WWE's ''Please Dont Try This At Home'' Slogan To Provent Backyard Wrestling

WWF Wrestling Fan

Pre-Show Stalwart
For the past 7 - 10 years WWE has had the '' Please don't try this at home '' slogan yeah there doing the right thing for putting the word out for letting them perform for us but honestly what little kid or teenager is going to listen to and advertisment its not going to do any good they are still going to imutate the wrestlers and do backyard wrestling. So do you think they should have a warning before the start of RAW Smackdown ECW and TNA iMPACT like they did on Jackass or Viva La Bam for the stunts
Of course they should. WWE are covering their backs really - they are actively and regularly telling their younger fans not to copy the moves and explaining why. Parents have a responsibility just as much as the WWE, however. If you're going to allow your child to watch the programming you need to know they're not stupid enough to copy the moves and you need to have spoke to them about why fighting/wrestling is wrong. Most parents have, and if they haven't, it's their fault more than the WWE's.
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Have you not heard of the kids who try wrestling moves on their friends, and end up killed if not seriously injured? The kid who was paralyzed while taking a Piledriver from his friend, or the kid who was seriously hurt trying to complete a Swanton Bomb? These stories pop up in the news every 6 months or so, and that is why WWE is putting the messages on TV. They don't want little kids dying because they want to try a Swanton Bomb like their favorite wrestler, Jeff Hardy. It has nothing at all to do with the Backyard Wrestling promotions. Promise.
They don't work. Only a couple of weeks ago I was wrestling with my daugher. It was inevitable somebody was going to get hurt. I was optimistic it wouldn't be me. It was, I still have the bruises and I'm certain she broke a rib. You're not supposed to hit Frog Splashes with your knees.

Maybe WWE should take a different approach, ''Go on, try it''. sometimes kids have to learn the hard way.

The only objection I have is that you can't skip the video on DVD.
The messages are a necessity, to cover the company's back if nothing else. However, that being said, they don't work. People wrestle all the time, and John Cena saying no isn't going to stop them under any circumstances. The irony of it is that on a DVD about the Hardys, they will have that unskippable message at the start, and then show them jumping off stuff in their gardens afterwards, seems a little double standardy, no?

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