WWE third brand proposal!

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  • Yes, but i think it wont last

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I recently started a thread about a third wwe brand replacing NXT and got some good replys and got me thinking of how i would perfect this brand, so here is my proposal.
The brand should be taped in a tv studio: for a few reasons, the roster, the ease of taping live or not, giving a new dimension to wwe broadcasting.
The show should tape 2 episodes in a day, one live and one pretaped for the following week, this allows the roster to only have to show up once a fortnight.
Due to this very light schedule the roster would include wrestlers who want time off from travelling, who are burnt out and wrestlers who want more family time: such wrestlers would include booker t, shawn michaels, jbl, undertaker, RVD, Jeff Hardy, possibly hhh, chris jericho and a few midcarders such as primo, chavo, alberto del rio, john morrison and yoshi tatsu and a few FCW guys. The main event players would be happy and at the same time can put the younger talent over big to move on to RAW or SMACKDOWN.
The show should be 2 hours, thus NXT and WWE superstars should be AXED!!!
The show should feature long lasting rivalries including great storylines that we rarely see.
A few other main event players such as CENA, ORTON, Rey could make rare appearances and challenge say undertaker, thus putting taker or whoever it is on RAW or SMACKDOWN.
The brand should be given the WORLD heavyweight championship wheras raw and smackdown have the unified wwe title.
This show would lead to great ratings, and promotion of the other brands and products among the wwe universe and i think it would have the potential to last longer than 5 years, unlike ECW, superstars, NXT,velocity etc.
The brand should be taped in a tv studio: for a few reasons, the roster, the ease of taping live or not, giving a new dimension to wwe broadcasting.

A TV studio? How would this work? Are they in an arena or a TV set with a wrestling ring and a live studio audience? This doesn't make since and I don't see what purpose it would serve.

The show should tape 2 episodes in a day, one live and one pretaped for the following week, this allows the roster to only have to show up once a fortnight.Due to this very light schedule the roster would include wrestlers who want time off from travelling, who are burnt out and wrestlers who want more family time: such wrestlers would include booker t, shawn michaels, jbl, undertaker, RVD, Jeff Hardy, possibly hhh, chris jericho and a few midcarders such as primo, chavo, alberto del rio, john morrison and yoshi tatsu and a few FCW guys. The main event players would be happy and at the same time can put the younger talent over big to move on to RAW or SMACKDOWN.

I don't see how this would be easier on the talent. Since none of them are exclusive to this show, they'd still have to work on their respective brands in addition to appearing on this one. Plus we already have Superstars to build young/underused talent.

The show should be 2 hours, thus NXT and WWE superstars should be AXED!!!
The show should feature long lasting rivalries including great storylines that we rarely see.

But Superstars already gives us that. I mean, where else are we going to see Yoshi Tatsu feud with Curt Hawkins?

A few other main event players such as CENA, ORTON, Rey could make rare appearances and challenge say undertaker, thus putting taker or whoever it is on RAW or SMACKDOWN.

I'm not sure I follow. So main-eventers would appear on the show to challenge people to matches that would take place on the big brands?

The brand should be given the WORLD heavyweight championship wheras raw and smackdown have the unified wwe title.

This makes no sense. Why should two brands have to share a belt and this one gets it's own? And why would you make a world title exclusive to a show that doesn't even have it's own set roster? Furthermore, since no one is exclusive to this third brand, everyone technically has a shot at two world titles instead of one, which shouldn't happen.

This show would lead to great ratings, and promotion of the other brands and products among the wwe universe and i think it would have the potential to last longer than 5 years, unlike ECW, superstars, NXT,velocity etc.

Can't speak for the ratings. Once again, Superstars and NXT already promote the other two brands as well as all things WWE.

So basically what I got out of this is that you want new brand that is just like Raw or Smackdown, with the WHC being exclusive to it, but features less main-event talent. So, essentially, you want to turn the WHC into the ECW title and pretty much have a two-hour episode of Superstars in which guys like Tyler Reks and Primo can win the WHC.

