
Pre-Show Stalwart
So now that NXT is on WWE.com what do you think WWE will do?

I think WWE will eventually get rid of Superstars!and just have Smackdown! and RAW!!! Does this mean a lesser money maker for wwe by losing nxt and superstars? No because neither was gaining a lot of viewers anyways so it wouldn't really matter in my opinion.

IF they did decide to only have Smackdown! and RAW then i would really push for Velocity or Heat to come back! I loved velocity, and to be truly creative they could have the cruiserweights on Velocity and make that show Amazing!

So my question to you all. Is WWE losing NXT on TV the beginning of the downfall of WWE TV or is this going to bring back the days when it was just Smackdown! and RAW?
Wow some people here really are of the mindset about WWE on TV with the RAW Ratings and putting NXT on WWE.com that its a "downfall". Just because they are putting NXT on WWE.com does not mean they will drop Superstars for any reason. I don't know where that is coming from :banghead:
I think the less shows, the better. if you see something too much it gets boring. in this case, nxt and superstars were both horrible shows and probably only hurt wwe. they did not compliment or advance raw and smackdown in anyway. wwe needs to improve raw, smackdown, and ppvs before doing anything else.
Does NXT's move to .com represent a general downfall of WWE programming? I don't think so, not in and of itself anyway. NXT is gone because the programming contract with SyFy expired and was not renewed. Why it was not renewed is left to speculation, but it probably had to do with Smackdown moving to the network and SyFy not wanting to carry additional WWE programming. It's understandable, as ratings for NXT were taking a nosedive from what I understand.

As for Superstars, I imagine most WWE fans are on a take it or leave it basis as far as that program is concerned. WWE typically recycles its "C-level" programming every 3-5 years or so anyway and Superstars represents nothing more (or less) than the current show-du-jour. If it got cancelled when its programming contract runs out and subsequently replaced with something else, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

What disturbs me the most is that with the Smackdown move to SyFy, WWE currently has no over-the-air, network TV programming in the United States. RAW and Smackdown? Only on cable. Superstars is on WGN America in my area... not only a cable channel, but one that my provider doesn't even carry. Saturday Nights Main Event has turned into a "4 months too late" rewind show of that years Wrestlemania. There is literally no outlet for WWE programming on regular "free" TV.

Now in this day and age, with cable being as ubiquitous as it is and the Internet opening up loads of other viewing possibilities, having a "free" television program may not matter anymore. Still, it's something that WWE has always had in its stable of programming and the loss may be more impactful than one might think. Much like everything else in wrestling, we'll just have to wait and see.
listen i honestly think the wwe has to go to its old ways no the attitude era but like 2007 i know they wont do it but still they got more fans and money back than then they do now:disappointed:
I'm honestly an advocate for the NXT concept. I like the idea of building young superstars, it's just that the WWE's execution of this concept was pretty horrible.

I'd like to see WWE re-work the format for NXT (Script some interviews, build characters/storylines, promote more use of the Pro's) and then get it picked up by another network.

As for Superstars, I don't mind that show being on the air. The matches are pretty decent and it allows some lesser used wrestlers to get TV time. I also think it's a nice bonus for people that are actually at the venues as it gives them more too see for their money.
When SmackDown was announced to be heading on over to SyFy I just knew NXT was heading to WWE.com. Seems logical doesn't it? It's not like it was a ratings beast or anything and it's just a competition to find the next member of the WWE roster. It won't be all that bad as a show that gets streamed on WWE.com. Heat and Velocity were on there as well as full episodes of ECW. NXT will be just fine on there as it gets the boot from network television. Superstars will not be going anywhere, that show does a good job of getting talents who are usually left off of weekly shows to go out and really show an audience what they can do. It's seemingly a very good spotlight for many guy's within WWE's mid-card. RAW and SmackDown will dominate when it comes to WWE's ratings and Superstars will continue to showcase mid-carders in a larger light. While NXT goes on with the rest of it's season on WWE.com, I don't see the real issue with all of this?
everybody talking bout nxt? so heres my take on nxt. season 3 is killing it, everybody wants to bitch abouthaving no real divas who can wrestle. so the E puts up nxt 3 with all divas to give us at least one to care about and watch progress. then they give them stupid shit to compete in that nobody wants to watch. thats hard enough to watch, but i still gave it a chance again and tried to watch it, but you have micheaL COLE and cm punk running their mouths and trashing the whole show and the girls competeing. making this show even farther unwatchable. i mean who wants to watch a show were the anoouncers are even ripping it saying it sucks. wwe.com it goes cause nobody cares to make it a legit show. some of these girls arent the usually eyecandy vinniemac usually hires and i thought, hey cool they gonna really put some effort into this, and they drop the ball and now, mostly due to the format and cole, cant wait to get to watching some reruns of other shows due to it sucking. next move to .com will kill it like it did with heat and velocity. or heres an idea, put it on wwe 24/7 and still make a little money on it for the fans that are left.
FIRST, smackdown on sci-fy for me? good move, it's finally in HD in my area, whatever channel metv and cW was on in my area never came in in HD so i am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, i stopped watching smackdown due to no hd.

