WWE's best jobber

  • Thread starter The not-so Great Khali
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Best jobber?

  • Carlito

  • Funaki

  • Kane

  • Kenny Dykstra

  • Nunzio

  • Stevie Richards

  • The Highlanders

  • Tommy Dreamer

  • Val Venis

  • Other

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The not-so Great Khali

Who in your opinion is WWE's best jobber? There are quite a lot of regular jobbers who are just 'enhancement talent' across the 3 brands but are they any good at their specific job and do they sell it well. Also, add your opinons on who in your mind shouldn't be a jobber and should be given a title reign. Plus state who you think should be jobbing to the stars.
I think the best jobbers would be either Val Venis & Funaki. Venis sells pretty good and is decent in the ring. Same goes for Funaki + he is entertaining. I think Val does a good job at what he does and that is loose. I would kind of like to see Venis maybe got to ECW and have one last shot at a title. I think Carlito may become the next great jobber to the stars and Umaga(who imo shouldn't be) seems to be the #1 jobber to the stars losing to (Cena, HHH, & Lashley) but i think Umaga could have been more.
the best jobber in my eyes is either stevie or val, they bot have entertaining matches and have great promos its just sad to see them like that really
well i think kane is a really good jobber, not because he sells well but because when he jobs to some1 hes actually putting the guy over and giving him some credibility

and what does any1 get from beating funaki or venis?? umm... nothing... just 5 min of air time and thats about it...

now if we're gonna look at the best jobber on selling moves i think im gonna go with funaki or nunzio, these 2 can really take some bumps and sell the moves really well IMO

venis i dont really know cuz i almost never see him in ring except these last 2 raws, since i dont watch heat or other crap like that.. venis was a great jobber.. just dont know if hes still as great as he was...
after reading the replies, the question of 'best jobber' is kind of vague.

well i think kane is a really good jobber, not because he sells well but because when he jobs to some1 hes actually putting the guy over and giving him some credibility

this is very true, but i wouldn't consider Kane a 'jobber.' When i think jobber, i think Repo Man, or One Man Gang. The guy who has a gimmick, but when you see him in the ring, you know he's losing.

as far as wrestling talent, i like dykstra alot as a jobber right now, just because he's a new face and clearly has alot of in ring talent. eventually (hopefully) he and guys like Johnny Jeter can be brought up and become regular competitors, but we'll see how much patience WWE has with them.
I went with Kane. Simply because the point of a jobber is to put someone over, and Kane's name has more credibility than the rest of the list.

I think you could add Mick Foley to the choices though.
I said Tommy Dreamer.. which is a shame, besides RVD he was always my favorite back in the old school ECW days.. could've easily carried ECW [old and new.] Now I guess they really just use him as an on-screen trainer for the young guys. Shame.
after reading the replies, the question of 'best jobber' is kind of vague.

this is very true, but i wouldn't consider Kane a 'jobber.' When i think jobber, i think Repo Man, or One Man Gang. The guy who has a gimmick, but when you see him in the ring, you know he's losing.

I don't think OMG was ever a jobber except against Hogan but every heel was a jobber in some way back then when they faced Hogan

I'm not sure who the best jobber is because anytime their matches come on i don't watch, i know that Carlito and Kane deserve more than getting beaten by everyone they face. WWE's writing team is filled with crap having nothing good for all the talent to go to waste like it is look at London & Kendrick what was the point of moving them to Raw in the first place? I blame all the writers for who the "jobbers" are and what's wrong with WWE
just looking at this list, it's real sad to me that Carlito is on the list, because he's a good talent, but Kane is def the answer IMO, because like the above poster mentioned, when you say "I beat Kane", it holds more weight than a win over any of the other guys on the list.
Out of the list? Val Venis. Why? Because he never wins. He's not even given the occasional fluke victory like Funaki. But I do honestly think he's one of the most talented guys in WWE. If he hadn't been given the porn star gimmick when he made his debut he would be in a main event position now. In my opinion anyway.
i voted other as in Elijha burke yes face it hes a jobber, he hasnt won a match in a good while 1 on 1. But somehow hes still very very over thats good.
I would also say Val Venis. When I see everyone else on that list do the job I don't really see the opposition getting "over". Seeing that Val Venis is a true veteran, I think it gives more credibility. I also saw someone say that he is the most talent WWE Superstar they have, I can almost agree on that.
I don't even know why Val isn't being pushed right now, the guy is FULL of talent, he can work the mic, and the crowd loves him when given the right spot. I know he's really good at putting people over, but I think he could be more than just the glorified jobber he is now. Maybe it's just the name holding him back.