Sorry, but this brand is a terrible idea.
McMahon is an Idiot! Why Own the Great Name World Championship Wrestling and not use it?????? Thats why the last 10 years most of WWE ENT. has sucked! He says "WCW name is know as a failure brand, well if he continues this PG sh*T, WWE will be known as a failure brand, I hate watching this watered down, same ole crap We need New Excitement, Action, WRESTLING, and Real Entertainment! He says, "He is in the Entertainment Business!" Well Vince where is the Entertainment? HUH! I have watched WWF since 1983/84! I have been entertained in 80's and 90's, but since 2002, I really haven't been entertained! Very few if any!
Although the idea of a third brand to debut new talent is a good idea. This isn't!

What they need is to get FCW to a national audience. Obviously, this would be late night programming and it would have to be not PG rated. That would allow an older audience (since kids would be in bed) to appreciate it and when the wrestlers graduate to the main roster, they'd already have a fan base.

And they'd have to use a name change as well because it'd be nationwide rather than just in Florida.
no no no no no. That's not just how I voted that's what I think...

A 3rd show would be great. But first WWE needs to:

1. Make sure they have their territories fully developed with the right trainers etc etc. Which so far it seems like they do.

2. Set aside perhaps the 6:05-8:05 time slot similar to WCW Saturday Night. And put their territories on TV. Give them national exposure so that way when they appear on Raw/SmackDown! people actually have a clue as to who the heck they are. Because sadly not everyone follows the territories. Some just follow the big shows (and they call themselves true wrestling fans lol)

If you create a 3rd show and put it for only people to work a lighter schedule (for family time and what not) WWE would become a whining crying circle of "oh he gets time off why can't I" and so forth. Superstars would stop performing at their best in spite of the whole other people are getting time to spend with their families. The WWE talent knows what they are getting into. As Michael Hayes said," It's not just a business it's a way of life".
Ok, a TV studio again would look like shit. Even if you dress it up nice people are going to see the small Impact/WCW Saturday Night like set and think it looks 3rd rate. People already do with Impact and you are trying to pitch it as a show on the same level as Raw/SD. I think if WWE really wants to go back to a 3rd brand the only way it would be to make it another ECW but come up with another name for it. Come up with a cool tag line for it like "Where future stars are born!" or some shit like that. Don't call the title a world title just call it the title of that show. Why water down your ME talent on 3 main shows when you can have 2 packed shows. Also if people wanted to watch Prime, Chavo and who ever else shows up on Superstars they would watch that. But overall WWE tried 3 brands and it worked for awhi. TBH sometimes I fell like they are putting to much wrestling out there. Between Raw, Impact and the non Wrestling shows I watch I don't have time to watch SD or Superstars. Most of the time I watch NXT while I'm in bed.

Also I don't know why there seems to be a sudden demand to watch FCW on TV. My guess is from all the NXT guys. But FCW is not meant to be on TV. Its to see if people who maybe have it really do have it. Kinda like in football they sign guys then cut them before the season starts. If they put FCW on tv 1 it has Flordia in its name so that would have to go 2 they would have to open up a new dev.

So in closing, a 3rd brand was tried. They are done with 3rd brands for awile having brands come and go like this would get people confussed. Also FCW should stay on local tv or whatever it is on. How many minor league baseball games are on national TV? None. Cause it is minor league.

EDIT: As for FCW getting people to know wrestlers before they go to Raw/SD, they are going to have to get to know them when they show up on FCW. What if you bring someone out on FCW his gimmick bombs and needs changed? Now with FCW on national TV millions saw you fuck up and change his gimmick. Now the handful compared that do now. WWE needs a place to test these things out, teach guys the WWE style and make sure they won't make themself or WWE look like shit by fucking up everymatch.
McMahon is an Idiot! Why Own the Great Name World Championship Wrestling and not use it?????? Thats why the last 10 years most of WWE ENT. has sucked! He says "WCW name is know as a failure brand, well if he continues this PG sh*T, WWE will be known as a failure brand, I hate watching this watered down, same ole crap We need New Excitement, Action, WRESTLING, and Real Entertainment! He says, "He is in the Entertainment Business!" Well Vince where is the Entertainment? HUH! I have watched WWF since 1983/84! I have been entertained in 80's and 90's, but since 2002, I really haven't been entertained! Very few if any!

