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WWE's Injury List


I am The Last Baron
With what seems like very serious Injuries to guys that can/Have/will be bonafide main eventers, With guys like:Triple H, Booker T, Undertaker, Mr. Kennedy, Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry(even though he is returning). Is it time for WWE to start pushing guys that can work up to main Event level. Is it also showing WWEs lack of depth at the upper-mid card that they are struggling to find guys that can be legit main Eventers. I find it interesting that they also don't push Benoit back up to Main Event level, They have someone to take over for the Mid card title in MVP. I also can see This Flair/Carlito feud being the catalyst to Carlito making the Main-event level.

What I am really asking here is WWE not developing or pushing its mid-card talent correctly so as to take the step up if it is required due to an injury break out like there appears to be now.
It's exposing the complete lack of interest the WWE has in developing the plethora of talent they have in the midcards, so to be an insurance policy when these injuries creep up on them. There is no replacing guys like Taker or HHH but surely the WWE can expand their main event picture so that they will save this? I doubt that McMahon puts any thought into an event like this happening, and that's why there is such a big gap between guys like Cena, at the top, and guys like Nitro, at the bottom. It means that the already poor midcard division must be stretched out in order to fix the depleted main event roster now. It's all come back to bite them in the ass that they had tunnel vision so bad that they basically concentrated on 2 or 3 wrestlers on each brand, while leaving the mid carders to fester about growing in declining popularity, and now those guys are being forced to fill the spots of the guys the WWE spent so much time on making them look leagues above the others.

What makes it worse is that the possible credible main eventers waiting in the wings are also dropping like flies, and this is not good news for the WWE. Hopefully the loss of a few top stars will wake them up to the fact that they aren't doing enough to help out the lesser guys on the roster, and I pray that they don't continue bridging the gap between the main eventers and the mid/lower carders, because that would leave them with one or 2 guys capable of carrying a brand, and with the likes of Cena/Khali, McMahon/Lashley and Henry/Batista feuds being the main event for a long time, it's just painful to think of. This should really open the door up for guys that deserve a push to get a go and it's sad that it has taken all these injuries for the possibility of a guy like Carlito or Benoit being pushed up higher on the WWE card-chain. You can't replace those guys, but the WWE damn sure should have made sure that they would have the arsenal to go somewhere near that if they were to leave and by the looks of it, they clearly don't and are going to struggle this year for sure.
I hope they dont just start pushing people who aren't ready into main event spots. It will only result in failure, and it will take longer for that superstar to build himself up again. I like the Kennedy push. He's been in WWE a while (well by current standards) and he still hasn't won the World Title. Despite the fact he was earmarked for the spot since his debut. Somebody like MVP might be a main event player in a few years but If they push him to that status now it just wont work. They would probably have more success with somebody who isn't as high profile but has been in WWE for longer.
WWE injured list -

Triple H, The Undetaker, King Booker, Mr. Kennedy, Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Ashley.

If you don't count Holly or Ashley (because 1's a diva and the other is on ECW) then all 6 are credible main eventers. 1 on Raw and 5 on Smackdown.

But all is not lost.

Hopefully with what happened on Raw last night, Edge is coming to Smackdown to beef up the main event scene. On Raw I would have Khali defeat Cena for the title, if only to freshen up things a little bit. Undertaker can defeat Batista in the cage match on Smackdown this week (kayfabe injures Batista) and then Edge can spear Undertaker, cash in the MITB and become World Heavyweight champion. Edge can have then have feuds with Kane and Benoit (after Benoit drops the U.S. title to MVP). Everyone's a winner and Bob's your Uncle!
I agree with the main points been said. If they pushed MVP now it would ruin everything, just look at Lashley, although MVP has more talent.

But the midcard i think is full of talent that could easily be Main Event with a little direction, you got shelton, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Beniot, Carlito, possilby Flair(i know hes old, but he could do a good main even program), possilby Haas, Kane and Finlay.

