WWE's 50 greatest superstars list.


An interesting list, to say the least. Ric Flair and Hogan got dissed because they work for a rival company. Bruno Sammartino got dissed because he and Vince have beef. So I knew those were coming, and in fact, it surprises me that Bruno even made the list because of aforementioned beef. But way to go either way.

Now then, Rey being that high on any list is incredibly disgraceful. His success in the WWE is a result of his bitching and whinning, and his first world title reign came as a result of Vince McMahon sucking the "Death of Eddie Guerrero" tit. Rey doesn't deserve to be in the top 90.

To all those who have beef with Triple H's placement, I say that he is a leech who screwed his way to the top, using the boss's daughter to get what he wanted. He has never nor will he ever put over younger guys and get them elevated, something I think he thinks is beneath him - putting the younger guys over is something I believe should come with any veteran's territory. The only reason he put Sheamus, Orton, and Batista over is because they're HHH's friends. Triple H is a low-life piece of shit and a disgrace to the everything the business is supposed to be about. In my mind, he shouldn't even be on this list or any other.

Shawn Michaels is truly the greatest of all time. He's a total package guy who, in fact, has been the top guy in the company (and for all those who believe otherwise, he CARRIED the company in the time leading up to the Austin's win at Mania that kickstarted the attitude era. Remember that?). He deserves every accolade he could ever possibly earn and I respect him wholeheartedly.

Batista is another one who shouldn't be on the list. Nuff said.

I've seen a number of people on here say that Taker's never been the top guy. Clearly, you've never watched pro wrestling during the attitude era. You don't have to have the title to be the top guy. Rowdy Roddy Piper proved that.

Cena should be WAAYYY lower - like top 80 or 90. While he may be the face of the company right now, he isn't that big, he isn't influential, he doesn't have a legacy. But he is an entertaining guy nonetheless.

triple h is the bloody best heel of all time, him being vince's son in law has nothing 2 do with it. as far as his ranking goes i consider him @ 4 only below austin, rock and hogan
I think this is just a list of the top 50 stars. I don't think it's in any order to be honestly. If it was, of course Ric Flair, would be at the top, followed by Shawn and Hulk. [No matter if they are in TNA.] Ric and Hulk were the greatest of all time considering how popular they were. [Of course, Ric also had like 45345 billion reigns. xD That might have something to do with that.]

But seeing that I was never really into Flair, and I couldn't even look at Hulk, yaaaaaayyyy Shawn. :D
because its titled 'top SUPERSTARS' not 'top wrestler' of all-time i cannot understand why Hogan is not in top 5. seems weird, obviously there's an agenda with both him, flair and angle being so low on the list.

suprised Cena isnt higher than he is either, again based on popularity.

Not happy with my personal fave, Triple H being 12 though, seems abit low for an all round 'superstar'.

Happy for HBK to take top spot though folks, you cannot deny his ability to put on a show over the years.

to be honest i have been hesitant over giving an opinion so far on this until i heard proof it was an actual 1-50 list in order but now JR & Austin have both given their view on it and all but confirmed it is indeed an actual list then here i am:

Steve Austin wrote: "i dont know the criteria for the WWE top 50 list...but i disagree with 85% of it."

Jim Ross wrote: "Hogan & Rock not being in top 10 n wwe top 50 dvd shocked me. Is shock 2 strong a word? Everyones entitled 2 their opinion."

Jim Ross later wrote: "My bad on Rock's lofty rtg on wwe's top 50 dvd. Hulk should have been higher but argument can b made 4 others too. I liked the dvd. Buy it."

Hey, does anybody think its a 'reach out' to the likes of HBK + Rock to maybe return and show us why they are in their repsective positions!?!
I think it's already been established that the list is a joke, it always was going to be a subjective affair this DVD but that Hogan was not number one followed by Austin is actually unbelievable. It's clear this is not an honest list and it's obviously been constructed in such a way as to stick it to those who have bad beef with Vince. This DVD serves as an example as WWE pettiness and it's sad really, sure Shawn and Undertaker deserve a top ten position but they are certainly NOT the two top WWE Superstars of all time, no way.

You think Kane is one of the 50 greatest wrestlers of all time??? Kane?? Please explain. He's been giving some great promos recently but did you see his match against the Big Show last night? Did that scream one of the best wrestlers ever? Kane should be nowhere near the list along with that midget Rey Mysterio.