NXT i never watched, too much stuff on Tuesday night

also, what i would like to see is a 11pm tuesday night reairing of RAW on the syfy network during the football season. Bears packers, most watched cable program in 2010 and the fifth best all time. the raw rating had NOTHING to do with bad raw programming and more to do with awesome MNF. also i would like to see DVR penetration numbers before commenting on Raw's "demise". superstars is inconsequential and can go bye bye. and finally; for WWE brass, not more PPV's, less of them, get rid of some of these lesser PPV's, especially the ones the month before the big 4. Really once survivor series ends, they should move onto Rumble preperation, and once rumble ends, it should be sole focusing on Mania, i don't mind ppv's in april, may, and june, but July's should be eliminated as well, you can have one in september but not october. anybody else agree with me here?
and while i am on the subject, I would looooooooove TNA to use their Viacom family ties and get some of their inconsequential PPV's on showtime instead of PPV. If it works for Boxing and MMA, why not wrestling? You can do it live, no commercials, you can put sponsors all over the ring and put in little plugs to make up some revenue, and create an event atmosphere that stands alone YET is designed to elevate the major PPV's Genesis, Lockdown, Slamiversry and BFG. I would pay 15.99 a month to get all those movies, shows, boxing, mma and TNA events? express your thoughts
Wow some people here really are of the mindset about WWE on TV with the RAW Ratings and putting NXT on WWE.com that its a "downfall". Just because they are putting NXT on WWE.com does not mean they will drop Superstars for any reason. I don't know where that is coming from :banghead:

Dude i am not saying anything like jeez did you even read the post before you flipped out. It was a simple question. But honestly what would happen in no Raw or Smackdown! was on TV then WWE would DIE!!! That is why WWE has to be on TV i could care less about NXT not on TV i dont watch the dumb women. Read before you post so this is for you :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
WWE is preparing for a 24/7 network channel so that ends all specualtions on anything.
NXT is horrible, the idea is good but the stupid games and tests are ******ed, the best bits of NXT are the actual matches.

The diva's NXT is the worst of the lot though the current batch have no talent whatsoever as "entertainers", I don't even bother watching NXT atm or tape it to watch later for that matter. so going to internet is no loss to WWE.
listen i honestly think the wwe has to go to its old ways no the attitude era but like 2007 i know they wont do it but still they got more fans and money back than then they do now:disappointed:

And that is based on fact I assume? Despite the fact that WWE is now shipping more merchandise globally and is screened in more countries than ever before you may be onto something.
So, ignoring the facts that the WWE had its third most profitable like ever last year and Cena already broke his record for "selling the most merchandise in a year" only 6 months into this year..

Umm.. I just don't see how bad ratings means that they are doing bad business. Wanna know why NXT isn't a most watched show? It sucked more times than not and they never had one real draw on the show. Superstars is on a channel that many people don't have and it features wrestlers that many people don't give a damn about. Which is a shame to because it probably has the best matches every week.
Unless WGN decides to drop Superstars, I doubt WWE will only have Raw and Smackdown. Superstars doesn't draw big ratings, but I doubt any other show on WGN draws any higher. The NXT shows and other shows will probably be shown on WWE.com. Superstars may be one of those shows, but so far I doubt it. Raw isn't going anywhere and I doubt Smackdown will either. Anything could happen though.

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