If you used all these right, WWE wouldnt wouldn't be in such a state now. You can't replace the likes of HHH, Taker, Rey and Mr Kennedy(ok hes not main event now, but he will be soon) but the talent gap from the main eventers to the mid card is too big for comfort.
WWE just needs to push guys that have been there for a while now like Calrito, Kane, Benoit, and some others. MVP and others should be pushed but just into decent mid-card feuds while the more established mid-carders move up to main event status. As right WWE is in the crap whole with talent as they dont develop stars like they used too.
I think we can all agree that this latest rash of injuries has shown that WWE needs to take more of an interest in pushing and developing their mid card talent. I think, honestly, with a little work, Kenny Dykstra, Nitro and a few others already mentioned would be great main eventers. I think the bigger issue here is this...why does it seem like the main event guys are getting injured so often? It's obviously not because of too many "hardcore" or extreme spots, because, with a few exceptions, they have basically cut that out, except for occasional weapon shots. I think it could be due to the fact that the top level guys are seeing that the mid carders aren't being pushed, and therefore aren't connecting with the crowd, and they feel it is up tothem to push their work and go as far as they can, resulting in more main eventer injuries. It's not to say that the mid carders aren't working their asses off, but when you have Cena, Edge, Khali, Orton, HBK, Kennedy, Batista and Undertaker is 2-3 segments per night, the mid carders aren't getting the exposure they need to get over properly with the crowd. OK, this may not make a lot of sense b/c I have been up since 4AM and working, but hopefully you all understand where I coming from.
i can definetly see where you are coming from, the current main eventers may be trying too hard to get the crowd into it when realistically the mid-carders should be warming the crowd up for the main event. althought the mid carders are out there doing matches and such they are not getting the backstage/storyline type exposure needed to get the crowd into their matches. It is also so stupid that they bring in Mark henry to fued with Batista rather than the guys who have been here for how long, that don't injure themselves or others like Henry does(Benoit, Kane, even Finlay) If they follow through with henry lets all hope its a single if NO PPV Fued
WWE has a cornacopia of young talent but they just choose to push the same old guys like Undertaker, HBK, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge and etc. in the main event area. If WWE could just push guys like Johnny Nitro, Kenny Dykstra and etc. to the main event they wouldn't have to worry about getting someone injured and needing someone to replace that person. For example, Undertaker and Kennedy got injured, instead of having Edge leave RAW and go to SD! to replace both Taker and Kennedy they could of just used MVP and some one else and promote some people from the developmental territory up to the main roster and keep on doing that this way the main event is packed and they won't have to worry about main eventers. CM Punk and Elijah are already moving on up in WWECW to main event which is good and they have Cor Von who is being build up along with Kevin Thorn and etc. So WWECW is pretty much fine for now.

RAW needs to bring up three to four guys from mid card status to main event. Jeff Hardy is one of them. He has experience in the main event zone as he was in the TNA and WWE main event in the past and he proven he can get over. Dykstra, Masters and Nitro seem to be going no where as of now. Nitro has only been making short appearances as well as Dykstra. Masters push can be described as a roller coaster. It keeps going up and down. They just need to hurry up and push these three guys already. At least make a top heel stable or bring in the new Hart Foundation as a major stable already which was said to be in the works for months now.

SD! definitely needs MVP as a top player in the main event zone and Benoit too. Benoit may be old by now but he can still put up a great match and if they turn him heel people will get more interested in his character as much fans think he is boring because all he does is put up great matches. Nothing special or interest strikes when the name Benoit is brought up.
I feel that Carlito's feud with Flair is going to be a short one, but enough to propel him into the upper mid card. Which is where WWE really needs help, Nitro and Kenny aren't completely ready for the main event, I think they should feud for the IC or with a series of guys that will show what they can do. Ive said it all along with Nitro to have him over huge by Wreslemania 24 just on Wrestling ability, He needs to feud with a stricker/brawler type Wrestler and then a technical Wrestler to work with him on that you then have an instantly credible upper mid-carder that should wait a few more months and will be a credible main eventer. But you can't push them too fast or you risk getting your ass handed too you by the fans, bcause they have no reason to care about these guys, look at Lashley, did people have a reason to care that he was champion, no, but WWE did some work with those background videos to give some of the fans a reason to care. But this thread is not about who should be pushed it is about did WWE screw up on the mid-card front by not pushing these guys as credible, instead of feeding them to the main Eventers to destroy.
WWE injured list -

Triple H, The Undetaker, King Booker, Mr. Kennedy, Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Ashley.

If you don't count Holly or Ashley (because 1's a diva and the other is on ECW) then all 6 are credible main eventers. 1 on Raw and 5 on Smackdown.

But all is not lost.

Hopefully with what happened on Raw last night, Edge is coming to Smackdown to beef up the main event scene. On Raw I would have Khali defeat Cena for the title, if only to freshen up things a little bit. Undertaker can defeat Batista in the cage match on Smackdown this week (kayfabe injures Batista) and then Edge can spear Undertaker, cash in the MITB and become World Heavyweight champion. Edge can have then have feuds with Kane and Benoit (after Benoit drops the U.S. title to MVP). Everyone's a winner and Bob's your Uncle!