To be honest, I would have been suprised had Kane not appeared on the list. He is one of the longest running and successful characters of all time and one of the best products of WWE's most successful period, the Attitude Era. As a Kane fan, I probably would have liked to see him feature higher on the list, but in all honesty he's probably one of the few who have been ranked correctly, i.e. in the top forty. The problem is not where Kane or Show have ranked but with guys like Mysterio and the aforementioned Michaels and 'Taker. Also, where are the Owen Harts and Ultimate Warriors? They are all arguably deserving of some recognition I think on this list...
I think it's already been established that the list is a joke, it always was going to be a subjective affair this DVD but that Hogan was not number one followed by Austin is actually unbelievable. It's clear this is not an honest list and it's obviously been constructed in such a way as to stick it to those who have bad beef with Vince. This DVD serves as an example as WWE pettiness and it's sad really, sure Shawn and Undertaker deserve a top ten position but they are certainly NOT the two top WWE Superstars of all time, no way.

I think it makes a little more sense since i found out that this was a compiled from votes of the wrestlers and wwe employees and legends.
An actually wrestlers view is of course going to be quite different than the average fanboys. Just like if you had a poll of favorite stand up comedians working right now I'm sure someone like Dane Cook or Jeff Dunham or Carlos Mencia would be pretty high up there... but if you polled actual stand up comedians(who know the business on a whole different level) who the best is they would say someone more like Louis CK..or Jim Norton.. ect..

Also, where are the Owen Harts, Macho Mans and Ultimate Warriors? They are all arguably deserving of some recognition I think on this list...

Macho Man is on the list (#14).. When I try to look at it objectively Im not really sure if Owen Hart belongs in the top 50. No doubt he was very talented but when i look back on his career I don't have that many "wow...remember that Owen Hart match!!" or "remember when Owen blah blah blah..." I only really remember his great feud and matches with Bret no offense but i find the rest of his career pretty forgettable and not really worthy of a top 50 spot.
cant believe anybody who has watched WWE the last 10-15 years can say Shawn Michaels is in the top 10. He is the most overrated WWE performer in company history by a landslide and here is why. He was the top guy for what maybe 2 years?? He was a tag team jobber turned mid card IC champ and then had the Diesel and Sid bodyguard gimmicks and eventually because WWF sucked at the time needed him to be a main eventer so he got the spot. Ok so what he did the Bret Iron Man match and finally got the torch passed to himUMMMM so what??? He retired for 4 years comes back to have a blood feud with HHH and was supposed to leave but ended up staying permanently. He was considered OLD and not a major Title contender and that was back in like 2003. MY god for the last like 8 years he jobbed in all his big matches he got like 1 measly 1 month title run and was used as a veteran to put over younger guys. He didnt carry any company. They gave him HHH and DX to get him some cheers and he jobbed to Hogan at summerslam which was proof hes not worth a dang. He flopped around during that whole match and mocked the buisness. Hes a fake christian who will not stay retired because just wait until he needs a payday. In ring performances?????? Wow all he could do was the superkick and like 2 springboard moves. He is a small guy doesnt even look the part of a heavyweight. I challenge anyone to debate this because I dont care how many of you say hes GOD i will take all of you on. He just Jobbed 2 years straight to Undertaker at WM thats how sad he is. He makes marks like you guys believe losing to a star makes him better. It makes him a lesser draw and lesser name. He lost to a more important WWE perfomer.

i had enough of your damm ignornet posts no matter what thread i go to you show and are hating on a superstar your like a dam diesse now get off here and get your facts straight before you start ranting on a superstar he is a living legend he is bigger than taker and triple h combined and assullting his religon are you looking to get your ass kicked because im pretty sure most people want to do it but no you hide behind your dam computer making this bullshit and last thing i dont think you can job to taker the deadman
Who cares what the WWE thinks?! They are ridiculous! I do not know where they come up with their choices for their lists. Do as I do and just ignore their pathetic lists such as this. And by the way, what are they even judging their list on? Is it on the wrestlers skills, popularity, or success? Or did they just throw some big names in a hat and go from there? Don't stress over the list guys. Just do not waste your money on their stupid top 50 wrestlers dvd. Decide for yourselves who is the best. I mean the Undertaker is great, but wouldn't Hogan and Steve Austin be higher on the list then him based on their success and popularity? Would Ric Flair not be ahead of Cena? Crap on the list.

17. Ric Flair
23. Hulk Hogan
25. Chris Jericho

These guys should be sooo much further up the list than they are. Flair should've made the top 5 anyway. Same with Hulk.

How Eddie and Rey are placed higher than Triple H and Jericho is a mystery....
This is stupid! Hogan is listed lower than 20, when he probably should be 1 or 2. Why is Kane even on the list? See, this is what happens when there is no competitions, WWE can just play around with us as if we are stupid. Clearly Shawn Michaels is not the greatest sports entertainer of all time. Come on WWE!

