WWE's newest tag team!!!


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
So I just got done watching the Santino/Kozlov vs Chavo/McIntyre match from Smackdown this past Friday and I couldn't help but notice something. Now, I may be looking way too much into this :scratchchin: but hear me out at least. McIntyre's attire was BLACK & GOLD!!! :wtf: Now I know alot of you are probably thinking, so what? Well, which other superstar just recieved some new ring attire of the same colours? The 2010 King of the Ring, Sheamus!!! Anyways, I know this sounds crazy so i'll explain as best I can.

So as I mentioned, Drew teamed up with Chavo this past Friday to challenge Santino & Kozlov for the Tag titles and lost. After the match, McIntyre delivered his finisher to Chavo and walked away. Could it be possible that we'll be seeing McIntyre team with a few people over the next few weeks in order to find the perfect partner to challenge for the tag titles again? After failing with partner after partner, he finally reveals that he's found his tag partner, Sheamus. :lol:

Why Sheamus you ask? :headscratch: Well, Sheamus just became King of the Ring so he's now got this "I'm better then everyone" attitude to him. (Similar to McIntyre's "chosen one" gimmick). He's King of the Ring but I don't see him going near the WWE title picture anytime soon. Right now that scene is filled with The Miz, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett and John Cena. Sheamus definately isn't going to go for the US title, so why not team him up with McIntyre to form possibly one of the most dominant tag teams in recent years?

Really what I'm trying to say is that neither of these men really have anywhere to go right now other then chasing the Tag titles (which isn't a bad thing at all.) Santino & Kozlov are going to be the team that gets the fans interested in the division again and Sheamus & McIntyre could be the one's that bring it back up to life.

Feel free to disagree, but let me know what you think. :bringit:
Lulz. Nah, man. You're way off. First of all, the reason that Drew McIntyre was put in that team with Chavo was because they really had nothing else for Drew McIntyre to do. He's been stale for such a long time that putting him to job against Santino and Koslov is a plus for him. With that said, I sincerely doubt that we're in for a Sheamus and a McIntyre team up. Just because they wore the same underwear does not mean that they will automatically become boyfriends a team.

While it's true, Drew has pretty much nothing going for him at the momment, Sheamus, on the other hand, does. Or have you forgotten about Morrison? As shitty as people think Morrison is, he's actually been doing a decent job as of late; and his feud with Sheamus is bound to be continued for a short while. Afterwards, Sheamus will likely continue his King persona leading to a feud with the return of the King of Kings--Triple H. <--Now, that seems like a more likely scenario to me.

Simply put, Sheamus being put in a team with McIntyre is not only unlikely, it is stupid. Sheamus has much more going for him than to be reduced to being in a team with a stale-fuck like McIntyre. besides, the tag division is shit right now. If the WWE really cared about it like they once did, people wouldn't be reduced to come up with random ideas like the one you just made (no offence).

Would it be nice to see them as a team? Sure. Is it going to happen? Fuck no.
Sure there seems to be a connection between the 2 in everyone's minds. They are both young, big, European white guys, with accents. Both came in to WWE near the same time. Both seem to be deemed as the future as well.

But I think that is where it ends, for now. Is it possible for some sort of team or stable involving the 2 possible? Sure. Anything is possible, especially with the similarities I posted above.

As for right now though. I do not see it coming in the near future. The Sheamus/Triple H angle is inevitable. And I do not see it ending in one or 2 months. Assuming Trips returns in January like it is rumored, that would leave a couple months until Wrestlemania, where their finally in their rivalry will probably take place.

So, the soonest in my eyes that it could happen, would be in 6 months or so.
Well anything is possible in the wwe but this is unlikely. Sheamus will feud with the most boring cool guy in the world until the most boring uncool guy hhh comes back. I think mcintyre is going into a face turn since he has become a jobber to whoever the kids like these days on smackdown. Hopefully something changes for him so he doesn't turn into the next Chris masters, who jobs to whoever the kids hate. Putting sheamus into a tag team with a guy who seems to be phased out at the moment doesn't make sense. It's really too bad because mcintyre is just as good as sheamus but politically doesn't have the backing he has. And being on smackdown doesn't help. Dolph and Del Rio are the lead mid level heels on that show. In six months mcintyre will be gone and smackdown will suck just a little bit more. It's a classic waste of talent that the wwe is so well known for.
I don't see this happening anytime soon, but in the long run, sure it could happen. The reasons they won't be teaming up anytime soon is because of several reasons:

1. Sheamus just won king of the ring, his in ring abilities are steadily improving and he is in a good fued with John Morrison. Why would he lower himself to teaming up with Drew Mcintyre, who has done nothing decent in the last six months other then teaming up with Rhodes
2. The main reason Mcintyre and Rhodes broke up is because they both wanted to become sucessful single wrestlers, not join another tag team
3. Sheamus will likely fued with Triple H when he returns which will likely be soon
4. Has everyone forgotten tha Sheamus is on RAW and Mcintyre is on Smackdown?
Supersteve16....Sheamus being on RAW and McIntyre on Smackdown is the one reason you listed that doesn't make a bit of difference. The tag team titles are defended on both programs.
I do, however, agree with everything else. Although I do think that if booked decently, these two individuals would make a great tag team..I don't realistically see it happening. But I'm not going to be like a few others on here and completely put down nbieclkl91...because I'm willing to bet that if I was to look through the forums and find any threads about Santino and Kozlov when they first joined up...I bet I can find a vast array of posters who SWORE that they wouldn't last any amount of time.
I have to agree with SuperSteve16's point, which is the main reason why this could not happen, and that would be that Sheamus is on RAW and McIntyre is on Smackdown. Now while anything could happen in the WWE, it would pretty much conflict with the whole Chris Jericho not being on RAW angle where it was played out that he and Big Show couldn't team together anymore because he wasn't a RAW superstar.

Now, given that, any absurd thing can happen that would not make sense in the WWE. It has happened before and will continue to happen. If McIntyre is going to be mixed in with Sheamus somehow, I can see it happening either with the yearly draft coming up or some kind of clause or trade occurring that would land either Sheamus on Smackdown or McIntyre on RAW. But I doubt that it would be for tag teaming purposes. It would more than likely be to give Sheamus a court for his kingship. Sort of like when King Booker had one after winning the King of the Ring. I can also see William Regal perhaps being made a member of this court as well, mentoring McIntyre until McIntrye attempts to usurp the crown from Sheamus after a Triple H program occurs where Sheamusis either victorious or beaten. But other than something like that, I think that the tights are merely a coincidence.
I could see a scenario where these two "hook up" sooner rather than later, after all the KOTR title was a bi-brand tourney, so surely that means Sheamus is the King of Smackdown as well as RAW? Both are actually Celts... The Scots/Irish bond is one of the closest in the world...

I could easily see Drew becoming Sheamus's Lt. much as Booker had Regal...
As much as I'd like to see this, I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Still, the idea of two obnoxious personalities like Drew and Sheamus forming a team is something that would be great......someday.

In the meantime, the reason WWE made Sheamus their KOTR is because he's a loner, as all the previous kings have been. They don't have partners; they have subjects..... as they march alone through their kingdom and subjugate anyone they come across. If there was ever a time that Sheamus won't be taking on a partner, it's now. He's got a new role to play in the coming months.

Meanwhile, if Drew McIntyre wants a partner, I offer myself.

C'mon Drew, I'm still waiting.
You are looking way too much into this. I mean I could just assume Goldust will be the manager of these two because he wears black and gold. Sheamus is moving on to bigger things whereas Drew is just stuck in an endless cycle of nothingess.

Sheamus doesnt need a tag partner or the tag belt. Drew on the other hand, the writing team have nothing for him and the tag belts are a joke so the two just go hand in hand. However I can't see many wrestlers who would fit in teaming with Drew.
That is not happening. Just because they wore the same color scheme? What is this, 1985? They're not The Rockers. In line with that logic, just about every wrestler has black in their outfit nowadays. Does that mean everyone teams up with everyone?

Seriously, you're digging way too deep here. Sheamus is basically the top heel on Raw right now, outside of Nexus. He has his own program right now with Morrison, which is biding time for his next program with with Triple H when he comes back. Why do you think they gave Sheamus KOTR? TO have the two "kings" feud to decide who is the "real king." Teaming him with McIntyre right now would kill any push he's getting, and McIntyre would get no rub out of the deal.

