WWE's Most Brutal: Hell in a Cell or Elimination Chamber?

WWE's Most Brutal

  • Hell in a Cell

  • Elimination Chamber

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Ain't it sleep first then eat?
With the Elimination Chamber PPV coming up, I thought about the chamber and the brutality that goes with that kind of a match. At the same time, I also felt that the Hell in a Cell is at the same level as the Chamber in terms of the hell that either one gives to the wrestlers involved. These are no ordinary cage matches.

Both are similar in many ways; both are made out of steel, both are assembled and built over 15 ft., both are built to shorten careers, and both had their infamous moments.

The Hell in a Cell had moments like Shawn Michaels falling off the cage and Mankind being tossed off the roof of the Cell.

The Elimination Chamber had moments like Goldberg spearing Chris Jericho through the pexiglass and Undertaker chokeslaming MVP off a pod.

Both deliver pretty much the same amount of sheer agony and violence but in your opinion, which of these two matches is the most brutal in wrestling today?
For me, the elimination chamber is more brutal because you have 6 competitors so the more wrestlers involved, the more carnage there will be! (but that's just my opinion)
And if you compare the appearance of the chamber to the hell in a cell, the former looks
damn intimidating. In the pre-pg era I watched in youtube the first ever chamber and it was freaking violent! I enjoyed every minute of it. When someone gets thrown to the chains, or in the pixieglass the background music that plays in my head is "bodies" by drowning pool! :D
Like you said both are as brutal as each other!

(Both deliver pretty much the same amount of sheer agony and violence but in your opinion, which of these two matches is the most brutal in wrestling today?)

however, the chamber is made to be more modern, therefore my answer is quite simply THE CHAMBER.

It is the latest Stucture to come out of the wwe and when bischoff introduced it it looked more barbaric then the cell.

My reason for this is, the cells haven't had much in the way of memorable "disastorious moments" as of late e.g someone off the cage and i hate the fact it is toned down. Why have these stuctures that are ment to be intimidating and barbaric but not fully utilise them.
the most brutal cell match for me is Armageddon 6 Man. Rikishi off the cell etc.

Whereas the chamber gives you moments like that every time. like spears through the glass, tossed off the pod, 5 star frog splash off the pods.
I believe that the EC is more brutal because there is actually better spots that wrestlers can do in todays wrestling. Hell in a Cell is not what it used to be, throwing people off it and making them go through the top. EC hasn't been as brutal as the first few where you saw guys bleeding a lot. Now they don't last as long and there isn't that many more spots, but it still is more brutal then HIAC. IMO.
There is no such thing as a brutal match in the WWE anymore. The ladder matches have ladders made of would. They dont really use the cages in a HITC matches anymore. Elimination chambe has never been about brutality...more about confinement. Table matches dont have the umph they used to have. Breaking point sub. ppv actually had potential before the dropped that gimmick.
I know its not really answering the question, but to suggest there is anything more than a good looking bump in the WWE anymore would be obsurd. Watch ROH's Ladder Wars and youll see brutal.

Ill pick HITC just based off its history. But ONLY because of that.
To me the hell in the cell matches have been very tame compared to what they where. I know this has a lot to do with the wwe going PG, and I have seen way more hell in the cell matches than elimination chambers, but the last couple ppvs have featured chamber matches which were a lot more brutal than the hell in the cells that I have seen recently. Maybe hell in the cell has ran it's course and elimination chamber has some what taken it's mojo. It's more exciting to watch.
Seriously, you guys are saying the Elimination Chamber? Yeah, The Chamber has some ok moments, but it no where NEAR the level of violence that Hell In A Cell can and HAS delivered. Oh, let us count the ways that HIAC is FAR more violent:

HBK getting busted open, and bleeding profusely during the first HIAC.
HBK falling off the top in the first HIAC.
Paul Bearer getting attacked by Taker, and getting busted open in HIAC 2 (This took place on Raw a week before KOTR 98)
Mick Foley getting thrown off the top of the cell at KOTR 98 (Dislocated Shoulder, couple of broken ribs)
Mick Getting tossed thru the top of the Cell, and having a chair smash into his face on the way down. (Put a hole in the bottom of his lip, lost a tooth, and got a concussion. Watch when Taker picks him up and punches him after this happens. Scariest Moment I have ever seen in a WWE Match)
Lets not forget: THE THUMBTACKS at KOTR 98
Mick Foley being thrown thru the Cell at NWO 2000, and going thru the ring.
Rikishi being thrown off the top of the Cell at the Armageddon HIAC
How many guys were busted open during that Armageddon HIAC, 4? 5? There was a lot of blood.
Referee Tim White getting thrown into the Cell during the HHH vs Jericho HIAC. IDK what exactly happened to him as a result of this, but I do know that he NEVER REFEREED ANOTHER MATCH!
Taker getting busted open during his HIAC with Brock.
HHH getting his ass kicked, and getting bloody as all hell during his HIAC with Batista.
HBK and HHH wrestling both getting extremely bloody, and wrestling a 45 minute HIAC classic at Badd Blood.
Taker and Orton tearing each other up at Armageddon 2005.
Taker beating the hell out of Edge at Summerslam 2008.