Actually, because Undertaker is injured (his bicep came off the bone or something), Batista is winning the title back on SmackDown. Edge will then come out and beat him, and become the World Heavyweight Champion (his first WHC reign, i believe). Batista and Edge will square off at Judgment Day. There, Mark Henry and Batista will begin their feud, and Edge will be left hanging. The only other possible person for Edge to feud with until Mr. Kennedy comes back would be Chris Benoit, which doesnt make sense to me. Right now, smackdown is suffering severely, roster-wise. they have no big-name talent. The people best-suited for smackdown, imo, are Randy Orton and Santino Marella. This of course wont happen, due to Orton's recent incident in Italy, and Santino's feud with Chris Masters.
I'm in total agreement about the way to push younger, midcard stars up to near the top level and I'd even like to take it a step further. I'd like to see some main event level stables. Stables have a number of advantages. The younger talent gets the main event level of exposure and the rub of being associated with established main eventers. In addition, it keeps the main event level talent from having to wrestle every night out. They can come out, be on the outside of the ring, interfering in matches, etc and still get their exposure. After the taping, they can wrestle a shorter, easier dark match to please the fans in attendence and give them their moneys worth. It'll make it mean more when you established main eventers do wrestle (like at PPVs) it'll mean even more.
This is the time for everybody else to step it up. If there's a time to make yourself known, this is the time. The top guys are injured. Back in 1997 there were basically no top guys besides 'Taker and HBK. What did that create? Stone Cold Steve Austin. There has to be a diamond in the rough when it comes to the mid-carders for WWE. Now is the time to push Benoit. Put MVP in his old spot and start putting using more crusierweights on the show until Rey and Henry get back.

For RAW, Their problem isn't as severe. HHH is and will be out for a little while longer. HBK has needed the time off and is kayfabe injured who will be coming back in 4-6 weeks. I'm expecting an Umaga push again with Carlito joining him. If there was a time to push Shelton Benjamin, Johnny Nitro, Charlie Haas, and Kenny Dykstra, now is the time. I believe that Shelton has gained enough credibility to at least be an Upper Mid-Carder. Nitro is above the IC Title but it'd help if he got the Title now. Edge or Orton will most likely be going to SD to help out over there so that will be another hit. This is the part where Cena drops the Title to Khali. I don't like it, but I think it'll happen as there's nobody for Cena to beat.

With Edge or Orton going off to Smackdown, where does this leave ECW? If I was Vinnie Mac, I'd be ready to pull the plug on it. Sabu and Sandman lost credibility. Burke and Punk would do wonders for RAW and SD. Keeping RVD and putting him on SD would help as well.

All in all, I see it happening like this. ECW dies, Punk goes to RAW, Burke goes to Smackdown, WWE keeps RVD and puts im on Smackdown. Edge wins the Title on Smackdown, Orton finally gets his re-push, then all the main-eventers return and the mid-carders are de-pushed. Sad, but it's true.
You know I don't mean to knock anyone but why in the holy hell should guys like Santino Marella(who hasn't proven himself to anyone just yet) be even mentioned in this discussion?

Here are some of my random thought's about the WWE product as a whole and what could help with the injuries and some of the ongoing problems in the WWE period, I may go a little off topic but please bare with me....

I like what Big Ace said it's well past time for the WWE to step up it's game and create NEW stars(if they still know what the fuck this means), WWE has more options then any company period with an un-rivaled amount of top-tier talent, guys like Marcus Cor Von, CM Punk, Chris Benoit, Elijah Burke and Matt Hardy(that's right I said MATT HARDY!), to name a few need to be thrust into the Main Event picture.

Guys like Shelton Benjamin, Gregory Helms, Johnny Nitro(Not quite ready for the Main Event just yet, IMO), Charlie Haas(Yes i'm saying WGTT should break up and feud),MVP, Matt Striker, a should-be-soon returning Paul Birchill(on any show), and Eugene/Nick Dinsmore(Yes i'm still holding out hope that this gimmick is almost over), to name a few would spice up the Mid-Card Division and send it into overdrive on every show.

WWE also needs to set aisde the time to re-focus the staggering tag division it's a damn shame SD! has the better tag division with only 3 tag teams, RAW really needs to use ALL the tasg talent it has and send some tag talent SD!'s way so they can continue to showcase average/good tag wrestling.

