WWE Titantrons Recycled


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This has absolutly nothing to do with anything, its just something Ive noticed lately. I just want to know if anyone else has noticed it or if there are any others like it.

But Back when Undertaker came back I noticed that in his titantron for split seconds, you can notice the nWo "O" from the nWo titantron in taker's video, as well you can see the Raven's from Raven's Titantron

Then I noticed last night during The Miz' Entrance, on the HD Screen, NOT his titantron but the "S" shaped screen where the wrestlers enter.....the word MIZ is all over the screen but the "M" rotates in the video. Inside the M is another video playing and its one of the videos from Jericho's save_us.222 campaign, you can clearly tell, You can even catch the 3rd_sequence part in it a couple times. Im not poking fun or anything at WWE I just noticed it and wanted to see if anyone else has, or if there are others like this, thats all. I can back these two up too with proof if you want.
I was going to make a similar post on the thread about the rehashed themes.

can't comment on the Miz thing but I definitely noticed the Undertaker/nWo thing from the 1st time the did it. Not quite sure why the WWE did this but then the nWo thing actually looks pretty cool with the whole darkness/evil theme of the Undertaker's titantron
They've been recycling theme songs as well. Santina's theme = Rico's old theme. You made some nice observations about the videos though. I'll have to check that out.
I never knew that or noticed that. It seems kina funny. I'm gonna watch for this to see if i can notice their ghetto way of going green and saving the Earth.
In regard's to themes, I'm pretty sure Torrie Wilson's themes have been given to Michelle McCool and Tiffany.

Also, sort of off topic, but Jillian's old theme has been used on Jim Rome is Burning on ESPN for a while.
Here is the Miz' entrance from Raw last night: Watch the rotating "M" on the middle screen where he comes out. Its not great quality, but its the only one I can find. You can see it enough to notice.


Now watch this Jericho Save_us.222 campaign video, tell me if you notice the 3rd_sequence in the "M" for MIZ and in the Jericho video.


Sure looks like the same thing to me.

Now here is the nWo Titantron, and watch for the "O" that looks like its "running" like paint. Its roughly around the 6 second mark


Here is Raven's titantron, notice the two birds back to back crowing

And here is takers titantron, watch at roughly the 4 second mark for the Raven's and the 13 second mark for the nWo "O"

i did notice it. maybe the wwe graphics crew doesn't have the time to make an entirely new graphic for each superstar. they may just reuse them
Here is the Miz' entrance from Raw last night: Watch the rotating "M" on the middle screen where he comes out. Its not great quality, but its the only one I can find. You can see it enough to notice.


Now watch this Jericho Save_us.222 campaign video, tell me if you notice the 3rd_sequence in the "M" for MIZ and in the Jericho video.


Sure looks like the same thing to me.

Now here is the nWo Titantron, and watch for the "O" that looks like its "running" like paint. Its roughly around the 6 second mark


Here is Raven's titantron, notice the two birds back to back crowing

And here is takers titantron, watch at roughly the 4 second mark for the Raven's and the 13 second mark for the nWo "O"


Equally the most obvious one to pick out is the chair shot in Undertaker's video. It's been used numerous times since 98, it was even used in King Booker's titantron.

I suppose when you are on the road, you are always in a rush to get things done. I mean they only just removed JBL from the WWE & Raw opening (quite suprised about the former tbh), shows how slow they are. But also, they don't bother to update titantrons when appropriate ie - Randy Orton/Jeff Hardy. I know Randy's has only just been updated but should have happened when Voices was being used and Jeff's video is from 2002!

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