WWE's return to TV-14

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Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
WWE is doing okay where it is right now. They appease the younger corwd and does a good job of it. My question is though.....

What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?
Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?
What would happen to John Cena?

I would see a lot more crazier stuff happening but I don't want the fake blood.
I don't think TNA would be wiped-out but I think that they may lose viewers.
I think the day that WWE turned to TV-14 will be the day that John Cena goes heel.

So let me hear your voice.
Let me feel what you feel.
Yeah if WWE turns TV-14 again Cena is going to finally turn heel if they don't make it happen the hardcore fans will.

And TNA is gonna be gone within two years anyways if WWE is kicking their @ss with PG then I just can't imagine how the "competition" will be if they go back to TV-14.

And if they do turn TV-14 I think they should turn Orton heel just imagine the stuff that his character could do without the PG rating limiting it.

R-Truth is another guy who's heel character would work so well with the TV-14 rating, I don't think I have to explain why, his character is already very edgy with the PG rating, going TV-14 would take it to the next level.

The Miz would be a good face maybe change his catchphrase a little to something like "I'm The Miz.. and I'm freaking.. Awesome!".

And Daniel Bryan's character can finally get a little violent with his style instead of getting in trouble for shocking a ring announcer with a tie.

I would also like to see Ziggler turn face the guy is hilarious and he can show it with some of the more edgy stuff.

I could go on and on.. but my point is if it goes TV-14 it would make a lot of fans happy, and if the parents complain well screw them they can't tell you how to run your own company that's bs if they don't want there kids watching something too violent then they can just stop them from watching it.

WWE TV-14 with the current roster would be badass, and I for one would like to see it happen.
I agree with the post above.

Cena should turn heel by defeating The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Ending the streak in heelish fashion. He finally gets sick and tired of the fans booing him and uses a steel chair to the Undertaker. Maybe he hits him with the Chair 10 times in a row and hitting the FU.

With the fans booing him he can start yelling back at the fans.
I think that the PG-style is the main reason for the bad storylines and the non-believability of any character for the main-event.

Can you imagine CM Punk in TV-14?
He could be an enormous star, a really good main-eventer.

When I was a kid and WWE was TV-14 my parents still allowed me to watch it and even my father joined me a lot of times.
Currently I'm almost the only guy in my neighborhood that watch WWE, the other ones is UFC or just don't care with any of this.
WWE has lost that special "je ne sais quoi" that they had some years back.
We also have to admit that the "new" characters don't really connect with us, they're all bland when you compare them with guys like Y2J, Edge, Rocky, SCSA, HBK, HHH, Benoit, Guerrero etc...

The only thing that really made me surprised and having a WTF moment, was Nexus debut...
Despite that WWE didn't push anything out of it.
I don't want WWE to turn TV-14 if they are going to mis-use it like TNA, but they need to be smart with that (no blood baths, please).

WWE could work with that, but they don't really care anymore about the fans, because they are already the most recognized brand of Pro-Wrestling, so they only need to maintain certain standards and thats fine.
I watch WWE, because I've watched all my life.
Far is the time that teens/adults were also a target.
What's the point of this thread? WWE isn't going to go back to TV-14 anytime soon, because they are making more money at PG. Everyone seems to forget that WWE was starting to get stale when it WAS TV-14. Blood, edginess, those weren't bringing an increase in ratings or in the box office. You can add in the fact that the amount of injuries that are sidelining stars has gone down. Look at the neck injuries that WWE suffered in the past that has caused the retirements of guys like Austin and Edge.

So yeah, let's go back to TV-14 and the shortening of careers.
What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?
Its pointless for them to go back to TV-14+ due to the fact that they make more money being PG. Its more kid and family friendly now than it has been and everyone knows kids control their parents money. Going TV-14 could cut the WWE off at the legs by turning away their core audience.

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?
TNA isn't on the map in comparison to the WWE so this question serves no purpose. TNA is TV-14 they have blood, they have the sex, they have the violence level, they also don't do the business or get the ratings the WWE does. So again why would the WWE step in the direction of TNA, when TNA isn't getting any bigger market share being TV-14, and WWE is still blowing them out of the water being PG? It would be dumb for the WWE.