If he continues this PG sh*t, he will keep his company alive till a new era is born. I mean, did you watch some of the stuff in the late 80s and 90s. We may have Hornswoggle, but, they had the Gobbley Gooker! And Tatonka! With Max Moon. A space man from the future, with a Rocket Pack!

But enough of that. I see the concept of the idea for your proposal. It's not bad, if your starting out. WCW got bought by Turner Sports, they were filming most of their shows at the MGM studios I do believe.

However, the WWE doesn't need a small stadium. In fact, when WCW and TNA first starting out, they had to pay people to fill the seats. Where the WWE has the luxury have having a good territory.

Maybe instead of Arenas like Raw and Smackdown. Have smaller venues for this third brand. Every once in a while have John Cena or HHH make an appearance on the show.

Not also that, but have the show be the rebellion cousin of the WWE. No! not an ECW. ECW is gone, and there is no need to bring it back to life. But, I'm thinking a third show, with 12-16 performers. Small Venues, more technical wrestling and cruiser-weight matches.

Then on top of that, but have the company not even mention ties with the WWE. Now I know I said earlier have Cena or HHH pop in it ever once in a while. But just have them pop in, to promote a main event once in a while.

My idea for the third brand is "Underground". See, this brand is to have the niche for the marks, or the guys who don't want too much PG wrestling. This brand is more an older demographic. Now when I say Older, I don't mean, Boobs, and cussing. I mean the Technical Wrestling. The bad ass 20 minute tag team matches. Blood here and there. I don't want buckets, but I want to blood to make a feud more complete.

I think this idea would go over pretty well. Because it can fill the other niche that a lot of wrestling fans that have been missing. Not also that, but I think this brand could have it's own Pay-per-views. So yes, a third brand would be great to see. But I would like to see this third brand be completely different, and not even be advertise on WWE programming.

PS the name for my brand doesn't have to be Underground. It can be something else. But, I think a small promotion in small venues with Techincal and Tag Team wrestling would really make the small demographic of wrestling fans calling for this product happy.
I think they should make NXT an online thing you vote for, and just go to Raw, Smackdown and Superstars. Raw should be TV14 and appeal to the 18 and older demographics. Smackdown should be like WCW was, with a varied midcard with luchadors, cruiserweights and behemoth stars in the main event. Smackdown should be TVPG and advertised as the family friendly wrestling show. Older stars who stick around for nostalgia should go to Smackdown and hot talent in their prime should be on Raw.
Superstars should be on NBC on Saturday nights and feature promos, interviews, backstage segments and a main event match. Expand FCW so less green wrestlers make it on TV.
The brand should be taped in a tv studio:
for a few reasons, the roster, the ease of taping live or not, giving a new dimension to wwe broadcasting.

So what you're basically saying is that you want an entirely new brand to be taped in a TV studio and make the WWE look cheap? I don't see how having a new brand taped in a TV studio is going to make a blind bit of difference. Besides; we already have Superstars and NXT, why would you want another brand to add next to Raw AND Smackdown?

The show should tape 2 episodes in a day, one live and one pretaped for the following week, this allows the roster to only have to show up once a fortnight.

Your taping plan is understandable, but I could see the brand itself becoming very very dry.

Due to this very light schedule the roster would include wrestlers who want time off from travelling, who are burnt out and wrestlers who want more family time: such wrestlers would include booker t, shawn michaels, jbl, undertaker, RVD, Jeff Hardy, possibly hhh, chris jericho and a few midcarders such as primo, chavo, alberto del rio, john morrison and yoshi tatsu and a few FCW guys.

Wow, this thread is going downhill fast dude. To me, your thread is just another fantasy league that isn't ever going to happen. Booker T and RVD are on TNA, so I don't see either of them going back to WWE, espacially not if it's just a recycled brand for the old superstars like you're making it sound. Undertaker will most likely be retiring soon, he's had his time and it's obvious. Why can't you just leave well enough alone and let the man retire for once? He might not want to come back after retirement. The same goes with Shawn Michaels, this is where you've really fucked up your thread. You said..

the roster would include wrestlers who want time off from travelling, who are burnt out and wrestlers who want more family time

Yes, I understand your point; but you've totally fucked up. Let me tell you straight so you don't have any other thread epidemics like this. Shawn Michaels HAS RETIRED. He's retired from Wrestling and he deserves it. Shawn is spending time with his family, so why do you want to bring him back when you've clearly stated that your roster should feature people who DO want to spend time with their family? I'm so happy that you don't book for WWE.