Yeah, EC has had some good, violent moments: Goldberg with the spear, RVD with the Frog Splash off the top of the Pod, Cena getting all bloody at New Year's Revolution, but it is nowhere near as brutal and as violent as what I have shown the HIAC to be. Don't let the HIAC PPV, and those crappy matches distort what the HIAC can really be: One of the most violent, sadistic matches ever devised.
I respect your opinions, but I think ppl are just voting Elimination Chamber because it's bigger and no more wrestlers doesnt necessarily mean more carnage. Besides they are eliminated.

In Hell in a Cell you are in there the entire time wrestling and there are weapons involved (yes they had the Extreme Elimination Chamber but that was once and never again)

Now you cant tell me that Mick Foley's stunts in the HIAC was less brutal than anything in any Elimination Chamber match ever. There have been so many extreme stunts more brutal than anything in a chamber. Doesnt mean the chamber isnt brutal, but HIAC is still THE most extreme structure over any other. Punjabi Prison has nothing on it either nor a cage or Triple Tier for many reasons

HIAC is straight forward and brutal as hell. The 6 Man HIAC is better than a Elimination Chamber anyday, if you havent seen that from Armageddon 2000 go watch it. I challenge anyone to post any chamber match more brutal than Foley/Taker

There've been many brutal HIAC bouts way more brutal and hardcore and Edge/Taker was the last extremely brutal one imo
I actually voted for HIAC, but I was giving the edge on my post to EC because your question clearly states and I quote "which of these two matches is the most brutal in wrestling today?" If you are going to go back to history then clearly the HIAC is more brutal. I can't argue about Mick/Taker HIAC because I also find it one of the most brutal if not the most I've ever seen.
The logical answer should be chamber.the ring side floor is made of steel , the chambers are made of some kind of glass and you also can do more high flying moves.

But when i look back to history , I can say that HIAC matches has been more brutal than chamber matches.

For those posters who said chamber is more brutal because of having more wrestlers involved , i have to say that you can remember Armageddon 2000.there was 6 wrestlers too and IMO it was more brutal than any other chamber matches.

So my vote goes to HIAC with despite that chamber potentially being more brutal .
If it were by terms of which has pulled better matches I'd say HITC but in terms of brutallity i would say the EC the cell is when you think about it just 4 sides and a roof made out of mesh fence but EC it has it all steel chain solid steel floor glass chambers (sure it's fake glass but it's good to hear the crack as superstars go through it). so in all circumstances i would say that the EC is the most brutal structure the WWE has ever conceived (props Bishoff)
The 6 man Hell in a Cell had a lot of guys go to the outside. With the Elimination Chamber, you're stuck.

If they had a Elimination Chamber back in 1998, someone would be dead.
Hmm... I guess you'd have to look on the previous match-ups for it to be properly determined if you ask me.. well certainly most of Triple H and Undertakers hell in a cell matches has been brutal (the singles matches.. Undertakers previous matches in the 90's to be more specific.. and Triple H's Hell in a Cell with Batista and Shawn Michaels) those were brutal to me because they had competitors busted open everywhere and people thrown off the cage and such.

But still I choose the Elimination Chamber, as stated earlier, there's 6 competitors, each one fresher than the other, each one able to beat the holy living crap out of the less fresh one.

In the first Elimination Chamber match you'd have people busted open basicly everywhere, the match was awesome and brutal in it's own way, seeing Triple H go all the way (well untill Shawn put an end to that) while busted open, and Shawn actually fighting off Jericho and Triple H while being busted open himself.

And the 2nd Elimination chamber, again, some people busted open, and the ending was brilliant, triple H basicly kicking Goldbergs ass with the sledgehammer, that says brutality to me.

But when you then go into the "future" the latest years, all the Hell in a Cell matches, all the Elimination Chamber matches hasn't been brutal at all, mainly because of the PG era, (what a shame to waste such awesome potential matches..)