What would happen to John Cena?
Cena did well before the WWE made the switch to PG, and would do fine if they switched to another format. Rey Mysterio also came from WCW and was in the WWE during the Attitude Era, and he could easily transition to a more adult oriented program.

But the question still stands why the FUCK would the WWE change to TV-14, when the core audience is kids and thats where they make the majority of their money?
What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?

Ratings would increase, some of the guys would be utilized a lot better and gimmicks would be far more edgy than they are now.

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?

Probably not as TNA seems to have their mini fan base and their roster is pretty good but the comparisings would be huge in terms of quality of the product.

What would happen to John Cena?

Cena would probably be like he was in 2003, edgy raps that captured the fans imaginations and maybe a heel turn without him turning into a pussy heel allow him to use his raps to get over a heel and maybe bring back his chain to cheat or summit.
The kids in the PG area are GROWING UP. Soon many of them will be 14!

You need to evolve and grow with them.
Vince doesn't care about his product getting stale. All he cares about is making money. PG is pretty much a guaranteed money maker. That's why Cena won't turn heel anytime soon.

I don't know if going back to TV-14 would help though. Wrestling is a lot different now than it was back in the late nineties. What the WWE needs isn't so much more edginess. They need better, less predictable stories. They need faces with personality. They need to stop catering to just one group.

Whats up with some fans? The PG Era is not the problem. WWE has been PG in the early 90's. It was fine back then. Forget TV-14. Forget "Attitude Era 2.0." Forget blood, weapons, and sex. The PG Era is just fine the way it is. It's the stories that arent as good as they can be. People need to stop thinking about TV-14.
WWE is doing okay where it is right now. They appease the younger corwd and does a good job of it. My question is though.....

What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?

I think the stoylines could advance better. I honestly think they should at least make the PPV's TV-14. They could do alot to make them worth buying. Blood in a PPV can be good. Just think of the "I quit" match could have easily had blood.

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?

Not right off the bat they couldnt. IMPACT is on a completely different night. Now if Sci-Fi wanted to get ballsy im sure Vince could be pursuaded to move Smackdown to a live Thursday show. Thats all Vince has to do to seriously wound them if he wanted.

What would happen to John Cena?

I would probably say would go heel shortly after.

I would see a lot more crazier stuff happening but I don't want the fake blood.

They used fake blood a far lot less than you think they did.

I don't think TNA would be wiped-out but I think that they may lose viewers.

See previous statement

I think the day that WWE turned to TV-14 will be the day that John Cena goes heel.

If not then shortly after.
People always make this argument and its ridiculous. All throughout the 80's, the golden years if you will, and up until sometime in 1997 WWE was a kid targeted pg show. How much blood was there in the 80's, a ton. The period between 1993 and 1997 saw some of the best matches ever, and 96 - 97 were pretty edgy years. Goldust molesting guys, shawn michaels visably intoxicated on a weekly basis, calling out bret hart for having "sunny days", and bret hart calling shawn a homo was all done under the pg watch. What made raw tv -14 was not bad language and violence, it was sex. It was divas in thongs, with paint on their tits. THAT is what tv-14 is. Anyone notice that tough enough is tv-pg? What do I hear every week, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! Words I've heard on tough enough: asshole (unedited), goddamn (unedited), shit, fuck, damn, bitch, bastard. You get the point? WWE doesn't need tv 14 to be edgy. Learn something about ratings before blaming everything on that.

Thank you,
What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?
Its pointless for them to go back to TV-14+ due to the fact that they make more money being PG. Its more kid and family friendly now than it has been and everyone knows kids control their parents money. Going TV-14 could cut the WWE off at the legs by turning away their core audience.

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?
TNA isn't on the map in comparison to the WWE so this question serves no purpose. TNA is TV-14 they have blood, they have the sex, they have the violence level, they also don't do the business or get the ratings the WWE does. So again why would the WWE step in the direction of TNA, when TNA isn't getting any bigger market share being TV-14, and WWE is still blowing them out of the water being PG? It would be dumb for the WWE.

What would happen to John Cena?
Cena did well before the WWE made the switch to PG, and would do fine if they switched to another format. Rey Mysterio also came from WCW and was in the WWE during the Attitude Era, and he could easily transition to a more adult oriented program.

But the question still stands why the FUCK would the WWE change to TV-14, when the core audience is kids and thats where they make the majority of their money?