As for Jeff Hardy, well, I'm not going into a massive argument about him but it's blatently obvious that with his current status at the moment, what with all this prison sentencing stuff flying around in the media that nobodies going to want anything to do with him until the whole thing has blown over. Do you really want to hire somebody like Jeff Hardy when he's in trouble with the law? Yeah sure, that's a way to destroy your reputation. It isn't all about having the best superstars there "was". It's about being careful and keeping the brand in activity. Hiring criminal's isn't very good for your rep and the media will be on your ass like flies round shit.

People like John Morrison and Yoshi Tatsu I can understand because they aren't very active or aren't being used well despite how much talent and potential they have, but the fact remains the same; we already have something like this and it's called Superstars. I'm sure if WWE were that desperate to get rid of some talent for the time being then they'd put them on Superstars, their C show. Or at least put them in FCW for a while, which brings me onto my next point.

You said you want some FCW guys to go on this "brand", well which ones? There's quite alot of FCW guys that are sat down there doing nothing, but again; we already have something like this. It's called NXT and it's working perfectly right now. Look what the WWE have already obtained from their NXT idea; The Nexus, Bryan Danielson, Kaval.. the list is endless. Would you ever have thought that the WWE would have got Bryan Danielson? I sure as hell didn't.

The main event players would be happy and at the same time can put the younger talent over big to move on to RAW or SMACKDOWN.

I'm nearly 100% sure that if this idea of yours was to be put into effect then both Raw and Smackdown would still be using, relatively, the same main eventers. Just because a few people have moved to a fantasy brand doesn't mean that they're nessacarily going to start using people like Ted DiBiase and Evan Bourne in the WWE Championship picture.

The show should be 2 hours, thus NXT and WWE superstars should be AXED!!!
The show should feature long lasting rivalries including great storylines that we rarely see.

No, NXT and Superstars should not be cancelled. NXT, as I stated before, is working perfectly. Superstars is literally just the real version of this fantasy league you're talking about here on the forums. Long lasting rivalries that we rarely see? You're kidding right? You want Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, RVD, Jeff Hardy and Undertaker on your brand, but you want to see rivalries that we rarely see? That's near impossible. RVD and Jeff Hardy have had a great rivalry already, Triple H and Shawn Michaels have had possibly the BEST rivalry in history that lasted years on end, Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels and Undertaker/Shawn Michaels has happened before and they were both perfect, so I legitemately don't see how we're going to see any new rivalries in this third brand proposal of yours.

A few other main event players such as CENA, ORTON, Rey could make rare appearances and challenge say undertaker, thus putting taker or whoever it is on RAW or SMACKDOWN.

You're just being silly now. You've clearly stated that you want everybody you listed above, on your brand..but you also want Raw's 2 biggest stars and Rey Mysterio from Smackdown? This is getting beyond a joke and I can see that it's going nowhere. This is no more than a fantasy or something I would have done years ago on Smackdown vs. Raw 2007.

The brand should be given the WORLD heavyweight championship wheras raw and smackdown have the unified wwe title.

I'm nearly finished now and your idea is still beyond a joke. Why would Smackdown give away their main Championship to a lower-class third brand that consists of future retirement AND already retired superstars? They've had their chance at having the World Championship so why give it them again? Just leave well enough alone. Raw and Smackdown with the unified WWE Championship? Since when was it going to become Unified?...oh wait, it's just another internet rumour that people blow way out of proportion. I get it now.

This show would lead to great ratings, and promotion of the other brands and products among the wwe universe and i think it would have the potential to last longer than 5 years, unlike ECW, superstars, NXT,velocity etc.

No, this was not lead to great ratings.

The truth? It already has lead to great ratings because it's already happened. Several times. ECW was plausible when it was active, yeah it wasn't the best, but everybody knew that it was the 'C' show. Superstars and NXT are fine so there's no more need to bring those two up. Velocity hasn't been around for a while but it was great when it was in activity.

