WWE's Best Microphone Savage (Current Stars Only)

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
The WWE has a lot of talented mic workers, especially today. With guys like John Cena, Triple H, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, New Day, and even Roman Reigns always featured on the microphone, we often times get welcomed into some of the best promos we've heard in a long time... and to make it better, it's not littered with foul language like the horrific Attitude Era was. But while anybody can deliver a believable promo to build up a future match, there are a few names in the WWE who I would say could be down right savages on the microphone.

Now for those of you who don't know what a savage is, it's quite simple. Savages are known to have a give-no-fucks attitude, but at the same time will hit you with something verbally brutal without even a moment's notice. Kind of like when AJ Styles told Cena that if WWE had picked up the phone 13 years ago, Cena would've never been champion. King of like when Reigns told the crowd this past Monday that if people thought he wasn't tough then the crowd can step into the ring... which we really don't see a face of the company usually do. The point is, a savage is someone that just doesn't care. Stone Cold was a savage. The Rock was a savage. CM Punk was a savage.

But who in today's WWE is the best microphone savage?
John Cena probably tops everyone on the current roster. People routinely forget that when he isn't being super goofy or Captain America, he can be quite vicious on the mic. See AJ Styles as the most recent example, calling AJ's WWE run a "bust" and saying he's just another "entitled indie guy" among other brutal insults. A pissed off John Cena is probably my favorite guy to listen to.

His jabs are effective because they tend to have a large amount of truth to them. Look at all the things he said about The Rock or when he ripped apart Randy Orton in that great championship ascension ceremony before TLC 2013. Cena even topped CM Punk during the height of the Summer of Punk by pinpointing and demolishing all of the flaws in Punk's reasoning. I believe it was their contract signing for Summerslam 2011.

In terms of pure ownage, the only current stars that come close to John are Kevin Owens, with Enzo & Cass/New Day as honorable mentions. But no one active today delivers insults that feel like bullets to the heart the way John Cena does.
Yeah, Cena is head and shoulders above the others in terms of uh... savageness? Guy is straight cold-blooded when he wants to be, he's probably the only guy who makes me cringe listening to him tear people apart. It's one of the reasons people say Cena "buries everyone". He picks out the flaws in a person's character or reasoning and basically just rips them apart, the most notable being Bray Wyatt and now AJ Styles, though there have been a bunch of others. As poster above said, he usually tells the truth while embellishing it a shit ton.

Enzo Amore makes me laugh but he's not really that tough on the people he's going after. I can't really think of one really savage barb he's thrown at anybody. Also, as has already been mentioned, Kevin Owens has a much more passive way of picking people apart. The shit about Del Rio always speaking Spanish for no reason was pure gold. There have been a few times listening to him on commentary where Sami or Cesaro or whoever just couldn't keep up with his insults.

Michael Cole too... not even joking. He can trade barbs with anybody at the table, although I'd argue he really isn't supposed to be making the talent look stupid whatsoever.
Probably John Cena because Vince McMahon essentially allows him to say and do whatever he wants. During some of Cena's promos, such as when he was going on about Styles bitching like most indie guys do, he laid into Styles whereas Styles didn't respond even though there was plenty of ammunition he could've used. For instance, Styles could've heeled it up a bit more and rile up Cena's fans by saying something along the lines of : "What I really have against you John is that you're just so damn self-righteous. You stand in the ring and deliver sermons each week, the gospel according to John Cena, where you go on and on about how someone isn't a man if they don't play the game by your rules or fight on your terms. Maybe I'd play by your rules John if your game wasn't rigged. Yeah, that's right. Why don't you tell all these little snot nosed brats that you con into cheering for you and buy your crap K-Mart merchandise how you use your connections with the company executives to hold people down? Huh, how about that? Or, how about you tell 'em that the reasons why their mommy's all cheer for you is because they wish their daddy looked like you? Why don't you tell 'em how you've used your stroke for years to keep guys like me from getting a chance because you're ashamed of how bad I'd make you look."

You know, pick on the Cena fans while sort of embracing the internet fans. Of course, it's not remotely that black & white in reality, but it works for a wrestling storyline. It'd piss off Cena fans while sort of using the rhetoric of internet fans because, let's face it, most of them would cheer for AJ Styles if he dropkicked a 3 legged, one eyed puppy in the middle of the ring.

Vince doesn't give 99% of the wrestlers signed to WWE anything approaching the creative freedom they had during the Attitude Era. If someone else did or said a fifth of the stuff the Rock said during a promo, they'd find themselves all but buried if he didn't give the okay. There are wrestlers on the roster who can be every bit as good as Cena on the mic, but most of them aren't afforded it because Vince is too restrictive on creativity.
There is no better than Cena in the current WWE. Let's not forget it was 'ruthless agression' that brought him to the dance in the first place, and I love when he gets to play that side of himself.

I think the only person who can match him consistently is Paul Heyman. Man spews venom like it was a bodily function.