However, the one man we're missing on this list that should've never been missed is The Brooklyn Brawler!!
Best jobbers are Val Venis and Kane. Kane is not even a jobber, he just loses more than he wins now. Val Venis needs a little push. Give him a win over Santino and then move up against Umaga and people are going to like him again. Val is still over with the fans when he comes out and they know he's going to lose. And someone on here mentioned Val isn't what he use to be. Of course he isn't, he knows he's going to lose so even though he's still going to put on a good match, it has to psychologically mess with his head that at one time he was a main contender for a shot at the WWF title. Yes I said WWF because that's when wrestling changed for good. Truthfully, the best jobber is Sheldon Benjamin. He loses more than he wins and he's so damn good.
I say Chavo Gurrero, this guy is a great wrestler, not the best on the mic but he's good in the ring. So what do WWE do? Firstly instead of pushing Chavo with the Eddie storyline, which would have been the only way they could have done it respectfully, they give it to Rey Mysterio somebody who has shown no signs of improvement in over 4 years of been in WWE, somebody who is only popular because A) He wears a mask and ANYONE who wears a mask gets cheered! B) Because he is mexican so it gives the WWE a huge spanish fanbase by making him popular. and C) Because he was good like 10 years ago. The only match Rey Mysterio has been in, in like 3 years that i have enjoyed is the ladder match with Eddie he had. Next the put Chavo back in the Crusierweight division, even though he proved he was good enough to go to the next level, and he is probably the largest Crusierweight on smackdown. Then they have him job to every single person on Raw, and Smackdown twice over, losing him every ounce of credibility he had. And now we probably wont see him for 6 months until they next have him job the Mysterio.

I woulda said Hurricane, but I remembered he got that crusierweight title push as Healms. Healms is awsomely talented, always loved him, and when he comes back i hope they don't make him a jobber again.
What about Barry Horowitz. Class 'A' jobber. Maybe a bit before ur time but this guy was the jobber! Could make Hogan look somewhat of a wrestler!
Kane I think is a jobber to the stars, but it seems that they are giving him a big push lately.

Of couse, I did think Mr. Kennedy was also a great jobber. And the spirit squad against DX was even better. It was a shame that the homo-cluster squad had to break up after that.
I don't really like using the term jobbers when it relates to the above. IMO, jobbers were the guys you saw on Wrestling Challenge, no name guys who start in the ring without even any entrance music. Nowadays, I think the term is used in a derogatory fashion more than anything.
I think the term I would use would be something like talent enhancers; guys who are very adept at their job and know how to carry an opponent to a match making them look dominant throughout.
And I agree with Jake, Val Venis is a consumate professional in doing this. He bumps well, puts together a solid showing and always puts his opponents over. I would call him a ring veteran.
And apparently he is a nice guy too! Though he's putting on a bit of weight these days lol.
KAne is in no way shape or form a 'jobber' and neither is Carlito. In fact Carlito is a future World Champ, mark my words!!
i am going to go with other and go with the miz. He has been in long enough now that everyone knows him, he has had some decent ring time and pushes but you can put him in against anyone and i will say he is going to lose. I bet vince loves him though because he was a reality tv star and vince wants more of reality tv back into the wwe.
If you're gonna mention guys who don't always lose like Kane and Carlito, why wouldn't you mention Ric Flair? Think about it, yeah, the guy's a legend, but he loses all the time...hell, he's put over Kenny Dykstra...and I THINK Kane, and they're both on that list themselves. He's always been good at putting people over. Whether he's the absolute best at it is arguable, but I think he should at least be on the list, no?

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