WWE Tag Team Championship - Money in the Bank, could it work?

WWE Tag Team Championship - Money in the Bank

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That's right people I'm proposing an idea and that idea is Money in the Bank for the WWE Tag Team Championship! Now, I know what some of you will be thinking, that this will take away from the other Money in the Bank briefcases and that maybe the tag team division isn't high profile enough to handle it. But I'm here to tell you it can handle it.

For the first time in a long time, the tag team division of the WWE is starting to come together. We've seen legitimate tag teams really come together, some I personally like, some I don't. But I have to admit, the success is really starting to form and you can't deny it.

So here's my idea, new match for the Money in the Bank PPV. 4 teams go at it for the briefcase, only one member of the team needs to retrieve it. Can you imagine it? Tag team moves with ladders, there'll be some great spots. Personally I think this could only make the championships look even stronger. By having a MitB briefcase for the tag team championship, it'll make it look like a high prize, something to really work for.

Also, think about the Raws and Smackdowns after, if a heel team wins it, they can distract the ref, throw it in during the confusion and use it to gain heat.

Let's not go overboard though, I'm only suggesting this for the tag team titles, I don't think having a MitB for any other title would work, but in this case it would be fun, different and just great to watch.

This, in my opinion, can only benefit the division, I hope somewhere down the line the WWE pick up this idea, I'd love to see it happen. What do you guys think? Answer my poll and leave a reply.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I thought the briefcase could be orange. I think it works quite well, hope you like the pic.
4 way tag team ladder matches have been done before, it wouldn't be revolutionary.

And money in the bank should be saved for the world titles or some sort of special stipulation in my opinion.
Honestly, I like the idea. It's innovative and definitely would boost the importance of the tag team division during a time where people use tag team matches as a piss break as much as they do the diva matches. It'll boost the credibility of the title as well as the Tag Team MiTB match will show that the four teams in the ring want to be tag team champions. The tag division has more than enough teams (Team Hell No, The Usos, Primo and Epico, Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars [inactive], Team Co-Bro, International Air Raid, Mysterio and Sin Cara, and 3MB) to run something like this. I think it would be really fun to see.
I think this could definitely work. There are a lot of teams now, so we would probably even see qualifying matches for the mitb. I think this could elevate the division even further if they are trying t revamp it, because having a mitb match for the tag titles would put the tag division close to the same level as the main event titles. I also think that the ideas for a tag team cash in would be awesome. 4 teams would have to be the ideal number though, because a mitb with any more people than 8 is just too much. This is a really good idea though, and would help the tag division even more.
I can't quite say I support the idea. However, before I get into my response, I do like the graphic quoted here. This would make a very cool looking briefcase if the idea were to be put into place. I like it and it would fit in well with the red & blue briefcases already in use. I also would have liked a green one.

This is an idea that sounds far better on paper than it actually would be if they decided to give it a try. The Money In the Bank Ladder matches are dangerous enough as it is, if tag team alliances are thrown into the equation it can make for an even more dangerous match. I'm certain it would also be a massive cluster-mess to book it. The risks of injury would be significantly higher and I do not see WWE wanting to take such a risk anytime soon. That's just regarding the match where the briefcase would be won, there are other issues that would follow.

WWE obviously pick their Money In the Bank winners very carefully. We do not want a repeat of the situation with Kennedy in 2007. Someone who will be given a push at the magnitude of a MITB win and eventual cash-in needs to be a wrestler who they can fully trust to not make them regret pushing him. It's difficult enough to find two per year that can be trusted with the push, but now a tag team also? What if one half of the team gets injured or ends up with a suspension? There's just far too many risks involved for WWE to go this route.

