top dog in professional wrestling. The WWE needs to quit treating him like he is, because their insulting their fan base, and ruining the up and coming stars by putting so much focus on the Rock
Better than Austin or Jericho? put the pipe down son. At this point it seem the WWE will do anything to keep the Rock happy, so putting him at #1 on a list, and giving him a 2 hour Raw birthday tribute all go into that.

Its not the Attitude Era any longer, and the Rock is not the top dog in professional wrestling. The WWE needs to quit treating him like he is, because their insulting their fan base, and ruining the up and coming stars by putting so much focus on the Rock

You must hate the Rock. Now granted WWE is not the best at putting out list for anything (see top 50 stars of all time with Hogan at 23), but if the Rock is known for anything it's talking trash. If you take a poll of 100K people, I guarantee you over 95% of them will say the Rock. He was without a doubt the best trash talker in the business and of all time. Him, Jericho, and Dr. Thuganomics John Cena are without a doubt my favorites.
Not sure why Lay-Cool is on that list guys like Shawn Michaels, Mic Foley, Honky Tonk Man, Rick Rude and Jesse Ventura were better trash talkers. If its because they wanted a diva they should have gone with Sensational Sherri
I wouldn't put Flair anywhere near the top 10, his promos in his last wwe run and on tna were horrible and always the same, the only decent promos I remember him making in the last 10 years were during evolution and they were only decent not top 10 material
The only people on the list that deserve to be there are The Rock, Austin, Jericho, Piper, Flair, and CM Punk.

Where's HHH during the original DX run? Where's Lawler? This list is; to put it simply, bullshit. Hell, I know some of you are just going to say that I'm a mark, but where's American Bad Ass Undertaker? He said some brilliant stuff on the mic. Stuff like, "If you try me, I'll make you famous," and, "You're standing in my yard and I'm the biggest dog in the yard." How about when he told HHH that while HHH was making it to the mountain top he was burying people under the mountain making it bigger all the time?

This list is flawed.
Better than Austin or Jericho? put the pipe down son. At this point it seem the WWE will do anything to keep the Rock happy, so putting him at #1 on a list, and giving him a 2 hour Raw birthday tribute all go into that.

If there is anybody that needs to put the pipe down it would be you thinking that Austins & Jericho was better at talking shit then The Rock. This list doesn't have anything to do w/keeping Rock happy. You make it seem like Rock told Vince "if you don't throw me a B-Day party & put me #1 on all the top 10 list of everything then I'm not showing up to Wrestlemania :p!

Its not the Attitude Era any longer, and the Rock is not the top dog in professional wrestling. The WWE needs to quit treating him like he is, because their insulting their fan base, and ruining the up and coming stars by putting so much focus on the Rock

OMG WWE IS RUINING WRESTLING BY PUTING THE ROCK AT THE #1 SPOT OF THE GRESTEST TRASH TALKERS LIST!!!!! HOW WILL THEY EVERY RECOVER FROM SUCH A MISTAKE!!!! Dude quit the nonsense, its obvious you don't like The Rock, but do you really have to post ridiculous comments on almost every Rock thread just to show your not a fan? SMH

This list wasn't completely accurate (Lay-Cool, The Miz, & no DX :confused:) but they was right to put Rock at #1.
what about Rick Rude....maybe not all time but back then...it really worked


I want all of you fat dirty high rolling Atlantic City Sweathogs to pipe down while i take off my robe and show the ladies why I'm the sexiest man alive

The guy was so good he didn't even have to talk trash all he had to do was put Cheryl Roberts face on the front of his tights.
I'm sorry. Anyone who has watched for more than a couple of weeks would say that #1 has to be a hybrid of Stone Cold and The Rock. The Attitude Era took over quite simply because no one brought characters to life like those two. Flair was awesome but half the time it was just the energy he put out more than anything good that he said.

Miz only stands out because no one right now talks even a decent amount of trash.
If there is anybody that needs to put the pipe down it would be you thinking that Austins & Jericho was better at talking shit then The Rock. This list doesn't have anything to do w/keeping Rock happy. You make it seem like Rock told Vince "if you don't throw me a B-Day party & put me #1 on all the top 10 list of everything then I'm not showing up to Wrestlemania :p!