Not to sound incredibly harsh on a final note, but I'm sure that this thread would have been much better either in the Trash, General Wrestling Spam or Book This! sections.

This is one terrible idea, so for that reason; and every other reason I stated above; No, I do NOT think this will EVER work.
Pretty much every viable reason not to do this idea has already been listed by others so there's no real need to repeat them. It sounds like TNA iMPACT! is something of an inspiration for this idea and, I'm sorry, but it's just not a good one. I know TNA isn't as big as the WWE and one reason why TNA continues to operate out of the Impact Zone, which isn't exactly a tv studio but it's close enough, is because they don't really have that much of a choice. The WWE filming a show in that kind of setting would really just make the show in and of itself look cheap. It worked 25 years ago, but it won't fly today.
2 points I want to make here. First point will go to the OP...While I respect that you took time to think out your thread and actually formulate a structure for it(which alot of people usually don't do) I will tell you that you are way off base my friend... If WWE were to create a 3rd show (aside from the 2 other tv shows that they already have, then the last thing they would/should do is overload it with starpower/high priced talent. That already happened with Raw this year after the draft and the writers have a fit trying to figure out how to use everyone properly. You could take a few people that are "main eventers" like Kane/Khali/etc and mix them up with younger guys trying to break through. But they did that with ECW!! Or you could take some solid workers like Goldust/Chavo/Regal/Ryder/Dudebusters/Archer and Hawkins and put them on a show were they can wrestle each other without the comedy bits or overdrawn promos, but WAIT that is Superstars!! Or you could get a bunch of newbies and have some vets help them through getting used to being in front of a crowd, wait that is NXT!!!
If they were going to do ANYTHING in terms of a 3rd Primary show, then they would take a 2 hour block every 2 weeks and broadcast an FCW show. It will give the WWE Universe a chance to watch the guys/girls they have down there and prepare to see them debut. The matches are really good as well...youtube Kaval/Bryan Danielson in FCW and tell me I'm wrong...I've watched TNA/ROH/FCW and FCW looks like a hybrid of both..It is produced like TNA is but it is in an atmosphere much like ROH.. It wouldn't get ratings higher than what we get now, because most wrestling fans only watch big shows on tv or they watch them online. The ratings for a show that isn't mainstream like Raw just aren't there regardless..

2nd point: to the dude that is complaining about Vince not using the WCW name, or being more entertainment orientated or being PG I ask you this...You say you have been watching since 83/84? I was born in 84 and VIVIDLY remember in 1986 watching Roddy Piper/Hulk Hogan at Pittsburgh's hockey arena(cant remember what is was called before it was Mellon Arena).. Since then I have been a fan..If you are upset about the PG stuff today and not about the extreme obsurdity that you saw on a regular basis in the 80's/early 90s then your insane...Bastion Booger/Berserker/Red Rooster/Giant Gonzales/Goobely Gooker/Kamala(although I love the look of the guy looking back on him so take him off this list for sheer comedic gold)/Repo Man/etc.. How are they different from Khali/Kool Aid/Hornswaggle that everyone bitches about? And in the "Attitude Era" that everyone loves, Katie Vick and Mae Young birthing a mannequin hand....Need I continue? Ok I will...Bossman making Al Snow eat his dog.. Mark Henry hooking up with a Tranny. Kaientai choppy choppy little Val Venis. Please tell me how that was better than what we get today? Go ahead I'll wait....
The problem with WWE/TNA today is not what they put on tv but they try to hard to put certain things on tv..They need to take a few guys off the staff and simplify things...Wrestling is simple..On Smackdown, Michael Hayes pretty much calls the shots and they have a few writers. Last I heard Raw had at least 10 and Brian Gerwitz has to take all those ideas, and since he is to big of a pussy to say anything to anyone presents them all to Vince..I think Vince generally likes everyone on his staff and wants to give them a chance and sometimes it is a homerun(Nexus invasion) and sometimes it is a turd(99% of guest host segments with the 1% that didn't suck belonging to Bob Barker.....
So it isn't the tv parental rating causing problems, it is the writers trying WAY to hard... Take a look at Smackdown and you'll see how good PG era WWE can be when they want to be.
I voted No, I wouldn't like this brand but I think you are on to something.