If for whatever reason this ever did happen, I can still look at in a positive light. It would be something different that hasn't been done before. It also sets up a great opportunity for a feud between the two champions when one inevitably turns on the other. Also they could tease some tension early on, say if one wrestler wanted to save the cash-in until Wrestlemania or a full year later at the next Money In the Bank while the other wants to be opportunistic and cash in immediately when a chance comes up. Although I don't quite support a Tag Team Money In the Bank briefcase angle, I'd be interested in seeing what happens if it ever did get booked.
I either read something about this idea earlier, or I talked about it with somebody. Either way, I think this idea would be pretty awesome. The tag team division is as hot as its been in years, and now would be the perfect time to capitalize on such an idea. It would be absolutely awesome to have the Usos, Primo and Epico, the Prime Time Players, and other teams in a MITB ladder match. Having more than two teams in a ladder match would be nothing revolutionary, but it would still be loads of fun to watch.
Well, of course it would work. You hang the briefcase (or briefcases) above the ring, throw a bunch of tag teams into a MITB match, and someone's going to win. It's not a question of whether the idea would work or not, the big question is, who would care?

There's a reason why the MITB briefcases are exclusive to the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. World titles are the holy grail in professional wrestling. It's why every wrestler in locker room laces up the boots in the first place. That's why there's so much buzz and anticipation surrounding the Smackdown or Raw MITB winner. The vast majority of fans want to see the moment, when they finally decide to cash-in, because they're going after a the grand prize in professional wrestling.

Think of the shock and excitement, when Edge cashed in on Cena at New Year's Revolution, When Miz cashed-in on Orton a few years ago. Can you seriously imagine fans getting excited, when they see the Prime Time Players running down the entrance ramp with a ref to cash-in on the current champions?

A tag team style MITB match would be fun to watch, and we'll see plenty of "OMG!" moments (probably something like Sheamus powerboming Sin Cara through a ladder a few years ago), but in the grand scheme of things, I honestly can't see too many people caring about tag team MITB winners.
I really like the whole concept (small golf clap).

My only problem is that this seems like way too good of an idea to wast on teams like the Usos, 3MB, CoBro, Epico & Primo, & PTP. Also Rhodes is injured & the clock is ticking on Team Hell No.

Maybe International Airstrike, ReyCara, Team Hell No, Rhode Scholars, & add one team of Main Event level talent.
Really like the idea but if they were going to do it they would have to eliminate one of the other two because they cant have 3 ladder matches in one night it would just get repetitive. If they went back to having one "main" briefcase where the fans dont know exactly what title they're going for then i think they can do a tag team one as well. Only problem is people will complain if the guy holding the main briefcase cashes in for the WHC because the WWE is clearly promoting it as a secondary title.
Guess I was wrong but in the past I could of sworn the wording in the Money In the Bank Matches was just that the MITB could be used for a title shot at ANY title...obviously they are going to go for the top title, but the idea still stands a person could use it for the tag titles too..but I could be wrong here.

If I am wrong, sure sounds like a cool idea but again, it would surely cheapen the value of the Money in the Bank for the Heavyweight titles..but heres a though

A Money in the Bank Scramble. Have two people representing two seperate teams, and 3 mean all representing seperate divisions of the rosters, a lightweight, heavyweight, and sueprheavyweight. Have them all work for the MITB. iF ONE OF THE MEN REPRESENTING their tag team gets it, a tag team title shot anytime within a year is granted, if one of the 3 singles men wins it, any singles title shot within a year. Just an idea.
It sounds interesting. It's innovative and I'll watch it. I think it'll put the WWE Tag Team Divison back on the map for sure. It'll give WWE tag teams and the WWE Universe something to look forward to every year regarding the tag team divison. Heck if you ask me, it'll be the most exciting tag team match since TLC 1,2, and 3 featuring The Hardys, Dudleys, and Edge and Christian. And do us a favor take this idea beyond Wrestlezone and present it to the WWE Board of Directors in Stanford Connecticutt. Please and I Thank You.
While I like this idea that last time a big tag team cluster fuck ladder match happened, Joey Mercury nearly got his nose taken off. Ladder matches are really dangerious when you got 5 or so individuals in there, double that number with tag teams and you are really looking as a dangerious situation whic honestly I don't want to see.
I love the idea of a tag MItb and I would defiantly prefer a tag MITB & then just have 1 for the main title.