But for my own underrated pick, I'm going to single out Dean Ambrose. Much like Cena, Dean can be hindered by goofy antics and cute one liners. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, he doesn't get down to the vile creature he can be. When he's not being "lunatic fringe' and being a proper lunatic, he's downright threatening.

The WWE has a lot of talented mic workers, especially today. With guys like John Cena, Triple H, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, New Day, and even Roman Reigns always featured on the microphone, we often times get welcomed into some of the best promos we've heard in a long time... and to make it better, it's not littered with foul language like the horrific Attitude Era was. But while anybody can deliver a believable promo to build up a future match, there are a few names in the WWE who I would say could be down right savages on the microphone.

Now for those of you who don't know what a savage is, it's quite simple. Savages are known to have a give-no-fucks attitude, but at the same time will hit you with something verbally brutal without even a moment's notice. Kind of like when AJ Styles told Cena that if WWE had picked up the phone 13 years ago, Cena would've never been champion. King of like when Reigns told the crowd this past Monday that if people thought he wasn't tough then the crowd can step into the ring... which we really don't see a face of the company usually do. The point is, a savage is someone that just doesn't care. Stone Cold was a savage. The Rock was a savage. CM Punk was a savage.

But who in today's WWE is the best microphone savage?

Stephanie McMahon.....at her best, she's more brutal than any of them.

Of course, that goes back to what these guys are allowed to do as she obviously has more freedom than they do.
Kevin Owens.

I don't think anyone comes off as more "legitimate" when they talk than Kevin Owens. If Paul Heyman counts, then Heyman wins because literally every promo he has done since he came back in 2012 has sounded like a shoot. Heyman has used his mic time to consistently insult fans, wrestlers, and the powers that be incessantly and with such a savagery that no one keeps me more enthralled on the microphone than Paul E. Remember the build to WrestleMania 31? Implying Brock would retain the title and then go back to UFC to defend both titles? I think Heyman, Punk, and to a much lesser extent Owens are in a class of their own in terms of using legitimate issues as major talking points during their promos.

The legitimacy of their content gives makes them bigger savages in my opinion. While John Cena is quite clearly the most comfortable on the microphone, everything he says is simply a 'promo'. He speaks with an immense amount of passion and conviction but what is he ever really saying? Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, Never Give Up, You Can't See Me, I'm the face that runs the place. His goal is obviously selling matches, selling T-shirts. With the other guys I mentioned, while their goals might be the same, it comes off more as them just speaking their free mind regardless of how anyone may feel about what they have to say. That right there is the ultimate savagery, and that is what both Austin, Rock, and even HBK did with perfection. So final answer is Paul Heyman if he counts, but if not it's definitely Kevin Owens.
1. John Cena. Love or hate Cena, he works the mic with skill. It seems that the golden boy is given a lot more leash than... anyone else, so that probably helps a lot. I am not a John Cena fan, per se, but I am not a hater either. There are many reasons Cena is the top dog, and his stellar mic work is among them.

2. Paul Heyman. As snarky as he can be, Paul Heyman can savage it up with the best of them when it seems he's in the mood. I love when he levels his aim at any of the McMahons. Heyman is not only a gold mic worker, he can rip up his target with the best of them.

3. AJ Styles. Based on his early interactions with Cena, I think AJ has what it takes to fit the bill as a savage on the mic when given the leash to do so. It doesn't seem like he's completely comfortable yet in front of a WWE crowd, but he also seems to be doing just fine.

4. Triple H. He can still do it when he's in the mood, though that seems less and less these days.

5. Seth Rollins. I think Seth WOULD be a savage on the mic, but he needs some work. Seth is very clearly comfortable on the mic, even when he makes mistakes, but his rhetoric is a few steps below "savage." I think he's completely capable as a person/character, but isn't there yet.
Hands down John Cena. When he is in the mood he is pure gold on the mic. A few posts above me were given a few examples like his promos with The Rock, Punk and AJ and I absolutely agree withe everything. Yes he has more freedome on the mic compared to the other guys but common he is the the FACE of the company it's natural.

On second place for me is Kevin Owens. I really enjoy his mic work and if given the opportunity the man can really delliver on the mic and is very entertaining.

Third place goes to Paul Heyman. The only reason he is third is because he isn't on every Raw and SD and that is shame. I love when he starts putting over BROOOOOCK LEZNARRR(imagine the way he says it) and when he starts talking about his opponents and like someone already mentioned the McMahons he is pure savage.

I will aslo say that with more work Rollins, Ambrose and AJ could be also very good on the mic.
Cena due to experience is probably the tops right now, Jericho is none too bad either. When some of the newer guys "earn" the right to go off script like Cena, Jericho, Rock etc I think Rollins will be fantastic.

Quick sidebar...The Cena burying people notion isn't so much due to the fact that he crushes guys in promos, it's more about the fact that he is shady at best with the locker room politics and he refuses to put ANYONE not named Randy Orton over in a feud. He may drop a match here or there but who always stands tall at the end of the feud? Mr. All American never give up, say your prayers, hustle, loyalty eat your vitamins guy. I have the utmost respect for his ability on the mic and in the ring, but yeah fuck him.
John Cena. He can get away with saying practically anything.