WWE needs to stopr fucking pushing sad ass diva's that can't fucking wrestle, it's getting on my last fucking nerve(see Candice Michelle, Ashley, and many more....), WWE has so many talented women wrestlers in OVW that they could call-up to make the women's division a little more interesting and their IS diffenently a lot of independent talent they could sign, I love hot women as much as the next guy but they shouldn't fucking step in a ring if they can't get it done in it IMO.

WWE also needs to stop fucking around and let the CW's go fucking crazy and do what they do best and shock and amaze the crowd with their death-defying moves and high speed style made famous by the REAL ECW and early WCW, stop letting would-be CW mega stars like Jamie Noble(Jamas Gibson in ROH), Jimmy Yang(fuck Wang), Paul London, Brain Kendrick, Super Crazy, and of course Chavo lie stagnent in the CW Division because of WWE's pig headed ass views of what us fans what to really see, they also could stand to hire new CW talent to come in if they are serious about pushing the division like Roderick Strong, The Amazing Red, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart, Joel and Jose Maximo(Los Maximo's/ or S.A.T), Matt Sydal, and maybe even some international talent like resigning Tajiri, Kaz Hayashi, Mr Agula/Essa Rios, Tony Mamaluke, and TAKA Michinoku or even better new talent like KENTA, Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams(both could pass as either CW's or Mid-Card guys or even a credible tag team), and Jody Fleisch to name a few and I haven't even scraped the barrall of all the awesome talent out there, my point is it's well past time for WWE to revamp the Women and Crusierweight Divisions or discontinue them.

I say out with the old and in with the new, WWE needs to stop banking on Batista(not super talented and getting old), Undertaker and Kane(not getting any younger), HHH(Lots of injuries and see Taker), HBK(see Taker), Flair(see taker but take it to the highest level humanly possible), and even Cena(overpushed) and push guys that actually have talent and can preform well on a night in night out basis, it's time for WWE to prepare for the future and create new backable stars that have the youth to back it up, this would also help WWE get rid of sad ass non-talented losers like The Not-So-Great Khail and Jim Duggan to name a couple and to stop force feeding me super green talent like Bobby Lashley, Santino Marella, and Mark Henry to name a few.
So WZ is reporting they're going to be doing some major roster switches because of all the injuries... my question is why don't they just do a draft? We all know the drafts that they have done in previous years have been good for ratings, especially around May sweeps. And since a lot of people are going to be switching around brands, why not just do it through the draft?

Yes all three brand lines have been fuzzed because of all the switching and cross-brand matches and everything, but it would still generate some excitement.
i agree Prax a draft would be great I mean like the last two drafts just have it take place on RAW and sure it may waste some time but the shows they been producing lately are just as much waste time so why not do a draft on RAW.

With the draft we can see the roster get mixed up and hopefully see some in programs and some wrestler evolve. The worst part is they wont do that as seems like they just move guys back and forth and dont say any real reasons as to why.

The best thing to do is and McMahon wont do it and has been said before is end ECW and merge its wrestler with RAW and SD!.
I seem to remember about a year ago this time, the WWE was in a simalar situation, with alot of guys being injured. Angle, Benoit, and Burchill (all by Henry), Mysterio was hurting, Kennedy and Batista were both injured, I know there were a few others. The only difference was that, with the exception of a hurting Mysterio (Who was world champ at the time), They didn't have to worry about switching up the champs really quick. Now they're learning from what they should have already known, and it's not going to work all that great. As much as I'd like to see the Edge/Orton feud continue, I don't want them to bring it to smackdown. That would be pointless, we'd need somthing fresh. (And for the record, as of writing, Edge IS the new WHC as of about an hour ago...) I'd like to see Edge/batista/Henry, and Orton could feud with Benoit. They're feud over the WHC was only three weeks, had a title swap, and that was it. Great feud there. I'd also like to see Cor Von get a main event push on smackdown, that guy could make things work. Now that the New Breed is dead, alot of the guys we were seeing will be invisable again due to not being able to have 8 guys in one match. 6 of them are going to disapear again, so why not send a few to SD, and maybe even RAW? I agree with the Draft idea. Cor Von and Orton to SD, Punk and Matt Hardy to RAW, and Dykstra and Finlay to ECW. (Finlay because he helps the newer guys, alot of them are landing here.)
and the people who can be added to this list (because we've seen them A LOT and basically they've worked every single PPV or House show...)