But you have to realize that soon, these younger fans are going to grow up and get tired of the ol' same ol' same ol'. Think about when Hulk Hogan went heel and was the one to be part of NWO. Huge ratings came in and Hogan was the biggest star of that era. So you never know what could happen.
Now remember everyone, I'm not saying that I have a problem with PG. It's a great money maker hands down. But you never know what could happen. Some people may get fed up and just completely go over and watch TNA. (not saying there's anything wrong with TNA) Things can change in a blink of an eye.

My only issue is that they hold back a lot of superstars in the PG era. Think about all of the stuff that John Morrison, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryant, Evan Bourne, and Kofi Kingston can do. But they really can't do it because they are too worried about kids imitating moves. Compare that to the X-Division in TNA. But keep on coming with the comments. I love it.
well as great as it would be vince would NEVER do this because as much as we dont want to admit it we would watch it if it was supposed to help toddlers learn how to read. but as for lttle kids pg14=no more kids=less money=vince not happy. but for us pg=we still watch along with little kids=lots of money=happy vince.

I don't think WWE will ever go back to TV 14. They are making tons of money with the product they have now. Not saying they would go out of business if they went back, but right now they have a product "the whole family can enjoy." Us as adults still watch, still buys PPVs, still buy shirts at events and our kids buy action figures, shirts, games, and whatever else they can get their hands on. Not only that but the mainstream media is finally starting to except WWE. If John Cena came out grabbing his crotch and Kharma came out calling the other Diva's bitches and hoes it would end almost all of those relationships immediately. I think the happy medium would be like Josh said on CSR, have the PPVs TV14 and keep Raw and Smack Down as is. I'm not talking bra and panties matches or bloodbaths, but if somebody gets busted open during Hell in a Cell, let it go. If somebody busts their mouth on a ladder and bleeds a little don't stop the match to clean them. Small things like this would keep the product true to us who grew up with a bloody Flair hoisting the title after an hour long cage match, while still catering to our children as well. As a parent it is our job to explain to our kids that they can't go smash Little Jimmy with a chair at school anyway. Trust me I would love to see the Attitude era come back, but it is not going to happen much like The Four Horsemen, The n.W.o., Stone Cold raising hell, Hogan saving the world from Iran, Iraq and dirty cops and Sting and Flair having classic matches almost weekly these are all things that will have to stay in my wrestling memories.

Sadly TNA has tried to reinvent all of these except the Hogan fighting all evil forces. Please Vince Russo don't read this I really don't want to see someone come out dressed as the zombie of Osama Bin Laden and Hogan come out in the yellow and red and take him out.
I don't think WWE will ever go back to TV 14. They are making tons of money with the product they have now. Not saying they would go out of business if they went back, but right now they have a product "the whole family can enjoy." Us as adults still watch, still buys PPVs, still buy shirts at events and our kids buy action figures, shirts, games, and whatever else they can get their hands on. Not only that but the mainstream media is finally starting to except WWE. If John Cena came out grabbing his crotch and Kharma came out calling the other Diva's bitches and hoes it would end almost all of those relationships immediately. I think the happy medium would be like Josh said on CSR, have the PPVs TV14 and keep Raw and Smack Down as is. I'm not talking bra and panties matches or bloodbaths, but if somebody gets busted open during Hell in a Cell, let it go. If somebody busts their mouth on a ladder and bleeds a little don't stop the match to clean them. Small things like this would keep the product true to us who grew up with a bloody Flair hoisting the title after an hour long cage match, while still catering to our children as well. As a parent it is our job to explain to our kids that they can't go smash Little Jimmy with a chair at school anyway. Trust me I would love to see the Attitude era come back, but it is not going to happen much like The Four Horsemen, The n.W.o., Stone Cold raising hell, Hogan saving the world from Iran, Iraq and dirty cops and Sting and Flair having classic matches almost weekly these are all things that will have to stay in my wrestling memories.

Sadly TNA has tried to reinvent all of these except the Hogan fighting all evil forces. Please Vince Russo don't read this I really don't want to see someone come out dressed as the zombie of Osama Bin Laden and Hogan come out in the yellow and red and take him out.