I personally love having two MITB ladder matches but I hate the current idea of 1 for each show as it eliminates the suprising factor of who they are going to cash in against.

As for the tag team MITB, I love to see the winner of tha cash get to choose who they want to cash in with. This could lead to a very suprising face or heel turn. TNA did the same with road dogg a few years back when he decided to team with his father than with bully gunn which lead to a great feud.

Think about, we could have 1 of uso's choosing rikishi, Rhodes choosing dusty or goodies leading to a face turn or even Heath slater choosing a returning honky tonky man (lol)
While I like this idea that last time a big tag team cluster fuck ladder match happened, Joey Mercury nearly got his nose taken off. Ladder matches are really dangerious when you got 5 or so individuals in there, double that number with tag teams and you are really looking as a dangerious situation whic honestly I don't want to see.

Read my post a little more, that's why I said 4 teams only. 8 people in the ring is more then enough for a MitB match and that thing that happened to Mercury doesn't mean anything when it comes to the fact that it's a tag team.
I voted great idea on the poll, but it's not a 'great' idea, it's just an idea.. While I don't mind seeing it, because it could turn into a big TLC type of match.. Rumours are suggesting that at TLC we myt see a 3 way tag title ladder match anyway, and if that turns out to be good, then I wouldn't mind seeing a tag team mitb.. The thing is, the tag division has to get better quick and teams have to stick together and not disband in such short time.
It would be an attempt to add prestige to a set of titles that for years has been lacking the attention needed up to now. But for me a 3 or 4-way tag tlc/ladder match at wrestlemania would be a better and more prestigous idea.

What put the Hardyz, Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian on the map was that Ladder match at Wrestlemania and then the TLC matches. What better way for the tag teams of today to emulate those legendary tag teams of the attitude era and also to show that the PG era can match certain aspects of the attitude era.

Tag champs qualify automatically, and you can have a tournament to find 2 or 3 other teams to qualify. Have each team comment on what those TLC and ladder match during the attitude era meant to them and how it would be to follow in Edge & Christian's footsteps.

Would allow more wrestlers to have their wrestlemania moment and for the tag titles to finally mean something other than a filler match at wrestlemania. The build up can help set feuds to continue through to and past Wrestlemania and would allow the Tag division to have more screen time on Raw and Smackdown, even though they now have more screentime than they have had in the past. Might allow for the re-formation of some tag teams from the past for a last run (New Age Outlaws) and for some teams to see if they still got it.
Read my post a little more, that's why I said 4 teams only. 8 people in the ring is more then enough for a MitB match and that thing that happened to Mercury doesn't mean anything when it comes to the fact that it's a tag team.

The match it happened with Mercury had a total of 8 people in it, M&M, The Hardy's, London and Kindrick, and Regal and his partner(can't remember.) The simple truth is the more people to add to such a match the more stunts that are gonna happen, the more chaos will occure, and the higher the chance for injury.

I simply don't think it would be worth it to put the wrestlers in such a risk.
This is actually....a really good idea. Not just for the tag team division, but for the mid-card as well. And you know what, doing one for the Divas would be the first interesting thing they did in years. The question becomes, can WWE do 4-5 ladder matches on one PPV and still keep things fresh? I think so, if they were willing to innovate a little bit. Maybe introduce a brand new style of ladder match. WWE has come out with any new gimmick match since the Punjabi Prison, and that shit was AWFUL.

The problem with just having one briefcase to cover either World Title, is it immediately becomes more valuable than the Royal Rumble. Suddenly winning a 6 or 8 man ladder match is more important than winning a 30 or 40 man Royal Rumble match.