-Umaga (that would be a shame, the guy really can wrestle...)
-Jeff Hardy(no need to say it, one wrong executed swanton, and thats all)
-John Xena (for the love of God!! that would be COOL!! just kiddin...)
-Val Venis (the man is in EVERY SINGLE SHOW)
I for one can't wait 'til they move Orton to Smackdown to feud with Edge. I mean it's perfect now that Edge is the champ over there. Since Smackdown is the "building" show what better way to make these guys the bigger stars they deserve to be. As long as Orton can keep his shit in check anyway. Get these guys going on Smackdown, when Rey Rey comes back, he can feud with Edge [i think i just messed up my pants.] Put Benoit to the main event level, with someone like Kane, and maybe they'll realize that Kane can be just as influential as the Undertaker.

Give Khali the belt on Raw [i know, i know] then have HBK take it from him [i mean who better?] then Triple H can come back, and maybe we'll see a heel DX.. or even an official HBK heel turn, pitting him against a face Triple H. I don't see them giving Carlito much of a push because he doesn't seem to want it enough.. but I think a heel Carlito/Cena feud would be pretty cool, and it would give Carlito some time to proove himself as a top heel again, and take Cena away from the title run for a while.

and am I the only one that thinks Johnny Nitro [with some serious work obviously] could be a top guy one of these days?

***Edit: D.C.***

Oh, and I forgot to mention.. guys the likes of Dykstra, Gregory Helms, the Hardyz, WGTT, etc. could EASILY be pushed to upper mid card on prob. any of the shows.
Or, instead of trying to push all these lower card guys to the top, maybe the WWE should add some damn value to the IC and US Titles. These belts used to be at least worth something, nowadays they just throw it on Benoit as some kind of like bone for not moving him back to main event and the IC belt means basically nothing anymore. First they give it to Umaga and he does nothing but feud with Lashley, who had at the time taken the ECW belt off of ECW. Then Umaga loses to Santino, and since Santino has no character background there is basically no great intrest in the belt there. How about, taking the IC belt and giving it back some meaning and then doing the same with the US title. Beniot shouldnt have that belt IMO, it needs to be a stepping stone just as the IC title does. Also, I would love to see another draft but I really think they need to just get rid of ECW first. They can push Burke and Cor Von on Smackdown or Raw by having them go after the IC or US titles, which would in effect bring meaning back to these belts. There really is no quick way to fix this, I guess we can all just hope that Edge starts a good feud and Cena decides he wants to try out the NFL.
I think this would be the perfect opportunity for Kane to take a stab at Edge's title. They already had a succesful feud with good chemistry, everyone loves Kane and everyone loves Edge and Kane hasn't been involved with the title picture for a long time. He deserves it.
There really is no quick way to fix this, I guess we can all just hope that Edge starts a good feud and Cena decides he wants to try out the NFL.

that's exactly what I said today to my friend, except I used movie career.. but the NFL thing is way more feasible.
This is not a hate on Cena or a love Edge thread this is about WWE as a whole and whether they screwed up in not pushing credible upper Mid Card guys to take the spots of Injured main Eventers or for the ability to actually punish main eventers seriously for screwing up a la Orton. It looks like the WWE is going to be pushing Benoit and Matt Hardy to the main event level, especially with the articles on WWE.com about Smackdown superstars opinions of it, It even sounds like they may put a match with Spanky in as well. It looks like they are going to be fine on Smackdown. ECW is its own thing with all of the guys that aren't in the main event that are on weekly being capable of stepping up to the main event, RAW is the one that needs help but it looks like they will be elevating Carlito to the upper mid card level with the feud with Flair.
Bryan Alvarez of f4wonline.com is reporting that Shane Helms has a major neck injury, perhaps a break.

He apparently saw Dr. Lloyd Youngblood today and may be the next person in line for fusion surgery.

Man alive, if this is true, I would be staying out of a WWE locker room, because that Injury bug is contagious it looks like.

In all seriousness though, this really sucks. Helms is a helluva talent, and anything involving the next, even a sprain, is just scary. If he gets fusion surgery, we're looking at possibly another lengthy time off.

Honestly, look at the guys that have been injured this year, Booker, Taker, Kennedy, Helms, Triple H. These are guys that actually work their ass off in the ring, and they are rewarded with injuries.
Yeah the Helms thing is scary as he is one of those that I would put in the hunt for the US title on Smackdown, but I think it is more of the Smackdown Locker room I would stay out of as RAW hasn't been hit that badly by injury and neither has ECW so I would stay away from Smackdown's lockerroom. But this is a real shame if he has to undergo Veterbrae fusion surgery.

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