wrestling god
An interesting list, to say the least. Ric Flair and Hogan got dissed because they work for a rival company. Bruno Sammartino got dissed because he and Vince have beef. So I knew those were coming, and in fact, it surprises me that Bruno even made the list because of aforementioned beef. But way to go either way.
Now then, Rey being that high on any list is incredibly disgraceful. His success in the WWE is a result of his bitching and whinning, and his first world title reign came as a result of Vince McMahon sucking the "Death of Eddie Guerrero" tit. Rey doesn't deserve to be in the top 90.
To all those who have beef with Triple H's placement, I say that he is a leech who screwed his way to the top, using the boss's daughter to get what he wanted. He has never nor will he ever put over younger guys and get them elevated, something I think he thinks is beneath him - putting the younger guys over is something I believe should come with any veteran's territory. The only reason he put Sheamus, Orton, and Batista over is because they're HHH's friends. Triple H is a low-life piece of shit and a disgrace to the everything the business is supposed to be about. In my mind, he shouldn't even be on this list or any other.
Shawn Michaels is truly the greatest of all time. He's a total package guy who, in fact, has been the top guy in the company (and for all those who believe otherwise, he CARRIED the company in the time leading up to the Austin's win at Mania that kickstarted the attitude era. Remember that?). He deserves every accolade he could ever possibly earn and I respect him wholeheartedly.
Batista is another one who shouldn't be on the list. Nuff said.
I've seen a number of people on here say that Taker's never been the top guy. Clearly, you've never watched pro wrestling during the attitude era. You don't have to have the title to be the top guy. Rowdy Roddy Piper proved that.
Cena should be WAAYYY lower - like top 80 or 90. While he may be the face of the company right now, he isn't that big, he isn't influential, he doesn't have a legacy. But he is an entertaining guy nonetheless.
triple h is the bloody best heel of all time, him being vince's son in law has nothing 2 do with it. as far as his ranking goes i consider him @ 4 only below austin, rock and hogan