Of course when The Rock comes back he is the most savage person in the industry, tied with SCSA.

The runner ups to John Cena on full time savages are Kevin Owens ( him calling out ADR for calling people perros...��) and also when he's on his A Game...The Miz can be pretty savage.
I think the lack of "savages" on the mic is in great part due to a lack of freedom. Everyone's pointed out Cena. The fact is Cena doesn't have to read his promos off of a script. He's got talent and practice too. I'm not blaming the script entirely. But the fact of this matter is, a lot of guys would come up with some great stuff if they did what Punk did. Balled up the script and tossed it in the trash. But they can't, because they don't have that freedom. And those on the roster that come close often do have more freedom with their work. Enzo and Cass. The New Day. The writers don't come up with all that stuff. No way in hell.
The Cena burying people notion isn't so much due to the fact that he crushes guys in promos, it's more about the fact that he is shady at best with the locker room politics and he refuses to put ANYONE not named Randy Orton over in a feud. He may drop a match here or there but who always stands tall at the end of the feud? Mr. All American never give up, say your prayers, hustle, loyalty eat your vitamins guy. I have the utmost respect for his ability on the mic and in the ring, but yeah fuck him.


Lol jokes aside, I think the best promo in the business is Seth Rollins. He's the most natural talker on the 'new' current roster, KO included. He's best when he's going back and forth with an opponent, building the intensity to the point he's shouting at the guy, but never coming off as corny or forced.

I'm not sure if that makes him a 'microphone savage' or whatever. I guess that's for you and your friends to decide?
The only talented mic workers are guys who's been around 10+ year's.. guys like Cena, Jericho, Triple H ect.. Nobody who's come in the last few year's can work the mic.. Fans might think they can because the business has fallen so much in the last decade... Rollins, Owens, Cesaro, all these guys are terrible on the mic and everybody knows it.
The only talented mic workers are guys who's been around 10+ year's.. guys like Cena, Jericho, Triple H ect.. Nobody who's come in the last few year's can work the mic.. Fans might think they can because the business has fallen so much in the last decade... Rollins, Owens, Cesaro, all these guys are terrible on the mic and everybody knows it.

You really are a fucking ****** aren't you? Rollins, Owens and Wyatt are good to great, but you're too much of a WWE fuckboy to realize it. Stupid idiot!
For me, there are three stars:

*. Seth Rollins
*. Bray Wyatt
*. Kevin Owens

These three can easily make a promo worth watching. I really like the wacky promos by Bray Wyatt. Kevin Owens has been awesome even on commentary. Rollins just knows how to work the crowd as he wants.

There is No Cena or No CM Punk surely but these three have their own unique style to deliver a promo.
Cena, Heyman, HHH, Steph, Vince himself, are leagues ahead of the others on the current roster.

But out of the rest, I'm saying The Miz.
He's always managed to trade barbs at his opponents and he's been excellent at it.

Like recently when he had AJ Styles on MizTV and managed to insult him and put him over as well.
Or when he called out the Rock, or during Nexus angle..
The only talented mic workers are guys who's been around 10+ year's.. guys like Cena, Jericho, Triple H ect.. Nobody who's come in the last few year's can work the mic.. Fans might think they can because the business has fallen so much in the last decade... Rollins, Owens, Cesaro, all these guys are terrible on the mic and everybody knows it.

Wha? Rollin's has grown to be decent on the mic and can spit with most on the roster. Owen's is good on the mic, might not be quite in Cena's-Jericho's yard yet but he's nearly there. He is far from terrible, like you said. The only problem with Rollin's mic work is his little squeaky voice at times, sounds too much like a ten year old. Owen's is much more effective in backstage segments or on commentary. I find Owen's loses a little bit of shine when he's doing in ring promo's for some reason, might be his volume when he speaks, not sure.
As far as current roster goes something like this:

Stephanie McMahon

You get in a one on one mic battle with any of these names, it's not gonna end in your favor.
There's no one who gets me excited when they get the mic. Except for maybe Vince himself.

Punk did even before the Pipe Bomb promo.

Whenever someone gets the mic, you know it's scripted and they are gonna say some cheesy 80's action movie shit.

Like if you look at some of the promos they give these guys from a pure storytelling/dialog standpoint, some of this shit is so cringe worthy and cheesy.

They need to let everyone on the roster cut their own promos and sink or swim.
Brock Lesnar. When he is allowed to talk and cut promos. He trades insults with the best of them. People always dismiss Lesnars mic skills. The guy is brutally honest. Look at any of his UFC promos where there is no filter. Or look at the first promos he did when he came back to WWE. He said he was going to make John Cena Vomit, Bleed, Urinate etc. Then he talked about what an a** kicker he is and how he was going to kick the **** out of Cena. And you believed it.

The guy is intense when WWE allows him to be. WWE wont give Brock a mic, not because he lacks skills, but because he has no filter. He will say whatever he wants and WWE is PG now.

Lets give Lesnar credit.

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