I get your point, but I don't care about the bra and panties match and the attacks on someone's character and all that. I want the athleticisim. There are so many people who has so much potential and can do some amazing moves but they are not allowed to. Not in TNA though. That's the reason why I would want them to bring it back.
What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?

In the past month or 2.. Actually, since the return of The Rock, we HAVE seen edgier stuff. more language (EG: Ass, Damn, Austin saying SHIT on Raw, ect.) Cena and Miz match at Extreme rules was pretty gruesome. Truth smoking. A lot of stuff has changed. As someone pointed out, It's been PG-13 here for quite some time. Watching some old tapes from the AA days, I noticed the PG-13 logo in the corner then too, so really that hasn't changed. We still get the warning before the show, and after every commercial about "The following program may be unsuitable for younger audience. Viewer discretion is advised" Now can you name one other PG program that has that? Do they put that warning on before the Simpsons, or Family Guy? No. Do they put that on before a Hockey game? No, and you see guys beat the hell out of each other on a nightly basis. For Real. The label of "PG" is not the issue. It ticks off some of the more Hardcore fans, but the old school fans remember the previous "PG" era. Yes, they had blood and very MINOR language, but they also had over the top, sometimes ridiculous characters. What we have now is people often being themselves, just amped up a few degrees.

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?

Not a chance. And would you really want it too? Look what happened when WCW died. WWE started going down hill. If WWE died, and TNA was the last standing, do you think it would get super ratings? No. Without competition, the drive to go above and beyond is gone, and you're left with crap. Competition is what made WCW turn into a power house. Competition is what made WWE pick up its socks and drive to succeed, and Competition is what helped change the landscape of the Sports Entertainment industry.

What would happen to John Cena?

He'd still be where he is. Vince won't let Cena go anywhere, and Cena don't want to go anywhere. As the times change, so to do the entertainers. Look at all the changes HHH went through to stay at the top spot. Cena would be the same.
What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?
They would lose money, and audience, TV-14 isn't the problem, it's the storylines, they suck, and aren't the same as they were back in the attitude era.
Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?
I started watching WWE in 2000, and I witnessed the downfall of WCW, will WWE going tv-14 kill them? not at all, they're killing them right now, WWE can be PG and TNA can be TV-14, but WWE has a bigger history, so they can beat TNA when WWE is PG. Now maybe if TNA were to fire the three main people who destroyed WCW (Vince Russo, Hulk Hogan, and Eric Bischoff) they might stand a chance, but would still lose.
What would happen to John Cena?

now I might be the first one who has been watching WWE since 2000 to say this, but I actually like the PG era. as you grow up you begin to realize, what's so cool about watching someone getting hit with a chair and have a blood bath in the middle of the ring, what's so cool about watching ****s walk out to the ring in their booty shorts? and the good thing about the PG era is, kids will always have control of the adults money, and WWE was smart realizing that.
What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?

WWE has been avid edgier the last few month's, especially with the swearing, Truth smoking, the I Quit match between Cena and The Miz was very violent. WWE don't have to be TV-14 to be edgy, the product today, which is like "PG with a edge," it's good enough. The rating doesn't make the product, the product makes the product, and it's been very good the last few month's.

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?

I really don't think TNA even stand a chance with the current PG WWE, much less if WWE were TV-14. TNA is irrelevant when it comes to the WWE.

What would happen to John Cena?

Absolutely nothing. John Cena has been very good lately and they get someone who is more over him and can sell more merchandise then him, he won't turn heel. Randy Orton is close, but I for some reason I can't see thme having the most faith in him as they do in Cena.

If Cena ever did turn heel I think that would be a beginning of a new era, and them maybe they would turn TV-14 again if their ready, but it won't be happening for a long while.
To the ones saying that the kids will grow up and not want PG anymore, well there are also going to be new "kids" coming in right behind them so that argument doesn't really fly. The thing is WWE is aware that some of those kids will mature and start watching UFC instead, but they also know that a new batch of kids is there to replace them.

What will happen if WWE went back to TV-14?
They might gain a minute amount in the 18-35yr old male demographic, but would it be worth losing some sponsors? They would also probably lose alot of the younger generation(along with their parents who might watch it because they know it's something they can bring the kids to).