There's one big reason why the MITB tag team ladder match will work. And it's pretty damn obvious. The TLC tag matches were some of the best matches in wrestling history. Take out the titles, and but in the briefcase; same formula. Four teams, going at it for one big prize. One briefcase though, not two. That would just be obnoxious and lend itself to gimmicked finishes where two different teams win one briefcase.

My ideal situation would see one team win the briefcase, and then split up before they cashed it in. They would then have to feud to see which got to keep it. Suddenly there would be interest in who would become this new wrestler's tag team partner. After all, that's pretty much a free ride to becoming a champion. I think it would be a fun little scenario for the undercard guys.
I believe this idea is good in principle but bad in practice.

If it happened in 1987 to 1991 - then Yeah it would be killer. Unfortunately WWE lacks talent depth in the modern WWE product to make an audience truly care about the outcome of a Tag Team title match - let alone a number one contenders match - even if it is a MITB match.
I like the idea and since the division has been 'rebuilt' over recent times it could possibly happen in the not-to-distant future.

Perhaps, it would work better with some teams more than others. Take The Prime Time Players, they would be great for cashing it in when the current champions were beaten. But then the likes of Mysterio and Sin Cara would choose a night well ahead of time, given that Mysterio is such a face, he could never do the opportunistic cash-in.

How would it go if one member of the champions was injured, so say Kane had been taken out and wasn't around so it became a straight handicap match from the start, I guess that would depend on what Vince and to a lesser extent creative wanted on that particular day.

My ultimate pick for seeing this happen would be a dysfunctional team like Team Hell No but they'll be going their separate ways after their title reign is over so it won't likely be them.
I thought about this for a while and read a bunch of posts to see if I got swayed one way or the other ... and in the end I kept coming back to my original thought.

This would be different and I can't see anything wrong with that.

I think it would be tough to make the rules on how they cash in. Does it have to be both guys vs. both guys? Exactly how does it work?

But in the end ... I really like the briefcase floating around and it is a great storyline prop that adds intrigue with relative ease.

I would be totally for it no doubt.
I would rather just see a TLC match with 3 or 4 teams instead. Now if you have money in the back for the tag titles you are deprecating the value of the WWE and the WHC titles and what about the Int. and U.S. title. I think they just need one MITB match at WM and winner can pick whoever or whatever belt to go after.
I agree with Sheriff Ben Meeker. The match sounds like a good idea, but at the end of the day I don't think anyone will care about the winners as much as they would the winners of the World/WWE Title MiTB's. The WWE have done nothing to make us care about their real tag teams like the Prime Time Players, Usos, International Airstrike, Primo & Epico- one of those teams cashing-in and winning the belts would have about as much effect as a Great Khali World Title reign. Maybe if it was Team Hell No or Rhodes Scholars who won the briefcase, fans would probably care then, but they are just random paired tag teams who will end up splitting sometime after they've lost the belts, so what would be the point of putting random paired tag teams in the match and having them win? Unless the WWE can make their legit teams worth a damn, I don't think a tag team MiTB will draw a dime and nobody will give a shit for whoever comes out the winners.
I think its a great idea! The only major flaw I see is how often are you gonna see BOTH members of a tag team incapacitated enough for a team to cash in? There are probably creative ways to book that, but that should be saved for more intelligent people than I.
I have trouble taking to concept seriously. I really couldn't care less about the Tag Titles at the moment. The division as a whole seems to be growing and that is fantastic, but for some reason the belts still don't seem all that important to me.

I think the years of degradation surrounding the division will take some time to heal. Maybe in a year or two when the division has been taken seriously, maybe then I will restore my trust into the prestige of the belts. Hell late 90's or mid 80's I would have supported the idea until I was blue in the face because I cared about the division (okay to be fair I wasn't alive in the 80's but I would have cared damn it).

But for the moment, this would be a guaranteed title match I don't care about for belts I care even less about.

All about the timing.

Just My Opinion.

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