OMG WWE IS RUINING WRESTLING BY PUTING THE ROCK AT THE #1 SPOT OF THE GRESTEST TRASH TALKERS LIST!!!!! HOW WILL THEY EVERY RECOVER FROM SUCH A MISTAKE!!!! Dude quit the nonsense, its obvious you don't like The Rock, but do you really have to post ridiculous comments on almost every Rock thread just to show your not a fan? SMH

This list wasn't completely accurate (Lay-Cool, The Miz, & no DX :confused:) but they was right to put Rock at #1.

Were never going to agree, your'e always going to like shitty overrated, outdated wrestlers like the Rock, and I'm going to play the devils advocate and continue to give you facts of why the Rock is a fucking waste of time.

CM Punk cut a promo during the Royal Rumble and during an Elimination Chamber match. CM Punk stated how Straight Edge made him better than all the other people in the match, and that because of that he would win. NOW thats shit talking, how is he not in the TOP 3?

Jericho cut promos week end and week out about how he knew more moves than any other wrestler alive, and 90% of those moves were arm bars. He called the top people in the industry ass clowns. During his WWE debut into the WWE he called the biggest ass clown to ever walk into a WWE ring an ASS CLOWN!

Austin made Vince look like a bitch on National TV for how many weeks on end? He even brought a fake gun to the ring and Vince pissed himself. How is he ranked lower than the Rock?

Laycool had no place on this list what so ever, their mic work was good, but better than the likes of DX? Triple H or Cena? no way in hell. DX's gimmick was centered around talking trash and making fun of others.

Rowdy Roddy Piper Ive never seen any of Pipers early work, but I hear from a good source that he was one of the best

Edge and Christian classic heel tag team that cut classic promos and go on the nerves of everyone

Stone Cold Steve Austin #5, more like #1 Austin should of been higher on this list. His entire character was build around talking smack about other wrestlers and authority in the WWE. I may not care of Austin, but I have more respect for him as a performer than the Rock. Austin left because of an injury, the Rock left because hes a bitch. Austin came out and cut a promo on Molly Holly and Spike Dudley one night, and it was one of the best examples of shit talking you'd ever see. He entire promo consisted of him asking Molly Holly to look at Spike, then look at Austin, then look at Spike, then back at Austin. In the end someone got the stunner, and a mudhole stomped in them. Classic.

The Miz as an up and comer he should of been on this list, but in the #10 spot. Strangely enough his only high profile feud ever has been vs John Cena, and its gone on for over two years now. Remember back when the Miz was drafted from ECW to Raw and immediately started in on Cena calling him out week end and week out, claiming victory after victory, until Cena came out and put his book in the Miz's mouth?

Ric Flair "The Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun!" again his earlier work was probably his best, because anything hes done in the past 3-5 years has been complete garbage.

Triple H was once the yard stick on which every other wrestler in the world measured themselves against. Hes been the center of countless feuds, and countless story lines. He's literally beat them all, everyone. How did he not get a spot on this top 10?
lousy...(no ron simmons??) the whole list is incomplete b/c the miz only talked smack to one guy and clearly the number one trash talker of all time was left off the list......and that is Anthony Norris...better know as.....Ahmed Johnson!!!

Nice try WWE, but you did not get it all right.

This list is not exactly correct. LayCool should not even be on the list. CM Punk should be ranked higher.

Triple H and John Cena could be on the list. The Miz perhaps should be ranked lower.

It's not a horrible list, it is just not completely right. Take off LayCool, move Punk up, and move The Miz down, add Cena or HHH, and then it would be true.
The Rock as number one is something pretty much all of us agree with but Cena with the rapper gimmick deserves to be there way before the likes of LayCool. CM Punk also needs a higher spot but Chris Jericho is also in the right place too.
Were never going to agree, your'e always going to like shitty overrated, outdated wrestlers like the Rock, and I'm going to play the devils advocate and continue to give you facts of why the Rock is a fucking waste of time.

You mean your gonna waste your time giving me your bias OPINION on why you think The Rock is a waste of fucking time.

CM Punk cut a promo during the Royal Rumble and during an Elimination Chamber match. CM Punk stated how Straight Edge made him better than all the other people in the match, and that because of that he would win. NOW thats shit talking, how is he not in the TOP 3?

He isn't top 3 on the list because he isn't good enough to be that high on the list. CM Punk does talk alot of trash, & he is good on the mic, but he isn't top 3 of all time good.

Jericho cut promos week end and week out about how he knew more moves than any other wrestler alive, and 90% of those moves were arm bars. He called the top people in the industry ass clowns. During his WWE debut into the WWE he called the biggest ass clown to ever walk into a WWE ring an ASS CLOWN!