Would they wipe TNA off of the map and if so when?
If you asked Vince McMahon if he was competing with TNA/IW, he would flat out say NO. He would then proceed to tell you that TNA is a WRESTLING company and that WWE is an ENTERTAINMENT company. WWE is competing more with the primetime sitcoms and T.V. dramas than they are with TNA and that is a fact.

What would happen to John Cena?
In all honesty, what is wrong with John Cena the way he is now? Sure us "10%-ers" don't like him and even he has learned to accept it and even plays up to it. The fact is, the other 90% of the fans in attendance absolutely explode when his music hits. So why should they change him to please the vocal minority when the "little Jimmy's" are the ones getting the "Big Jimmy's" to buy his merchandise? Like most guys on here I cheer for The Rock when it's Rock vs. Cena, but I will say I respect Cena for what he has accomplished based mainly on the fact that he has worked fairly hard to get to where he is.

This whole "Attitude Era vs. PG Era" argument is getting even more stale than those storylines that you guys complain about. Did you ever stop to think that maybe MOST of the superstars today cannot hold a candle to Kurt Angle, HHH, Jericho, Austin, Rock, HBK(in his prime), Undertaker(in his prime), Owen Hart, the list goes on and on. It might just be that the talent isn't quite up to par with the talent of that era, and that mixed with some lazy story telling is more to blame than what the rating is. Also, as for some of the moves that they allowed back then, the reason they don't allow them has nothing to do with the rating and everything to do with the safety of the Superstars. Had they outlawed the piledriver when Owen accidently let Austin slip, maybe Austin would still be an in-ring competitor to this day.
It's not gonna happen. WWE is totally content where they are right now. The PG rating is perfect for their current fans, they don't need to go back to TV-14, it's just wishful thinking from you guys. They're not going to "evolve with their fans", when they can probably keep most of them and keep the same rating. Even if it happened, ratings probably wouldn't change, it wouldn't be an Attitude Era re-birth, there would be no Cena heel turn, either. Think about it, why would they make their top face a heel? The face of their company doesn't need to turn.
But you have to realize that soon, these younger fans are going to grow up and get tired of the ol' same ol' same ol'. Think about when Hulk Hogan went heel and was the one to be part of NWO. Huge ratings came in and Hogan was the biggest star of that era. So you never know what could happen.

It doesn't matter if these younger fans get disinterested in the product or not, the WWE will always be able to bring in new fans. especially the way they are operating now. If these kids end up not like what the company is doing in 5 years, big wup, not an issue. The ones who go will go the ones who stay will stay, and the WWE will be fine the way it is.
WWE is already TV 14, hasn't really been ultra kiddy fiddling for most of the year.
and i dunno about in the US or other countries but here in Australia it's rated as 14+ and the PPV's all have TV14 logo's on them

If you can't see the change you must be watching something different :p

btw PG doesn't mean kids only. It's Parental Guidance "recommended" as it should be for any kids watching 95% of shows on TV or playing computer games.

Lastly to who they are catering too. While the kids may grow up new ones are there to take over and WWE is answering to shareholders and family based advertisers not kids.
if they went all atttiude again they'd lose all the big advertisers, sponsorships and alot of the outside interests they do to promote there stars.
Money Money Money.... That's what it all comes down to

TNA is attitude and where's that getting them? how many people have started watching that in the past 5 years, answer bugger all. and who are there advertisers? answer none.
and they are stuck on an adult related channel, meanwhile WWE can be shown on alot of other channels that wouldn't otherwise show wrestling
I honestly feel they should change it back to tv-14...

I have no problem with it being pg and I think considering this, the current shows are a tad more 'edgier' than they were a few years ago.

The only thing I don't like is that I feel they are turning there back on the older attitude era fans, (which was and to this day remains the best era in wrestling) in favor of merchandising and profit. I know the're a company and profit is a big thing, but it should be about the fans, not how many kids they can get to buy a John cena t-shirt...

I'm digging r-truth it scares me this man used to be k-kwik and now is this spasticated looney, but hell I love it it genuinely makes me laugh.. Like wrestling used to.

Yet, this is just one superstar. They need to bring back humor and if it has to be pg, throw in a bit of innuendo here and there. If they can get humor going on with r-truth surly they can pull it off with a few other superstars, right?

I think tna is on a completely different wave length of popularity, rendering your second question pointless.

And as for John cena... I don't really know I guess make him a heel ??
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