But to me, the Elimination Chamber will remain the more brutal one for me, looking back at all the people being busted open, all the spots that made you go "oh holy shiiit that must've hurt".. and some of the more awesome spots, like the time RVD jumped off one of the pods with his Five Star Frog Splash
If the WWE still allowed wrestlers to climb to the top of the cells, I would have picked that...But they don't. The Elimination Chamber is more brutal, based on what wrestlers are allowed to do by today's standards. If every cell match was like Taker/Foley, it would be totally a different story.
They're both brutal, but the Elimination Chamber is more brutal just because of the people using the pods as weapons and you cant trust anyone inside it.
I go with the Elimination Chamber,I would of gone with the Hell in the Cell but its not the same anymore,Now you cant put no one throught the Cell because of the PG crap.So thats why now i think that the most brutal structure will be the EC match.I say theEC match because the floor everything is made out of steel,Basically every thing except for the ring.You could use the glass doors and the whole sturcture to cause brutality to your opponent.
Okay the Elimination Chamber isnt as brutal either for ppl saying HIAC isnt as brutal. You dont see them use the pods as weapons much anymore but there are MORE weapons you can use in HIAC

HIAC hands down even for you all saying by today, it's still HIAC because you cant judge based only on what you see now the history will always mean as much as the last match because when it comes down to it it's brutal by what you CAN do and you can do more brutal stuff in HIAC

Just like we all know a Cage match isnt as brutal as a TLC Match

So really you cant judge a thing only based on recent matches knowing they are limited now it's not fair because the chambers have gotten watered down a bit too. They really dont use pods much anymore or at all really. But Edge/Taker wasnt that long ago and there was no Elimination Chamber since then that was more brutal than that

the only reason HIAC (last 3) werent brutal is cause there were three, we know WWE for some reason is fucking up and management knew it was a fail the night before I heard there were major concerns. That PPV needs to go because it will kill the prestige but chambers having two works but you can be sure you wont see much damage in the first especially no pods smashed cause they have another coming

And pods are your only weapons besides the steel

The Elimination Chamber looks cooler but the HIAC is more brutal and hell I guess they wont have ppl on top. let's not forget this isnt the same cell Foley fell off of and through, remember, this is the New Bigger Badder HIAC. They introduced it a while back. It's huge, bigger than the original so I think a fall would potentially be death and we dont want another Owen Hart incident
My vote has to go to Hell in a Cell. HIAC is the match where the biggest/most personal feuds are ended. By the time the wrestlers get to the match there is so much bad blood that it leads to a more brutal match.

Elimination Chamber has its moments too, but there is only so much that can be done in the chamber. You can't go out of it and battle on the top. You can't get under the ring and get weapons. In essence, its a glorified cage match.

Simply put HIAC is more flexible with what kind of action can take place in the match. How can you get more brutal than Mankind getting thrown through a table. Or Rikishi getting thrown off the top of the Cell. Mick Foley and HHH was the definition of brutality. I dare anyone to go back and watch that match and then argue that the EC is more brutal.
Well here's my take: Hell in a Cell started in the pre-pg era so it really makes it more brutal when you look at its history. It was around longer than the EC and the competitors in the early HIAC matches were really the ones that would devote themselves to the business and they really put on brutal matches.

But the last line in the thread was which of the two is the most brutal match today, I said EC because if it started around the late nineties it would have been more violent if Mick Foley was in it (I mean that guy bleeds, breathes brutality!) and the way the HIAC matches are done today (due to the pg era) there's no longer blood, no more from the top to the ground( Mick Foley got thrown by the Undertaker). But what if the chamber started in the nineties I mean creative ideas would have made some brutal moments in the chamber too. Imagine your competitors in the chamber: maskedkane( the one that debuted in the late nineties) Mankind/Cactus Jack, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker (who was more younger during that time and would have certainly done violent stunts) Shawn Michaels and other guys. At least in the chamber matches they really were brutal even though the competitors were only inside the chamber and as i said in my previous post here more competiors=more carnage.

*The hell in a cell match that had 6 competitors only happened once as to the chamber it always has 6. Just saying because someone posted here regarding that one.
After watching the Raw EC match last night, I am even more convinced that the EC is more brutal. Orton and DiBiase put Kofi's head through the steel fencing, trapping him. That was AWESOME. It was creative, I am surprised nobody thought to try it before. Why does that make the EC more brutal? In and of itself, it doesn't. What makes it more brutal is the possibilities that putting a wrestler's head through the fencing represents. Kofi was legitimately helpless. Even though he had barely enough room to get his head back out, if either Orton or DiBiase had screwed something up, they could have seriously injured him. The possibilities of what they could have done to him (even though they didn't) got the imagination going, and brought the real danger level as high as you can go in a completely scripted match. Obviously, Orton and DiBiase weren't going to really hurt Kofi, but, the apparent helplessness made it look like they could. And that is what counts.

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