While I think McIntyre has great upside, he's just stalled out right now. It happens. Creative has no big program to put him into at the moment. He's basically just become another mid-carder in limbo. They may make him the "one-man band" character, challenging for the tag tiles with different mid-card heels only to continuously lose and give them Future Shocks after the match. Plus, he's jobbing to f'n Santino and Koslov, who themselves are comedy jobbers. Maybe they're considering a face turn. It may freshen up his character a bit, although I think he works better as a heel.

If they don't find something substantial soon for Drew, like another IC run or move him to Raw to feud for the U.S. title, you may see Vince choose to "future endeavor" The Chosen One."
it sounds pretty good man, but sheamus is a former 2 time wwe champion and the 2010 king of the ring i highly doubt they will team him up with a former IC champ for a tag run, it could work and i wouldnt be against i9t but i highly doubt it would happen
I'm not saying their gonna team up just cuz their tights match. There's more reasons then that. Other then the Morrison fued capping off, and Triple H's eventual return, Sheamus really doesn't have much to do (even with being KOTR). McIntyre, is going down a road I really don't want to see him go...JOBBING. These guys have teamed before in FCW and looked good so why not down the road, put them together by starting them as an alliance then turn them into a full fledged tag team? (a la Rated-RKO)
Sheamus isn't that much more established then McIntyre. Sheamus has won the WWE Title twice and KOTR once while McIntyre has won the IC Title, and WWE Tag Titles. We all know that McIntyre is eventually going to be World Champ. We could even see Sheamus with the WWE Title and McIntyre with the World Title down the road while still a team.
I don't see it happening anytime soon. First of all, McIntrye was randomly put together with Chavo because he wasn't doing anything and they wanted someone to fight the tag champs since Santino would get a big pop on Smackdown. Second, they want Sheamus to be a main-eventer, not a mid-card talent. Drew McIntrye is currently mid-card and Sheamus will go down to one if he tags with him. Sheamus also has the KOTR momentum going, taking that away from him so he could tag wouldn't make any sens. While Smackdown could seriously use Sheamus, they aren't going to take him away from RAW.
I don't see this happening in the near future, but as for further down the road I don't see why not. Their personalities mesh pretty well. They can probably find a lot of historical common ground and more than likely can both claim famous Celtic warrior stock. If the WWE wanted to go into a semi-anachronistic direction with a tag-team, these two would be the way to go. The only other person who might qualify here is Wade and he's more modern British than historical.

For now, I wouldn't think so. First off, they have very little chance of interaction and team-up opportunity given they're on different brands at this time. Two, Sheamus already has a story line while Drew is in limbo right now.

Still, it's not a bad idea, but I'd prefer it to be the sort of thing where they team up, break up, feud, and one of them turns face. Granted, this would mean a decrease in dominance with whomever turns face (after all, it's pretty much a general rule that faces win less often than heels do) but it might just be what one of their characters need. Frankly, I think they should try Sheamus as a face to see if he can handle it and then have heel Drew feud with him so that perhaps Drew can gain a bit of momentum. Given his personality, I can't see Drew ever going face except by default (rather like Randy Orton's version of going face.)
Alas, I believe this thread to have merit for the completely wrong reason.

Sheamus and McIntyre have been close friends for years, they feuded in my local wrestling promotion Irish Whip Wrestling long before their WWE days and were the main-attraction for the promotion.

Do I see them teaming together at some stage? Yes. Trust me, they have chemistry and can put on an amazing show as either partners or opponents. However, basing your thread on their new ring attires is silly.
Would i like to see it happen? Yes. Will it happen? More than likely no. That is very unfortunate. McIntyre cant get over as a mega Heel right now and sheamus could really make it happen. PEople hate sheamus, being associated with him would make you hate that person as well.
Just because they wore the same tights doesn't mean that. Sheamus is currently in a feud with Morrison and is just coming off a King of the Ring victory and since that is an individual thing it would be weird for him to go in a tag team right after that. Drew and Sheamus are currently on different brands. Also, Who ever said he can't go for the WWE Title.

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