Yeah Jericho is the man when it comes to mic work & trash talking, but even he himself has said he isn't better then The Rock. Sooooo your point is?

Austin made Vince look like a bitch on National TV for how many weeks on end? He even brought a fake gun to the ring and Vince pissed himself. How is he ranked lower than the Rock?

What does any of your examples has to do w/Austin being a better trash talker then The Rock? I can see if you was tryn to say that Austin is better overall when it comes to promo cutting then Rock, that can be argued, but Austin didn't talk shit like The Rock did. Austin kicked ass more then he talk shit.

Laycool had no place on this list what so ever, their mic work was good, but better than the likes of DX? Triple H or Cena? no way in hell. DX's gimmick was centered around talking trash and making fun of others.

I agree.

Rowdy Roddy Piper Ive never seen any of Pipers early work, but I hear from a good source that he was one of the best

He was.

Edge and Christian classic heel tag team that cut classic promos and go on the nerves of everyone

Yeah I know.

Stone Cold Steve Austin #5, more like #1 Austin should of been higher on this list. His entire character was build around talking smack about other wrestlers and authority in the WWE.

It can be argue that Austin could have been a lil higher on the list, not over The Rock but Austin's career was built off the fact that he didn't take shit off anybody & he would beat the hell outta anyone that stood in his way. Austin could cut one hell of a promo, but like I said he whooped way more ass then he talked shit.

I may not care of Austin, but I have more respect for him as a performer than the Rock. Austin left because of an injury, the Rock left because hes a bitch.

Ohhhhhhhh so you are one of those people? The ones that are still mad cause The Rock left. You mean to tell me that the only reason why you come on all these Rock thread's & post shit about him is because you are mad & upset that he retired. SMH Dude get over that shit The Rock leaving isn't even the worse thing a wrestler has done to the WWE. How do you expect for me to take you comments serious when you have a bias hatred toward the man for something so stupid. I'm not evening responding to the rest of your comments cause you need to get over yourself & stop being so silly.
the rock will ALWAYS be the best trash talker...but i think edge and christian should be ranked better becuz they are very funny when they talk trash....christian to jack swagger on ecw "thufferin thuckertath" great stuff cuz he has a lisp hahahahah and john cena should be up there becuz his freestyles were great and he wrote them himself!
I can agree with the newer superstars on the list, but I feel that a couple of people left out were Cpt. Lou Albano and The Mouth Of The South Jimmy Hart. I feel this way because that was pretty much what they did. They talked trash for the men under their guidance. With the acception of Piper and Hennan (who I feel should have been higher) this is pretty much a salute to the stars of the attitude era and beyond which is fine. I just feel that their should have been more names of yesterday who paved the way for the top names of the list today
I couldn't begin to think of an order but it'd definitely have Rock, Jericho, Austin, Punk in it. Miz is very good to me but not good enough for the spot he's in. I guess there's room for interpreting 'trash talk' as it's different to just being a good heel promoer.

I wanted to throw in Bubba Dudley somewhere, though not for his WWE work. His heel ECW promos would get the crowd so worked up.
It's not too bad a list but then again I would not take the list too seriously either. WWE has made this list to make their current talent look good and get people talking. I think that most of us understand that Steve Austin is better than Miz in almost any aspect of promo cutting. In fact, just a few months ago WWE ranked him the best promo cutter of all time. Miz is decent and his forte is obviously trash talking, he was the champion just a little while back and I guess this is WWE's way of making one of their current top talents look good over a guy who, though one of their legends, is in all probability never going to wrestle ever again.

I wonder how many people will remember about this list after two weeks. I wouldn't even put my money on the people who made this list in the first place remembering about it either.
Agree with last post. I would grudgingly put The Rock, Austin & Y2J in the same league, but there is absolutely no doubt that NOBODY and I mean nobody in WWE history beats The Rock at the microphone! Often The Rock would find himself cutting promos side by side with Y2J and it is obvious The Rock had the edge over Y2J. So enduring has been The Rock's trash that the shine lingers even after laying off WWE 7 years.

My other opinion is that in the attitude era the Top 10 is incompleted without inclusion these other three:

B). THE UNDERTAKER: "..It will be a cold day in hell if Diesel wins the Championship!".
A). RAZOR RAMON: "...I scared her heart for life!". Razor ramon paved the way for heels to prosper in the WWE... and what made him special is that he did not by shouting hoarse but with gold & rhymes... :worship:
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