The brand should be taped in a tv studio: for a few reasons, the roster, the ease of taping live or not, giving a new dimension to wwe broadcasting.

I like this idea. I would still like to see a live show every week. Live shows are always way more entertaining. Plus it prevents people like me from reading the spoilers.

The show should tape 2 episodes in a day, one live and one pretaped for the following week, this allows the roster to only have to show up once a fortnight.

They work one night a week in a studio that never moves. Make them work live every week.

Due to this very light schedule the roster would include wrestlers who want time off from travelling, who are burnt out and wrestlers who want more family time: such wrestlers would include booker t, shawn michaels, jbl, undertaker, RVD, Jeff Hardy, possibly hhh, chris jericho and a few midcarders such as primo, chavo, alberto del rio, john morrison and yoshi tatsu and a few FCW guys.

I mentioned this idea in the other thread. It would also help steal top talent from TNA. If WWE did something like this maybe they could steal guys like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD, etc. Although I think WWE could do without RVD and Hardy. I want Angle back though.

The main event players would be happy and at the same time can put the younger talent over big to move on to RAW or SMACKDOWN.

Don't understand what you are saying here? The main event talent on Raw and Smackdown or the Main event talent on this new third brand? Or both. I think everyone would be happy. Guys who don't want to quit the business full time but still want to be apart of the brand could take a pay cut and join this 3rd brand. Guys who want to go full force are allowed to go full force. Best of both worlds in my opinion. As for the younger guys, all the brands should be helping put over younger talent.

The show should be 2 hours, thus NXT and WWE superstars should be AXED!!!

If this show is being taped in a studio no reason to axe NXT and Superstars. Smackdown and Raw Roster would still have to do pre Raw and Smackdown matches, although I do believe that 5 TV shows would be a little much. I wouldn't mind seeing WWE axe NXT and put Superstars online.

The show should feature long lasting rivalries including great storylines that we rarely see.

Shouldn't Raw and Smackdown be doing this as well?

A few other main event players such as CENA, ORTON, Rey could make rare appearances and challenge say undertaker, thus putting taker or whoever it is on RAW or SMACKDOWN.

I don't understand the purpose of this. I think regardless you will see cross-brand activities happen from time to time. It already happens. Smackdown superstars are seen often on Raw for big events. Smackdown has no big events so Raw superstars never go on Smackdown, but you get the point.

The brand should be given the WORLD heavyweight championship wheras raw and smackdown have the unified wwe title.

NO NO NO NO NO. You have it ALL wrong. This new brand should get a Upper Card title, something like the IC title but NOT a World Championship or WWE Championship. It looks as if WWE will be merging the WHC and WWE title at WrestleMania (which is long overdue). There should be ONE MAIN EVENT TITLE! There should be ONE main event champion. If semi retired stars want to join this brand, they are NO LONGER the face of the company so why treat them as if they are. Make the main title on this third brand the Intercontinental title. This would make the IC title mean something again since big name veterans would be battling over it. Then give RAW the US Title and add another mid card title to Smackdown to help elevate mid carders to upper carders and leave the MAIN EVENT TITLE ALONE!

This show would lead to great ratings, and promotion of the other brands and products among the wwe universe and i think it would have the potential to last longer than 5 years, unlike ECW, superstars, NXT,velocity etc.

I think the show would get solid ratings but I think you have to realize that this has to be the THIRD brand. Raw and Smackdown will be, and should be the main focus. What I see this show as is a way of preventing big name stars from jumping to TNA or any other future wrestling promotion that comes up. Like you said earlier, it is a place where wrestlers who want a lesser work load can go. Right now if a WWE superstar wants a lesser work load they jump ship to TNA.

Another benefit that is nice is a brand like this could help lessen the work load of traveling talent as well. Instead of a mid card wrestler being on the road for five years straight and getting burnt out, they can spend a few months on this brand then go back to Raw or Smackdown. This could also bring back cross brand trades. Something I love seeing which doesn't happen enough of.

I think the concept is good and the reason why it would be successful is because you have former main event stars as the stars of the brand, something that ECW, Superstars never had. However like I said before, it is still the third brand and should be treated like so. Smackdown and Raw should be the focus.

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