I feel the top 3 should have been:
1: Hulk Hogan-this is pretty obvious why
2: The Rock- underrated until his return IMO. He's bigger than wrestling and bigger than Stone Cold.
3: Stone Cold- one of the greats. Big in the ring, medium outside it, much more prolific than HBK.
This list was put together and voted on by WWE superstars past and present. Shawn Michaels #1 is not a disgrace, it's a testament to his in ring ability. Think of the best matches the past 10 years, personally he is in 3-5 of my top 10. Go back before his injury and he was great in the ring. Then you have DX as well.

Hogan being so far back is a testament to his in ring inability, plain and simple. Yes, there might be some politics involved, but no one can disagree that Hogan is one of the WORST and OVERRATED IN RING wrestlers of all time. He had the personality and gimmick to draw MILLIONS but he is shit in the ring.

Undertaker has been with the company for years and has had the longest and most enduring gimmick ever. As well as being one of the most athletic big men ever to step foot in the ring.

Austin was one of the biggest draws, best on the mic, and better wrestlers there was.

Flair, should have been higher and Andre the Giant should have been lower. Those are my two biggest beefs.
I have a few problems with this list:

1. Shawn Michaels

I heard Shawn Michaels described best this way: Shawn Michaels was King of the Hill. However, that hill now stands next to the mountain that was Austin/ Rock." There is no way Shawn should be # 1. He was incapable of carrying the company the way Rock/ Austin/ Hogan/ Cena have. He put on great matches, and if the category was "Greatest In-Ring Performer of All Time", then Shawn would merit consideration for number 1. But greatest all around superstar? No, and I would wager that he's not even close to who actually should be number one...

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Arguably, the greatest superstar that the WWE has ever produced, next to the Rock. Called "The Greatest Superstar in WWE History" by Vince McMahon himself. Should be number 1. It was this man that helped defeat WCW in the Monday Night Wars. How he is anything besides # 1 is beyond me.

Other gripes:

Triple H is too far down on the list. This man created the "super-heel". Member/Leader of DX & Evolution. Should be in the top 10

John Cena is too far down on the list, as is Ric Flair.

This list was created to make people talk about it. People who rank things constantly do this. I'm not taking it seriously.
Hulk Hogan should be #1. He is the most famous wrestler of all-time. He was the first true "superstar." What I mean by that is he made wrestling mainstream. He was a "hero." He was the quintessential face, in his heyday. Exactly, what a "superstar" is supposed to be.

There would be no HBK, or John Cena, or The Rock or Austin, without Hulk Hogan.
My top 10 list would be based on influence and impact in changing the landscape or creating a foundation for the WWF/E's success.

1.Hulk Hogan
2.Bruno Sammartino
3.Andre The Giant
4.Steve Austin
5.Bret Hart
7.The Rock
8.Shawn Michaels
9.Randy Savage
10.Triple H

The first 5 are unique, and basically ranked highest because they actually carried the company on their shoulders for a period of years that helped usher in eras of change or expansion for WWE. Hogan obviously was the biggest draw and was pretty much responsible for the wrestling explosion into mainstream in the 80's. Bruno helped the WWF get off the ground and start to move from outside the terriotory system to become a succesful solo wrestling promotion. Andre was pretty much WWF's biggest star inbetween Hogan and Bruno. Austin ushered in the attitude era and saw another huge boom in the success and profits of WWE. Hart also carried the WWF on his shoulders throughout the nineties as they transitioned from the old school era to new.

The last 5 guys they I would they all had big moments in the sun never really carried the company. They did all create huge name for themselves though. All of these guys are icons because they are known outide of wrestling. Most would be considered household names at this point. There influence helped usher in change as well and they all contributed to the show greatly. Many though served as the orton to cena, if you will. HBK to Hart, Rock to Austin. Savage to Hogan.
I know it's been said already but I simply CANNOT get over the fact that they put Cena over Flair.
There is no way that's a coincidence, I don't care what anybody says if you know who Ric Flair is then you know he's one of the best of ALL time.
Flair's has been wrestling ever since Cena was getting his diaper changed and before.
Cena is a formidable draw and the top face in WWE no doubt, but to say he's greater than Flair is just a slap in everyone's face who's a Flair mark.
Whoever was on the committee to draw up this list are morons.
Hulk Hogan should be up in the top #5.
Trish Stratus should be in there somewhere on the list. She is probably the second best female wrestler ever.
How are Jeff Hardy and Big Show on this list? I would hardly put them in the top 50, heck, I'm not sure if they'd be in the top 100.
Harley Race at 6? Seriously? Sure, have him on the list, but way up at #6?
u all need to calm down - i was reading up on the dvd and im pretty sure the list was made from the opinions of the current wwe roster. So the list (and its order) makes sense.:)

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